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Sudan’s ruling coalition factions sign new political charter

Some 43 members of the ruling Forces for Freedom and Change (FCC) in Sudan signed Wednesday a political declaration reiterating their unity and determination to achieve the needed foundation for democratic reforms and to hold general elections at the end of the transitional period.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok and FFC members at the Sovereign Council attended the signing ceremony, held at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum.

The new charter provides that its main purpose is to “reform the FFC in order to reach a democratic civil state, make the transitional period a success and reach free elections.”

The signed text also stated that the need to build a unified and professional army that reflects diversity and is based on a new military doctrine.

It further underscored that the FFC is a partner in the reform process of the regular forces, which “requires a serious dialogue between civilians and the military to determine the nature of reforms.”

This new disposition in the political declaration is in line with the Juba peace agreement. In addition, it implicitly reaffirms the demand of the peace partners to merge the Rapid Support Forces in the unified army.

The charter to hold on time the general elections and to work together with the military component of the transitional authority to establish the institutions of the transitional authority, support the Empowerment Removal Committee to dismantle the former regime, building the state of law, justice and democracy.

The signatory groups pledged to remove the obstacles preventing the formation of the Transitional Legislative Council, the Constitutional Court, the High Judicial Council and the Public Prosecution Council.

The FFC was established on January 1, 2019, when the political, armed, and civil society groups signed a political declaration put forward by the Sudanese Professionals’ Association (SPA) that spearheaded the Sudanese revolution.

Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok who spoke at the signing ceremony called for unity of all the forces of the revolution in order to achieve the people’s goals.

Hamdok further pointed to the absence of some armed and political groups such as the SLM – Minni Minnawi and the Sudanese Communist Party.

He stressed that unity is key to achieve the smooth democratic transition “that paves the way for a Sudan that we are all proud of.”

He pledged to keep working with the charter signatory and non-signatory groups to complete this unity.

On 22 June, Hamdok called to reunite the FFC and to enhance cooperation with the military component to accomplish the goals of the democratic transition, including the integration of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) into the unified national army.

Three days later, the FFC historical components voiced their support to the call and pledged to work together.

Source: Sudan Tribune