Innovations improve field productivity and subcontractor management for better cost and schedule certainty

Newest enhancements to InEight’s construction project management platform bring better forecasting accuracy, improved field collaboration, and more visibility and control over subcontractor performance.

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Jan. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — InEight Inc., a global leader in construction capital project management software, has announced its latest suite of software innovations, which are designed to increase forecasting accuracy, field productivity, and subcontractor management.

These latest updates provide contractors with a higher level of forecasting accuracy based on up-to-date project progress, including subcontractor activity. This allows for quick reactions to financial and productivity challenges, providing greater confidence to project owners.

Uncertain economic conditions and disruptions in the construction supply chain are putting increased pressure on contractors and owner/operators to produce accurate project forecasts. InEight is building on its already strong legacy in cost forecasting with significant new capabilities in the areas of time-phased forecasting, custom forecasting methods, and resource-based forecasts.

In addition to out-of-the-box forecast methods, InEight users can now configure the best equations to automate forecast calculations for the different types of work through different stages of completion. “There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to forecasting, even within a single project,” says John Upton, Director Project Cost Management at InEight. “InEight helps contractors and owners better capture field data and measure progress,”

The platform enhancements also drive increased productivity through more efficient collaboration between the office and the field. Scope and quantities, productivity goals, and more are easily communicated in daily digital plans to field crews and subcontractors. Controlled transparency allows teams to identify and troubleshoot challenges. This leads to a higher level of profitability potential.

Additionally, InEight made it easier to get full visibility into subcontractor costs. With line of sight to both committed and uncommitted costs, users can compare the variance between the planned cost and the actual costs.

“Our goal is to connect scope, cost, and schedule on a single platform, giving project stakeholders the ability to collaborate effectively and deliver projects with predictable results,” comments Brad Barth, Chief Product Officer at InEight.

About InEight

InEight provides field-tested project management software for the owners, contractors, engineers and designers who are building the world around us. Over 575,000 users and more than 850 customers worldwide rely on InEight for real-time insights that help manage risk and keep projects on schedule and under budget across the entire life cycle.

From pre-planning to design, from estimating to scheduling, and from field execution to turnover, InEight has powered more than $1 trillion in projects globally across infrastructure, public sector, energy and power, oil, gas and chemical, mining, and commercial. For more information, follow InEight on LinkedIn or visit

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

InEight Innovations Introduction: Brad Barth, Chief Product Officer at InEight, talks why constant innovation is core to our software solutions

Media Contact:

Linda Coy, Global Marketing Director, InEight

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8739155

‫‫لونجي توسع نطاق انتشارها باتفاقيات توزيع متعددة لـ 500 ميجاواط من ألواح Hi-MO 6 خلال القمة العالمية لطاقة المستقبل 2023

ABU DHABI, UAE, 31 يناير / كانون الثاني 2023/PRNewswire/ — وقعت «لونجي – LONGi» وموزعيها على طلبات لشراء 500 ميجاواط من ألواح«Hi-MO 6»  خلال القمة العالمية لطاقة المستقبل «WFES 2023» لإظهار جاذبيتها المذهلة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.

تم توقيع اتفاقيات التوزيع الجديدة مع كلٍ من «باور إن صن – Power N Sun » و «نانو صن – Nanosun » و«إي جي أس – AGS » و«باور سيتي – Power City » و«نون للطاقة المتجددة – Noon For Renewable Energy » من الشرق الأوسط وشركاء آخرين مقربين من إفريقيا وآسيا الوسطى. يفتح التوقيع فصلاً جديدًا لشركة لونجي في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا وأسيا الوسطى، في عام 2023 .

وبهذه المناسبة، قال جيا تشاو، رئيس لونجي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا وأسيا الوسطى “نحن سعداء للغاية لتوسيع بصمتنا في منطقة الشرق الأوسط مع بعض الموزعين الرائدين. تلتزم لونجي بتوفير منتجات وحلول تتمحور حول العملاء. من خلال شبكة التوزيع الواسعة هذه، يمكننا ضمان وصول أكبر لعملائنا. نعتقد أن ألواح «Hi-MO 6» ستسمح لنا بتلبية الاحتياجات المتنوعة لعملائنا وخلق تجربة جديدة في مجال الطاقة الخضراء “.

