ADCP Expands Digital Tenant Experience with Yardi

The MyADCP tenant app is accessible to all ADCP registered tenants on both iOS and Android

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, June 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Abu Dhabi Commercial Properties (ADCP), the leading Abu Dhabi-based property management company and a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB), engaged Yardi® for the development and launch of a new tenant mobile application (MyADCP). The mobile phone app is designed to offer the highest level of convenience and ease to all ADCP tenants.

The app allows tenants to review lease information and documents, submit and track maintenance and leasing service requests and receive the latest ADCP news, announcements, promotions and updates.

“ADCP is dedicated to creating a holistic approach to property management with tailored, personalised services designed for customers. With Yardi RENTCafé, we are continuing our commitment to build our digital offering to best serve the ever-changing needs of our customers by providing tenants the opportunity to avail services with superior efficiency and convenience,” said Mohamed Binbrek, General Manager of Abu Dhabi Commercial Properties.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with ADCP,” said Neal Gemassmer, vice president of international for Yardi. “Yardi continues to be a major contributor to the digitisation of real estate technology in the Middle East, and help our clients better connect with their residents and staff while increasing resident satisfaction.”

See how the Yardi Residential Suite could help manage and build your brand through a single connected solution.

About ADCP

Abu Dhabi Commercial Properties LLC (ADCP) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC (ADCB). Established in 2006, ADCP delivers property management services to a UAE landlord client base, its substantial leasehold portfolio of residential and commercial leasehold units is managed on behalf of private HNW individuals, corporates, charities, banking and government landlords. ADCP operates from offices across the UAE. For more information, visit

About Yardi

Yardi® develops and supports industry-leading investment and property management software for all types and sizes of real estate companies. Established in 1984, Yardi is based in Santa Barbara, Calif., and serves clients worldwide from offices in Australia, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America. For more information, visit

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‫أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات يرتقي بتجربة العملاء والمستأجرين الرقمية بالتعاون مع Yardi

سيُتاح تطبيق MyADCP لكافة المستأجرين المسجلين لدى أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات

دبى، الامارات العربية المتحدة،, 30 يونيو / حزيران 2021 /PRNewswire/ — دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، يونيو 2021 – قامت شركة أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات، الشركة الرائدة في إدارة العقارات التي تتخذ من أبوظبي مقراً لها، وهي شركة تابعة لبنك أبوظبي التجاري، بالتعاقد مع شركة Yardi® العالمية لتطوير وإطلاق تطبيق جديد للمستأجرين على الهاتف المحمول تحت اسم (MyADCP). تم تصميم هذا التطبيق الخاص بالهاتف المحمول لتقديم أعلى مستوى من الراحة والسهولة لجميع المستأجرين لدى شركة أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات، حيث يتيح التطبيق للمستأجرين مراجعة معلومات ووثائق الإيجار، وتقديم ومتابعة طلبات الصيانة والتأجير وتلقي آخر الأخبار والإعلانات والعروض الترويجية والمستجدات الخاصة بأبوظبي التجاري للعقارات.

Abu Dhabi Commercial Properties (ADCP), the leading Abu Dhabi based Property Management Company, engaged Yardi® for the development and launch of a new tenant mobile application

قال محمد بن بريك، المدير العام لشركة:أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات”تعكف شركة أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات على وضع نهج شامل لإدارة العقارات وتقديم خدمات مخصصة ومصممة لتلبية كافة احتياجات العملاء. وتجسد هذه الخطوة الاستثنائية والمتمثلة بابتكار Yardi RENTCafé مدى التزامنا الدائم بتطوير خدماتنا الرقمية لتقديم أفضل ما يمكن في هذا المجال ليتناسب مع المتطلبات المتغيرة لعملائنا وذلك من خلال إتاحة الفرصة للمستأجرين للاستفادة من الخدمات بكفاءة عالية وسهولة فائقة”.

وصرح نيل جيماسمر، نائب رئيس العمليات الدولية لدى Yardi، قائلاً :”إنه لمن دواعي سرورنا أن تتاح لنا فرصة العمل مع شركة أبوظبي التجاري للعقارات. ويأتي هذا التعاون في الوقت الذي تواصل فيه Yardi دورها كمساهم ولاعب رئيسي في رقمنة التكنولوجيا العقارية في الشرق الأوسط، وتساعد عملائنا على التواصل بشكل أفضل مع المستأجرين والموظفين لدى الشركة معتحقيق رضا العملاء”.

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تعرّف على فاعلية برنامج Yardi Residential Suite™ في إدارة وبناء علامتك التجارية من خلال أحد الحلول التوصيلية .

