شركة Exodus Movement, Inc. تُعلن ترقية إدراجها في بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

أوماها، نبراسكا،, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  أعلنت اليوم شركة Exodus Movement, Inc.‎ (المدرجة في سوق تداول الأوراق المالية OTCQX تحت الرمز: EXOD) (والمشار إليها فيما يلي بلفظ “Exodus” أو “الشركة”)، عن الموافقة على إدراج أسهمها العادية في بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وسوف يبدأ تداول أسهم الشركة العادية من الفئة أ بقيمة اسمية ‎$0.000001 (“الأسهم العادية”) في بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تحت رمزها الحالي “EXOD” لدى بدء التداول في 9 مايو 2024. وسوف يستمر تداول الأسهم العادية في سوق OTCQX حتى إغلاق السوق في 8 مايو 2024. لا يحتاج حاملو الأسهم الحاليون إلى اتخاذ أي إجراء قبل الإدراج المتوقع للشركة في بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية.

وفي معرض تعليقه على هذه المناسبة، قال JP Richardson، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لشركة Exodus “إن ترقية الإدراج في بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية يمثل مرحلة هامة في رحلتنا. من شأن التداول في بورصة نيويورك للأوراق المالية أن يتيح لشركة Exodus تحقيق قيمة أكبر على المدى الطويل لحاملي الأسهم عن طريق زيادة تواجدنا في مجتمع المستثمرين، وهو ما سيؤدي بدوره إلى زيادة السيولة”. وأردف قائلاً “نؤمن بأن ترقية الإدراج سيزيد من الوعي والمعرفة بشركة Exodus“.

نبذة عن شركة Exodus

تهدف شركة Exodus إلى تقديم يد العون لنحو نصف سكان العالم للاستغناء عن نظام التمويل التقليدي. تأسست شركة Exodus في عام 2015 وهي تمثل محفظة برامج متعددة الأصول تُغني عن الحاجة إلى المعرفة الحاسوبية المتخصصة وتجعل التصميم أولوية من أجل تسهيل وصول الجميع إلى العملات المشفرة والأصول الرقمية. يمكن استخدام برامج Exodus مع أجهزة سطح المكتب وأجهزة الجوال ومختلف المتصفحات، مما يتيح للمستخدمين تأمين العملات المشفرة وإدارتها وتبديلها، مثل Bitcoin وEthereum، وغير ذلك الكثير في أكثر من 10,000 زوج من الأصول الرائدة في القطاع من محفظة أنيقة سهلة الاستخدام. تكون وظائف الحفظ الذاتي مُضمَّنة محليًا على أجهزة المستخدمين، مما يضمن الخصوصية والأمان والتحكم التام في ثرواتهم. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني exodus.com.

مسؤول التواصل مع المستثمرين

بيانات استشرافية

يشتمل هذا البيان الصحفي على بيانات استشرافية تستند إلى اعتقاداتنا وافتراضاتنا كما تستند إلى المعلومات المتاحة لنا حاليًا كما في تاريخ هذا البيان. وفي بعض الحالات، يمكن التعرف على البيانات الاستشرافية من خلال الكلمات التالية: “سوف”، “يتوقع”، “سيؤدي”، “ينوي”، “يؤمن”، أو المصطلحات المماثلة. تشتمل البيانات الاستشرافية في هذه الوثيقة، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، على اقتباسات من الإدارة بشأن الثقة في منتجاتنا وخدماتنا ومسار أعمالنا وخططنا وبعض مقاييس الأعمال. تنطوي هذه البيانات على مخاطر وشكوك وافتراضات وعوامل أخرى يصعب التنبؤ بها وقد تؤدي إلى اختلاف النتائج أو الأداء الفعلي بشكل جوهري وسلبي.

تشمل العوامل التي قد تؤدي إلى ذلك الاختلاف، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، التوقعات بشأن إقبال العملاء على استخدام منتجات Exodus في التطبيقات اللامركزية dApps والتمويل اللامركزي DeFi والرموز غير القابلة للاستبدال NFT مقارنة بالمنافسين؛ والنزاع المستمر في أوكرانيا، وتأثير العقوبات أو غيرها من الإجراءات التقييدية، من جانب الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وغيرها من الدول، والرد المحتمل من روسيا على تلك الإجراءات؛ والصعوبات المرتبطة بالتنبؤ بسلوك المستخدمين والتغيرات في عادات إنفاق المستخدمين نتيجة لعدة أمور من بينها الأوضاع الاقتصادية السائدة أو مستويات التوظيف أو المرتبات أو الأجور أو التضخم أو ثقة المستهلكين أو التغيرات غير المتوقعة أو السريعة في النمو أو تراجع أسواقنا المحلية و/أو الدولية؛ واحتدام المنافسة من المنافسين الحاليين والجُدد؛ والتقدم السريع والمبتكر الذي يؤدي إلى تغييرات جوهرية في الأصول الرقمية أو قطاع العملات المشفرة؛ واستمرار الامتثال للمتطلبات التنظيمية؛ وتقلب أسعار العملات المشفرة، مثل Bitcoin، وغيرها من الأصول الرقمية؛ واحتمال عدم سير تطور وإطلاق المنتجات الجديدة والتحسينات على المنتجات الجديدة بحسب الإطار الزمني المتوقع أو اشتمالها على مشكلات أو أخطاء تتطلب الإصلاح أو عدم ظهور سوق لبيع هذه المنتجات الجديدة أو المحسنة بحسب ما هو متوقع؛ والمخاطر المرتبطة بقدرتنا على استدامة أو زيادة الربحية أو نمو الإيرادات في الفترات المستقبلية (أو الحد من التراجعات إلى أقل مستوى) مع السيطرة على النفقات؛ واختراق بيانات المستخدمين لأي سبب؛ والمخاطر التشغيلية والسياسية الخارجية والمخاطر المرتبطة بعملياتنا؛ والتأخيرات غير المتوقعة أثناء عملية التدقيق؛ وفقدان الموظفين الرئيسيين أو نقص العمالة أو توقف الأعمال.

ترد معلومات إضافية حول العوامل والمخاطر والشكوك التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تلك الاختلافات أو تساهم فيها ضمن وثائقنا المقدمة إلى هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية، بما في ذلك قسم “عوامل المخاطرة” وقسم “مناقشة الإدارة وتحليها للوضع المالي ونتائج العمليات” في النموذج رقم 10 التعديل رقم 1 الخاص بنا عن السنة المنتهية في 31 ديسمبر 2023، والمقدَّم في 1 مايو 2024. لا يمكننا أن نضمن لك دقة البيانات الاستشرافية. علمًا بأن تلك البيانات الاستشرافية تتناول فقط الأوضاع في التاريخ الحالي. ونخلي مسؤوليتنا من أي التزام بتحديث هذه البيانات الاستشرافية.

المصدر: Exodus Movement, Inc.‎

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9112719

Hitachi Energy supports long-term operation of largest HVDC-connected wind energy project in U.S.

Multi-year agreement provides service solutions to the SunZia Transmission Project, linking New Mexico’s wind farms to Arizona’s grid, increasing renewable energy to Western States

Zurich, Switzerland, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy announced that it has signed a multi-year agreement with Pattern Energy to support its high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technologies for the SunZia Transmission Project. The link will connect the 3,515-megawatt (MW) SunZia Wind project in New Mexico to Arizona and Western states, which will be one of the world’s largest transmission links delivering renewable energy.

The long-term agreement will provide service solutions for the SunZia Transmission HVDC link, currently under construction1, owned by Pattern Energy, one of the world’s largest privately-owned developers and operators of renewable energy and transmission projects. Hitachi Energy’s HVDC Light® technology will efficiently transfer and integrate huge volumes of wind power over more than 885 kilometers (550 miles) into the regional power grid. This will significantly increase the availability of sustainable energy for homes and businesses throughout the region when it enters operation, which is expected in 2025.

EnCompass™ is Hitachi Energy’s portfolio of partnership-oriented service offerings, signaling a step-change in life cycle thinking. This order underlines Hitachi Energy’s commitment to trusted long-term partnerships and builds on its proven track record of delivering innovative and reliable energy service solutions 2.

