JPMC’s phosphate washing\ floating plant set for opening in March 2024

A $85-million phosphate washing and floating plant is set to start production in March 2024 in Al-Shiydyah region of the southern Ma’an governorate with an annual output of 2 million metric tons. The Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) is the owner of the facility which is being built by private developer, Ideal Development for Manufacturing Industries. The plant is designed to float and cleanse substantial quantities of low-grade phosphates, which have been amassing for decades, and extract high-quality phosphates from them, in accordance with the demands of the JPMC, as well as its customers and importers. On Sunday, the JPMC Chairman Muhammad Thniebat convened with several company executives to review the project’s advancement. He noted that the venture embodies the company’s strategic direction to augment production, pivot towards the manufacturing sector, and bolster both local and international partnerships, consistent with its prospective marketing blueprint. He emphasized that the project represents a significant stride in the company’s operations and is expected to yield substantial benefits, including the creation of approximately 250 direct and 2,000 indirect employment opportunities. Moreover, the project is poised to enhance the company’s profitability, augment the national treasury, bolster phosphate exports, support the national economy, and fortify the company’s competitive edge in existing and untapped global markets. During the meeting, Rami Fakhouri, the Managing Director at Ideal Development for Manufacturing Industries, provided an update on the progress of the factory’s establishment, highlighting its various construction phases and completion rates. He noted that the engineering and industrial designs pertaining to the factory’s production lines, as well as the expansion of its electricity and water supply infrastructure, have been finalized. Civil construction work at the site has commenced, and the company has engaged leading global and specialized firms to furnish the factory with production line equipment. Fakhouri highlighted that the factory will adhere to the most up-to-date production methods and cutting-edge technology in the field. It will prioritize the strictest public and environmental safety protocols, and approximately 85% of the used water will be recycled.

Source: Jordan News Agency