نبذة عن ياردي

تعمل شركة ياردي ® على تطوير ودعم الاستثمارات الرائدة على صعيد الصناعة وبرمجيات إدارة الممتلكات العقارية للشركات العقارية من جميع الأنواع والأحجام. ومنذ تأسيسها في 1984، يقع مقر ياردي في سانتا باربرا بولاية كاليفورنيا، وتخدم العملاء حول العالم من مكاتبها المنتشرة في أستراليا، وآسيا، والشرق الأوسط، وأوروبا، وأمريكا الشمالية. ولمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني

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‫وأخيرًا YouCare: القميص الذي ينقذ الأرواح باستخدام تقنية اتصالات الجيل الخامس أصبح الآن أمرًا واقعًا

أُطلِق خلال فعاليات دورة 2021 من المؤتمر العالمي للهواتف المتنقلة

برشلونة، إسبانيا، 30 يونيو/حزيران 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ابتكار مذهل يحمل اسم “YouCare” ويعمل على مراقبة صحة المستخدم عن بُعد باستخدام تقنية ثورية حديثة مدمجة في قميص نسيجي يمكن ارتداؤه وغسله ويسهل استخدامه.

صُمِّم هذا الابتكار بالكامل في إيطاليا، ويتميز بقدرته على رصد عدد هائل من المؤشرات البيولوجية الحيوية لدى المستخدم ونقلها بطريقة ذكية بفضل تقنية اتصالات الجيل الخامس.

يركز المشروع على استخدام الابتكارات النسيجية الثورية -مثل هذا القميص- التي لا تحتوي على مكونات معدنية والمزودة بمستشعرات “مدمجة بشكل طبيعي في القماش. وقد طُرِح المشروع اليوم ليحظى بتغطية إعلامية واسعة من الصحف العالمية خلال فعاليات دورة 2021 من المؤتمر العالمي للهواتف المتنقلة المُقام في مدينة برشلونة.

كرر المتحدث باسم شركة ZTE (زد تي إي) خلال فعاليات المؤتمر إعرابه عن فخر الشركة الشديد بمشاركتها في إنجاب هذا الابتكار المذهل، كما أعرب عن إيمان الشركة بالأهمية الفائقة التي تتمتع بها تقنية اتصالات الجيل الخامس باعتبارها الحل المنشود لتحقيق جودة حياة أفضل. وأكد المتحدث باسم زد تي إي على إيمانهم بالمواهب والقدرات وسعيهم الدائم إلى المساهمة في التطوير التكنولوجي في إيطاليا وفي العالم أجمع. لذلك ستطلق زد تي إي بدءًا من الخريف المقبل اختبارات قميص YouCare بتقنية اتصالات الجيل الخامس في Innovation and Research Center (مركز الابتكار والبحث) الواقع في مدينة لاكويلا.

يتيح قميص YouCare رصد المؤشرات البيولوجية الحيوية، مثل اختبارات تخطيط القلب الكهربائي “الحقيقية” وتحليل وظائف الجهاز التنفسي ومكونات العرق وجهد العضلات ودرجة حرارة الجسم وغيرها من المؤشرات التي كانت المستشعرات النسيجية تعجز عن رصدها. كما يتيح هذا القميص نقل النتائج إلى المراكز الطبية ووحدات مراقبة الصحة وكذلك المستخدمين عبر تقنية اتصالات الجيل الخامس من زد تي إي التي تتميز بميزة الاتصال فائق السرعة.

يقول Francesco Rocca (فرانسيسكو روكا)، رئيس منظمة الصليب الأحمر في إيطاليا وIFRC (الاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر)، موضحًا “سيغير هذا الاختراع جودة الحياة في المنازل وسيوفر الدعم الطبي عن بُعد للعديد من المواطنين الذين يعانون من مشكلات صحية وغيرهم من المصابين بالأمراض المزمنة، بما يضمن إمكانية الوصول إلى خدمات الرعاية والدعم التي تقدمها شبكتنا الوطنية والدولية. “وقد بدأنا العمل على هذا المشروع في عام 2018، واليوم أصبحنا قادرين على طرح نتائج هذه التجربة المهمة التي تزامن ميلادها مع أصعب فترات صراعنا الضاري مع فيروس كوفيد. وتمنحنا هذه التجربة شعورًا بالفخر بالنهج الذي سلكناه حتى الآن، كما تمنحنا نظرة مستقبلية مفعمة بالأمل واليقين من حيث إثبات التزام شبكة الصليب الأحمر وقدرتها وتفانيها في استخدام التقنيات الحديثة ونشرها لخدمة الأفراد والمجتمع.”

