ZeroBounce Releases The Email List Decay Report for 2023

SANTA BARBARA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2023 / ZeroBounce announces the release of The Email List Decay Report for 2023, unveiling the latest statistics about the lifecycle of email databases. In the report, ZeroBounce shares data trends it gathered after validating more than six billion email addresses.

The ZeroBounce Email List Decay Report for 2023
ZeroBounce announces the release of The Email List Decay Report for 2023.

The findings are eye-opening for email marketers and companies relying on email for vital communications. At least 22.71% of the average email list degrades annually, the ZeroBounce report shows. At 20.19%, invalid email addresses made up most of the obsolete data processed by the email validation and deliverability company. Also prevalent were catch-all, disposable, abuse, spam trap, and toxic email addresses. In total, only 57.21% of all the emails ZeroBounce verified were valid and safe to use.

“Any database can acquire poor-quality email addresses which cause email deliverability to plummet,” says ZeroBounce founder and CEO Liviu Tanase. “Reaching the inbox is getting increasingly difficult, and using a healthy email database is a must. This report paints a clear picture of how fast email data degrades. The good news is that email marketers can stay on top of their email list health so they can be in the inbox and increase revenue.”

The Email List Decay Report for 2023 also reveals how likely users are to misspell their email addresses when filling out a sign-up or registration form. In just one year, ZeroBounce detected more than 10 million typos via its real-time email verification API. The software thus prevents potential bounces and continues to ensure companies build more reliable lead acquisition programs.

“Letting go of obsolete data makes an email list more responsive and more likely to convert. While so many companies focus on quantity, those who pay attention to data quality will see a boost in email ROI,” says ZeroBounce Chief Operating Officer Brian Minick.

To create the report, ZeroBounce analyzed the data it processed between January and December 2022. The benchmarks apply to companies of all sizes, across various industries, as ZeroBounce’s customers range from solo business owners to Fortune 500 companies.

Read the complete Email List Decay Report for 2023 at

Recently, ZeroBounce relaunched its platform, now offering 99% accurate email validation, increased security, and a more modern and intuitive user experience.

About ZeroBounce

ZeroBounce is an email verification and deliverability platform helping 200,000+ customers land more emails in the inbox.

The service removes email typos, nonexistent and abuse email accounts, spam traps, and other risky email addresses. ZeroBounce’s email deliverability toolkit further supports inbox placement. The company has recently attained the SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO 27001 certifications.

ZeroBounce has validated more than 18 billion emails. Some of the companies it serves are Amazon, Disney, and Netflix. In 2022, ZeroBounce founded Email Day (April 23), now an international holiday honoring email inventor Ray Tomlinson.

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Contact Information:

Corina Leslie
PR Manager

SOURCE: ZeroBounce


‫مؤتمر بلوكتشين لايف بدبي يؤكد على المستقبل الواعد للعملات الرقمية مع قدرة منصاتها على إثبات الاحتياطات الرقمية

  • مستجدات مع بعد عام 2022: وضعت منصات تداول العملات الرقمية معايير عالية لتعزيز أطر الشفافية تتمثل في القدرة على إثبات احتياطات الأصول الرقمية بنسبة 100%
  • تشكل منصات التداول اللامركزية جزءًا مهمًا من النظام البيئي الصحي من خلال دعم المتداولين على المدى المتوسط والطويل
  • باي بايت كأي منصة تداول مركزية تدعو لتعزيز التكامل مع تقنيات الويب 0 لدعم معاملات المستخدمين اليومية

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 28 فبراير 2023: أكد بين زو الرئيس التنفيذي لمنصة تداول العملات الرقمية باي بيت، أن العملات الرقمية باتت على مشارف مستقبلها الواعد والحافل بالإمكانات الهائلة، لاسيما مع تحول مزايا الموثوقية والشفافية اليوم إلى حجر أساس لأي عمل ناجح في هذا المضمار. وأضاف زو بأن التكنولوجيا ستدعم جهود استعادة الثقة في العملات الرقمية، موضحاً أن منصات التداول المرخصة تمتلك جميع المقومات الضرورية للتفوق على المؤسسات المالية التقليدية على مستوى الشفافية.

