‫العناية والوصول : دعم OPPO من أجلك

شنتشن، الصين, 11 يونيو 2021 / PRNewswire / 2021 / –منذ 19 مايو،أطلقت OPPO فعاليات حدث  Trustworthyفيأكثرمن 20 بلد،منه اإندونيسيا وماليزيا وباكستان و بنغلاديش و مصر والجزائر وغيرها. ولنيقتصرالحدث  علىإصداربعض  البيانات  عنخدمات أوبو فحسب ،بلسينظم أيضا بعض الأنشطة مع تقديمهداياخاصة للمستخدمينفيبعض المناطق. تهدف الفع الية إلى إظهارالجهود التي تبذلها OPPO لتقديم للمستخدمين خدمة تتميز بالضمان والموثوقية كالخدمات الجديرةبالثقة المذكورةأدناه.

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الخدمة الذاتية في متناول يديك

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الأسئلة الشائعة في موقع الويب:  للاستفسارات العامة، يمكنك الاطلاع على الأسئلة الشائعة عبر الموقع الرسمي.

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الأشياء الأكثر أهمية خلال الصيانة

قطع الغيار الأصلية:  يتم استخدام قطع الغيار الأصلية للإصلاح في مراكز الخدمات التابعة لـ  OPPO .

شفافية الأسعار:  أسعار قطع الغيار م علنة بوضوح على الموقع الرسمي وفي مراكز الخدمة.

الإصلاح وجهًا لوجه:  للتخفيف من حدة مخاوفك، يمكنك الأستمتاع بمشاهدة عملية الصيانة بأكملها في مراكز الخدمات المطورة.

أمن المعلومات:  كن مطمئنًا، تلتزم  OPPO  بشدة باللائحة العامة لحماية البيانات  في حماية خصوصية المستخدمين.

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مشروع الطاقة:  استمتع بالخدمة المجانية لشحن الهاتف.

لاصقة حماية الشاشة مجانا:  استمتع بلاصقة حماية الشاشة للهاتف عدة مرات كل عام.

ضمان الخدمة بدون قلق

خدمة الضمان الدولية:  أخذت  OPPO  زمام المبادرة في إطلاق خدمة الضمان الدولي، ولأجهزة محددة،يمكنك الاستمتاع بخدمات الضمان والإصلاح وتحديث البرامج في مراكز الخدمة المعتمدة في أكثر من 59 دولة / منطقة.

نحيط بسيادتكم ، تختلف جميع الخدمات المتاحة من منطقة إلى أخرى، يرجى استشارة مركز الخدمة المحلي للحصول على الخدمات المحددة.

دعم  OPPO  ليس مجرد لاستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها والاستفسارات وتهدف  إلي تلبية الاحتياجات المتنوعة بشكل متزايد للمستخدمين. في المستقبل، ستتمسك خدمة دعم   OPPO  بمبدئها الأساسي “العناية والوصول” وتحديث الخدمات باستمرار لتوفير تجربة أفضل للجميع.

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Parental education brings large benefits for child survival, researchers find

Study one of few to look at maternal and paternal education, finding protective effects of both

SEATTLE, June 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A new study conducted by researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington School of Medicine and the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) found significant reductions in children’s risk of death associated with more years of parental education.

According to the study, a single year of maternal education reduced the risk of death for children under 5 years of age by 3%, and children born to mothers with 12 years of education are more than 30% less likely to die before age 5, compared to those born to mothers with zero years of education. Twelve years of paternal education reduced the risk of under-5 mortality by 17% compared to no years of education.

“This research is exciting because of the consistency of positive effects of education across geographies and time,” said Hunter York, the study’s lead author. “While this evidence isn’t causal, it points to a relationship that goes beyond the influence of behaviors correlated with lower education, such as smoking, or policy interventions which aim to improve child survival regardless of parental education level, like free family planning. These are important mechanisms affecting the relationship between education and child health, but our results suggest a beneficial function of education in and of itself.”

