Bybit and Max Verstappen Extend Grand Prix Triumph with Unforgettable Fan Celebration in Japan

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 29, 2023 – Bybit, the world’s third most visited crypto exchange, is thrilled to have invited fans to an unforgettable experience at the 2023 Formula One Japanese Grand Prix, following Max Verstappen’s podium win, and ORBR winning the Constructors’ World Championship for the sixth time in the team’s history.

As industries that celebrate innovation, speed and the relentless pursuit of victory against fierce competition, Formula 1 and crypto trading share a kindred spirit of pushing boundaries and challenging convention.

Through this collaboration, selected fans enjoyed top-tier viewing packages including prime VIP seats at Suzuka Circuit. An exclusive pre-race reception also invited attendees to immerse themselves in the elite racing culture and mingle directly with Oracle Red Bull Racing’s star driver, Max Verstappen.

“We’re thrilled to strengthen our partnership with Oracle Red Bull Racing to empower fans worldwide with this incredible opportunity,” said Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Bybit. “Through collaborations like this, we aim to enrich communities by granting unique access to these leading worlds of motorsports and crypto. Bybit is proud to join forces with a champion team to inspire and engage the next generation.”

#Bybit / #TheCryptoArk

Bybit is a cryptocurrency exchange established in 2018 that offers a professional platform where crypto traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, excellent customer service and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One’s reigning Constructors’ and Drivers’ champions, the Oracle Red Bull Racing team, esports teams NAVI, Astralis, Alliance, Made in Brazil (MIBR), and Oracle Red Bull Racing Esports.

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World’s Biggest Cocktail Festival Unveils Jacob Martin as World’s Best Bartender

Highly anticipated competition brings colourful cocktail experiences and never-before-seen collaborations to the city of São Paulo


Jacob Martin celebrates his win at the World Class Global Bartender of the Year awards.

SÃO PAULO, Brazil, Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, from Canada, has been recognised by industry legends as the 2023 World Class Global Bartender of the Year. He shook off competition from over 10,000 other elite bartenders who attempted this year’s Everest of bartending.

The competition saw Jacob participate in a series of challenges over four days. From creating classic cocktails and elevating them to a TEN with bartender favourite, Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob also dared to go one step beyond with Johnnie Walker Black Label’s versatility of flavours, as well as creating a Ketel One Garnished with Good cocktail which not only impressed the judges with its flavour creativity but delivered a positive impact in their local community in Canada.

Upon winning, Jacob said: “It’s an unbelievable honour to win World Class. Not just because it’s the pinnacle of the industry but also because of the giants I’ve had the privilege of competing with this week. Bartending is an amazing community and this week has constantly reminded me of that. We have all pushed each other, learned from each other and fed off the amazing energy from this fantastic city. The standard of the competition was out of this world, but right now I’m just looking forward to enjoying a cocktail made by someone else!”

Jacob Martin from Canada is crowned winner of the World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 and celebrates with previous World Class winners.

Jacob Martin from Canada is crowned winner of the World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 and celebrates with previous World Class winners.

As part of the competition, São Paulo has seen world-renowned bartenders including Monica Berg (from London’s Tayer + Elementary), Giacomo Giannotti (from the World’s Best Bar, Paradiso in Barcelona) and Ago Perrone (from London’s The Connaught Bar) descend on the city to judge the event and host special ‘World Class’ experiences in some of the city’s most iconic nightlife venues.

The competition also signals the beginning of the World Class Cocktail Festival, with amazing bar collaborations across the city including Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan and Guilhotina Bar.

Overall, The World Class Cocktail Festival extends to over 1,000 venues across Brazil, giving hundreds of thousands of cocktail lovers unique experiences from the likes of Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN and Don Julio.

This year’s World Class also saw the inclusion of the Industry Forum, a chance to engage, educate and inspire the bartending community with seminars and panel discussions from World Class judges and guests – highlights included: “From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them”, featuring World Class 2017 winner, Kaitlyn Stewart and Diageo Global Reserve Culture Manager, Giuliana Pe Benito and “Behind the Scenes of the World’s Best Bars” with bar owners including Monica Berg, Thiago Benares and Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Global Head of Diageo World Class said: “Following last year’s World Class in Sydney was always going to be a big ask, but the World Class teams around the world, the Brazil team and, of course, our amazing 54 competitors have all stepped up to the plate and knocked it out the park. The level of energy on the ground here is incredible and after so many months of planning it’s been such a thrill to see it all come together like this. It’s so exciting to see a city come alive with great drinks and great experiences.

