‫”سي وورلد أبوظبي” في جزيرة ياس سيحتضن أكبر حوض مائي في العالم

–     الحوض المائي في ال مدينة المتخصّصة في الحياة البحرية سيضمّ 68,000 كائن بحري بما في ذلك أسماك القرش وأسراب الأسماك وأسماك مانتا راي والسلاحف البحرية

–     اكتمال نسبة 64% من أعمال التطوير في مدينة “سي وورلد أبوظبي”

–       “سي وورلد أبوظبي”   ينضم لجهود “سي وورلد” الممتدة على مدى 55 عاماً بدعم الأبحاث المتعلقة بالحيوانات وإنقاذها وإعادة تأهيلها وإطلاقها إلى البيئة الطبيعية

–      “مركز ياس سي وورلد للبحوث وحماية الحياة البحرية” سيصبح أول مركز متخصص من نوعه في دولة الإمارات العربية

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 11 أغسطس / آب 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة “ميرال”، المطوّر الرائد للوجهات في أبوظبي، بالشراكة مع “سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت”، اليوم، عن تقدم كبير في سير الأعمال الإنشائية لمشروع “سي وورلد أبوظبي”، الجيل الجديد من المدن المتخصّصة في الحياة البحرية، وأضخم وأحدث مشروع على جزيرة ياس. وقد تم إنجاز نسبة 64% من الأعمال الإنشائية في مدينة الحياة البحرية التي تستعد لاحتضان الحوض المائي الأكبر والأوسع على مستوى العالم. كما سيضم المشروع “مركز ياس سي وورلد للبحوث وحماية الحياة البحرية” الحديث والذي سيكون مركزاً عالمي المستوى للأبحاث والإنقاذ وإعادة تأهيل وإطلاق الحياة البحرية.

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi Aquarium Endless Vista

يتوقع اكتمال المشروع في عام 2022، وقد تم حتى الآن الانتهاء من تشييد الدعامة الفولاذية الأساسية وقرب الانتهاء من أعمال الإنشاء الخارجية بالمدينة المتخصّصة في الحياة البحرية، بالإضافة إلى العمل حالياً على واجهة المشروع وتثبيت ما يزيد عن 70 بالمئة من ألواح الأكريليك في المدينة.

وسيحتضن “سي وورلد أبوظبي” عند اكتماله أكبر الأحواض المائية للحياة البحرية على مستوى العالم، حيث يحتوي على 25 مليون لتر من المياه ويضم أكثر من 68,000 كائن بحري، بما في ذلك أسماك القرش وأسراب الأسماك وأسماك مانتا راي والسلاحف البحرية. وسيركز الحوض المائي في عرضه للزائرين بصورة رئيسية على “إطلالة بلا حدود”، وهي نافذة عمودية رائعة يصل ارتفاعها إلى 20 مترًا ضمن طوابق متعددة، تكشف عن مشاهد مائية مذهلة.

ويعدّ “مركز ياس سي وورلد للبحوث وحماية الحياة البحرية” امتداداً لخبرات مركز “سي وورلد” العالمي في الأبحاث والإنقاذ في الولايات المتحدة، وسيشكّل مركز معرفة متطوراً يركز على النظم البيئية للحياة البحرية التي تستوطن منطقة الخليج. وسيتخذ المركز موقعاً محاذياً للمدينة المتخصّصة في الحياة البحرية، وسيكون أول مركز للأبحاث البحرية والإنقاذ وإعادة تأهيل وإطلاق الحياة البحرية إلى البيئة الطبيعية في الإمارات. كما سيستكمل مساعي “سي وورلد” المستمرة في الأبحاث والإنقاذ والحفاظ على الحياة البحرية والتعليم. ويمكن وصول الزوار إلى “مركز البحوث وحماية الحياة البحرية” عن طريق الحجز وستُعرض فيه أعمال العلماء والباحثين المقيمين، بهدف إثراء معلومات الضيوف حول الحيوانات البحرية وتقديم برامج تعليمية مخصصة للمدارس المحلية والدولية والزوار.