وعلى هامش مشاركته في جلسة حوارية انعقدت ضمن فعاليات مؤتمر بلوكتشين لايف بدبي يوم الإثنين، تطرق زو إلى سبل الاستفادة من البيئة المفتوحة وقدرات المصادقة المباشرة المقدمة من التقنيات اللامركزية. وأشار زو إلى أن شبكات البلوكتشين باتت جزءاً من الحلول المتاحة في عالمنا اليوم، إذ يمكن للحلول المقوّمة بالعملات الرقمية دعم القطاع المالي في مواجهة الأشكال التقليدية والجديدة من مخاطر الاحتيال. وشدد زو على أن منصات تداول العملات الرقمية قادرة على تقديم إثباتات مباشرة على احتياطاتها من الأصول الرقمية، وهو ما يتخطى معايير الشفافية المألوفة لدى المؤسسات المالية التقليدية.

وتلتزم منصة باي بيت بإدارة أموال المستخدمين وفق أرقى أطر الشفافية والنزاهة، وهو ما يدفعها لتقديم إثباتات مباشرة وواضحة حول احتياطاتها من الأصول الرقمية عبر نموذج “شجرة ميركل” Merkle Tree المصممة لهدف محدد، وهو تقديم هياكل بيانات تتيح التحقق الآمن والفعال والمتسق من البيانات. ويمكن للمستخدمين استخدام رموز مخصصة لهم للتحقق من تسجيل أصولهم كالتزامات في محافظ باي بيت ضمن شبكتها وصولاً لأدق التفاصيل.

وقال زور: “بالنسبة لي، فإن مثل هذه التكنولوجيا المدعومة بالبلوكتشين تمثل حلاً حقيقياً للاتهامات الواردة باستمرار حول الأخطاء السائدة في مسائل التشفير والانتهاكات في القطاع المالي على نطاق أوسع. ويمكن لنموذج إثبات احتياطات الأصول الرقمية الجديد في القطاع طمأنة المستخدمين حيال أصول التداول المتاحة ومنحهم اطلاعاً شاملاً عليها، وهو ما يمهد الطريق لتحقيق التوازن بين ديناميكيات القوة التقليدية بين العملاء ومقدمي الخدمات المالية”.

وتطرق زو إلى الدور الهام لمنصات تداول العملات الرقمية مع سعي القطاع للخروج من تحديات عام 2022.  وفي الوقت الذي تُراعى فيه الاعتبارات الأمنية إلى أبعد الحدود، كشف زو عن الأسباب التي لا تزال تدفع المتداولين نحو منصات التداول المركزية، موضحاً أنها السيولة العميقة والبنية الرقمية المتينة ذات الدقة العالية.

ومشيراً إلى العملاء من المؤسسات والمتداولين الخبراء، قال زو: “لاتزال منصات التداول المركزية خيارهم المفضل إلى حد كبير نظراً لمزايا السيولة التي تتيحها. ولا يمكن بكل بساطة ممارسة نشاطات التداول بأحجام كبيرة عبر منصات لامركزية نظراً للقيود التي تواجهها بناها الرقمية”. واقترح زو أنه بإمكان الباحثين عن الاستثمار في العملات الرقمية على المديين المتوسط والطويل التفكير بشكل الجاد في المنصات اللامركزية.

واختتم زو: “يتمحور دورنا – ودور أي منصة تداول مركزية – حول الاستعداد على أكمل وجه للتبني الشامل والمرتقب لإمكانات البلوكتشين وتقنيات الويب 3.0. وأنا على ثقة بقدرات هذا القطاع الواعد، لأنه في غضون عامين، ستتجلى أسباب ذاك التبني الشامل، وسنرى الجميع يشرعون في استخدام العملات الرقمية”.

Crypto Sets Higher Standards for Proof of Reserves for Traditional Finance: Bybit CEO

  • The new norms after 2022: crypto exchanges have set a high bar in transparency with 100% verifiable proof of reserves
  • DEXs form an important part of a healthy ecosystem by supporting medium and long-term traders
  • Bybit has a calling as a CEX: delivering seamless integration into Web3 for everyday users

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Media OutReach – 28 February 2023 – The future of the crypto industry is one step closer to its full potential, now trust and transparency is at the forefront, said Bybit CEO Ben Zhou. According to Zhou, technology will lead the way in restoring trust in crypto, and legitimate exchanges have what it takes to outperform traditional financial institutions in terms of transparency.

Speaking as part of a panel discussion at Blockchain Life 2023 in Dubai on Monday, Zhou proposed leveraging the open nature and real-time verification that decentralized technology offers. Blockchain is part of the solution, and crypto-native solutions can help armor the financial industry against traditional and new forms of fraud risk. He noted that crypto exchanges are able to offer real-time, verifiable proof of reserves, which is far and above the transparency traditionally offered by financial institutions.

Bybit is committed to managing user funds with the utmost transparency and integrity, which is why it has real-time proof of reserves with a purpose-built Merkle Tree. Users can use their Merkle Leaf code to check that their assets are recorded as liabilities in Bybit’s on-chain wallets down to the granular details.

For Zhou, this kind of technology — powered by blockchain — is the real solution to the constant news of malfeasance in the crypto and wider financial sector. The new industry norm of proof of reserves can offer users more peace of mind and visibility into exchanges’ assets, and this has tilted the conventional power dynamics between the customers and financial service providers, he said.

Zhou went on to talk about the role of crypto exchanges as the industry moves forward from a challenging 2022. While security considerations are a given, Zhou revealed why CEXs are still preferred by serious traders: deep liquidity and powerful infrastructure with millisecond precision.

Referring to institutional clients and professional traders, Zhou said that “centralized exchanges are pretty much their only choice simply because of the liquidity. And you simply can’t do high frequency trading on a decentralized exchange (DEX) due to infrastructure limitations.” However, Zhou suggested that those interested in medium-to-long term trades could consider DEXs as an option.

“Our role — and that of any centralized exchange — is to be ready for mass adoption and be the gateway to Web3 when it happens. So, I still believe in the industry,” Zhou added. “In two years, you will see signs of mass adoption. Your uncles, your aunties, your cousins will all start to use crypto,” he said.

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About Bybit

Bybit is a cryptocurrency exchange established in 2018 that offers a professional platform where crypto traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, excellent customer service and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One’s reigning Constructors’ and Drivers’ champions, the Oracle Red Bull Racing team, esports teams NAVI, Astralis, Alliance, Made in Brazil (MIBR), and Oracle Red Bull Racing Esports, and association football (soccer) team Borussia Dortmund.

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Rwandans living nine years longer than other East Africans

KIGALI, Rwandans are living at least nine years longer than the majority of East Africans, according to the latest figures released by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday.

Rwanda’s life expectancy is now 69.6 years, up from 51.2 years in 2002, data from the fifth Population and Housing Census 2022 indicates.

This puts Rwanda ahead of its peers in East Africa and sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high-income), according to 2020 World Bank figures.

East Africans have a lifespan of slightly above 60 years, with Tanzanians coming second after Rwanda at 66 years, Kenya and Uganda at 63 years, Burundi at 61 years, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at 60 years.

South Sudan has the lowest life expectancy at 55 years. World Bank in 2020 put Rwanda’s life expectancy at 67.

Rwanda’s population is now 13.2 million, up from 10.5 million in 2012, with an annual growth rate of 2.3 percent.

There are more females than males at 51.5 percent and 48.5 percent, respectively.

The data was released during Rwanda’s 18th National Dialogue, Umushyikirano, which kicked off Monday. The two-day forum is being held in person this year after suspension due to the Covid-19 restrictions on public gatherings.

The event chaired by President Paul Kagame brings together citizens, local government officials, Cabinet and parliament representatives, private sector leaders, and members of the religious and diplomatic communities.

The annual dialogue, held since 2003, provides a platform for stakeholders to discuss the most pressing issues facing the country.

Source: Nam News Network

Sudan activists stand firm against ‘toxic, monopolistic’ mining practices

South Darfur activists staged a protest vigil in front of the secretariat of the state government in Nyala on Monday, to condemn the practices of the mining company that operates in the Aghbash gold mine in Radoom.

Hamid Hammad told Radio Dabanga from the vigil that they are against the mining practices of the Al Junaid company, and accused it of “monopolising thousands of kilometres”, calling for opening the area to all companies.

He explained that mining has caused the spread of diseases and the deterioration of the environment, pointing to ponds that violate specifications and mining laws using toxic mercury and cyanide, and called for the use of safe methods.

He accused the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company of lack of transparency in collecting fees, calling for electronic collection.

Northern State

On Monday, a sit-in in Abu Sara in Delgo, Northern State, entered its seventh week, rejecting the mining activities using cyanide and mercury in the area.

Protester Hatem Hasan confirmed to Radio Dabanga the protesters’ insistence on resolving the dispute between them and the Delgo Mining Company through the judiciary, after all attempts to end the dispute between them failed.

He said that the sit-in committee announced the escalation of the protests to the national level, by carrying out a protest vigil in front of the Embassy of Qatar in Khartoum on March 9, with the participation of Nubian king Mohamed Ibrahim Kaboush.


As previously reported by Radio Dabanga, the Delgo Mining Company is pressing charges against five protesters in Sudan’s Northern State for ‘causing the suspension of a gold mining plant’, which uses the highly toxic cyanide. In response, activists from Abu Sara in Delgo accused the company of not complying with the agreement signed between the local community, the local authorities, and the company itself, which stipulates that the plant should be relocated to a ‘safe distance’.

Sudan has been witnessing various protests against the behaviour of gold mining companies, especially against the environmental and health risks posed by the use of highly toxic chemicals such as cyanide and mercury. Protests are also taking place in Red Sea State, Kordofan, and Darfur.

Environmental and health risks

Environmentalists have been warning of the health and environmental hazards of using toxic mercury and cyanide to extract gold from ore for years. Five years ago, a Sudanese environmental protection expert already warned that the pollution caused by the use of cyanide and mercury in gold mining “constitutes the largest and most dangerous threat to the country’s environment”.

A recent report on mercury poisoning in Sudan points out that “years of indiscriminate use of dangerous chemicals such as mercury, cyanide, and thiourea without protective measures for miners or local populations has exposed millions of citizens across Sudan to lethal risks”.

Throughout the years, there have been plenty of reports of livestock, birds, and fish dying and medical issues amongst humans, such as miscarriages and kidney failure, as a result of environmental pollution caused by gold mining activities.

In 2018, Northern State education authorities had to close the Sawarda school complex after students suffered from coughing, vomiting, and shortness of breath. The situation was attributed to activities of the International Company for Mining, which spread mining waste and dust in the area.

The Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS) 2022 report on foreign trade states that gold still remains the largest export commodity from Sudan.

The CBoS trade report indicated that Sudan saw its trade deficit lessen from last year’s $4.7 billion deficit to this current year’s deficit of $1.5 billion. The trade deficit reflects Sudan’s import commodities exceeding its exports.

Amid growing concerns of economic and food insecurity in the region, as well as the political crisis currently embroiled in Sudan, the United Nation’s Secretary-General António Guterres stated in a report on September 2 that Sudan is at risk of being “constrained economically” and this will likely “deter investors”.

Sudan is one of the largest producers of gold in Africa, however production is often driven by unregulated, artisanal (individual subsistence) mining, and routine gold smuggling across international borders is a constant problem.

It is estimated that between 50 per cent and 80 per cent of Sudan’s gold is smuggled out of the country, with proceeds frequently used to finance the internal conflict.

Source: Radio Dabanga

Violence, fire, claim several lives in South Darfur

The body of child 13-year-old boy who disappeared on Friday after paying for a seat on a donkey cart was found in Wadi Beleil on Sunday. In Nyala, a 48-year-old mother of four was killed instantly, allegedly by a stray police bullet. A Wadi Salih farmer is in hospital in Nyala after a savage assault, reportedly at the hands of a herder.

Awatif Abdelrahman, a resident of El Salam camp for the displaced in Beleil, east of Nyala, capital of South Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that Adam Zakaria (13) disappeared on Friday after paying for a seat on a donkey cart driven by unknown persons. She said that the cart had not been found yet and the investigation into the circumstances is ongoing.

In Nyala, mother of four Rugaya Sharaf (48), died instantly when she was hit in the head by a stray bullet at the city’s bus station, allegedly fired by a policemen in pursuit of a suspected drug trafficker.

Witnesses said that the policemen opened fire after the suspect threatened him. Sharaf, who was passing by, was killed instantly.

Farmer Mohamed Abdeljabbar sustained multiple injuries in an assault by a herder on his farm near Mukjar in Wadi Salih, Central Darfur, on Sunday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a relative of the victim reported that the herder beat the farmer, injuring him in the head and limbs.

Abdeljabbar was transferred to Nyala Teaching Hospital, a report of the accident was filed with the Mukjar police, and the alleged perpetrator handed himself over to the police.

Ed El Fursan

The authorities in Ed El Fursan, South Darfur, reported that calm has returned to the Amsheitir area, 20 km southwest of Ed El Fursan town, after tensions over the killing of three people due to a dispute over a goat.

Mohamed Ishag, the director of Ed El Fursan locality, said that the police arrested the killer and his accomplices. The Security Committee sent police reinforcements, as a precaution for any clashes between the various communities that might result from the incident.

In North Darfur, sources reported that the Saraf Omra police department has detained a policeman in connection with the killing of Degel Adam while he was being held in police custody on Friday.

The results of the autopsy in the El Geneina Teaching Hospital proved that Degel died as a result of torture.

Dagal’s family refused to autopsy him at Saraf Omra Rural Hospital and demanded that the body be transferred to the morgue of the El Geneina Hospital.


A child died in a fire that broke out in Buram, South Darfur, on Sunday, and the fire caused property losses.

People denounced the absence of the firefighting police from the event. The director of Buram locality, Adam Mukhtar, called on the South Darfur government and civil defence force to maintain the fire engine in the locality. Most of the houses in Buram have thatched roofs and walls, which are often exposed to frequent fires with the advent of the summer season.

Fires that broke out in Mershing and Manawashi in South Darfur destroyed more than 80 homes in two weeks this February.

Hammad Ishag, Sheikh of the Manawashi camp for displaced people, told Radio Dabanga that the fires destroyed 13 homes in the camp and 66 houses in Niteaga, in addition to huge property losses, including 300 sacks of beans and other crops.

In El Safaa in El Taweisha, North Darfur, a fire broke out on Sunday evening, destroying 13 houses, agricultural crops and local building materials.

Eyewitnesses explained that heavy winds contributed to the spread of the fire, calling on the government authorities to provide shelter, food and aid for those affected.

People living in Hejeir Tono in Beleil in South Darfur demand replanning of the area and widening of the main streets in order to avoid the recurring fires every year, in light of the fires that broke out during the past two weeks and destroyed more than 150 homes and led to huge losses of property.

Source: Radio Dabanga