Sudanese doctors rally against attacks

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Dozens of Sudanese doctors demonstrated Sunday in Khartoum to denounce attacks by security forces against medical personnel and doctors during pro-democracy rallies opposed to the October military coup. Carrying pictures of colleagues they say have been killed in the turmoil that has gripped Sudan over the past months, the doctors rallied dressed in their white uniforms, an AFP correspondent said. “During every protest they (security forces) fire tear gas inside the hospital where I work,” Houda Ahmad, a doctor who took part in the rally, told AFP. “They even attack us inside the intensive car… Continue reading “Sudanese doctors rally against attacks”

‫ RedBlue Capital تبدأ جولة استثمار أولية بقيمة 28 مليون دولار مع شركة EVage المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية للمركبات التجارية الخفيفة الكهربائية بالكامل الرائدة في الهند

– واحدة من أكبر جولات الاستثمار الأولية في الهند

نيودلهي، 16 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — استثمرت شركة رأس المال الاستثماري RedBlue Capital ومقرها الولايات المتحدة مبلغ وقدره 28 مليون دولار أمريكي في EVage – الشركة المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية للمركبات التجارية الكهربائية بالكامل الرائدة في الهند لتوريد الشاحنات الكهربائية لأساطيل التوصيل الرئيسية مثل شريك خدمة التوصيل في أمازون الهند. تعد هذه من بين أكبر جولات الاستثمار الأولية لأي شركة هندية ناشئة وستسمح لشركة EVage بإكمال مصنعها الجاهز للإنتاج خارج دلهي في السنة المالية(FY) من عام 2022-23 وتوسيع نطاق الإنتاج.

هذا وقد طورت شركة EVage منصة للمركبات الكهربائية الجاهزة للصناعة تتجاوز جودة الخيارات المماثلة المتاحة في الهند والأسواق الناشئة الأخرى بتكلفة أقل بكثير، مما يؤدي إلى توفير كبير في التكلفة الإجمالية لمدخرات الملكية (TCO) لعملائها.

تستفيد منهجيات التصميم والتصنيع التي تعتمدها شركة EVage مما يقرب من عشر سنوات من ابتكارات الأجهزة والبرامج والعمليات مسجلة الملكية. ستقوم شركة EVage بتصنيع المركبات في

مصانع “التصنيع الدقيق المعياري” ذات الآثار الأصغر على البيئة ومتطلبات رأس المال الأقل من الشركات التقليدية المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية للسيارات.

أول مركبة لشركة EVage ، الطراز . X  (النقطة X )، هي شاحنة تزن طنًا واحدًا مصممة لسوق مركبات التوصيل التجارية، وتخضع لتحول جذري نحو العمل بالطاقة الكهربائية. تم تصميم الطراز .X وبنائه بالتنسيق الوثيق مع عملاء الأساطيل الأوائل بما في ذلك شريك خدمة التوصيل في أمازون الهند، الذي تُعد شركة EVage مورّدًا له.

“منصة شركة EVage للمركبات الكهربائية ومنهجيتها في تصنيعها شيء جديد تمامًا وثمة حاجة ماسة إليها لتسريع التحول للعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية في الأسواق منخفضة التكلفة. قال بريسكوت واتسون، الشريك العام في RedBlue Capital، إن المؤسسين اتبعوا نهجًا نظيفًا تمامًا للحصول على شاحنة تلبي احتياجات أساطيل التوصيل في جميع أنحاء الهند على أساس التكلفة الذي يتفوق على محركات الاحتراق الداخلي. “حقيقة أن مثل هذا المنتج المبتكر يتم استخدامه اليوم من قبل عملاء الأساطيل الرئيسيين يضع شركة EVage في مكانة بارزة في مجالها – هذا هو الفريق الذي يقدم فارقًا بالفعل.”

“تُعد الهند سوقًا يزدهر فيه الطلب على المركبات الكهربائية خاصةً في قطاع المركبات التجارية، ولكن ثمة نقص حاد في العرض. وهنا يأتي دور شركة EVage لسد هذه الفجوة الدقيقة. وأضاف أولاف ساكرز، الشريك العام في RedBlue Capital، “نحن متحمسون للشراكة معهم من خلال صندوق الهند للنمو الأخضر”. سينضم كلا الشريكين إلى مجلس إدارة شركة EVage.

قال إندرفير سينغ، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة EVage: “نرحب بشركة RedBlue Capital في مهمتنا لتعزيز اعتماد المركبات الكهربائية في الهند، مع ما يترتب على ذلك من فوائد اجتماعية وبيئية واقتصادية. عندما ابتكرنا منصتنا المعيارية متعددة المركبات عالية التكيف في عام 2014 ، كانت رحلة إلى المجهول. إن نجاح الشركات العالمية الجديدة المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية وتأثيرها على التحول للعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا إنما هو شهادة على ما يمكننا القيام به في الهند والبلدان الأخرى ذات الأسعار سريعة التقلب. “

وأضاف إندرفير قائلًا: “نحن نوظف العاملين لدينا بقوة من أفضل شركات السيارات والطيران في الهند وعلى مستوى العالم ونبحث عن الأشخاص الملهمين الذين يدفعهم الإيمان بالرسالة ويفهمون قيمة التحول للعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية في وسائل النقل حول العالم، ولا سيما في الأسواق الناشئة”.

حول EVage :

قامت شركة EVage بدمج تصميم السيارات مع براعة هندسة الطيران لإعادة تصور صناعة التنقل وتحويلها. وقد أدى ذلك إلى قيام الشركة بتطوير منتجات مبتكرة مثل لوح التزلج الفردي المعياري لتصميم أنواع متعددة من المركبات، وهيكل خارجي خفيف الوزن ولكنه قوي مغطى بمواد مركبة من الدرجة الفضائية، وبطاريات فائقة الاستقرار مع كيمياء متقدمة، وكلها مصنوعة في مصنع دقيق فائق الكفاءة.

توظف الشركة حاليًا حوالي 50 شخصًا من خلفيات الطيران والسيارات في مركزها للبحث والتطوير والروبوتات في موهالي، الهند.

لقراءة المزيد –

حول RedBlue Capital :

RedBlue Capital هي شركة رأس مال استثماري في مرحلة مبكرة تدعم الشركات العالمية الناشئة في قطاعات النقل والخدمات اللوجستية وتحول الطاقة. قاد المؤسسان الشريكان أولاف ساكرز وبريسكوت واتسون الاستثمار في Maniv Mobility حيث كانا مستثمرين مهمين في شركات التنقل الرائدة مثل Zoomo و Revel و Phantom Auto و Cognata و Autofleet، وغيرها الكثير. اقرأ المزيد على

للتواصل الإعلامي:

Sonali Bagchi

9873242084 -91+


CGTN America launches ‘Together For A Shared Future’ media action

BEIJING, Jan. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — CGTN America launches the “Together For A Shared Future” media action. The program includes the video messages of high-profile guests, expectations from a senior IOC member and Olympic athletes on the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, as well as celebrations of Chinese New Year of Tiger in Washington, D.C.

China Media Group President and Editor-in-Chief Shen Haixiong delivered an online video message introducing the world to a state-of-the-art 5G livestreaming studio.

CGTN America launches 'Together For A Shared Future' media action

In his video message, Shen invites media colleagues from all over the world to use the studio, built on the high-speed train being used during the Games.

He says China is ready for the Games and “let us be together for a shared future.”

China’s Ambassador to the U.S., Qin Gang, also shared a special video message to ice hockey fans, saying that people love the sport because the game reflects “the sportsmanship of mutual respect” and “fair play”.

Ambassador Qin Gang also said that the Beijing Winter Olympics is using the best ice-making technology in the world, and will produce “zero-carbon emissions”.

Dick Pound, International Olympic Committee senior member, along with other Olympic figures, also shared their excitement for the upcoming competition in China.

Several American Olympic players, including three-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist Shawn White, said they were very hopeful for the upcoming Games, showing a great eagerness to compete in Beijing on the world stage.

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games coincide with the Chinese New Year. CGTN America launched a celebration of Sport, Unity and Happiness for the upcoming Year of the Tiger at the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.

Fans were treated to giveaways, including stuffed tigers and pandas.

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Covid-19: Covax delivers one billionth vaccine dose

The Covax scheme aimed at equitable global access to Covid-19 vaccines hit a “key milestone” Saturday when it delivered its one billionth dose, one of its key backers said.

The Covax facility was set up in 2020 by the World Health Organization, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to ensure that poorer countries can access the vaccines needed to battle the pandemic.

“Covax has delivered its first billionth dose of Covid-19 vaccines to 144 countries & territories across the world,” Gavi chief executive Seth Berkley tweeted.

“It’s a key milestone in the largest and most rapid global vaccine rollout in history.”

Berkley said that when the plane carrying the shipment with the one billionth dose had touched down in Kigali, Rwanda Saturday evening, “I felt proud but also humbled knowing how far we have to go to protect everyone and

solve vaccine inequity”.

Covax hit the one-billionth mark less than a year after delivering its first vaccine dose late last February — to Ghana.

All countries have been permitted to order doses through the mechanism, but lower-income countries have received the jabs free of charge.

Berkley said in a statement Saturday that he was “proud that nearly 90 percent of the first billion doses Covax has delivered have been full-fundeddoses sent to the low and lower-middle countries”.

But while reaching that one-billion milestone is impressive, Covax has fallen far short of its initial objective of delivering two billion doses by the end of 2021.

That is because it has been forced to compete with rich countries willing to pay a high price and hoarding doses.

In a speech on Thursday, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out that while more than 9.4 billion vaccine doses had been administered around the world, more than 85 percent of people in Africa have yet to receive a

single dose.

Health experts warn that allowing Covid to spread unabated in some places dramatically increases the chance of new, more dangerous variants emerging.

WHO said late last month that nearly half of its 194 member states had missed its target of vaccinating 40 percent of their population by the end of 2021.

It has called for a redoubling of efforts to ensure all countries manage to hit its second target, of vaccinating 70 percent of their populations, by mid-2022.

But experts warn that the current imbalance risks deepening further as many countries now rush to roll out additional doses to respond to the fast-spreading coronavirus variant Omicron.

“We cannot afford to let Omicron and the increased demand for boosters unravel the progress we’ve made,” Berkley tweeted, urging the world to “work together to #breakCovid now”.

“If the world unites to ensure adults in lower-income countries are immunised at levels achieved in high-income countries,” he said, “between 940,000 and 1.27 million deaths could be prevented in the next year.”


US: A week after Bronx fire, families to bury their loved ones

A Bronx community gathers on Sunday to pay its final respects to perished loved ones, a week after a fire filled an apartment building with thick, suffocating smoke that killed 17 people, including eight children.

The mass funeral, to begin at the Islamic Cultural Center at 10 am, will culminate a week of prayers and mourning within a close-knit community hailing from West Africa. All of those being buried on Sunday have ties to the country of Gambia.

Earlier in the week, burial services were held for two children at a mosque in Harlem, among nine adults and eight children who died in New York City’s deadliest fire in decades.

Officials blamed a faulty space heater in a third-floor apartment for the blaze, which spewed plumes of suffocating smoke that quickly rose through the stairwell of the 19-storey building.

All of the dead collapsed and died after being overcome by the smoke while trying to descend the stairs, which acted as a flue for the heavy smoke.

As family buried their loved ones, others remained in hospitals, some in serious condition, because of smoke inhalation.

The dead ranged in age from 2 years old to 50 years old. Entire families were killed, including a family of five. Others would leave behind orphaned children.

Fundraisers have collected nearly US$400,000 thus far. The Mayor’s Fund, Bank of America and other groups said 118 families displaced by the fire would each get US$2,250 in aid.

The investigation into the fire is ongoing.

Much of the focus centres on the catastrophic spread of the smoke from the apartment.

The fire itself was contained to one unit and an adjoining hallway, but investigators said the door to the apartment and a stairway door many floors up had been left open, creating a flue that allowed smoke to quickly spread throughout the building.


UN Agency Calls for International Action to End Sahel Conflict


UNHCR, the U.N. Refugee Agency is calling for international action to end the armed conflict in Africa’s Central Sahel region, a conflict that has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced more than 2.5 million over the last decade.

Data from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project finds violence in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger caused more than 4,660 deaths in the first six months of 2020.

Statistics from other international monitoring groups and U.N. agencies show internal displacement in Africa’s Central Sahel region has increased tenfold since 2013, from 217,000 to 2.1 million by late 2021.

U.N. refugee spokesman Boris Cheshirkov says displacement continues to grow across the Sahel, as civilians flee violent attacks.

“Armed groups reportedly carried out over 800 deadly attacks last year. Such violence uprooted 450,000 people within their countries and forced a further 36,000 to flee to a neighboring country as a refugee,” he said. “Women and children are often the worst-affected and disproportionately exposed to extreme vulnerability and the threat of gender-based violence.”

Cheshirkov says conditions across the region continue to deteriorate. He says host communities and government authorities are buckling under increasing pressure despite their commitment to help the displaced.

He says humanitarian agencies are finding it increasingly difficult and dangerous to deliver assistance and protection. He says humanitarians risk road attack, ambush, and car jacking.

“What we have been calling for and we repeat this call again now is for a unified, a strategic, a substantial intervention in the Sahel that will make sure that international efforts are supporting the governments and host communities … and a security response cannot prevail on its own. It needs to be hand-in-glove with humanitarian and development action,” he said.

Cheshirkov says the UNHCR is leading an effort by United Nations and private agencies to provide shelter and protection services, including combating gender-based violence.

Source: Voice of America