Sudan Teachers: Strikes disrupted by new ‘predatory exam schedule’ for students

The Sudanese Teachers Committee (STC) condemned the ‘predatory actions’ utilised by Sudan’s authorities in disrupting the recent strikes, by forcing students to sit their exams during the strike-schedule.

In an interview with Radio Dabanga, Duriya Babiker, a leading member of the STC stated yesterday that holding the exams in light of the strikes is a “crime against students”, and that the only purpose of this “interruption is to undermine the multi-state-wide strikes”.

Babiker also stated that a STC meeting is expected to be held later this week to discuss the appropriate response regarding the impromptu exams. According to the STC leader, they must first wait for the “reports submitted by STC members in the various states”, till they decide on how the committee will proceed.

She also denied the assertion that teachers had been paid their full dues by the Ministry of Finance, as per the agreement reached between the STC and representatives of the Sovereignty Council and the Finance Ministry on January 25.

It was agreed last month that a wage increase, vis-à-vis a 14.8 per cent increase in the government’s spending on the education budget in 2023, would be authorised in order to supplement the teacher’s salaries.

As well as the budget increase, the meeting held last month in Khartoum agreed on immediately implementing Cabinet Resolutions 380 and 363, which outlined how the salaries would be disbursed, as well as an additional clothing allowance for teachers in Khartoum and Central Darfur.

According to the strike leader, she stated that the resolution was not enacted in every state, as “some states did not disburse salaries at all”.

Babiker also pointed out that no decision has been issued regarding the three-month grant from the Sovereignty Council so far, as well as there being no progress on the “increase in government spending on education and the application of the ideal pension”.

Principal dismissed

The Ministry of Education in the Northern State ‘arbitrarily dismissed’ the Taboum School’s principal, Shazli El Fadul, due to his refusal in stopping the teachers strike on Tuesday.

The state’s ministry appointed another principal in his stead, whilst El Fadul was transferred to a different school.

The Northern State Legal Teachers Committee condemned the decision, describing it as an ‘arbitrary manipulation’ to dissuade the strikes.

Source: Radio Dabanga