Arab Economic Committee Initiates Preparations for 113th Ministerial Session

Cairo: The Arab League’s Economic and Social Council’s Economic Committee initiated its preparatory sessions for the 113th ministerial-level gathering on Monday.

The agenda for the meeting encompasses several vital economic topics crucial for unified Arab economic endeavors. These include discussions on the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, advancements within the Arab Customs Union, investment strategies in Arab nations, agreements on the common Arab electricity market, and the comprehensive Arab economic report for 2024.

The sessions will involve monitoring the progress of initiatives such as the Arab Strategy for Sustainable Management of Pastoral Resources 2020-2040, advancements in the Sustainable Arab Agricultural Development Strategy 2020-2030, and updates on the Sustainable Program for Arab Food Security.

Chaired by Jordan, the two-day discussions will delve into matters like the Arab agreement for tax and customs duty exemptions on Arab air transport activities and equipment (amended), and Tunisia’s p
roposal for establishing the Arab Housing and Development Bank.

Other topics under consideration include issues raised by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, particularly those concerning the workflow outlined in the Arab Aquaculture Strategy 2018-2037.

Source: Jordan News Agency