وأضاف: “في لونجي ، نؤمن إيماناً راسخاً بأن مكافحة تغير المناخ وتحقيق صافي انبعاثات صفرية هي ما نحتاجه اليوم. نحن على استعداد للتعاون مع الشركاء لتسريع الانتقال إلى الطاقة النظيفة في الشرق الأوسط. سنساهم بنشاط في هدف المنطقة المتمثل في مستقبل خالٍ من الكربون “.

تعتمد عائلة منتجات «Hi-MO 6» من لونجي على تقنية خلايا «HPBC» عالية الكفاءة. إن تقنية «HPBC» هي عبارة عن جيل جديد من تقنية الخلايا الشمسية عالية الكفاءة التي تستخدم تصميمًا خالياً من خطوط التوصيل (Busbars) الأمامية ويمكنها تحسين امتصاص الضوء للخلية وقدرات التحويل الكهروضوئي إلى حد كبير عن طريق ضبط الهيكل الداخلي للخلية وبالتالي زيادة طاقة خرج اللوح بشكل فعّال .

تتميز ألواح «Hi-MO 6» بمظهر محسن لأنها تبسط التعقيد وتعيد تعريف المفهوم الجمالي للألواح الكهروضوئية. إنه يعرض أداء أفضل لأنه يحسن قدرة التحويل الكهروضوئي للوح من خلال التحسين الشامل. توفر ألواح «Hi-MO 6» موثوقية أكبر حيث تتبنى خلية «HPBC» تقنية اللحام الخلفي الكامل لتحسين مقاومة الألواح للشقوق الدقيقة بشكل فعال. في نفس الوقت، إن ألواح «Hi-MO 6» قادرة على التحسين الذكي والسلامة الفعالة من خلال المحسن الذكي المدمج بها.

تتوفر ألواح «Hi-MO 6» بأربع مجموعات هي: المستكشف، والعلم، والوصي، والفنان .

ينما يسعى الشرق الأوسط جاهدًا لتحقيق هدفه في مجال الطاقة المتجددة، كان هناك زيادة في الطلب على التقنيات الكهروضوئية عالية الكفاءة. سيشهد الشرق الأوسط تغلغلًا أكبر وتوافراً أوسع لتقنية لونجي الفعالة عبر شبكة التوزيع الواسعة التي ستساعدها على التحرك نحو مستقبل أكثر استدامة


حول لونجي

تأسست «LONGi» في عام 2000 وهي مكرسة لتصبح الشركة الرائدة في العالم في مجال تقنيات الطاقة الشمسية. تُركز لونجي على خلق قيمة مدفوعة بالعميل من أجل تحول شامل للطاقة. أدت مهمة لونجي المتمثلة في “الاستفادة القصوى من الطاقة الشمسية لبناء عالم أخضر” إلى إنشاء خمس قطاعات أعمال. وتشمل هذه رقائق السليكون الأحادي والخلايا والوحدات النمطية وحلول الطاقة الشمسية التجارية والصناعية الموزعة وحلول الطاقة الخضراء ومعدات الهيدروجين. طورت لونجي قدرتها على توفير الطاقة الخضراء، وفي الآونة الأخيرة اعتمدت منتجات وحلول الهيدروجين الأخضر لدعم التنمية العالمية الخالية من الكربون .

لمزيد من التفاصيل، قم بزيارة .

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“Patently Unreliable”: Verra addresses criticism of rainforest offset credits with detailed technical analysis

WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — An article published in Britain’s Guardian newspaper on 18 January 2023 includes numerous inaccuracies and distortions that misrepresent the activities of Verra, a non-profit organization that operates standards in environmental and social markets, to address deforestation in tropical forest countries.

These are the findings published today in a Technical Review conducted by Verra’s most senior experts, who have assessed the article and the three studies on which it draws.

They found that the Guardian article makes sensational claims about the value of carbon credits issued by Verra for rainforest offset projects, also known as REDD projects. These claims have been echoed by other media, such as Die Zeit.