“Jacob has truly taken this competition to the next level – he excelled across the board and the feedback from the judges has been incredible. Jacob is such a deserving winner and I can’t wait to work with him over the next 12 months – he’ll go far.”

Since its launch in 2009, Diageo World Class has played a significant role in inspiring better drinking and transforming cocktail culture around the world by supporting over 450,000 bartenders worldwide through training and education.

For more information on World Class and to keep up to date with the latest drinks, trends and training, visit and follow @WorldClass on Instagram.

Jacob Martin takes on the Speed round during the World Class Global Bartender of the Year competition in São Paulo.

Jacob Martin takes on the Speed round during the World Class Global Bartender of the Year competition in São Paulo.

Sarah Deller

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930946

‫كشفت شركة أرسيليك هيتاشي النقاب عن حملتها العالمية التي تحمل عنوان “نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة “: لتعزيز التواصل مع العملاء عبر الأجيال!

 بانكوك، تايلاند – Media OutReach – 29 سبتمبر 2023 – تقدم شركة أرسيليك هيتاشي المُصنعة للأجهزة المنزلية حاليًا حملة “نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة”، وهي الحملة التسويقية الجديدة التي ترشد كل جيل للبدء في السير نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة في المنزل من خلال الحلول التي تقدمها الأجهزة المنزلية من “هيتاشي”. وتجسد الحملة الجديدة الاهتمام الشديد الذي توليه اليابان للتفاصيل في التصميم، جنبًا إلى جنب مع التركيز على الجماليات الحديثة مع رفع مستوى الأداء الوظيفي لحياة الجميع اليومية. وقد برز مفهوم “نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة” من خلال العالم الذي يشهد تغيرًا سريعًا، حيث لا يزال سكان المناطق الحضرية في يومنا هذا منغمسين في نمط حياة يتميز بالخطى السريعة والمحمومة، وغالبًا ما يستمر ذلك طوال اليوم. وإنها لرغبة مشتركة لديهم أن يصلوا إلى بيئة هادئة وآمنة حيث يمكنهم الاسترخاء والتطلع إلى الاستقرار على المدى الطويل. ويمتد التزام شركة هيتاشي بتعزيز أجهزتها المنزلية إلى نطاق يبتعد عن كونه مجرد عملية يتم فيها دمج الابتكارات الجديدة والتكنولوجيا المتطورة في مجموعة المنتجات. ويشمل ذلك دمج المبادئ اليابانية الجوهرية، التي تتأصل في التفكير والتصميم الذي يركز على العملاء. وتعمل عملية الدمج هذه التي تتميز بالتناغم على تمكين منتجات هيتاشي من العمل كضروريات لأسلوب الحياة من أجل توفير الراحة للعملاء في الحياة اليومية، الأمر الذي يوفر لهم شعورًا مرغوبًا بالسهولة.

وفي خضم مشهد الأعمال دائم التغيير؛ فبالإضافة إلى حفاظ شركة أرسيليك هيتاشي للأجهزة المنزلية على نجاحها في أسواقها الحالية، لا سيما في مناطق آسيا والمحيط الهادئ والشرق الأوسط، فهي تسعى أيضًا بنشاط إلى البحث عن فرص جديدة. ومع تبنيها استراتيجية التسويق الجديدة، فإن هدف العلامة التجارية يتمثل في تقديم منتجات تتميز بجودة عالية يفخر الناس بامتلاكها. ولتحقيق ذلك، تستخدم الشركة نهجًا استراتيجيًا للاتصالات على النطاق العالمي يستهدف إشراك العملاء الحاليين وإثارة إعجابهم، مما يعزز الوعي بالعلامة التجارية ويحسن انخراطهم.

