Lack of funds hampering water development projects: minister

Lack of funds is hindering the smooth implementation of a comprehensive master plan developed by South Sudan’s Water Resource and Irrigation ministry, a government official said on Wednesday.

Irrigation minister, Manawa Peter Gatkouth said his ministry still lacks the funds needed for smooth implementation and execution of annual strategic plans.

“There is no proper implementation and execution of approved annual budget as proposed [and] that is why budgets are approved, but not implemented as planned,” he told Sudan Tribune.

According to the minister, with the current incidences of flooding, areas covered by fresh water resources could have increased to control the floods.

“Climate change induced – flooding has become a major threat to the lives, livelihood, property and dignified living conditions of large numbers of people across South Sudan,” he explained.

Gatkouth said despite the huge development opportunities, communities in flood-hit areas suffer and are isolated from major development activities in the country, leaving them to carry on with rudimentary agricultural practices which do not yield tangible socio-economic breakthroughs in their livelihoods.

He further said claims made are returned back to line ministries from the Ministry of Finance, which are resubmitted for approval in the next financial budget.

“The Ministry of Finance should change its policy in regard to the execution of budget approval,” said Gatkouth.

Heavy rains, according to United Nations estimates, have caused widespread flooding which has so far affected more than 400,000 people as the rainy season continues.

Source: Sudan Tribune