The study authors highlighted the importance of further research on paternal education, which has been studied far less than maternal education.

“Even after controlling for a mother’s education, the father’s education still matters,” said Professor Emmanuela Gakidou, one of the senior authors on the study. “The majority of studies look only at maternal years of education, but it is crucial to understand and analyze the connection between the two, and not to discount the contribution of paternal education to child survival.”

Over 300 studies from 92 countries were included in the analysis, capturing over three million live births. The researchers found that the protective effect of parental schooling strengthened as a child’s age increased, but was significant for all age groups under 5 years.

  • For neonates (0-27 days), each additional year of maternal education reduced mortality risk by 1.5%. Each year of paternal education reduced risk by 1.1%.
  • For infants (1-11 months), each year of maternal education reduced mortality risk by 3.7%. Each year of paternal education reduced risk by 1.8%.
  • For young children (1-4 years), each year of maternal education reduced mortality risk by 4.4%. Each year of paternal education reduced risk by 2.2%.

The relationship was present across regions and after controlling for wealth or income, partner’s education level, and the sex of the child.

“Further reductions in child mortality are needed, and investments in education may be key to achieving this,” said CHAIN leader Professor Terje Andreas Eikemo. “It is time that education is brought onto the international policy agenda as a global determinant of child survival.”

Importantly, the study also found that the impact of each additional year of education on child survival remained the same for primary, secondary, and tertiary education – indicating that a focus on only primary education misses opportunities to reduce the number of under-5 deaths and give children the best chance of survival.

“Even across generations, education and health are linked,” said Kam Sripada, one of the study’s lead authors. “Universal access to quality schooling must be a priority from the earliest years into higher education, both to support the current generation in reaching its potential and to help the next generation survive and thrive.”

The study was funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation-Boston University Commission on Social Determinants, Data, and Decision Making (3-D Commission).

Contact: media@healthdata.org

About the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research organization at the University of Washington School of Medicine that provides rigorous and comparable measurement of the world’s most important health problems and evaluates the strategies used to address them. IHME is committed to transparency and makes this information widely available so that policymakers have the evidence they need to make informed decisions on allocating resources to improve population health.

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‫عروض الأطفال المشهورة للغاية من شركة Moonbug Entertainment تُعرَض على BBC

تشمل البرامج Global Hits CoComelon، Go Buster، Little Baby Bum ويتوفر المزيد من البرامج حاليًا

لندن، 10 يونيو 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

Moonbug Entertainment Ltd. ، أعلنت إحدى الشركات التقنية الكبرى في العالم اليوم عن توافر برامج الأطفال ثرية المحتوى والممتعة والتي يمكن التعاطف معها على BBC. إن جميع الحلقات المتوفرة الخاصة بالعناوين المشهورة للغاية التي تشمل CoComelon، Digley and Dazey، Little Baby Bum، Go Buster وPlaytime with Twinkle يمكن للعائلات الاستمتاع بها الآن في المملكة المتحدة على BBC iPlayer.

Moonbug x BBC

أشار نيكولاس إغلاو، مدير الإدارة في منطقة أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وآسيا والمحيط الهادئ في Moonbug، قائلاً “يعد تعاوننا مع BBC أول شراكة لنا مع هيئة إذاعة عامة. ويعد ذلك وسم جودة حقيقي لفرقنا المبدعة”! “تشتهر BBC عالميًا ببرامجها الممتعة للأطفال في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة، وتفتخر Moonbug بشراكتها مع هذه المؤسسة المعروفة.”

تقدم برامج Moonbug مواضيع عالمية للأطفال يمكن ارتباطها بالذهن من خلال الرسوم المتحركة الملونة وسرد القصص المقنعة. تدعم رسوم Moonbug المرحة وأغانيها التي تعلق بالأذهان تطوير الأطفال وتعلمهم، سواء كانوا يأكلون الخضروات أو يستعدون للنوم.