When complete, SunZia Wind will have a total power capacity of 3,515 MW, enough clean, renewable electricity to provide power to approximately three million Americans3. The HVDC link will efficiently transmit up to 3,000 MW of this power west to Arizona. The HVDC Light system will be the largest voltage source converter (VSC) installation in the United States, one of the largest worldwide, and one of the country’s longest HVDC connections.

“We’re proud to be selected once again to provide our unique service expertise to keep the important SunZia link operating at maximum efficiency, performance, and reliability,” said Andreas Berthou, global head of the HVDC business at Hitachi Energy. “With our service solutions, we are building a partnership ecosystem to ensure continued support to the HVDC link throughout its lifetime, delivering cutting edge digital service with sustainability and customer-value at its core.”

“The SunZia transmission and Wind projects provide a roadmap to accelerate the transition to renewable energy,” said Paul Haberlein, VP of Operational Excellence at Pattern Energy. “SunZia will play a vital role in delivering clean and sustainable energy to Western states. Pattern selected Hitachi Energy, a global technology leader, as our partner to engineer, manufacture and maintain the HVDC converter stations after they enter operation.”

Service for an HVDC system includes a wide range of activities and support, including scheduled maintenance, cyber services, on-site engineering support and life cycle assessment of the HVDC Light stations.

Hitachi Energy recognizes that the energy transition begins with existing infrastructure and the company is championing the urgency and the pace of change needed to reach Net Zero.  Leveraging on the company’s century of experience and expertise, its dedicated teams deliver exceptional service solutions that cover the entire life cycle of their customer’s assets, ensuring resilient operations. The company offers expert advice at every stage of the process across the whole portfolio, addressing both present and future needs to help customers achieve a sustainable energy future.

Hitachi Energy pioneered commercial HVDC technology 70 years ago and has delivered more than half of the world’s HVDC projects and has the largest installed base of HVDC in the world.

Notes to editors


About Hitachi Energy 
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We are advancing the world’s energy system to be more sustainable, flexible and secure and we collaborate with customers and partners to enable a sustainable energy future – for today’s generations and those to come. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries, serving customers in utility, industry, transportation, data centers and infrastructure sectors. With innovative technologies and services including the integration of more than 150 gigawatts of HVDC links into the power system, we help make the energy value chain more efficient, making electricity more accessible to all. Together with stakeholders across sectors and geographies, we enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 45,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of around $13 billion USD.


About Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society through the use of data and technology. We solve customers’ and society’s challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products. Hitachi operates under the 3 business sectors of “Digital Systems & Services” – supporting our customers’ digital transformation; “Green Energy & Mobility” – contributing to a decarbonized society through energy and railway systems, and “Connective Industries” – connecting products through digital technology to provide solutions in various industries. Driven by Digital, Green, and Innovation, we aim for growth through co-creation with our customers. The company’s revenues as 3 sectors for fiscal year 2023 (ended March 31, 2024) totaled 8,564.3 billion yen, with 573 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 270,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company’s website at https://www.hitachi.com.


Kurt Steinert
Hitachi Energy North America

Global Media Relations
Hitachi Energy

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9112623

Hitachi Energy supports long-term operation of largest HVDC-connected wind energy project in U.S.

Multi-year agreement provides service solutions to the SunZia Transmission Project, linking New Mexico’s wind farms to Arizona’s grid, increasing renewable energy to Western States

Zurich, Switzerland, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy announced that it has signed a multi-year agreement with Pattern Energy to support its high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technologies for the SunZia Transmission Project. The link will connect the 3,515-megawatt (MW) SunZia Wind project in New Mexico to Arizona and Western states, which will be one of the world’s largest transmission links delivering renewable energy.

The long-term agreement will provide service solutions for the SunZia Transmission HVDC link, currently under construction1, owned by Pattern Energy, one of the world’s largest privately-owned developers and operators of renewable energy and transmission projects. Hitachi Energy’s HVDC Light® technology will efficiently transfer and integrate huge volumes of wind power over more than 885 kilometers (550 miles) into the regional power grid. This will significantly increase the availability of sustainable energy for homes and businesses throughout the region when it enters operation, which is expected in 2025.

EnCompass™ is Hitachi Energy’s portfolio of partnership-oriented service offerings, signaling a step-change in life cycle thinking. This order underlines Hitachi Energy’s commitment to trusted long-term partnerships and builds on its proven track record of delivering innovative and reliable energy service solutions 2.

When complete, SunZia Wind will have a total power capacity of 3,515 MW, enough clean, renewable electricity to provide power to approximately three million Americans3. The HVDC link will efficiently transmit up to 3,000 MW of this power west to Arizona. The HVDC Light system will be the largest voltage source converter (VSC) installation in the United States, one of the largest worldwide, and one of the country’s longest HVDC connections.

“We’re proud to be selected once again to provide our unique service expertise to keep the important SunZia link operating at maximum efficiency, performance, and reliability,” said Andreas Berthou, global head of the HVDC business at Hitachi Energy. “With our service solutions, we are building a partnership ecosystem to ensure continued support to the HVDC link throughout its lifetime, delivering cutting edge digital service with sustainability and customer-value at its core.”

“The SunZia transmission and Wind projects provide a roadmap to accelerate the transition to renewable energy,” said Paul Haberlein, VP of Operational Excellence at Pattern Energy. “SunZia will play a vital role in delivering clean and sustainable energy to Western states. Pattern selected Hitachi Energy, a global technology leader, as our partner to engineer, manufacture and maintain the HVDC converter stations after they enter operation.”

Service for an HVDC system includes a wide range of activities and support, including scheduled maintenance, cyber services, on-site engineering support and life cycle assessment of the HVDC Light stations.

Hitachi Energy recognizes that the energy transition begins with existing infrastructure and the company is championing the urgency and the pace of change needed to reach Net Zero.  Leveraging on the company’s century of experience and expertise, its dedicated teams deliver exceptional service solutions that cover the entire life cycle of their customer’s assets, ensuring resilient operations. The company offers expert advice at every stage of the process across the whole portfolio, addressing both present and future needs to help customers achieve a sustainable energy future.

Hitachi Energy pioneered commercial HVDC technology 70 years ago and has delivered more than half of the world’s HVDC projects and has the largest installed base of HVDC in the world.

Notes to editors


About Hitachi Energy 
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We are advancing the world’s energy system to be more sustainable, flexible and secure and we collaborate with customers and partners to enable a sustainable energy future – for today’s generations and those to come. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries, serving customers in utility, industry, transportation, data centers and infrastructure sectors. With innovative technologies and services including the integration of more than 150 gigawatts of HVDC links into the power system, we help make the energy value chain more efficient, making electricity more accessible to all. Together with stakeholders across sectors and geographies, we enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 45,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of around $13 billion USD.


About Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society through the use of data and technology. We solve customers’ and society’s challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products. Hitachi operates under the 3 business sectors of “Digital Systems & Services” – supporting our customers’ digital transformation; “Green Energy & Mobility” – contributing to a decarbonized society through energy and railway systems, and “Connective Industries” – connecting products through digital technology to provide solutions in various industries. Driven by Digital, Green, and Innovation, we aim for growth through co-creation with our customers. The company’s revenues as 3 sectors for fiscal year 2023 (ended March 31, 2024) totaled 8,564.3 billion yen, with 573 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 270,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company’s website at https://www.hitachi.com.


Kurt Steinert
Hitachi Energy North America

Global Media Relations
Hitachi Energy

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9112623

Anaqua Unveils PATTSY WAVE Version 8 IP Management Software

New release empowers IP professionals with enhanced operational efficiency and functionality

BOSTON, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology, today announces the launch of PATTSY WAVE Version 8, the latest release of the patent and trademark management software. With this announcement, PATTSY WAVE Version 8 offers a streamlined IP management experience for IP professionals in corporations and law firms focused on efficient task execution.

Created to simplify workflows, mitigate risk, and elevate accuracy, Version 8’s new components help IP professionals manage their portfolios with greater precision and ease. New capabilities include:

  • Inventor Portal: A cutting-edge tool that enhances collaboration between inventors and legal teams. The Inventor Portal streamlines the invention disclosure process with customizable, no-code questionnaires, intuitive tracking mechanisms for inventor awards, and automated workflows for legal processing.
  • APIs: PATTSY WAVE’s APIs will provide a standard, reliable mechanism to share data with external applications. Clients will be able to retrieve bibliographic and action data from any of PATTSY WAVE’s primary modules.
  • Unlimited Parties & Customizable Roles: Users can now assign an unlimited number of responsible parties to any matter. Teams can also define roles applicable to their organization and create specialized roles associated with Action Categories.

PATTSY WAVE Version 8 also includes enhanced user experience and functionality with expanded data validation to provide global coverage and detailed assignment history, ensuring a comprehensive and intuitive system for all.

“With the release of PATTSY WAVE Version 8, Anaqua continues our commitment to empowering intellectual property professionals with innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce risk, and drive productivity,” said Bob Romeo, CEO at Anaqua. “Version 8 is the ideal solution for IP professionals seeking a modern, integrated tool to drive their IP operations with speed, accuracy and control.”

For more information about PATTSY WAVE Version 8 and its latest features, visit anaqua.com/pattsy-wave/.

About Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX® and PATTSY WAVE®, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For additional information, please visit anaqua.com, or on Anaqua’s LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9112617

Zenas BioPharma Announces Upsized $200 Million Series C Financing to Advance Mid- and Late-Stage Immunology-Focused Clinical Development Programs

Financing led by SR One, NEA, Norwest Venture Partners, and Delos Capital with significant participation from Enavate Sciences, Longitude Capital, and other new and existing investors

Proceeds to support ongoing mid- to late-stage clinical development programs for Company’s lead I&I product candidate, obexelimab

WALTHAM, Mass., May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of inflammation and immunology-directed therapies, today announced the closing of an upsized $200 million Series C preferred stock financing. The financing round was led by SR One along with NEA, Norwest Venture Partners, and Delos Capital with significant participation from Enavate Sciences and Longitude Capital. Additional new investors, the Federated Hermes Kaufmann Funds, and Arrowmark Partners, along with existing investors, Fairmount, Wellington Management, Rock Springs Capital, Pivotal bioVenture Partners, Vivo Capital, Quan Venture Fund, and Superstring Capital participated in the financing. In conjunction with the financing, Jake Nunn, venture partner at SR One, and Tim Xiao, Partner at Delos Capital, joined Zenas’ Board of Directors.

Proceeds will support ongoing mid- to late-stage clinical development programs for the Company’s lead product candidate, obexelimab, a bifunctional monoclonal antibody designed to bind both CD19 and FcγRIIb to inhibit the activity of B cells, plasmablasts, and CD19-expressing plasma cells.

The obexelimab clinical programs include an ongoing Phase 3 registration-directed trial in IgG4-Related Disease, two planned Phase 2 randomized controlled trials in Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and an ongoing open label Phase 2 trial in Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia.

“We are pleased and appreciative of the support we have received from this group of tremendous life sciences investors as we advance the ongoing obexelimab development program across multiple auto-immune diseases,” said Lonnie Moulder, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Zenas BioPharma. “Their commitment to Zenas is a testament to our vision to be a global leader in bringing innovative immunology-based therapies to patients around the world. This financing enables us to complete multiple potentially value driving clinical programs.”

“We are excited to support Zenas’ continued progress toward its goal of becoming a global leader in innovative immunology-based therapies, and we are confident in the capabilities of this exceptional team to advance the comprehensive development program for obexelimab across multiple potential indications,” said Jake Nunn, venture partner at SR One. “At SR One, we invest in companies like Zenas whose science has the potential to rewrite the medical textbooks and meaningfully transform patient care. We are proud to serve as lead investor alongside an exceptional syndicate and look forward to supporting Zenas in advancing a pipeline of innovative new therapeutic approaches for patients living with inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases.”

About Obexelimab

Obexelimab is a bifunctional monoclonal antibody designed to bind both CD19 and FcγRIIb to inhibit B-lineage cell activity.  Obexelimab has demonstrated clinical activity and was well-tolerated in five clinical trials, including in several autoimmune diseases, in which 198 subjects were dosed. In these clinical studies, obexelimab demonstrated inhibition of B cell function without depleting the cells, resulting in encouraging treatment effect in patients with various autoimmune diseases. Zenas acquired exclusive worldwide rights to obexelimab from Xencor, Inc. Obexelimab is currently being studied in a global Phase 3 clinical study in patients with IgG4-Related Disease and a global Phase 2/3 study in patients with Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (wAIHA). Clinical development of obexelimab for Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is under way.

More information on the Phase 3 (INDIGO) study for the treatment of IgG4-Related Disease is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241. More information on the Phase 2/3 (SApHiAre) study for the treatment of wAIHA is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05786573.

About Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma is a clinical-stage global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of inflammation and immunology (I&I) directed therapies for patients in need around the world. With clinical development capabilities and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a portfolio of potentially differentiated autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need. Zenas’ experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those facing autoimmune and rare diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit www.zenasbio.com and follow us on X at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

About SR One

SR One is a transatlantic biotechnology venture capital firm that collaborates with entrepreneurs and investment partners in an effort to build elite biotechnology companies. The Company’s mission is to translate innovative technologies and scientific discoveries into next-generation medicines with the potential to benefit patients with significant unmet medical needs. SR One leadership has worked together to build and invest in biotechnology companies for more than a decade. Working alongside the investment team, SR One’s venture partners bring deep operational experience to help company creation initiatives and support portfolio companies with financing and corporate strategies. SR One has offices in Redwood City, CA, and Philadelphia, PA, in the US and London in the UK. For more information, please visit www.srone.com.

About NEA

New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA) is a global venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs build transformational businesses across multiple stages, sectors and geographies. Founded in 1977, NEA has over $25 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2023, and invests in technology and healthcare companies at all stages in a company’s lifecycle, from seed stage through IPO. The firm’s long track record of investing includes more than 270 portfolio company IPOs and more than 450 mergers and acquisitions. For more information, please visit www.nea.com.

About Norwest Venture Partners

Norwest Venture Partners is a global venture and growth equity investment firm managing more than $15.5 billion in capital. Since its inception, Norwest has invested in more than 700 companies and currently partners with more than 230 companies in its venture and growth equity portfolio. The firm invests in early- to late-stage businesses across key sectors with a focus on enterprise, consumer and healthcare. The Norwest team offers a deep network of connections, extensive operating experience, and a wide range of impactful services to help CEOs and founders scale their businesses. Norwest has offices in Menlo Park and San Francisco, Calif.; Mumbai, India; and Tel Aviv, Israel. For more information, please visit www.nvp.com.

About Delos Capital

Delos Capital is a life sciences investment firm that partners with extraordinary teams pursuing breakthrough medicines that meaningfully improve the lives of patients. We are a collaborative, global team of seasoned biotech investors, company-builders, operators, and industry analysts, and we aim to serve the companies into which we invest by bringing both capital and substantive biotech expertise. We have designed, built, financed, and supported both novel platforms and approved medicines that strengthen hundreds of millions of lives across the world. Our global team is spread across offices in Cambridge, MA and in East Asia, allowing us to blend deep experiences operating at the epicenter of global biotech venture with proprietary insights into innovations from emerging biotech clusters. Delos Capital currently manages three funds, with ~US$600 million in total capital under management. For more information, please visit www.deloscapital.com.

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The World’s Wealthiest Cities in 2024

LONDON, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — When it comes to the number of resident millionaires with liquid investable wealth of USD 1 million or more, the US leads the pack, with 11 cities in the Top 50, including New York City, which holds firmly onto 1st place in the 2024 World’s Wealthiest Cities Report, published annually by international wealth migration specialists Henley & Partners. The total wealth held by the Big Apple’s residents now exceeds USD 3 trillion — higher than the total wealth held in most major G20 countries — and a staggering 349,500 millionaires, 744 centi-millionaires and 60 billionaires live in the city.

Hot on its heels in 2nd place is Northern California’s Bay Area (encompassing the city of San Francisco and Silicon Valley), which has increased its millionaire population by a whopping 82% over the past decade, and is now home to 305,700 millionaires, 675 centi-millionaires, and 68 billionaires.