The Technical Review has found that the Guardian article and two of the three studies, each led by the same scientist from the University of Amsterdam, Dr Thales West, are “patently unreliable” because they contain multiple serious deficiencies.

The experts found that the Guardian article relies on an arbitrary and unpublished methodology using results from the Thales West et al. studies, and grossly misrepresents the findings of the third study by scientists from the University of Cambridge (Guizar-Coutiño et al.).

The University of Cambridge study concluded: “Our results provide some room for optimism. Despite the many challenges to just and economically sustainable implementation, the initial wave of REDD+ projects were effective at reducing forest loss.” The Guardian failed to mention this conclusion in its reporting. Instead, the study was presented as critical of REDD projects.

The article’s claims about the value of carbon credits, the experts found, were based only on the Thales West et al. studies. The Review found these studies used datasets known to be unsuitable, relied on inappropriate geographic areas, and ignored key factors known to cause deforestation.

It also showed that the article was misleading because it failed to acknowledge inconsistencies between the three studies that it draws on, presenting instead a distorted picture of consensus. Verra’s experts found, for example, that of the 12 projects in Brazil assessed by both groups, one Thales West study concluded that deforestation or degradation was reduced in 33% of projects, while the Cambridge study found that deforestation was lower in 92% and forest degradation in 75% of projects.

Robin Rix, Chief Legal, Policy, and Markets Officer, Verra, said:

“Verra, while generally reluctant to comment on individual academic works, felt it necessary to address the many distortions flowing from these analyses. We welcome academic scrutiny, but our Technical Review highlights the risks of trying to oversimplify a complex process and cherrypicking findings.

Verra is absolutely committed to developing and enforcing the highest standards for climate and sustainable development projects, including projects that protect the world’s tropical forests.

Avoiding deforestation is vital to climate action, and REDD has been one of the most successful means of combating it to date. The world needs to rally around, and work collaboratively to improve REDD, if we believe in climate action, protecting biodiversity, and sustaining local communities.”

Verra invites stakeholders including the media to read the Technical Review and to reach out if they have concerns about reports in the media.

Verra is a nonprofit organization that operates the world’s leading carbon crediting program, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, as well as other standards programs in environmental and social markets. Verra is committed to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect natural resources by working with the private and public sectors. We support climate action and sustainable development with standards, tools, and programs that credibly, transparently, and robustly assess environmental and social impacts and enable funding for sustaining and scaling up projects that verifiably deliver these benefits.

LONGi signs distribution agreements for 500MW of Hi-MO 6 modules at WFES 2023

ABU DHABI, UAE, Jan. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — LONGi has announced that its participation at the 2023 edition of the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi saw the signing of several distribution agreements, totalling 500MW, for its new Hi-MO 6 product with regional partners including Power N Sun, Nanosun, AGS, Power City and Noon, as well as other partners from Africa and Central Asia.

The Hi-MO 6 product family is based on LONGi’s proprietary HPBC cell technology, a new generation high-efficiency technology that uses a front-side busbar-free design. As a result of adjusting the cell’s internal structure, HPBC can enhance its light absorption and photoelectric conversion capabilities, significantly increasing the module’s power output.

‘LONGi is dedicated to offering customer-focused products and solutions. We believe that Hi-MO 6 modules will help us to address the diverse demands of our clients, while also creating a unique green energy experience,’ commented Jia Chao, LONGi President for the MEA and CA regions. ‘We are delighted to further extend our reach in the Middle East with the leading distributors as our partners. As the region seeks to meet its renewable energy goals, demand for more efficient PV technology has increased. LONGi is eager to work with its partners to accelerate the Middle East’s transition to clean energy with more innovative and high-efficiency PV solutions, addressing climate change challenges in the pursuit of a zero-carbon future.’

About LONGi

Founded in 2000, LONGi is committed to being the world’s leading solar technology company, focusing on customer-driven value creation for full scenario energy transformation.