لمحة عن Moonbug Entertainment

Moonbug Entertainment شركة ترفيه عالمية حائزة على جوائز تقدم البرامج التعليمية المستندة إلى القيم للأطفال. تتضمن تشكيلة برامج الأطفال المشهورة برامج عالمية ترتكز على الإحساس مثل CoComelon، Blippi، Little Baby Bum، My Magic Pet Morphle، Supa Strikas، Go Buster، Playtime with Twinkle، Gecko’s Garage، ARPO والعديد من البرامج المتوفرة في 27 لغة.

خلال سنتَين فقط، أصبحت محطة تضم برامج أطفال بمكتبة بها أكثر من 550 ساعة من المحتويات، ويتم توزيعها على أكثر من 100 منصة عالميًا، وتتضمن YouTube، Netflix، Hulu، Amazon Prime Video، Sky، Tencent، Youku وRoku. في مايو 2020، أطلقت Tubular Labs لفظ Moonbug على إحدى الشركات الترفيهية التقنية الرائدة العالمية للأطفال استنادًا إلى إجمالي عدد الدقائق التي تم مشاهدتها حول العالم.

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1529884/BBC_Moonbug.jpg

Food Aid Not Reaching Tigray, People Dying, UN Says

GENEVA – The World Food Program warns the food situation in northern Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region has reached catastrophic proportions and people are beginning to die.

The United Nations warns more than 350,000 people in Tigray are facing near famine-like conditions, and many will not survive without immediate humanitarian assistance.

UNICEF says 30,000 severely malnourished children are among those at risk of death.

Aid agencies are calling for unimpeded access to the region so they can prevent a man-made disaster from happening.

In March, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced humanitarian workers would have unfettered access to northern Ethiopia. However, World Food Program Emergency Coordinator Tommy Thompson says that has not taken place.

Speaking on a video link from Addis Ababa, he says he has come to the Ethiopian capital to persuade authorities to grant agencies the access and protection they need to help the Tigrayan people.

“It is an incredibly dangerous environment for us to all be working in and nine humanitarians have been killed thus far…So, we find ourselves faced often with enormous protection issues of providing assistance to beneficiaries, only to have those beneficiaries robbed violently in the night of the things that had been given to them,” Thompson said. “So, it is a crisis that is going to continue unless there is an absolute sea change in attitude on the part of the government.”

Thompson says the WFP is scaling up its food operation in the region and aims to reach 2.6 million people in the next weeks—provided it can access the area. He says that depends on the Ethiopian government and on the Eritrean government as well.

“The Eritreans are the most egregious perpetrators of denial of access as well as other atrocities committed towards civilians,” Thompson said. “So, that is a huge, huge problem for us. And having the withdrawal of the Eritrean forces would be a major bonus. But we still have acts committed by the Ethiopian Defense Forces as well as the Amhara militia, which are blocking us access to certain areas as well. So, there is plenty of blame to go around in this.”

Beyond the terrible realities on the ground, Thompson says funding also remains a big problem. He says the WFP needs $203 million to implement its humanitarian operations in Tigray this year. Of that amount, he says the WFP has an immediate shortfall of $70 million to expand its response in providing lifesaving food assistance to people in desperate need.

Source: Voice of America

UN General Assembly Confirms 5 Countries to Security Council

NEW YORK – The U.N. General Assembly voted Friday to give two-year terms on the powerful 15-nation Security Council to five countries.

Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates all ran unopposed for available seats in their regional groups, and each secured the necessary two-thirds majority required of the secret ballots cast.

They will begin their terms on Jan. 1, 2022.

The council deals with issues of international peace and security. It has the power to deploy peacekeepers to trouble spots and to sanction bad actors. New members bring different experiences, perspectives and national interests to the council and can subtly affect dynamics among its members.

The council currently has several Middle Eastern crises on its agenda, including the Israeli-Palestinian situation and conflicts in Libya, Syria and Yemen.