تعمل تكنولوجيا النسيج -المعتمدة والحاصلة على براءة اختراع- على تطوير خدمات جديدة تهدف إلى تعزيز الصحة في مجالات العلاج عن بُعد والعمل والرياضة والرفاهية العامة للأفراد.

يرتقي هذا الاختراع المدهش بسلامة الأفراد وكبار السن والرياضيين.

تُرسَل المؤشرات البيولوجية الحيوية التي يرصدها قميص YouCare، باستخدام مستشعرات بوليمرية بالغة الدقة “مدمجة” في القماش، إلى وحدة تحكم مصغرة تتولى تسجيل البيانات وتحويلها إلى صيغة رقمية ثم إرسالها -بفضل تقنية اتصالات الجيل الخامس- إلى منصة ثنائية الاتجاه تنقلها بدورها إلى المستخدمين عبر الهواتف أو الساعات الذكية، بالإضافة إلى وحدة تعمل على تحليل القيم عن بُعد باستخدام البرامج الطبية.

صرح Umberto Sgambati (أومبيرتو سغامباتي)، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Proger Group (بروغر غروب)  -التي صممت مستشعر “القميص الذكي” بمساعدة الشركة الناشئة Let’s Web-earable Solutions (ليتس ويب-إيرابل سولوشنز)- قائلًا “كنا نؤمن منذ اللحظة الأولى بتلك الفكرة التي بدت لنا ثورية تمامًا واستثمرنا فيها حتى تمكنا من تحويلها إلى واقع ملموس. وقد تم اعتماد هذا القميص باعتباره جهازًا طبيًا ثريًا بخوارزميات التنبؤ باضطرابات القلب والأوعية الدموية التي وضعتها شركة BSP-Medical (بي إس بي – ميديكال) الرائدة في مجال علوم البيانات الطبية على مستوى العالم”.

معلومات عن شركة زد تي إي

تُعد شركة زد تي إي واحدة من كبرى الشركات التي توفر أنظمة الاتصالات المتطورة والأجهزة المتنقلة وحلول تكنولوجيا المؤسسات للمستهلكين والمشغلين والشركات وعملاء القطاع العام. وتلتزم الشركة -في إطار إستراتيجيتها- بتقديم ابتكارات متكاملة وشاملة للعملاء لتحقيق التميز والقيمة باعتبارهما نقطة التقاء قطاعي الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات. كما أن شركة زد تي إي مدرجة في بورصتي هونغ كونغ وشينزين (كود أسهم H: 0763.HK / كود أسهم A :000063.SZ)، وتطرح منتجاتها وخدماتها في أكثر من 160 دولة.

الاتصالات الإعلامية:

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CGTN: How do Communist Party of China members interpret the secret of the Party’s success

BEIJING, June 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — “As long as I am breathing, I will continue to stand on the podium and give whatever I have to my students. I will never regret this,” said Zhang Guimei, who joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1998 and has spent her entire career providing free education to girls in remote rural areas in southwest China’s Yunnan Province.

She made the remarks on Tuesday on behalf of the awardees of the July 1 Medal, the highest honor in the Party, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

As the world explores academic theories that can explain the long-term success of the CPC, an answer is given by its members.

CPC’s original aspiration unchanged

“The recipients are ordinary heroes that fulfill their duties and make quiet contributions,” said President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, when delivering a speech at the ceremony granting the July 1 Medal.

Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the fundamental tenet of Chinese Communists, which is putting the people at the very center of their hearts and wholeheartedly serving the people, he added.

Since its founding a century ago, the CPC has always kept in mind its founding mission – to seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation – and this has been firmly practiced by its members.

The stories of the outstanding Party members as July 1 Medal awardees vividly explain staying true to the original aspiration and founding mission of the Party and more examples in this regard can be easily found in the development of China under the CPC leadership.

In China’s fight against COVID-19 epidemic, more than 39 million CPC members fought the virus at the front line, and more than 13 million volunteered their services. Nearly 400 CPC members have defended others’ lives and safety at the cost of their own.

In China’s poverty alleviation campaign, from 2013 to 2020, more than 3 million Party members were selected and dispatched as first Party secretaries and resident working team members to carry out targeted projects nationwide.

Through continuous efforts, the remaining 98.99 million impoverished rural residents had all been lifted out of poverty by the end of 2020.

Generations of CPC members have fought tenaciously for national independence and liberation, for prosperity and strength of the country, and for the happiness of the people, Xi said.

