Arab League SG congratulates youth minister on assuming Arab Youth Ministers regular session presidency

Cairo: Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, congratulated Minister of Youth Mohammad Al-Nabulsi on his appointment as the 47th regular session of the Council of Arab Youth Ministers’ president.

Aboul Gheit praised the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Ministers for its commitment to constantly updating and developing its agenda to meet the needs of Arab youth and stay current on issues affecting youth and sports.

He applauded the Council’s diverse youth initiatives, which aim to strengthen the talents and competencies of Arab youth while also promoting a culture of understanding and conversation.

Aboul Gheit stated that the shocks that the world experienced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent crises imposed additional challenges and economic and social burdens on young people from new generations in various parts of the world, particularly in developing countries, and left a general sense of instability, insecurity, and fear of the future.

Source: Jordan News Agency