وكشف السيد ظافر أوستونر، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أرسيليك هيتاشي للأجهزة المنزلية، قائلاً: “نعتقد اعتقادًا راسخًا أن إطلاق الحملة العالمية – “نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة” سوف يمثل خطوة رائعة تهدف إلى مد الجسور بين شركة هيتاشي والمستهلكين. ومن الآن فصاعدا، سوف تنسجم منتجات هيتاشي الجديدة مع اتجاهات هذه الحملة، مع التركيز على أنشطة الاتصال عبر الإنترنت وخارجه. ويتمحور هدفنا حول توسيع نطاق وصولنا إلى المستهلكين من خلال الاستفادة من منتجات هيتاشي الجديدة إضافة إلى نهجها الذي يركز على المستهلك، والذي تعتبر قدرات التصنيع والابتكار القوية لشركة أرسيليك مكملة له.”

ومن خلال حملة شركة هيتاشي الجديدة “نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة”، تكشف أرسيليك هيتاشي للأجهزة المنزلية أيضًا عن تقنيات ومنتجات مبتكرة في الأسواق، وتهدف من وراء ذلك إلى تحفيز الابتكارات في التصميم التي تتماشى مع موضوع الحملة العالمية المتمثل في البساطة والوظائف العملية للحياة اليومية.

ومن بين المنتجات البارزة الثلاجة الأنيقة والحديثة ذات الفريزر السفلي الفرنسي الفاخر ذات الأربعة أبواب، حيث تم تصميم هذا الطراز للحفاظ على الطعام طازجًا ولذيذًا وغنيًا بالعناصر الغذائية، وتأتي مزودة بميزة المنطقة التي يمكن اختيارها، والتي تتيح إعدادات مخصصة بناءً على احتياجات التخزين ونمط الحياة الخاص بك، بينما تحافظ مقصورة التفريغ على طعامك من الجفاف والأكسدة.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تجمع ثلاجات هيتاشي كاربون لاين الجديدة بين الأسلوب والوظيفة؛ فمع وجود الدرج المرن للاحتفاظ بالطعام طازجًا، يمكنك تخصيص مساحة التخزين الخاصة بك من خلال إعدادات درجة الحرارة القابلة للتعديل للخضروات ومنتجات الألبان/اللحوم. ويحافظ نظام تبريد الهواء المحيطي على الطعام طازجًا لفترة أطول، بينما تعمل أدوات التحكم المنفصلة في درجة الحرارة وغطاء درج الثلاجة الحديث على تسهيل عملية التنظيم. وتتوفر ثلاجات هيتاشي كاربون لاين في جميع أنحاء العالم (باستثناء الصين).

كما تعمل شركة هيتاشي على تعزيز ريادتها في مجال تكنولوجيا تصميم الغسالات لضمان ثقة المستهلكين. وتشمل الطرازات المتميزة والشائعة غسالة BD-D120XGV التي تعد أعجوبة حديثة ذات ميزات ذكية للحصول على نتائج غسيل فعالة ومريحة واستثنائية. وتتميز بالغسيل بطريقة مثلى مع وجود 8 تقنيات استشعار ذكية، ونظام الجرعات التلقائي لتوزيع المنظفات ومنعم الأقمشة بشكل دقيق، ووضع النظافة بدرجة 60 درجة مئوية، والتنظيف الذاتي التلقائي للحفاظ على نظافة الحوض. وعلاوة على ذلك، تعد BD-100XFVEADM نموذجًا آخر مجهزًا بالميزات الأكثر كمالاً، يليه المجفف الجديد المتقلب والمزود بمضخة الحرارة من هيتاشي، وTD-100XFVEM، الذي يتميز بالتصميم الحديث الذي يلبي جميع أنماط سكان المنازل والوحدات السكنية. وباستخدام إعدادات البخار ودرجة الحرارة الدقيقة، تعمل تقنية “ستيم آند وير” على تجديد الملابس وتضمن نتائج خالية من التجعد دون حاجة للكي. وهذا يعني أن ارتداء قمصانك المفضلة سيكون أسهل بكثير!

وفي الختام، هناك منتج آخر يتوافق مع فلسفة التبسيط ويتمثل في مكنسة هيتاشي الكهربائية خفيفة الوزن، PV-XH3M، التي تزن 1.8 كجم فقط، وتتميز بقوة شفط هائلة تصل إلى 170 واط. وتعمل تقنية ضوء الليد الأخضر المصممة خصيصًا لجعل الغبار مرئيًا والتنظيف فعالاً، بغض النظر عن ظروف الإضاءة المحيطة بها. وبفضل مستشعر الاكتشاف التلقائي، يمكن للمكنسة الكهربائية اكتشاف مادة الأرضية وتقوم بضبط الطاقة وسرعة دوران الفرشاة تلقائيًا. ويسهل الرأس الدوار الحاصل على براءة اختراع عملية تنظيف الزوايا، بينما تتيح الملحقات المتنوعة خيارات لجميع احتياجات التنظيف الخاصة بك، بما في ذلك فرشاة المرتبة المزودة بمحرك. وتتميز بأنها سهلة الاستخدام وتوفر مساحة عند دمجها مع تصميم المنصة القائمة بذاتها، مما يسمح بالحفاظ على جميع ملحقات المكنسة الكهربائية نظيفة مع إمكانية تخزينها بوضع جيد. وتعمل ميزة التخلص بلمسة واحدة على تسهيل التخلص من الغبار والحطام.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول حملة “نحو حياة سهلة وهادئة “، يرجى زيارة موقع حملتنا:

نبذة عن أرسيليك هيتاشي للأجهزة المنزلية

تأسست أرسيليك هيتاشي للأجهزة المنزلية في 1 يوليو 2021، كمشروع مشترك بين شركة أرسيليك إيه إس وشركة هيتاشي جلوبال لايف سوليوشنز لتصنيع الأجهزة المنزلية التي تحمل علامة هيتاشي التجارية وبيعها وتقديم خدمات ما بعد البيع لها، بما في ذلك الثلاجات والغسالات والمكانس الكهربائية عالميًا (خارج السوق اليابانية). واستحوذت شركة أرسيليك على 60% من ملكية الشركة الجديدة بينما لا تزال شركة هيتاشي جلوبال لايف سوليوشنز تمتلك 40% من أسهم الشركة. ويجمع هذا المشروع المشترك بين الخبرة ونقاط القوة التي تتمتع بها العلامتان التجاريتان مثل أنظمة البحث والتطوير والمشتريات والإنتاج لتحسين سلسلة التوريد العالمية للمشروع المشترك وتعزيز موقعه التنافسي في السوق.

Arçelik Hitachi Unveils ‘The Art of Ease’ Global Campaign: Elevating Connections with Customers Across Generations

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach – 29 September 2023 – Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances today introduces “The Art of Ease”, the new marketing campaign that guides every generation to embark on a journey toward an effortless and peaceful life at home through “Hitachi’s” home appliance solutions. The new campaign embodies Japan’s careful attention to detail in design, emphasizing modern aesthetics while elevating functionality for everyone’s daily life.
The concept of “The Art of Ease” stemmed from the rapidly changing world. Today, urban residents continue to be immersed in a fast-paced and hectic lifestyle, often throughout the entirety of their day. It is a common desire for them to have access to a tranquil and secure environment where they can relax and aspire towards long-term stability. Hitachi’s commitment to enhancing its home appliances extends beyond the mere incorporation of new innovations and cutting-edge technology into the product portfolio. It encompasses the integration of quintessential Japanese principles, rooted in thoughtfulness and customer-centric design. This harmonious integration empowers Hitachi products to function as lifestyle essentials in comforting the daily lives of customers, offering them the desired sense of ease.

Amidst the ever-changing business landscape, Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances not only maintains its success in its current markets, particularly in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions, but also actively seeks out new opportunities. With the new marketing strategy, the aim of the brand is to offer quality products that people would be proud to have. To achieve this, the company employs a strategic communication approach globally aimed at engaging and impressing today’s customers, enhancing brand awareness and involvement.

Mr. Zafer Ustuner, Chief Executive Officer of Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances, disclosed: “We strongly believe that the launch of the global campaign – “The Art of Ease,” will echo a remarkable step in bridging Hitachi to consumers. Moving forward, Hitachi’s new products will be aligned with the direction of this campaign, focusing on both offline and online communication activities. Our aim is to expand our consumer reach by leveraging Hitachi’s new products and consumer-focused approach, complemented by Arçelik’s robust manufacturing and innovation capabilities.”