CPC’s political commitment: People first

The year 2021 marks the centenary of the founding of the CPC and throughout those years, the CPC has remained committed to a people-centered philosophy of development, and serving the people was the main mission of the Party when it was founded in 1921.

In his speech at the awarding ceremony on Tuesday, Xi stressed that the CPC members should put the people’s interests first, work to serve the people, address their needs and stay close to them.

“People” is always a keyword in Xi’s speeches. “The people are the creators of history; they are the fundamental force that determines our Party and country’s future,” he has said, and China’s development is in line with this philosophy.

China’s macroeconomic achievements have also been translated into the well-being of its people. As of 2020, the social security system had covered more than 1.3 billion people.

As China embarks on a new journey of fully building a modern socialist country, Xi in his speech called on CPC members and officials to boldly advance toward the second centenary goal, as well as the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.–11tUUiGwBOM/index.html

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Uganda Approves Herbal Treatment for COVID-19

The World Health Organization has expressed concern about Uganda’s approval of a locally made herbal treatment for COVID-19 amid a third wave of cases.

The WHO has not approved the substance for COVID-19 treatment, but Ugandan pharmacists say they have little choice because drugs authorized for emergency use in developed countries are not available.

Uganda’s drug authority said Tuesday that it had approved the herbal medicine, Covidex.

Dr. David Nahamya, executive director of Uganda’s drug authority, said the approval followed a two-week scientific evaluation of the medicine’s safety and efficacy.

“Covidex has been notified to be sold in licensed drug outlets for supportive treatment in management of viral infections but not as a cure of COVID-19,” Nahamya said.

The WHO consulted researchers from nine African countries, including Uganda, in March about the use of traditional medicine to treat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Dr. Solome Okware of the WHO’s Uganda office said Covidex wasn’t among the traditional medicines that were evaluated.

“WHO has not received any information about this product,” Okware said.

Bases for approval

Nahamya reassured Ugandans that the manufacturer, Jena Herbals Uganda, had increased production and that the herb would be available for all who needed it, under medical supervision.

He added that the approval was based on initial assessments, published literature and safety studies conducted by the innovator.

“The product has been formulated from herbal plants that have been traditionally used to alleviate symptoms of several diseases,” Nahamya said. “To further the efficacy of the drug for other uses, NDA [Uganda’s National Drug Authority] has advised the manufacturer to conduct random controlled clinical trials, which are the highest level of evidence to ascertain any claims of treatment.”

Okware said that in collaboration with the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the WHO developed master and generic protocols to provide guidance to members for developing clinical trials to assess claims of effective treatment for COVID-19.

“Many plants and substances are being proposed without the minimum requirements and evidence of quality, safety and efficacy,” Okware said. “The use of products to treat COVID-19 which have not yet been robustly investigated can be harmful if the due process is not followed.”

‘Local solutions’

Dr. Samuel Opio, secretary of the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda, said that while there were concerns about misuse of Covidex by the public, its approval was a positive step.

“Whatever is currently being approved [for] emergency use in the U.S. are not available in Uganda,” Opio said. “So the issue of lack of a treatment, the issue of inaccessibility to even what is approved for emergency use, means that we need to also look for local solutions to the global challenges, and herbal treatment is one area.”

Uganda recently received 175,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine but is inoculating only frontline workers. With just 856,025 people vaccinated in the country, many members of the public have resorted to using Covidex to treat COVID-19 symptoms.

Source: Voice of America

Trapped in Ethiopia’s Tigray, People ‘Falling Like Leaves’

The plea arrived from a remote area that had so far produced only rumors and residents fleeing for their lives. Help us, the letter said, stamped and signed by a local official. At least 125 people already have starved to death.

Trapped in one of the most inaccessible areas of Ethiopia’s conflict-torn Tigray region, beyond the reach of aid, people “are falling like leaves,” the official said.

The letter dated June 16, obtained by The Associated Press and confirmed by a Tigray regional health official, is a rare insight into the most urgent unknown of the war between Ethiopian forces backed by Eritrea and Tigray’s former leaders: What’s the fate of hundreds of thousands of people cut off from the world for months?

As the United States warns that up to 900,000 people in Tigray face famine conditions in the world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade, little is known about vast areas of Tigray that have been under the control of combatants from all sides since November. With blocked roads and ongoing fighting, humanitarian groups have been left without access.

A possible opening emerged this week when Ethiopia’s government announced an immediate, unilateral cease-fire after Tigray fighters re-entered the regional capital and government soldiers fled. An official for the United States Agency for International Development told U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday that some aid groups were expected to test the cease-fire immediately in an effort to reach remote areas.

However, it isn’t clear whether other parties in the conflict, including troops from neighboring Eritrea accused of some of the war’s worst atrocities, will respect the cease-fire. A Tigray spokesman rejected it as a “sick joke” and vowed to fully liberate the region.

The letter that reached the regional capital, Mekelle, this month from the cut-off central district of Mai Kinetal was just the second plea of its kind, the health official who confirmed it said. The first had been a message from Ofla district reporting 150 deaths from starvation, which the United Nations humanitarian chief shared in a closed-door session of the U.N. Security Council in April, bringing an angry response from Ethiopia’s government.

But the letter from Mai Kinetal is different, the health official said, offering badly needed, well-compiled data that lay out the devastation line by line: At least 440 people have died, and at least 558 have been victims of sexual violence. More than 5,000 homes have been looted. Thousands of livestock have been taken. Tons of crops have been burned.

“There is no access to clean water; electricity, phone communication, banking, health care, and access to humanitarian aid are blocked,” district leader Berhe Desta Gebremariam wrote. “People are unable to move around to save their lives because Eritrean troops completely put us under siege with no transportation, and people are condemned to suffer and die.”

Looted farmers in the largely agricultural district have been left without the seeds to grow food, Berhe wrote, warning that without aid 2021 and 2022 will be catastrophic. The one aid delivery to Mai Kinetal that wasn’t blocked was based on a badly outdated 1995 census, meaning half the district’s residents were left out. The aid was later looted by Eritrean troops.

Residents had been coming by foot from Mai Kinetal with word that people were starving, the Tigray regional health official said, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation. But the letter confirms the details and extent of the crisis.

“It’s so terrible. It’s so terrible,” he said. “We know that people are dying everywhere.”

Other unreachable districts remain silent, he said, as phone services are cut in much of Tigray.

Asked about Mai Kinetal, a senior U.N. humanitarian official called it “an especially critical area for us to reach” and confirmed to the AP that aid had not made it into the district, and a number of others, since the conflict began.

Overall, the U.N. estimates that 1.6 million people remain in Tigray’s hard-to-reach areas, and the U.N. children’s agency last week warned that at least 33,000 severely malnourished children in hard-to-reach areas face the “imminent risk of death” without more aid. But humanitarian workers warn that the situation is especially fluid now amid some of the fiercest fighting yet.

Even the unilateral cease-fire announced this week is designed not to last. Ethiopia’s government says it will end once the farming season in Tigray is over, which means September. How needed seeds and other supplies will reach farmers across the region in time is not clear.

For Tigrayans with loved ones trapped inside inaccessible areas, the lack of information has meant months of fear and despair.

“Every time I get to talk to someone who managed to flee from the area, it’s like a round of pain and shock again and again,” said Teklehaymanot G. Weldemichel, a diaspora Tigrayan from Mai Kinetal. He said his family home there had been shelled at the beginning of the war, and his parents later returned to find every item in the house taken by Eritrean soldiers, even photo albums and frames.

One resident who fled to Sudan, Kibreab Fisseha, told the AP that a cousin with diabetes who stayed in Mai Kinetal had died because of lack of food. “Both my parents are still there,” Kibreab said. “They are hiding in the house and I hope they are fine until help comes.”

Another Mai Kinetal resident told the AP he has been able to speak with his mother just once since the war began, in a short conversation about a month ago before phone service disappeared again.

“I have been calling ever since the war started,” he said, giving only his first name, Tsige, to protect his family. He said his mother described fierce fighting as Eritreans took control of their village and many people fled.

Tsige’s father, in his 70s, was among those too old to leave. Eritrean soldiers one day came to the house and asked him to bring them water. He did, and the soldiers later spared him. But other residents who were found during house-to-house searches and suspected of links to the Tigray fighters were killed, Tsige said. Homes abandoned by fleeing families were burned.

When another relative refused to hand over his cattle to Eritrean soldiers, they slaughtered him in front of his grandson, Tsige said. In all, he knows at least 11 people in Mai Kinetal who have been killed, including a deaf man in his 70s.

“Every day could change the lives of my family,” said Tsige, who is studying in Japan and feels helplessly far away. “I have to prepare for the worst. Every few minutes you think about your family, are they alive?”

Tsige is too young to know the famine that ravaged Ethiopia, especially the Tigray region, amid conflict in the 1980s and shocked the world, but he grew up hearing about it from his family. He pleaded for the international community to act and for Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to “be a human person” and end the war.

“It’s happening now again, and we’re just watching it happen,” Tsige said. “I don’t want to see a documentary filmed after my family has died. I want action now.”

Source: Voice of America