Prime Minister: We are working on the dry canal project that connects the port of Faw to Europe

– Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani visited today, Sunday, the site of the large port of Faw in Basra Governorate, to review the progress of work in the five projects that are being implemented.

Al-Sudani followed up, according to a statement by his office, the detailed work of the executing companies, and their commitment to the timetables set for completion. He also listened to an explanation of the vital sectors included in the project, and the percentage of completion for each of them.

Al-Sudani said in his statements, “The technicians reviewed the progress of work in the five projects of the port, and the project is proceeding according to plan. Four projects have been implemented in more than what was planned, and there is one project in which there is a kind of delay, and within a month work will resume and be completed according to plan, stressing that “the FAO project is strategic, and receives the government’s attention and is among the priorities of our program.”

He added that the necessary financial allocations have been set for the continuation of the implementation of the five projects implemented by Daewoo, within the 2023 budget. “We are in discussions with the Ministry of Transport to attract proposals from international companies and from brotherly and friendly countries for the post-implementation of the five projects,” this work will soon result in a vision that agrees it has with these countries and international companies to complete the project, and to secure its operation and management, in a manner worthy of this vital port, as a station for the transport of goods and a point of communication between East and West.

He said: The government is working on this project as a strategic priority for the economy of Iraq, the region and the world. We are working on the Dry Canal project or the development road, which connects the port to Europe via Turkey, and we have dialogues with the Turkish side to reach an agreement formula. All these projects we are working on in parallel with implementation, which We are keen that it be at the required level and in accordance with the technical specifications, and there is no choice but to implement the port of Faw.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency