شركة أونور تنصب عينيها على مبيعات عالمية مضاعفة في عام 2022، وتؤكد من جديد على تركيز الشركة على الأسواق الرئيسية من خلال استراتيجية قاتلة لمواضع الشكوى

الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أونور يحدد خططه لتركيز الجهود على تقديم ابتكارات جديدة وتجارب المستخدم للمستهلكين في الأسواق العالمية الرئيسية

شينزين، الصين، 4 مارس 2022 /PRNewswire/ — تتحدد شركة أونور التي نالت استقلالها عام 2020 بصفتها علامة تجارية عالمية للتكنولوجيا من خلال حماسها لتحدي معايير الصناعة وتطوير الحلول التي تحل مواضع شكوى المستخدم. أعلنت شركة أونور بحلول عام 2022 عن هاتف HONOR Magic V، أخف هاتف ذكي قابل للطي داخليًا في العالم[1] كدليل على قدراته في البحث والتطوير والتصنيع. أعلنت شركة أونور عن مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات في مؤتمر الجوالات العالمي لعام 2022 للحفاظ على الزخم، بما في ذلك سلسلة HONOR Magic4 و HONOR Watch GS 3 و HONOR Earbuds 3 Pro، والتي تعد بمثابة دليل إضافي على التزامها بجلب الابتكار إلى المزيد من المستهلكين حول العالم. أعرب جورج تشاو، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أونور للأجهزة المحدودة (HONOR Device Co, Ltd)، عن ثقته في أداء الشركة، وتوقع أن يتضاعف حجم المبيعات العالمية السنوية في 2022.

HONOR CEO George Zhao unveils the all-new HONOR Magic4 Series

[1] كما هو الحال عند إطلاق هاتف HONOR Magic V.

 نسُب تشاو نجاح شركة أونور المستمر إلى سلوك “HONOR Can Do” الذي يجسده الموظفون والابتكارات الرائدة للشركة. صرح تشاو قائلًا إن إصرار الموظفين ومثابرتهم يشجعهم على السعي باستمرار للتميز وتوسيع النطاق. ومن الناحية الأخرى، يمكن لشركة أونور ضمان الجودة العالية لمنتجاتها وتزويدها بالمرونة لمواكبة الابتكار من خلال أخذ ملكية عمليات التصنيع.

تعد أونور ثاني أكبر شركة لتصنيع الهواتف الذكية في السوق الصينية اعتبارًا من الربع الرابع لعام 2021، وفقًا لتقرير نشرته شركة Counterpoint Research الشهر الماضي. علق تشاو قائلًا “إننا نشهد نموًا لا يصدق، وستعمل المنتجات الجديدة التي أعلنّا عنها للتو خلال مؤتمر الجوالات العالمي لعام 2022 على مواصلة دفع العلامة التجارية إلى الأمام للوصول إلى جمهور أوسع نطاقًا”.

صرح تشاو قائلًا “لدينا حيز أكبر لتطوير إستراتيجيتنا الخاصة وإنشاء علامة تجارية عالمية”. ستركز شركة أونور على الأسواق الدولية الرئيسية حيث بنينا أساسًا قويًا مع قاعدة جماهيرية قوية وعلامتك الخاصة للحفاظ على النمو المطرد لخلفية التحديات على مستوى الصناعة مثل العجز العالمي للرقائق. تتشارك شركة أونور حاليًا مع أكثر من 200 شركة نقل رئيسية وشركاء القنوات، يوجد 98 منهم في أوروبا، بما في ذلك شركة فودافون، وأورانج، وتيليفونيكا، وH3G، وبويجيز، وشركة الإتصالات الفرنسية. توزع شركة أونور منتجاتها على نطاق عالمي مستفادة من هذه الشراكات. تخطط شركة أونور لجلب المزيد من منتجات أونور إلى بقية العالم هذا العام، بما في ذلك سلسلة HONOR Magic وسلسلة HONOR N وسلسلة HONOR X بالإضافة إلى تقديم HONOR 50 للعملاء في 49 دولة.