Tokyo, which led the pack a decade ago, has suffered a 5% decline in its resident HNWI population, and now sits in 3rd place with just 298,300 millionaires. Singapore climbs two places to 4th on the global ranking following an impressive 64% increase in millionaires over the last ten years — approximately 3,400 HNWIs moved there in 2023 alone and the city state now boasts 244,800 resident millionaires, 336 centi-millionaires, and 30 billionaires.

London’s falling

London, the wealthiest city in the world for many years, continues to tumble down the ranking, and now sits in 5th place with just 227,000 millionaires, 370 centi-millionaires, and 35 billionaires — a decline of 10% over the past decade. By contrast, Los Angeles, home to 212,100 millionaires, 496 centi-millionaires, and 43 billionaires, has jumped up two places over the 10-year period to 6th place, enjoying a notable 45% growth in its wealthy population. Paris, the wealthiest city in mainland Europe, retains its 7th place with 165,000 resident millionaires, while Sydney ascends to 8th position with 147,000 HNWIs after exceptionally strong wealth growth over the past 20 years.

Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO of Henley & Partners, says a key factor driving growth in the world’s wealthiest cities has been the strong performance of financial markets. “The S&P 500’s 24% gain last year, along with the Nasdaq’s 43% surge and Bitcoin’s staggering 155% rally, has buoyed the fortunes of wealthy investors. Additionally, rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and blockchain technology have provided new opportunities for wealth creation and accumulation. Yet, even as new opportunities emerge, old risks persist. The war in Ukraine, which has seen Moscow’s millionaire population plummet by 24% to 30,300, is a stark reminder of the fragility of wealth in an uncertain and unstable world.”

China’s millionaire boom

China has established a notable presence on the latest Top 50 Wealthiest Cities ranking, with 5 cities in mainland China making the list, and 7 cities when counting Hong Kong (with 143,400 millionaires) and Taipei (30,200). Beijing (125,600 millionaires) makes it into the Top 10 for the first time following a 90% growth in its millionaire population over the past decade, and although Hong Kong has fallen four places to 9th, Shanghai (123,400), Shenzhen (50,300), Guangzhou (24,500), and Hangzhou (31,600) have all recorded significant increases in their millionaire populations.

Andrew Amoils, Head of Research at New World Wealth, says Shenzhen is the world’s fastest-growing city for the wealthy, with its millionaire population exploding by 140% in the last ten years. “Hangzhou has also experienced a massive 125% increase and Guangzhou’s millionaires have grown by 110% over the past decade. When it comes to wealth growth potential over the coming decade, cities to watch include Bengaluru (India), Scottsdale (USA), and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam). All three have enjoyed exceptional growth rates of over 100% in their resident millionaire populations over the past ten years.”

Turning to the Middle East, Dubai easily takes the crown as the wealthiest city in the region, with impressive growth of 78% in its millionaire population over the past 10 years. Currently ranked as the 21st-wealthiest city in the world, the millionaire magnate is highly likely to break into the Top 20 soon, and although the UAE’s oil-rich capital Abu Dhabi hasn’t yet cracked a spot in the Top 50, growth rates of over 75% make it a likely contender in future.

While no African or South American cities make it into the Top 50, the report identifies several rising stars including Nairobi (4,400 millionaires) and Cape Town (7,400), both of whom have enjoyed an increase in resident HNWIs of 25% and 20%, respectively, over the past decade.

Most expensive cities in the world

Monaco, arguably the world’s top safe-haven for the super-rich, where the average wealth exceeds USD 20 million, is also the top-ranked city on a wealth per capita basis. Over 40% of its residents are millionaires — the highest ratio of any city globally. It is also top of the World’s Most Expensive Cities list, with apartment prices regularly exceeding USD 35,000 per m2.

New York City ranks 2nd with the average price of prime real estate being USD 28,400 per m2, followed by London (USD 26,500 per m2), Hong Kong (USD 25,800 per m2), Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat in France (USD 25,000 per m2), and Sydney (USD 22,700 per m2).

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Sarah Nicklin

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