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi Aquarium Observation Deck

وفي معرض تعليقه على الإعلان، قال محمد عبد الله الزعابي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة ميرال: “يسعدنا التعاون معسي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت في تطوير هذا الجيل الجديد من المدن المتخصّصة في الحياة البحرية، والتي ستضمّ أكبر حوض مائي للحياة البحرية في العالم، وأول مركز أبحاث مخصص لدراسة الحياة البحرية ورعايتها في دولة الإمارات. وتمثل سي وورلد أبوظبي إضافة هامة أخرى للتجارب والوجهات الغامرة في جزيرة ياس، ويعتبر خير برهان على تحقيق رؤيتنا الهادفة إلى ترسيخ مكانة الجزيرة كوجهة سياحية عالمية مرموقة للمقيمين والزوار على حد سواء”.

وستتاح أمام زوار “سي وورلد أبوظبي” فرصة الاطلاع على إحدى أكبر مجموعات الكائنات الحية وأكثرها تنوعًا في أي مدينة متخصّصة في الحياة البحرية على مستوى العالم. ويجسد مفهوم الحوض المائي”المحيطاللانهائي” مدى اتساع وحجم المشهد البحري المعروض للزائرين، وهو أحد العناصر المميزة في تصميم تجربة “المحيط الموحد” التي تربط بين ستة مناطق غامرة في أنحاء المدينة. وستسهم هذه الفكرة في دعم قدرة المدينة على محاكاة المواطن الطبيعية لأنواع مختلفة من الكائنات الحية، وتعايشها بانسجامٍ تامٍ كأنها في بيئتها الطبيعية. وسيتم تشجيع الضيوف على استكشاف هذه البيئات الطبيعية تحت الماء، من خلال تقنيات سرد القصص الغامرة، واستخدام أحدث التقنيات المتطورة، بما يزيد من عمق معرفتهم وتقديرهم لقيمة الحياة البحرية.

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi External Construction Photo

ومن جانبه، قال مارك سوانسون، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة “سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت”: “يشرفنا عقد شراكة مع ميرال وذلك في إطار سعينا لتقديم تجارب “سي وورلد” الغامرة لزوار جزيرة ياس والمنطقة. نسعى جاهدين في تنفيذ مهمتنا وتأكيد التزامنا بجهود الإنقاذ وإعادة التأهيل على مستوى العالم من خلال “سي وورلد أبوظبي” ومدننا الأخرى المتخصّصة في الحياة البحرية في أمريكا الشمالية. فلدينا المئات من المتخصصين الذين يركزون على رعاية الحيوانات وإنقاذها وإعادة تأهيلها والتوعية بشأن الحفاظ على البيئة وحماية الموائل وإجراء الأبحاث المتعلقة بالكائنات البحرية. ونحن سعداء بمساهمة “مركز ياس سي وورلد للبحوث وحماية الحياة البحرية” في تعزيز التأثير العالمي الإيجابي لجهود “سي وورلد” في حماية الحياة البحرية في المنطقة والتي تكتسب أهمية كبرى.”

يمتد تصميم”سي وورلد أبوظبي” على مساحة إجمالية تقارب 183,000 متر مربع، ضمن خمسة طوابق داخلية، ويُعزز هذا التصميم الجديد خبرات “سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت” التي تتجاوز 55 عامًا في مجال الأبحاث ورعاية الكائنات البحرية والحفاظ عليها.

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi External Render

ويسهم مشروع “سي وورلد أبوظبي” في دعم رؤية “ميرال” الهادفة لتحويل جزيرة ياس إلى واحدة من أفضل الوجهات السياحية العالمية. وتشمل مجموعة الأصول الفريدة الخاصة بشركة “ميرال” على الجزيرة العديد من التجارب والوجهات الترفيهية التي حطمت الأرقام القياسية على مستوى العالم، مثل “عالم فيراري أبوظبي” و”ياس ووتر وورلد” و”عالم وارنر براذرز أبوظبي” و”كلايم أبوظبي”.