الابتكار هو جوهر شركة أونور. يعد أكثر من 55% من بين أكثر من 11000 قوة عاملة في شركة أونور حاليًا من موظفي البحث والتطوير، مما يساهم في النمو التكنولوجي المستمر للشركة. تدير شركة أونور أيضًا ستة مراكز للبحث والتطوير، إحداهما في فرنسا والآخر في اليابان، بالإضافة إلى أكثر من 100 مختبر ابتكار تحقيقًا لهذه الغاية.

 نبذة عن أونور

 تعد شركة أونور مزود عالمي رائد للأجهزة الذكية. إنها مكرسة لتصبح علامة تجارية عالمية في مجال التكنولوجيا وتخلق عالم ذكي جديد للجميع من خلال منتجاتها وخدماتها القوية. من خلال التركيز الثابت على البحث والتطوير، فهي ملتزمة بتطوير التكنولوجيا التي تمكّن الأشخاص في جميع أنحاء العالم من تجاوز الأمر عن طريق منحهم حرية الإنجاز والقيام بالمزيد. تقدم أونور مجموعة من الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة والأجهزة القابلة للارتداء عالية الجودة لتناسب كل ميزانية، وتمكن مجموعة منتجات أونور المبتكرة والمتميزة والموثوقة الأشخاص من أن يصبحوا نسخة أفضل من أنفسهم.

 لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة أونور عبر الإنترنت على www.hihonor.com أو مراسلة البريد الإلكتروني newsroom@hihonor.com






الصورة –https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1759481/HONOR_CEO_George_Zhao.jpg 

CGTN: China stands together with its people with disabilities for a shared future

BEIJING, March 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games opening ceremony organized under the theme of “Blossoming of Life” kicked off in the Chinese capital on Friday night, with about 30 percent of performers being people with disabilities.

Chinese President Xi Jinping officially declared opening of the Paralympics at the iconic Bird’s Nest stadium.

In the following nine days, 96 of China’s top Paralympic athletes will compete in the snow and ice sports, which is expected to inspire an estimated 85 million people with disabilities in the country to reach beyond their limits.

“People with disabilities are just as capable of leading rewarding lives as able-bodied people,” said Xi during a visit to Tangshan City of Hebei Province in July 2016.

With a particular concern for this special group of people, the Chinese president has, on more than 20 public occasions, provided guidance on the country’s cause for people with disabilities.

‘Leaving no individual with disabilities behind’

President Xi said that persons with disabilities are equal members of society and an important force for the development of human civilization and for upholding and developing Chinese socialism.

No individual with disabilities should be left behind in China’s drive to build itself into a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the end of 2020, he pledged during his visit to a paraplegic rehabilitation center in Tangshan, a city hit by a catastrophic earthquake in 1976.

China has incorporated programs for people with disabilities into its overall plans for economic and social development and its human rights action plans, prioritizing them in poverty relief efforts and ensuring their rights to education and employment, among others.

For example, the enrollment rate of children with disabilities in compulsory education has reached over 95 percent, said the Ministry of Education in 2021. The number of students receiving special education doubled from 440,000 in 2015 to 880,000 in 2020.

Xi has also committed that China will develop more programs for people with disabilities, promote their all-round development and shared prosperity, and strive to ensure access to rehabilitation services for everyone.

Official data in September 2021 showed that the coverage of basic rehabilitation therapies and training among registered persons with disabilities reached 80 percent by the end of 2020, up from 65.6 percent five years ago.

“The rights and interests of people with disabilities in the country have been better protected,” read a white paper on China’s parasports released on Thursday. As a result, they now have “a stronger sense of fulfillment, happiness and security.”

Progress in parasports

When inspecting the preparations for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, President Xi pledged that China would deliver an excellent and extraordinary Games.

The country must be considerate in providing convenient, efficient, targeted and meticulous services for athletes, particularly in meeting the special needs of athletes with disabilities by building accessible facilities, Xi said in January.

According to the white paper, Beijing now has realized basic accessibility in its core area and a more standardized, accommodating and systemic barrier-free environment. A total of 336,000 facilities and sites have been modified since 2019.

China’s performances in parasports are also improving steadily, said the white paper. In 2021, Team China claimed 207 medals at the Summer Paralympics in Tokyo, including 96 golds, topping both the overall medal standings and the gold medal tally for the fifth consecutive time.

