‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): مناهج جديدة: لماذا تخفف الصين من قيودها المفروضة على فيروس كورونا الآن

بكين, 21 ديسمبر / كانون أول 2022/PRNewswire/ — SARS- CoV-2، الفيروس المسبب لـ COVID-19، يتحول باستمرار. منذ بداية الوباء قبل ثلاث سنوات، ضرب الفيروس العالم بوجوه مختلفة – ألفا، بيتا، دلتا، جاما ثم أوميكرون – مما أدى إلى إزهاق أرواح الملايين.

قال وو زونيو، كبير علماء الأوبئة في المركز الصيني لمكافحة الأمراض والوقاية منها، يوم السبت في اجتماع سنوي إنه لو تم اتخاذ أحدث التدابير الصينية لتخفيف القيود في بداية هذا العام، لحدثت 866000 إلى مليون حالة وفاة مرتبطة بـ COVID في البر الصيني الرئيسي في عام 2022.

بحلول نوفمبر عندما أعلنت الصين عن سياساتها الجديدة لتخفيف سلسلة من التدابير الصارمة التي تهدف إلى مراقبة ووقف انتشار COVID-19 ، أبلغت البلاد عن أكثر من 5000 حالة وفاة بسبب هذا الفيروس.

ولم يأت انخفاض عدد القتلى، من بين سكان يبلغ عددهم 1.4 بليون نسمة، بسهولة. ومع محاولة العديد من الدول للتخلي عن تدابير أكثر صرامة واحدة تلو الأخرى في السنوات الثلاث الماضية، لم تحذ الصين حذوها.

على مدى السنوات الثلاث الماضية، كلما وأينما ظهر COVID-19 ، حاولت الحكومات المحلية وقف انتقال الفيروس في أقرب وقت ممكن، على الرغم من أنه يعني تباطؤًا مؤقتًا في الحركة الاجتماعية والأنشطة الاقتصادية.

أصدرت الدولة وحدّثت تسعة إصدارات من بروتوكول التشخيص والعلاج الخاص بـ COVID-19 ، مما يوفر إرشادات للتحكم في انتشار مرضى COVID-19 وعلاجهم في الوقت المناسب.

قال تشونغ نانشان، الخبير الصيني الشهير في أمراض الجهاز التنفسي، الأسبوع الماضي في محاضرة حول مكافحة أوميكرون عقدتها جامعة صن يات سين، إن الإصدار الجديد سيكون مفضيًا إلى التنمية الاقتصادية على أساس الوقاية والسيطرة النشطة على الوباء.

 وقالت لجنة الصحة الوطنية الصينية إن جميع هذه التدابير التي تستند إلى أحدث الأوضاع والطفرات في الفيروس تم إدخالها من أجل احتواء الفيروس المنتشر بطريقة أكثر استنادًا إلى العلم واستهدافًا.

أوميكرون أقل فتكًا

وجد الباحثون أن الإمراضية والفوعة لدى أوميكرون قد انخفضت، مقارنة بالسلالات السابقة لـ COVID-19 .

أظهرت دراسة يقودها باحثون من جامعة هونغ كونغ في منطقة هونغ كونغ الإدارية الخاصة وجامعة هاينان الطبية في مقاطعة هاينان في جنوب الصين، نشرت في مجلة Nature في 21 يناير، أن تكرار ومرضية متغير أوميكرون من SARS-CoV-2 في الفئران يتم تخفيفها مقارنة بالسلالة البرية ومتغيرات ألفا وبيتا ودلتا.

وأبدت نييلتي فان دورمالين، وهي باحثة في مختبر علم الفيروسات التابع للمعهد الوطني للحساسية والأمراض المعدية التابع لمعاهد الصحة الوطنية في الولايات المتحدة، رأيا مماثلًا في نوفمبر في مجلة Science Advances . أظهرت البيانات أن أوميكرون يتكرر إلى مستويات أقل من دلتا في resus macacques ، مما أدى إلى انخفاض المرض السريري.

الخطوة التالية للصين وسط أوميكرون

الباحثون الصينيون متفائلون بشأن الوضع، مع كون أوميكرون هو الفيروس المهيمن في الوقت الحالي.

وقال عالم الأوبئة وو إن نسبة الحالات الشديدة والحرجة للمرض بين جميع الحالات المؤكدة في الصين انخفضت من 16.47 في المائة في عام 2020 إلى 3.32 في المائة في عام 2021. اعتبارًا من 5 ديسمبر 2022، كان 0.18 في المئة.

قال تشانغ وينهونغ، رئيس مركز الأمراض المعدية في مستشفى هواشان بجامعة فودان ومقره شنغهاي، في مؤتمر إنه مع اقتراب الجهاز المناعي البشري تدريجيًا من أوميكرون، كان من غير المحتمل أن تقفز سلالة أكثر عدوى.

وقال تشانغ إن “الاستنتاج المسبق” هو أن الصين تخرج من هذا الوباء، وأن الاتجاه لن ينعكس، لكن كبار السن وغيرهم من الفئات الضعيفة لا يزالون بحاجة إلى حماية مناسبة، وحث كبار السن على الحصول على التطعيم.

أصدرت الحكومة الصينية مؤخرًا خطة تهدف إلى زيادة التطعيم بين السكان المسنين من أجل حماية هذه المجموعة الضعيفة بشكل أفضل.

وتدعو الخطة إلى بذل الجهود للتعجيل بزيادة معدل التحصين بين الأشخاص الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 80 سنة وما فوق، وكذلك إلى مواصلة رفع معدل التحصين بين الأشخاص الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 60 و 79 سنة.

قال المدير العام لمنظمة الصحة العالمية تيدروس أدهانوم غيبريسوس في 14 ديسمبر إنه “آملًا” في أن جائحة COVID-19 لن تعتبر حالة طوارئ عالمية في وقت ما من العام المقبل.

https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-12-19/-New-Approaches-Alpha-to -أوميكرون- why-China-is-easing-COVID-controls-1fS73iihxZu/index.html

“GOODBYE PRINCESS” music video records big success  Global C-Pop star Tia Lee unveils #EmpowerHer campaign

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Media OutReach – 20 December 2022 – C-Pop star Tia Lee Yu Fen has been receiving global attention for her new single “GOODBYE PRINCESS and the record-breaking the pre-release animation campaign that accompanied it. The music video has received 50 million views and the pre-release campaign attracted over 100 million views across social media. GOODBYE PRINCESS is a note to Tia’s old self as she bids farewell to the past, and reinvents herself. The #EmpowerHer campaign centres on the theme of female empowerment and aims to encourage women around the world to believe in themselves and reach their potential.

To celebrate the successful release and push for positive change, Tia Lee has announced the launch of her #EmpowerHer campaign. Tia has partnered with four inspiring charitable organisations that have shown their commitment to this brilliant cause. The four charities are Beats By Girlz, Daughters of Tomorrow, Teen’s Key, and Women in Music.

As part of the #EmpowerHer campaign Tia will donate up to HK$3.8 million, to be split amongst the partner organisations. Total donations to each charity will be based on the number of views that the “GOODBYE PRINCESS” music video receives on YouTube. The campaign pays a tribute to International Women’s Day on 8 March, 2023.

About Tia Lee | Lee Yu Fen:

Tia Lee Yu Fen, born in Taipei, is a global C-pop star, film and television actress, and fashion model and icon. In addition to her acting roles and musical career, Tia appears frequently at major fashion shows. As a fashion icon and trend-setter, Tia has graced the covers of fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, and shares her beauty and fashion tips through a number of Vogue’s social media channels.

Media enquiry, please contact:


+852 60777342 | +852 93793045

Sudan police tear-gas pro-democracy protests

KHARTOUM— Sudanese security forces in the capital have fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse thousands of people protesting against military rule.

The demonstrators marched towards the presidential palace but were chased away by police.

They dismissed a deal signed recently between the military and civilians, saying it was too vague.

The protest took place on the fourth anniversary of the start of an uprising that toppled Omar al-Bashir.

He had been in power for three decades before he was forced out in April 2019.

The short-lived transition to civilian rule ended two years later, when the military staged a coup.

A fortnight ago, the junta leaders agreed to hand back power to civilian groups in a move to end the ongoing political crisis.

A transitional two-year period led by civilian leaders was agreed upon. But pro-democracy protesters – mostly young women and men – opposed the deal.

Chants of “you will not rule us with this deal” and “back to the barracks” were heard.

Source: Nam News Network

Ousted president Al Bashir pleas full responsibility for Sudan 1989 coup

Ousted Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir admitted that he bore responsibility for the June 30, 1989 coup, in his first statement before the judiciary since he was ousted and detained on April 11, 2019, saying: “I know that confession is the master of evidence.”

Yesterday, during his plea, he said that no member of the Revolutionary Command Council had any role in the events of June 30, 1989. The former president said he was “proud” to have been “the leader of the national salvation revolution.”

Al Bashir appeared before the special court for the first time since the trial began in 2020, facing charges of undermining the national constitutional order during the military uprising in 1989. He came to the court from Kober prison in Khartoum, where he is being held after being convicted on charges of corruption and currency irregularities in December 2019.

He refused to make any statements before the legal committee investigating the coup that brought him and the Islamic Front to power for 30 years, “because it was a political committee that included activists.”

He said the leaders of the Salvation Council were not involved in the coup and had no role in the planning or implementation of the coup, and that the movement was not with the participation of any civilian figure.

“We did not intend to monopolise power,” he said. “The conditions in the army were dire, and I proudly stand before the court and say that I am the leader of the Salvation Revolution.”

Lawyer Moaz Hadra, member of the indictment panel concerning the June 30, 1989 coup under the leadership of former Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir questioned the importance of yesterday’s plea. Hadra explained that “courts deal only with evidence and facts.”

Hadra told Radio Dabanga that the ousted president aims to clear the Islamic Front when he says that he alone should be held accountable for the coup.

The statement of the indicted former dictator is “just a political sermon that contradicts the facts and does not have any legal value,” he said. “It does not change anything,” referring to ample evidence confirming the Islamic Front’s planning and participation in the 1989 coup.

“Al Bashir’s statement contradicts his lawyer’s line of defence, as well as his statements about the subject for the past thirty years,” he said, adding: “Nobody can carry out a coup by themselves.”

May 2021, the Khartoum court that is trying deposed former president Omar Al Bashir and 27 former officials for the 1989 coup, heard a detailed list of those involved in the plot.

Ousted President Omar Al Bashir, who ruled the country for 30 years and was deposed by a military coup on April 11, 2019, was sentenced to two years in a ‘correctional facility’ designed for older prisoners following his ouster.

Al Bashir has also been charged with incitement and involvement in the killing of demonstrators during the protests that led to his removal from power. In December he was questioned about his role in the 1989 coup that brought him to power.

Source: Radio Dabanga

Future of Sudan’s Burhan as army chief in question following accord

Earlier this month a framework agreement was signed in Sudan between the military junta and major political forces who are under the umbrella of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC).

The agreement provides for the formation of a transitional civilian government that would take over from the military and rule for 24 months after which elections would be held.

Sceptics at home: But despite the international praise for the deal including from western nations and regional powers, many at home are wary of contentious items not addressed in the agreement that may be used by the military to slow-walk or even derail implementation.

These items include transitional justice, dismantling of the 1989 coup holdovers, resolving conflict in eastern Sudan as well as military & security reform.

Question of who runs the army:

There is also plenty of apprehension regarding the role of the army chief in the new government who would theoretically be appointed by the civilian head of state who will hold the title of the commander in chief.

Much of the talk revolves around where the current chief general Abdel-Fatah al-Burhan and his deputy Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemetti) who leads the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) be placed in the upcoming transitional government.

Burhan and Hemetti led a coup last year that disbanded the first civilian government formed after the ouster of ex-president Omer Hassan al-Bashir. They also briefly detained most cabinet ministers including Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok along with scores of other politicians.

Legitimizing Burhan?

Siddiq Tawer, who was a member of the dissolved Sovereignty Council under in the transitional government, told {Sudan Tribune} that Burhan lured FFC into signing the framework agreement which recognizes him as an equal partner in the political scene rather than someone who carried out a coup against the legitimate civilian authority.

“What kind of civilian authority is it whose chief gets orders from leaders below him and cannot relieve, promote or dismiss? Burhan will be in this sense above any authority and the military institution is under his command and outside the authority of the civilian government” Tawer said.

Tawer added that recent statements by Burhan downplaying the significance of the framework agreement is effectively a death certificate for the deal.

But another official with the Unionist Alliance party Mohamed Abdel-Hakam dismissed these concerns to {Sudan Tribune} stressing that the draft transitional constitution produced by the steering committee of the Sudanese bar association that was agreed to by the military side in addition to the framework agreement, stipulates that the military would recommend a candidate for the army chief to the civilian president to endorse or express reservations.

Military role:

On the broader question of military role, Abdel-Hakam noted that the draft transitional constitution and the political framework agreement specified that military companies would devolve to the Ministry of Finance and that the armed forces are prohibited from engaging in commercial and investment activities except with regard to military missions and military industrialization.

Furthermore, the decision to declare war or other similarly sensitive issues will be deliberated in the security and defence council chaired by the civilian prime minister who holds executive power and authority over the police and intelligence agencies.

He noted that the transitional legislative assembly will also have a say in any major security issues including the declaration of war.

Status Quo:

Mohieddin Mohamed, a researcher and political analyst, said it is all but certain that the current military brass would stay in place under the new transitional government.

He added that he does not expect the military to nominate a figure other than Burhan, particularly in light of his role as a signatory to the framework agreement. The same would be true of all other senior military leaders.

Avoid ambiguity:

Fayez Al-Silek, a former adviser to former Prime Minister Hamdok, told Sudan Tribune that the clauses on the appointment of the army commander must be worded clearly to avoid any ambiguity.

He stressed that the role of the army chief is not a political function but rather a military technical function in the first place.

Source: Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s Bashir admits role in 1989 coup

Sudan’s ousted president Omar al-Bashir on Tuesday announced his full responsibility for the events of the 1989 coup d’état that brought him and 27 of his aides to power.

“I bear full responsibility for what happened on June 30 (1989); a confession is the strongest of all evidence,” al-Bashir said as part of his testimony, which was broadcast live on Tuesday.

Al-Bashir said other non-military factions were not involved in the takeover.

The former president cited several achievements since he came to power in 1989.

“We invited 77 party leaders for dialogue after the 1989 events, with the aim of restoring peace to the country,” al-Bashir said.

“We had great successes, we wanted to serve the Sudanese people, and our goal was not power,” he said, denying any role for civilians in carrying out the 1989 coup.

Al-Bashir faces charges of undermining Sudan’s constitutional order by staging the 1989 coup.

On June 30, 1989, al-Bashir staged a military coup against the government of Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, and ruled the country under what he named the “national salvation revolution”.

The former president is currently held in the Kober prison in Khartoum after being found guilty of corruption in December 2019.

Al-Bashir ruled Sudan for three decades and was removed from power by the military in 2019 following mass protests.

Source: Radio Tamazuj