ومن الجدير بالذكر الإشارة إلى التزام “ميرال” و”سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت” بالعمل على استكشاف طموحات وأهداف الاستدامة لهذا المشروع الضخم على المدى البعيد، مع الإعلان عن مزيد من التفاصيل في الوقت المناسب. *

* ملاحظات للمحررين :

تصنيف اللؤلؤ 2 للاستدامة

  •   ستحصل “سي وورلد أبوظبي” على درجةاللؤلؤ 2 بموجب تصنيف “استدامة” – وهي منهجية وإطار عمل لقياس استدامة تصميم المباني في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وتمثل جانبًا رئيسيًا من “رؤية أبوظبي 2030” لبناء الإمارة وفقًا للمعايير الخضراء المبتكرة.
  •   تم إنشاء نظام التقييم بدرجات اللؤلؤ للمباني في عام 2010 وهو إلزامي في أبوظبي، حيث تتطلب جميع المباني شهادة تصنيف اللؤلؤ 1، ويجب أن تحصل جميع المباني الممولة عن طريق الحكومة على الحد الأدنى من تصنيف اللؤلؤ 2.

تكليف شركة تبريد المناطق “تبريد”:

  •   تم تكليف الشركة الوطنية للتبريد المركزي (ش.م.ع) في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، والمدرجة في سوق دبي المالي بالرمز (تبريد)، لتقديم خدمات تبريد المناطق في المشروع بما يضمن استفادة المدينة المتخصصة في الحياة البحرية من مصدر تبريد موثوق وموفر للطاقة.
  •  سيتم توفير قدرة تبريد تصل إلى 7,500 طن مع  امتياز إجمالي للشركة يصل إلى 15,000 طن من قدرة التبريد.
  •   في إطار الاتفاقية، ستقوم شركة “تبريد” ببناء محطة جديدة مخصصة في موقع “سي وورلد أبوظبي” بحلول عام 2022، مع الاستفادة من مصدر التبريد الموثوق المتقدم والمستدام والمتصل بنظام التبريد المركزي في جزيرة ياس الذي تديره شركة “تبريد”.

نبذة عن “ميرال”

تعمل “ميرال” على تطوير الوجهات في أبوظبي من خلال توفير تجارب فريدة وغامرة ومثيرة. و”ميرال” هي الشركة المسؤولة عن تطوير وإدارة جزيرة ياس، وتشمل أصول الشركة وجهات متنوعة ترفيهية ورياضية وعقارية، وفنادق ومطاعم ومتاجر وغيرها. واليوم تحتضن جزيرة ياس “عالم فيراري أبوظبي” و”ياس ووتروورلد” و “وارنر براذرز أبوظبي” وملعب “ياس لينكس” للجولف وياس مول وحلبة مرسى

ياس ومرسى ياس وسبعة فنادق تشمل فندق ياس. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.miral.ae

لمزيد من المعلومات عن “سي وورلد أبوظبي”، يرجى زيارة: www.seaworldabudhabi.com

نبذة عن “سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت”

“سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت” هي شركة مدن ترفيهية رائدة مدرجة في بورصة نيويورك تحت الرمز (SEAS) تقدم تجارب هادفة لتحفيز الزائرين والضيوف على حماية الكائنات الحية وروائع الحياة الطبيعية في عالمنا. وتعدّ الشركة إحدى أهم مؤسسات علوم الحيوان الرائدة على مستوى العالم في مجال رفاهية الكائنات الحية وتدريبها وتربيتها ورعايتها البيطرية. ويتركز الاهتمام الجماعي للشركة على العناية بإحدى أكبر المجموعات الحيوانية في العالم، وأسهمت بدور رائد في قيادة تطوير رعاية الكائنات الحية، كما تقوم الشركة بإنقاذ وإعادة تأهيل الحياة البحرية والبرية المريضة أو المصابة أو المهملة بهدف إعادتها إلى بيئتها الطبيعية. وخلال تاريخ الشركة، قدم فريق إنقاذ “سي وورلد” المساعدة لأكثر من 39,000 حيوان محتاج. وتمتلك شركة “سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت” مجموعة من العلامات التجارية المرموقة وتُرخصها، مثل “سي وورلد” و”بوش جاردنز” و”أكواتيكا”و”سيسامي بلايس” و”سي ريسكيو”. وخلال تاريخها الممتد لأكثر من 60 عاماً، قامت الشركة بإنشاء محفظة متنوعة تضم 12 وجهة ومدينة ترفيهية إقليمية تم إنشاؤها في الأسواق الرئيسية في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة، ويعرض كثير منها مجموعاته الفريدة من نوعها من الكائنات الحية. تتميز حدائق “سي وورلد باركس وانترتينمنت” الترفيهية بمجموعة متنوعة من الألعاب  والعروض وغيرها من الوجهات ذات الجاذبية الواسعة، والتي تقدم تجارب لا تُنسى، وعروض قيمة قوية لضيوفها.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592938/SeaWorld_Abu_Dhabi_Aquarium_Endless_Vista.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592939/SeaWorld_Abu_Dhabi_Aquarium_Observation_Deck.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592940/SeaWorld_Abu_Dhabi_External_Construction_Photo.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592941/SeaWorld_Abu_Dhabi_External_Render.jpg

GameChange Solar Completes Largest Solar Tracker Project in India for Tata Power

NORWALK, Conn., Aug. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, GameChange Solar announced the completion of its first Genius Tracker™ project in India. This 394 MW project is located 110 km from Ahmedabad, the capital city of the State of Gujarat. This solar plant is expected to supply clean solar power to the equivalent of 376,000 households.

GameChange Solar - Logo

GameChange Solar is proud to have been selected by Tata Power, a leading Independent Power Producer in India and part of Tata Group. This is the largest solar project utilizing single-axis trackers in India and GameChange Solar’s Genius Tracker™ 1P was selected for the project because of the challenging ground conditions and high winds experienced in the area. The Genius Tracker™ is engineered specifically for these conditions.

GameChange Solar Completes Largest Solar Tracker Project in India for Tata Power

The project, which was only partially constructed at the time, withstood the Tauktae cyclone when it hit in May of 2021. This was the strongest cyclone to strike Gujarat since 1998 and had wind speeds in excess of 160 km/h and uprooted trees & electricity poles. Due to the quality engineering and construction of the Genius Tracker™, no damage was caused to the portion of the facility installed at that time.

GameChange Solar also demonstrated its commitment to India as more than 20% of the materials for the Genius Tracker™ came from within the country. GameChange Solar is targeting to locally source more than 50% of the parts for its systems on all future projects in India.

Vikas Bansal, Chief Operating Officer, International for GameChange Solar, stated, “We were pleased to have Genius Tracker™ selected for the Ahmedabad project. We are looking forward to bringing GameChange Solar’s cutting-edge Genius Tracker™ technology to more projects in India. As a global leader in the solar industry, we will strive to make an impact on the clean energy supply throughout the Indian subcontinent.”

Contact and media inquiries can be directed to Derick Botha +1 (302) 528-2125
email: derick.botha@gamechangesolar.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592922/GameChange_Solar_Logo.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592924/GameChange_Solar.jpg


Amnesty: Hundreds of Women, Girls Raped in Ethiopia’s Tigray

Amnesty International said this week that Ethiopian government forces, Amhara region’s militia group and Eritrean forces have been systematically raping and abusing hundreds of women and girls in the conflict in the country’s northern Tigray region.

As part of a new report, Amnesty spoke to 63 survivors of rape and sexual violence from Tigray, in addition to health professionals working with the survivors. Among the survivors, 38 said the rapes were perpetrated by Eritrean soldiers.