At the news on the night of the closing ceremony, Xi hailed the remarkable achievement of the Chinese Paralympic athletes.

It reflected both the sportsmanship and sporting prowess of the athletes with disabilities and the progress China had made in human rights and national development, he said.


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZqrB9Am-Mg
Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkknM1sYqH0

As Vaccine Demand Falls, US States Left With Huge Stockpile

As demand for COVID-19 vaccines collapses in many areas of the U.S., states are scrambling to use stockpiles of doses before they expire and have to be added to the millions that have already gone to waste.

From some of the least vaccinated states, like Indiana and North Dakota, to some of the most vaccinated states, like New Jersey and Vermont, public health departments are shuffling doses around in the hopes of finding providers that can use them.

State health departments told The Associated Press they have tracked millions of doses that went to waste, including ones that expired, were in a multi-dose vial that couldn’t be used completely or had to be tossed for some other reason like temperature issues or broken vials.

Nearly 1.5 million doses in Michigan, 1.45 million in North Carolina, 1 million in Illinois and almost 725,000 doses in Washington couldn’t be used.

The percentage of wasted doses in California is only about 1.8%, but in a state that has received 84 million doses and administered more than 71 million of them, that equates to roughly 1.4 million doses. Providers there are asked to keep doses until they expire, then properly dispose of them, the California Department of Public Health said.

The national rate of wasted doses is about 9.5% of the more than 687 million doses that have been delivered as of late February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. That equates to about 65 million doses.

The problem is not unique to the U.S. More than a million doses of the Russian Sputnik vaccine expired this week in Guatemala, because nobody wanted to take the shot.

Vaccination program managers say that tossing out doses is inevitable in any inoculation campaign because of the difficulty in aligning supply and demand for a product with a limited shelf life.

But the coronavirus pandemic has killed nearly 6 million people and shattered economies across the globe, and every dose that goes to waste feels like a missed opportunity considering how successful the vaccines are in preventing death and serious disease.

It also comes only about a year after people desperate to get the vaccine attempted to jump in line to get ahead of those deemed higher priority. Hospital board members, their trustees and donors around the U.S. got early access or offers for vaccinations, raising complaints about favoritism and inequity at a time when the developing world had virtually no doses.

And many poorer nations still have low vaccine rates, including 13 countries in Africa with less than 5% of their population fully vaccinated. T hey are plagued by unpredictable deliveries, weak health care systems, vaccine hesitancy and some supply issues, although health officials say inventory is markedly stronger than earlier in the pandemic.

In fact, supplies are so strong that the CDC now advises doctors that it’s OK to discard doses if it means opening up the standard multi-dose vials to vaccinate a single person and the rest has to be tossed.

“Pivoting to what’s happening now, you have much more production and distribution to low-income countries,” said Dr. Joseph Bresee, who directs the COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Program at the Task Force for Global Health in Decatur, Georgia. “The issue of some stockpiles in the U.S., Germany and Japan, that are not redistributed to sub-Saharan Africa, it’s less of an acute problem now because vaccine production and distribution is in high-gear right now serving those low-income countries.”

The Department of Health and Human Services also said that redistributing states’ excess doses to other nations is not feasible because of the difficulty in transporting the shots, which must remain cold, in addition to not being cost effective because of the relatively small number concentrated at sites.

Of the more than 687 million doses sent to states, 550 million to 600 million have been administered, HHS said Monday. The vaccines authorized in the U.S., made by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, can last for up to about six months from the time of manufacture.

A senior HHS official familiar with vaccine distribution plans took issue with the word “wastage,” saying it implies mismanagement when states are effectively overseeing their inventories. The CDC, however, uses the term “wastage” on its website and asks states to report their numbers.

The CDC said Thursday that the federal government, jurisdictions and vaccine providers have a strong partnership to get as many people vaccinated as possible while reducing vaccine wastage, and that the likelihood of leaving unused doses in a vial may increase as demand slows, even when providers continue to follow best practices to use every dose possible.

The fading demand comes as the pandemic itself wanes in the U.S. On Thursday, the CDC said about 90% of the U.S. population lives in counties where the risk of coronavirus is posing a low or medium threat — meaning residents don’t need to wear masks in most indoor settings. That was up from 70% last week.

The average number of Americans getting their first shot is down to about 70,000 a day, the lowest point since the U.S. vaccination campaign began in December 2020. About 76% of the U.S. population has received at least one shot and roughly 65% of all Americans are fully vaccinated.

With demand so low, states will undoubtedly be confronted with more waste in the months ahead, although they will benefit from any booster expansions.

Idaho, for example, has 230,000 doses on hand but is only averaging fewer than 2,000 doses administered a week.

Oregon’s vaccination rate is slightly higher than the national average, but the health authority there said last week that they have “significant excess vaccine on hand” because of the recent drop in demand. The state is trying to use up as many of the 716,000 doses in its inventory as possible.

Rhode Island has the highest percentage of residents who are fully vaccinated in the nation, at slightly more than 80%, but the health department reported having 137,000 doses on hand last week. Health officials say they need them for a big push to increase the vaccination rate for booster doses.

Health officials in some states have developed “matchmaker” programs to connect vaccine providers with excess doses with providers seeking doses. Many said they’re attempting to redistribute doses with expiration dates that are quickly approaching. New Jersey has a task force that has transferred more than 600,000 doses around the state since June. West Virginia has offered to transfer Pfizer adult doses to nearby states.

Immunization managers have been asking for single-dose vials, especially for pediatricians, but it may not work for manufacturers to package it that way yet, said Claire Hannan, executive director at the Association of Immunization Managers. She said wasting vaccine “just can’t be an issue.”

“We tell this to providers, but the most important thing is getting people vaccinated. And that’s hard when the demand goes down. You don’t have constant flow,” she said. “But that’s just a necessary evil I guess.”

HHS said states are ordering prudently, paralleling the drop in demand. The minimum order for Pfizer used to be nearly 1,200 doses but now it’s 100, and Moderna reduced the number of doses per vial, the agency said.

“Given what we’ve seen in terms of the number of people still unvaccinated, I do think finding any way to get the shot in arms, even at the expense of potential wastage, is still important,” said Katie Greene, an assistant research director at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy.

Source: Voice of America

South Sudan welcomes planned visit of Pope Francis

South Sudan government described Pope Francis’s visit to Juba next July as an “honour” to the country and its people, pledging to work for peace, unity, and reconciliation of the people.

Presidential Affairs Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin told the Sudan Tribune on Friday that President Salva Kiir has “wholeheartedly” welcomed the planned visit of the Catholic leader, pointing to numerous meetings the head of state and bishops have had over the past years to plan how the pope would be received.

“This is an honour not only to his Excellency as the President but to the people of South Sudan as well. It is an indication that the efforts of the president and the government to reconcile people are being heard by world leaders.”, said Minister Benjamin.

The top presidential aide said that the government recognizes and grants the freedom of religion and does not interfere in the church in pastoral activities.

He further praised the Church for its support to the people of South Sudan, since the first war, to bring peace and provide humanitarian assistance, healthcare and education.

He revealed that government officials, including Vice President for the Economic Cluster, James Wani Igga were educated by Catholic Church.

Following the signing of the IGAD-brokered revitalized peace agreement in 2018, the catholic community of Sant’Egidio launched a mediation to bring the non-signatory groups to join the peace deal.

Also, Pope Francis gathered the South Sudanese parties in Rome exhorting them to expedite the implementation of the peace agreement.

Minister Benjamin also spoke about the readiness of the government to collaborate and cooperate with the Church to protect human dignity and to promote peaceful coexistence, and transitional justice that encourage love, forgiveness among people.

The United Nations estimates there are currently four to five million displaced people in the country and more than two million refugees in neighbouring countries.

The Catholic Archbishop of Juba, Stephen Ameyu Mulla Thursday said that the Pope would visit South Sudan not only because he is a pastor but also because he is concerned about the lives of the South Sudanese and about politics in South Sudan.

The Pope visit in July would be the first papal visit to South Sudan since independence in 2011.

Also, it would be the second meeting for the South Sudanese leaders with him after the spiritual retreat for peace in South Sudan he hosted in Rome together with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in April 2019.

President Kiir was moved when Pope Francis prostrated before him at the end of the retreat.

The gesture sent a forceful message to the South Sudanese and a strong call for forgiveness and national reconciliation.

Source: Sudan Tribune

UN Appeals for Urgent Aid for Malawi Victims of Tropical Storm Ana

BLANTYRE, MALAWI — The United Nations and other humanitarian organizations in Malawi have launched a flash appeal for $29.4 million to provide assistance for the next three months to those hit hardest by Tropical Storm Ana in Malawi. The U.N. team in Malawi said Friday the appeal focuses on the six hardest-hit districts where an estimated 680,000 people need humanitarian assistance and protection.

Tropical Storm Ana, which also hit Madagascar, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, moved through many districts in southern Malawi in late January, leaving thousands homeless.

Forty-four organizations are making the appeal, including the Malawi Red Cross, seven national NGOs, 26 international NGOs and 10 U.N. agencies.

Shigeki Komatsubara is U.N. resident coordinator in Malawi.

“U.N. country team in Malawi, we have worked really hard to ensure this appeal is prioritized and principled and we are confident that the activities planned are those that are most urgently needed to deliver immediate relief to people who need it most,” Komatsubara said.

Government figures show that over 990,000 people were affected in 17 of the country’s 28 districts.

The U.N team says the flash appeal focuses on the six hardest-hit districts —Chikwawa, Nsanje, Phalombe, Mulanje, Chiradzulu and Balaka, where an estimated 680,000 people need humanitarian assistance and protection.

“While we are cautious that humanitarian support is not a long-term solution to the current climatic shocks that continue to increase in frequency and intensity in Malawi, we are faced with an urgent need to act swiftly to save lives and also the livelihoods of those whose homes and crops have been [affected] by the tropical storm Ana,” Komatsubara said.

Several U.N. agencies and organizations including UNICEF, U.N. Women, the U.N. Refugee Agency and the World Food Program already have been helping the affected, especially those in evacuation camps.

Isaac Falakeza is a camp coordinator at Bangula Evacuation Camp in Nsanje district. The camp houses 8,000 displaced Malawian households and 2,500 households from Mozambique.

“Yes, we need further support because the major area of concern is water. It is wanted. Secondly, food is really wanted and some of the utensils. Some are even waiting until a friend cooks is when they borrow a utensil for cooking,” Falakeza said.

Flood victim, Jakina Lameck, agrees. She says they also need blankets, cooking materials, food, even money which they can use to buy what they cannot find in the camp. In the meantime, the U.N. team says it appreciates help the international community has already shown in response to Tropical Storm Ana.

This includes the $3 million the U.N. Central Emergency Response Fund recently allocated for humanitarian activities in Malawi.

Source: Voice of America

Sudan tightens border control with Ethiopia to prevent rebels’ crossing

The Sudanese authorities have taken measures to prevent the entry of the Tigray rebel fighters into the country after the opening of the Gallabat crossing point.

On March 2, Sudan opened the Gallabat border crossing with Ethiopia after a closure that lasted for more than five months.

After the resumption of the movement of people and goods between the two countries, fifty refugees entered the country, coming from the Axum town, where battles are taking place with government forces.

The refugees are 26 women and 24 men, and they were accommodated and received at the Gallabat Passport Police Department.

The security authorities also reported that more Tigray refugees had crossed from different areas in the Tigray and Amhara regions to Sudan.

The head of the Refugee Sheltering Emergency Committee in Gadaref, al-Fateh Mohamed Moghadam, revealed that the authorities fear the presence f the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)’s fighters among the refugees.

Moghadam said that his committee directed the officer of Um Rakuba refugee camp and the refugee protection official to assess the situation on the ground and meet with the Ethiopians from the Tigray region to examine their cases and causes that drive them to Sudan through the Gallabat crossing.

After investigating the refugees, the committee confirmed that they were seeking asylum and protection within Sudanese territory, the Sudanese official added.

Accordingly, the Sudanese authorities requested the international organizations to provide them food, shelter and primary health care.

Moghadam further pointed to the need to open a reception centre in Gallabat, as they expect that a large number of Ethiopian refugees arrive in Sudan through the Gallabat border crossing.

The Ethiopian authorities accused Sudan of using the refugee camps to harbour and support the TPLF fighters during the past months.

Sudan denied the accusations underscoring that the refugee camps are managed by the UNHCR and international aid groups.

Source: Sudan Tribune