Richard Gowan, U.N. director for the International Crisis Group and a long-time U.N. watcher, says the United Arab Emirates may play a role in those areas and elsewhere.

“The UAE has a lot of influence not only in the Middle East but in the Horn of Africa, and other council members will hope the Emiratis will use their influence to help stabilize countries like Sudan and Ethiopia,” Gowan said.

Gowan notes that Albania is a country that has “seen the U.N. fail awfully in its region in the past.”

The U.N. failed to stop the Balkan war of the early 1990s, leading to NATO bombing in 1995. Then in 1999, Kosovo’s ethnic Albanians fought Serbs to gain independence.

“Albania’s main interest on the U.N. agenda is of course still Kosovo, but the Security Council only has very limited influence there now,” Gowan told VOA.

UAE Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh noted that the council’s work does not end when resolutions are adopted.

“The UAE will be part of the coalition that speaks to strengthen the results-oriented nature of the council as much as possible,” she said, adding that the council is most effective when it is united.

But in recent years, diverging views, particularly among its permanent members — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — have stymied action on urgent issues.

“The Security Council’s record on recent crises has been pathetic,” Louis Charbonneau, U.N. director at Human Rights Watch, told VOA.

“Whether it involves war crimes in Gaza, massive human rights abuses in Myanmar, or atrocities in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, the most you can usually expect is the occasional statement of concern — and that’s if you’re lucky,” he said.

The countries elected Friday will replace exiting members Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam on Jan. 1.

They will join the five other current non-permanent members: India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway, and the five veto-wielding permanent members: Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States.

Source: Voice of America

Mystery Over Claim World’s 1st ‘Decuplets’ Born in S. Africa

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa has been gripped by the mystery of whether a woman has, as has been claimed, actually given birth to 10 babies, in what would then be the world’s first recorded case of decuplets.

Gosiame Thamara Sithole from the Tembisa township near Johannesburg gave birth to the babies on Monday, according to the Pretoria News newspaper which quoted the parents. The babies — seven boys and three girls — have not made a public appearance or been captured on camera, although they were born prematurely, the newspaper reported.

The South African government said it is still trying to verify the claim.

That’s led to South Africans obsessing on social media over whether the story of the “Tembisa 10” is indeed true.

The father, Teboho Tsotetsi, told the paper his wife had given birth in a hospital in the capital Pretoria. He said it was a big surprise for the parents after doctors only detected eight babies in prenatal scans.

“It’s seven boys and three girls. She was seven months and seven days pregnant. I am happy. I am emotional,” the newspaper quoted Tsotetsi as saying.

The couple already have 6-year-old twins, which would make the total an even dozen kids, if the claim is true.

South Africans are eagerly waiting for proof of what would be a world record. Relatives and neighbors of the couple have insisted the news is true.

“For her to receive 10 blessings at one given time, we thank God for that,” Wilson Machaya, a neighbor of the family in Tembisa, told The Associated Press. “And because we are neighbors we will have to assist in any way possible.”

A Malian woman gave birth to nine babies only last month in Morocco, in what was hailed as the world’s first case of nonuplets.

The Department of Social Development in South Africa’s Gauteng province confirmed tracing Sithole and spokesperson Feziwe Ndwayana said they would make an announcement after meeting with the family. Another local government department said earlier this week that it had no record of the babies’ births in any of the province’s hospitals.

The Pretoria News initially broke the story with an interview with Sithole and her husband, Tsotetsi, at their home, which was conducted nearly a month ago and when they thought they were having eight babies. They requested that the story only be published after the babies were born for safety and cultural reasons, the newspaper said.

According to the report, Sithole went on leave earlier than expected from her job as a retail store manager because she could no longer cope. Tsotetsi is unemployed.

One organization has given $70,000 to the couple to help and other South Africans are being encouraged to donate.

Alongside #Tembisa10, the term #NationalBabyShower has been trending on Twitter.

Source: Voice of America