Under its mission of ‘making the best of solar energy to build a green world’, LONGi has dedicated itself to technology innovation and established five business sectors, covering mono silicon wafers cells and modules, commercial & industrial distributed solar solutions, green energy solutions and hydrogen equipment. The company has honed its capabilities to provide green energy and has more recently, also embraced green hydrogen products and solutions to support global zero carbon development.

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Han Yuchen Oil on Canvas Collection was held in the National Art Museum of China

BEIJING, Jan. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — From October 29 to November 9 in 2022, “Pursuing Dreams with a Pure Heart – Han Yuchen Oil on Canvas Collection” was held at the National Art Museum of China.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition held on November 3rd, famous Chinese art circles gathered to celebrate the grand event.

Wu Weishan, introduced the consensus reached by each other to hold an exhibition in the National Art Museum of China when Han’s works were donated to the National Art Museum of China four years ago. At the same time, he fully affirmed the ideal pursuit, artistic skills and humanistic feelings of Han’s works in this exhibition. Wu said: “The biggest feeling of interacting with Han is that he is very sincere and full of passion for life.” Under his brush, those characters are like living people who could be interacted with. He communicates with them by sketching, praises them with the beauty of art and his simple heart.

Jin Shangyi, described the deep relationship between Han and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1972, under the guidance of Li Hua and Su Gaoli from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Han started on the road of self-study, and finally entered the National Museum of China and the National Art Museum of China, the two highest art halls in the country, and fulfilled his dream.

Xu Li, spoke of the grand occasion when Han held an exhibition on Tibet at the National Museum of China five years ago, and pointed out that this exhibition which would surely attract more people to the exhibition. Friends in the art world, as well as the general audience, have a comprehensive understanding of the artist’s fighting spirit that has not forgotten his original intention for decades.

Shang Hui, systematically explained the language style, techniques and emotional expression of Han’s works in his speech. It is to adhere to the concept of returning to the essence of painting.

When Han gave his speech, he emotionally recounted his 50 years of unrequited pursuit of art and a long and difficult journey to fulfill his dream of being a painter; The hardships experienced when sketching in Xinjiang and other places; he described his persistent exploration of the colors of sketching and the creative process of bold attempts to express the works.

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Han Yuchen’s exhibition in the National Art Museum of China Received Great Response and Reviews

BEIJING, Jan. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — From October 29th to November 9th 2022,”Pursuing Dreams with a Pure Heart – Han Yuchen Oil on Canvas Collection” was opened to public in National Art Museum of China .

With 83 oil painting works, Han presented his 50 years of painting journey. The exhibition was highly commended. Since its launch, the exhibition welcomed many famous artists, art critics and art lovers to enjoy Han’s works. They spoke highly of Han’s philosophy of creation that art should originate from life. They expressed their hope for Han to build on this achievement and make more contribution to the development of Chinese art.

When Han unveiled his exhibition at the National Museum of China in 2017, Wu Zhenqi, director of China Calligraphers Association congratulated him in person. Four years later, Wu came to this exhibition again. He expressed deep admiration for Han’s relentless pursuit of art and artistic expressions.

Li Naizhou, a famous artist from Handan has a special feeling for Han’s works. Li thinks Han mainly portrays the life of people at the grassroots level as well as nature in his works which are the most vibrant. According to him, Han’s works are worth viewing due to the uniqueness.

Zhang Jianbin, a former editor of Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, has been friends with Han for more than ten years and is familiar with Han’s early works. Impressed by Han’s oil paintings in recent years, he commented “It is very challenging to paint people in an outdoor setting. We can see his ongoing commitment to art and his increasingly mature artistic techniques.”

Visitors were lingering, taking photos, and pondering when seeing Han’s works in the museum. Many students attended the exhibit, lingering in front of paintings some of whom were sitting on the floor and trying to copy the masterpieces.

Hao Huangyan is an art-loving retiree in Beijing. She observes that Han’s works are the opposite of utilitarianism and formalism, because they come from life, full of strong feelings for ordinary people and also show profound painting skills.

In the past 50 years, through difficulties and obstacles, Han explored his feelings, kept improving himself and harvested great achievements. He is motivated by his own enthusiasm and infinite love for art to advance for more breakthroughs, more goals and even spiritual sublimation.

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