“The victims were detained for more than 24 hours, and in some cases for weeks, while they were being raped by the soldiers,” said Fisseha Tekle, an Amnesty International researcher for the Horn of Africa speaking to the Associated Press.

“We can see that soldiers were brutalizing the survivors, they were beating them, they were using demeaning words or ethnic slurs against the victims, which shows that sexual violence was used to dehumanize the Tigrayan women in the ongoing conflict.”

Ethiopia and Eritrea both lashed out at the report.

Ethiopia’s foreign ministry said in a statement Wednesday that the government “condemns sexual violence in all circumstances and including in situations of conflict and has a zero-tolerance policy.” It said Ethiopia has previously acknowledged instances of sexual violence by some members of the armed forces and that it has “taken steps to ensure accountability.”

Ethiopia further criticized Amnesty International’s report as being “based on a flawed methodology,” saying the group made “sweeping and far-reaching conclusions that could hardly be supported by the limited and remote ‘investigation.’”

In February, the Ethiopian Women’s Minister Filsan Abdullahi Ahmed said that a government-initiated task force in the Tigray region has “established rape has taken place conclusively and without a doubt,” in a Twitter post. The attorney general has since been looking into the allegations, she added.

Eritrea’s minister of information, Yemane Gebremeskel, also criticized Amnesty International’s report, reiterating prior accusations against the rights group in a Wednesday tweet saying it has a “hostile agenda against Eritrea.”

Reports of sexual violence

A 20-year-old woman told Amnesty she was attacked in her home in November by armed men who spoke Amharic. She was four months pregnant.

“I don’t know if they realized I was pregnant,” she told Amnesty. “I don’t know if they realized I was a person.”

A 21-year-old woman told Amnesty that Eritrean and Ethiopian soldiers abducted her and held her for 40 days along with a group of other women.

“We were around 30 women they took from Badme. All of us were raped. They kept us for one month and 10 days. Then they brought us back to Badme and they let us go,” she said.

A 16-year-old girl said Ethiopian soldiers abducted her and took her to a compound in the Adebai, a town located close to the border with Sudan.

“They kept me for three days in that house and continued to rape me many times. Then, after three days, at night they let me go,” she told Amnesty.

The report is a small snapshot of what is happening on the ground said Amnesty’s Adotei Akwei, the managing director of government relations at Amnesty International USA.

“The ages of the women [are] as young as 10 and as old as 62,” Akwei told VOA. “The use of racial slurs to basically identify them as Tigrayan women and also the deliberate multiple incidents of rape by many men, even when the women were pregnant.”

Asked about the report by VOA on Wednesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, “We’re closely engaged with countries in the region, leaders in the region and certainly horrified by what we’ve seen as ongoing human rights abuses in Ethiopia.”

The U.S. State Department has repeatedly called on all parties to the conflict to stop fighting and allow humanitarian and medical relief to get through to millions in Ethiopia who are suffering and facing famine.

Amnesty said the Ethiopian government needs to promptly and effectively investigate allegations of sexual violence and make clear to its security forces that such violations of international humanitarian law are prohibited. The group also called for the United Nations to send a team of experts on sexual violence in conflict to Tigray, and for the African Union to push for Ethiopia to allow its investigators to carry out a probe.

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali is urging civilians to join the country’s armed forces as the fighting escalates with Tigray People’s Liberation Front fighters.

Source: Voice of America

COVID Restrictions Hampered Kenya’s Olympic Performance, Team Officials Say

Kenya’s Olympic team won 10 medals at the Tokyo Games, the most of any African nation. However, Kenyan officials say the medal count could have been even higher if not for the training restrictions brought on by COVID-19.

As in past years, Kenya dominated the long-distance running competitions, winning gold in the 800 and 1500 meters and men’s and women’s marathons.