With Hitachi’s new campaign “The Art of Ease”, Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances is also unveiling innovative technologies and products to the markets. The goal is to inspire design innovations that align with the global campaign’s theme of simplicity and practical functionality for everyday life.

Among the noteworthy products is the sleek and modern 4 Door Luxury French Bottom Freezer refrigerator. Designed to keep food fresh, flavorful, and nutrient-rich, the model comes with the Selectable Zone feature, which allows customized settings based on your storage and lifestyle needs, while the Vacuum Compartment keeps your food from drying and oxidizing.

In addition, the new Hitachi Carbon Line Refrigerators is a fusion of style and functionality. With the Flexible Fresh Select drawer, customize your storage with adjustable temperature settings for vegetables and dairy/meat. The Surround Air Cooling system keeps food fresh longer while separate temperature controls and a modern crisper cover makes organization a breeze. Hitachi Carbon Line Refrigerators are available worldwide (except China).

Hitachi further reinforces its leadership in washing machine design technology to ensure consumers’ confidence. The outstanding and popular models include BD-D120XGV washing machine: a modern marvel with smart features for efficient, convenient, and exceptional laundry results. It boasts Optimal Washing with 8 Smart Sensing technologies, auto Dosing System for precise detergent and fabric softener dispensing, a 60°C Hygiene mode, and Auto Self Clean for a spotless tub. Moreover, the BD-100XFVEADM is another model equipped with the most complete features, followed by the new heat pump tumble dryer from Hitachi, TD-100XFVEM, with modern design that meets every style of home and condominium residents. Utilizing precise steam and temperature settings, Steam & Wear technology refreshes garments and guarantees wrinkle-free results without ironing. This means wearing your favorite shirts will be much easier!

Finally, another product that resonates with the minimalism philosophy is Hitachi Lightweight Vacuum Cleaner, PV-XH3M, weighing only 1.8 kg and boasting an impressive up to 170W suction power. Specially designed green light LED technology makes dust visible and cleaning efficient, regardless of the ambient lighting conditions. With its auto-detect sensor, the vacuum cleaner can detect the floor material and automatically adjust the power and brush rotation speed. The patented rotating head makes it easy to clean corners, while the various accessories provide options for all your cleaning needs, including a motorized mattress brush. It is easy to use and saves space when combined with the Free-Standing Platform Design, which allows all vacuum accessories to be kept clean and well-stored. The one-touch disposal feature makes it easy to get rid of dust and debris.

For more information about “The Art of Ease” campaign, please visit our campaign website at

About Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances

Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances was established on July 1, 2021, as a joint venture between Arçelik A.S. and Hitachi Global Life Solutions, Inc. to manufacture, sell and provide after-sales services of Hitachi branded home appliances including refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners globally (outside of the Japanese market). Arçelik acquired 60% ownership in the new company while Hitachi Global Life Solutions, Inc. still holds 40% shares of the company. This joint venture has combined expertise and strengths of the two brands such as R&D, procurement and production systems to optimize the joint venture’s global supply chain and strengthen its competitive positioning in the market.


Nyxoah Announces Partnership with ResMed in Germany

Nyxoah Announces Partnership with ResMed in Germany
Creates a continuum of care in the German obstructive sleep apnea market

Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium – September 28, 2023, 10:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced that the Company has entered into a partnership with ResMed Germany to increase OSA awareness and therapy penetration in the German market.

Nyxoah and ResMed Germany will establish a continuum of care that will educate and guide OSA patients in the German market from diagnosis through treatment. Together, the companies will work to accelerate patient identification and better support patient set-up on the appropriate therapy. The companies will collaborate on:

  • OSA helplines and direct-to-consumer marketing initiatives
  • Sales and marketing efforts targeting ENTs and sleep physicians
  • Patient and clinician educational programs and symposiums

“We are thrilled to partner with ResMed Germany, as it strengthens further our patient-first approach to treating obstructive sleep apnea. OSA reduces quality of life and can result in other serious medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Together, ResMed Germany and Nyxoah will heighten awareness of OSA and increase therapy penetration,” commented Olivier Taelman, Nyxoah’s Chief Executive Officer. “The OSA ecosystem created by this partnership will guide patients from diagnosis to the right treatment for them, whether that is a mandibular device, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), or hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HGNS).”

