His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, Thursday, wedded Her Royal Highness Princess Rajwa Al Hussein at Zahran Palace. Their Majesties, King Abdullah and Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, welcomed the guests and dignitaries who attended the wedding ceremony. The royal ceremony was attended by the Iraqi President and his wife, the Sultan of Brunei, the King and Queen of Malaysia, the King and Queen of the Netherlands and the King and Crown Princess of Belgium. Also attended the ceremony were princes and princesses from Bahrain, the UAE, Oman, the UK, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The ceremony was also attended by the Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister, the Rwandan President, the US First Lady, the mother of the Emir of Qatar, the wife and daughter of the Egyptian President and princesses from Japan. Officials from Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Pakistan, the UK, Spain and Cyprus attended the ceremony.
Source: Jordan News Agency