Emmanuel Korir, who won the 800 meters gold for Kenya, told VOA he was happy with his performance.

“To be honest, I am so happy. We didn’t get time to train well. I don’t want to complain. It affected everyone, so we were all equal. Everything was fine. The only problem was there were no spectators, but at least we did it,” Korir said.

The East African nation won more medals than any other African nation, but this year’s performance was not as good compared to the 2016 Olympics in Rio, where its athletes won 13 medals.

Kenya lost the men’s 3,000 meters steeplechase in Tokyo after winning gold in the event every Olympics since 1984.

Barnaba Korir, the general team manager for Kenya’s Olympic team, says the lockdowns and restriction of movements caused by the COVID-19 pandemic stopped the athletes from winning more medals.

“Athletes were not allowed to train in a group. They had to train individually. It really affected them and we did not expect them to do well. And when we selected the team for the Olympics, there were also restrictions. We have to have athletes at the camp and the development where an athlete is not allowed to leave outside, the movement is restricted. They had to be in the camp, so those things were psychologically affecting our athletes but they ran very well,” Barnaba Korir said.

Emmanuel Korir says he is already looking forward to the next Olympics in Paris.

“I am working for maybe one day to run a world record. Preparing for the world championship and for the next Olympics; we have only three years, so everything is going to be fine,” he said.

Meanwhile, many Kenyans on social media criticized government officials for failing to organize a reception for its returning champions.

But Barnaba Korir says the criticism is unjustified.

“But I was there. I came early from Tokyo and we had officials from the government. Most of our athletes were arriving minutes after midnight and we organized for Faith Kipyegon and Peres Chepchirchir, Brigid Kosgey. We organized our athletes to be received at the airport and taken to a five-star hotel. So, I don’t think we should go that direction,” he said.

Barnaba Korir added that the government’s Ministry of Sports is working on developing a standard procedure to honor winning Olympic athletes in the future.

Source: Voice of America

‘Lucifer’ Heat Wave Scorches Mediterranean; Dozens Die in Wildfires

The extreme heat in the Mediterranean region continued to trigger wildfires, with dozens of people killed in Algeria, Greece, Italy and Turkey in recent days. The weather system, nicknamed “Lucifer,” has unleashed record temperatures, and on Thursday it was moving slowly west toward Spain and Portugal.

A weather station near the town of Syracuse in southeast Sicily registered what could be Europe’s highest recorded temperature Wednesday, at 48.8 degrees Celsius (119.8 F). The record had yet to be verified by the World Meteorological Organization.

Fire crews said forests and fields, baked to tinder by the intense heat, were easily ignited by such things as a discarded cigarette or concentration of the sun’s rays by a shard of glass.

Horrifying sight

At night, the hills of southeast Sicily were lit up in flames. It was a frightening spectacle for the residents of the ancient mountain villages.

“Our small town was really invaded by fire. It is a catastrophe. The entire Calaforno Park and the surrounding area went up in flames,” said Giovanna Licitra, a resident of Giarratana. “We are living through some really sad moments because our land has suffered a very serious loss. And it will take a long time before it returns to its former glory.”

On the Greek island of Evia, the air was filled with acrid smoke, frequently punctured by the low-flying sorties of water-dropping aircraft. Fire crews have traveled from across Europe and as far away as Russia and Egypt to help. But for many residents, it was too late.

“Today, we have a lot of water-dropping aircraft, but they should have been here from day one. The damage now is too big, unfortunately,” said Dimitris, an island resident.

The heat has also triggered huge fires in Algeria, which reportedly have killed at least 69 people. Aid agencies said that more than 600 families had been made homeless. Algerian Prime Minister Aymen Benabderrahmane visited some of the affected regions Thursday and promised further government help.

Scientists said governments should make better preparations for further extreme weather.

“It really is horrific, and unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the heat and humidity deaths which we’re going to see, which we can attribute directly to human-caused climate change,” Ilan Kelman, a professor of disasters and health at University College London, said in an interview with VOA.

“When we’re up to this level of 45 degrees [Celsius] and over, when this continues for a while, and when we add humidity, really the only way to get through it unfortunately is indoor cooling,” Kelman said. “And most people do not have that. Many people cannot afford it. And we also have the challenge that even if everyone was given access to it and could afford it or were helped, then that would overload the power system. We would see power outages.”

Economic disruption

In addition to the immediate danger to life, the extreme weather disrupts livelihoods and entire economies, Kelman said.

“When it’s too hot to be outside, we are not going to have people tilling the fields,” he added. “We are not going to have people harvesting the crops and sending it to be processed for our supermarket shelves. Construction cannot happen. What do we do about repairs for infrastructure which require people being outdoors” when it’s simply too hot to be out there?

The weather system was slowly moving west toward Spain and Portugal. Social workers were checking in on the most vulnerable residents, including the elderly.

“Weather phenomena that are generated by climate change contribute to this vulnerability. This calls for more care and attention, and puts them at even more risk,” Madrid social worker Clara Garcia told Reuters.

Meanwhile in northern Turkey, heavy rains have caused catastrophic flooding in recent days, sweeping away cars and buildings and triggering mudslides — echoing scenes from Germany and Belgium last month.

Scientists said it showed the urgency of fighting climate change. But in the short term, they warned that extreme weather was increasingly common and said humanity must adapt as best it can.

Source: Voice of America

More Than 50 Dead in Attacks on Mali Villages

Militants in Mali have massacred more than 50 villagers near the borders with Burkina Faso and Niger. The area has seen increasing violence from armed Islamists, and activists are calling on authorities to act.

Militants attacked three villages in northern Mali simultaneously this past Sunday, leaving more than 50 civilians dead and several injured.

The neighboring villages of Karou, Ouatagouna, and Daoutegeft are in an area near the borders with Niger and Burkina Faso that has seen increasing, often deadly, violence the past few years.

Almahady Cissé is coordinator of the collective Songhoy Chaawara Batoo, a group of organizations representing the Songhoy people, who make up most of the inhabitants of the Gao region, where the attacks occurred.

He says through a messaging application from Bamako, the assailants shot at everything that moved, including those leaving the mosques and those returning to the village from the fields.

Batoo has called on the Malian government and the international community to secure the area, and to disarm militants in a released statement.

“We can’t understand how a locality like Karou, like Ouatagouna, he says, where the military camps are not even 18 kilometers away, that massacres are happening and there are not reinforcements, there are no prosecutions… we do not understand,” he said.

Since a Tuareg rebellion and coup in 2012 Mali has seen both chronic political instability and increasing Islamist violence.

Through a messaging application from Dakar, Alioune Tine, an independent U.N. expert on human rights in Mali, said these Islamist groups are exploiting local mineral resources, mostly gold, and are able to finance themselves.

With funds, and control of the local area, which is largely inaccessible by the state, they gain credibility among the local population.

“In reality, we have, little by little, a state within the state, or two states within the state, and that is a real threat for the Malian state, for the survival of the Malian state,” he said.

Mali’s neighbors, Niger and Burkina Faso, are also plagued by violence from Islamist groups.

The same day of the attacks in the Gao region, suspected jihadists attacked Burkinabe troops near Mali’s border.

Thirty civilians were also killed in attacks in northern Burkina Faso last week.

Tine says the Sahel needs a regional strategy, focused on all of the affected countries in the Sahel and West Africa.

“The problem isn’t just Mali,” he says. “We can’t just fix Mali with a national security response. We can’t do this for Burkina Faso, nor Niger. What must be made is a regional strategy, with Africans that will cover the region, and who are supported – this is important – supported by the international community,”

VOA attempted to talk to Malian authorities for this story, but they did not make themselves available for comment.

Elections in Mali are scheduled for February 2022.

Tine says the insecurity in Mali’s center and north remains the top priority for the transitional government.

Source: Voice of America