“It is our joint goal to enable more patients to receive effective, personalized therapy,” said Katrin Pucknat, President, ResMed Germany. “Over 95 percent of patients in Germany suffering from sleep apnea are not diagnosed or treated. In addition, there are patients who have problems with their therapy and just stop it without considering an alternative. The partnership with Nyxoah will enable us to broaden the education around therapy options and empower patients to benefit from improved health outcomes.”

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a patient-centered, leadless and battery-free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company is currently conducting the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and U.S. commercialization approval.

For more information, please visit

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.

Forward-looking statements
Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward-looking, which reflect the Company’s or, as appropriate, the Company directors’ or managements’ current expectations regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; and the Company’s results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, performance, prospects, growth and strategies. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Additionally, these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 22, 2023, and subsequent reports that the Company files with the SEC. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities are not guarantees of future performance and should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. In addition, even if actual results or developments are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. No representations and warranties are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward-looking statements. As a result, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based, except if specifically required to do so by law or regulation. Neither the Company nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such person’s officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


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President al-Assad to CCTV: China’s key role in the world based on partnership, not hegemony

President Bashar al-Assad stressed that China is a great power that plays a very important role in the world basing on partnership that is far from hegemony.

His Excellency delivering an interview to China Central Television (CCTV) said that China politically stood with Syria through its significant role in the UNSC and other international forums.

President al-Assad went on to say that it is natural to have a broader dialogue with China in light of the circumstances the world is going through and the harsh Western economic blockade that aims to starve the Syrian people.

President al-Assad highlighted that the Syrians are capable of rebuilding their country when the war stops and when the blockade be ended, indicating that our region faces the danger of modern Western liberalism that was originated in the USA and the danger of extremism.

19 Years ago we visited China, there are so large leaps that I can’t make a comparison between that time and now. At the time it was said that China was called the world’s merchandise factory, but today I can say that it is the factory of innovation and creativity, President al-Assad stated.

President al-Assad underscored that the most important thing that has not changed in China is culture. It is the belonging to the homeland, to society, to Chinese customs and traditions. This is the greatest success. Many countries can develop technologically, economically, and in various scientific fields, but few of them can maintain their identity, and the Chinese identity today is as crystal clear as it was twenty years ago.

When the Chinese audience in the stadium cheered for the entry of the Syrian team, this moment was enough to say that China and Syria, at the popular level, are close to each other. But specifically with regard to the opening itself, I want to say that the message that we received through the opening and through social media sites conveys the pride of great China along with the humility of Chinese people at the same time,President al-Assad recalled.

President al-Assad added that there must be joint projects and exchanging expertise between the two states in projects of an industrial economic nature. Firstly, because China’s conditions a few decades ago were similar to the circumstances of many Third World countries. Secondly, because social and value concepts play a fundamental role in the development process.

The Belt and Road Initiative is the most important implementation for the three Initiatives of Global Development, the Global Security and the Global Civilization, but it is necessary to search for institutions that carry out these aspects and interact with other institutions. All of these initiatives with institutions form a network in order to turn into reality at the world level,President al-Assad noted.

Regarding the the northeastern region of Syria, president al-Assad said “it is occupied by terrorists and Americans. So the issue is not only theft, but rather a partnership in sharing profits. It is a second problem for a superpower to partner with terrorists. This is the reality in Syria, so we in those areas lose oil and wheat. We were a country that exported wheat. Now we have only a little wheat and with electricity that is less than the minimum standard for life.

About reconstructing the country, his Excellency said “If rebuilding process takes place, Syria has a very great future. I am not speaking from hopes or expectations. I am speaking based on the situation before the war. Before the war, Syria’s growth was at its best, close to 7%, which is a very high percentage for a country whose capabilities are limited. We did not have debts. We were not a debtor country. We used to take a loan and repay it directly. We had a sufficient amount of wheat, we exported vegetables and fruits, and we were developing our industries. Therefore, I can say with full confidence that stopping the war and rebuilding Syria will make the country much better than it was before the war.

Talking about his visit to China, President al-Assad stated “we invested in the great role that China has played over the past ten years with economic development, with political and development initiatives, and with the role of President Xi Jinping in order to reach a visit that I can say is very fruitful, by all standards”.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency