‫التحول الأخضر: اتجاه عالمي لا رجعة فيه وخطوات فينجروب الرائدة

هانوي، فيتنام – Media OutReach Newswire – 22 أغسطس 2024 – فينجروب، أكبر تكتل شركات خاصة في فيتنام، تقود المسيرة نحو مستقبل مستدام. ومع اشتداد السباق العالمي للوصول إلى صافي الصفر، تستفيد فينجروب من مواردها لدفع المبادرات الخضراء عبر أعمالها، بداية من العقارات إلى السيارات الكهربائية. وتشغل الشركة وضعًا رائدًا في التحول الأخضر في فيتنام.

منطقة فينهومز أوشن بارك 1 الحضرية، وهي جزء من منظومة فينجروب البيئية

حددت فينجروب بوضوح دورها الرائد في تعزيز التحول الأخضر، ليس فقط بالكلمات ولكن من خلال الإجراءات الملموسة. تشمل الأمثلة البارزة استراتيجية العقارات الخضراء لدى شركة فينهومز وخطوط إنتاج السيارات الكهربائية لشركة فينفاست. تعمل هذه التحركات الجريئة التي اتخذتها فينجروب على تشكيل منظومة خضراء، مما يخلق نمط حياة جديدًا وصديقًا للبيئة وأكثر ذكاءً في فيتنام.

وفي قطاع العقارات، كانت شركة فينهومز رائدة في تطوير المناطق الحضرية الخضراء، مما أدى إلى خلق ظروف مواتية للمقيمين لتبني أسلوب حياة أخضر. مع وسائل الراحة مثل محطات شحن السيارات الكهربائية والحافلات الكهربائية المتوفرة بسهولة، والمساحات الخضراء المخططة بدقة، لا تقوم فينهومز ببناء المنازل فحسب، بل تعمل أيضًا على إنشاء بيئات معيشية مستدامة حيث يمكن للمقيمين الاستمتاع بحياة صحية ومريحة مع المساهمة في حماية البيئة.

انتقلت فينفاست، الشركة الرئيسية للسيارات لدى فينجروب، إلى إنتاج سيارات كهربائية بالكامل في عام 2022. ومن خلال الحملات الترويجية والتسويقية الجذابة، شجعت هذه الشركة الفرعية عملاءها الفيتناميين على الانضمام إلى مبادرة التحول الأخضر الوطنية وفي الوقت نفسه تحويل مشهد سوق السيارات بالكامل في البلاد. ويتمتع العملاء بامتيازات مثل مواقف السيارات المجانية، والشحن المجاني طويل الأمد، والمساعدة في تركيب محطات الشحن المنزلية. ولم تكن الميزة الوحيدة لسيارات فينفاست أنها صديقة للبيئة فحسب، بل تتميز أيضًا بتصميمات مستقبلية وميزات أمان ذكية وتكنولوجيا متقدمة؛ مما يرمز إلى نمط حياة جديد.

بعد أن حققت مكانة متميزة، حصلت فينفاست على مكان في قائمة مجلة تايم لعام 2024 التي تضم أكثر 100 شركة تأثيرًا، لتنضم إلى صفوف الشركات العالمية العملاقة مثل جوجل وميكروسوفت وبي إم دبليو. تحقق فينفاست دفعة قوية في الأسواق الدولية، بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة وكندا وأوروبا والدول الآسيوية مثل الهند وإندونيسيا والفلبين.

 وفي 31 يوليو، خطت الشركة خطوة كبيرة بافتتاح أول صالة عرض لها في الشرق الأوسط في سلطنة عمان، مما يمثل دخولها إلى هذه المنطقة. وتشمل الأسواق المستهدفة التالية كلاً من قطر والإمارات العربية المتحدة، حيث أبرمت فينفاست مؤخرًا اتفاقيات شراكة مع الوكلاء المحليين. كما أن مجموعة منتجات فينفاست المتنوعة وخدمات ما بعد البيع الممتازة تعد بتقديم تجارب فريدة ومثيرة في الرحلة نحو إمداد المستهلكين بالكهرباء في الشرق الأوسط.

أصبح قطاعا العقارات والسيارات الكهربائية في فينجروب من عوامل زيادة الإيرادات بدرجة كبيرة، حيث تجاوزت الإيرادات 6.5 مليار دولار في عام 2023. وفي الربع الأول من عام 2024، أعلنت الشركة عن صافي إيرادات مجمعة بقيمة 853.7 مليون دولار أمريكي وصافي أرباح 52.5 مليون دولار أمريكي، مما يسلط الضوء على قوتها المالية وأهمية قطاعات أعمالها الرئيسية.

في مارس 2023، أنشأ فام نهات فونج، رئيس مجلس إدارة فينجروب، جي إس إم، وهي أول خدمة لطلب سيارات كهربائية بالكامل في فيتنام باستخدام سيارات فينفاست الكهربائية بالكامل بنسبة 100%. ولا تقتصر هذه الشراكات والمبادرات على الترويج لسيارات فينفاست الكهربائية، بل تساعد أيضًا في ترسيخ عادات نقل ذكية وصديقة للبيئة بين الشعب الفيتنامي.

بفضل رؤيتها الاستراتيجية وإجراءاتها الملموسة، لا يقتصر دور فينجروب على ترسيخ مكانتها في فيتنام فحسب، بل تضع بصمتها على المستوى الدولي أيضًا، من خلال بناء منظومة خضراء وذكية تهدف إلى مستقبل مستدام. وقد تم الاعتراف بجهود فينجروب أيضًا من خلال جائزة آسيان للتكنولوجيا المستدامة لعام 2023، مما يؤكد التزامها بدمج الممارسات المستدامة في استراتيجيات أعمالها الأساسية. وبشكل عام، يحمل الطريق أمامنا إمكانات هائلة، ويبدو أن هذا التكتل الفيتنامي في وضع جيد لإحداث تأثير دائم.

Underage Gamblers Beware: Regulated Online Casinos to Forfeit Winnings and Adopt Biometric Age Verification Tools

WATERFORD, Ireland, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a bid to double down on underage gambling, regulated online casinos globally will forfeit the winnings of those found to be under the legal age. As the gambling industry draws a firm line against illegal play, it is also adopting cutting-edge biometric facial age verification technology to help fortify its platforms.

Global casino information resource portal, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – a division of the OneTwenty Group – said these initiatives underscored how seriously the industry viewed this. Already in the United States, five New Jersey casinos and a horse racing track have forfeited $77,000 won by minors.

“Online casinos are stepping up its game and this no-nonsense approach serves as a deterrent, reinforcing that underage gambling does not pay – literally. We are sending a strong warning to kids to stay off gambling sites. The forfeited winnings will be redirected to relevant government authorities, where it will support programs like the treatment of compulsive gambling,” said Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information at MDC.

“In addition, the adoption of age verification tools marks a significant leap forward in our ongoing mission. By integrating these advanced tools, the industry is not just keeping pace with the digital age, it’s setting a new benchmark for player protection.”

Governments like Germany and Argentina are on board and have endorsed these verification tools for online sites. Australia is also hot on the heels of this, while the UK is considering it.

“As this trend gains momentum, it’s expected that more online casinos and countries will follow suit. In a world where digital access is at every teenager’s fingertips, the fight against underage gambling is more crucial than ever,” said Raaff.

“The industry remains resolute in its mission to safeguard minors. Through collaboration and a shared commitment to responsible gambling, we are making significant strides and will continue to advocate for a safer gambling environment worldwide.”

About MDC

Minimum Deposit Casinos – a division of the OneTwenty Group – is a leading global casino information resource portal that reviews and recommends only the most trusted and reliable regulated online casinos to players. It does this by vetting casinos through safety and security checks, confirming valid gaming licenses and responsible gambling tools, as well as fair gaming practices.

Contact Information: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

Website: www.minimumdepositcasinos.org

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000987745

Bitget Adds Support for PayPal (PYUSD) Stablecoin on Solana Blockchain

Bitget Adds Support for PayPal (PYUSD) Stablecoin on Solana Blockchain
Bitget Adds Support for PayPal (PYUSD) Stablecoin on Solana Blockchain

Bitget Adds Support for PayPal (PYUSD) Stablecoin on Solana Blockchain

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has added trading support for PayPal’s PYUSD stablecoin on Solana blockchain, increasing the availability of multichain tokens. This enables smooth transactions of PYUSD on the Solana and Ethereum networks, easing its utility in the broader Bitget ecosystem.

Solana’s infrastructure is designed to handle high transaction volumes quickly and at a minimal cost, making it an attractive platform for stablecoins like PYUSD. With its growing reputation as a preferred network for stablecoin activities, Solana offers an efficient and scalable environment that aligns with the requirements of digital payment systems. The integration of PYUSD into Solana broadens user options by enabling transactions on multiple blockchain networks. This step is likely to reinforce Solana’s standing in the stablecoin market, further supporting its role in powering financial transactions and other blockchain-based services. By expanding PayPal USD’s availability on Solana, new opportunities arise for consumers and businesses, especially in areas where transaction speed and cost-efficiency are crucial.

One of the main advantages PYUSD offers is its potential for greater accessibility and user adoption compared to other stablecoins. PayPal’s established global presence and user base give PYUSD a unique advantage. With PayPal’s vast network, including millions of merchants and consumers worldwide, PYUSD has the potential to quickly scale and become a prominent alternative in the stablecoin space. Additionally, the integration of PYUSD on platforms like Bitget positions it to capitalize on both retail and institutional interest in stable, fiat-backed stablecoins.

The listing of PayPal’s stablecoin, PYUSD, on Bitget is a significant development for both the platform and its users. As one of the most recognizable names in global finance, PayPal’s entry into the stablecoin market with PYUSD brings a level of trust for mainstream adoption. Bitget remains dedicated to continuous innovation and optimization, striving to provide users with efficient and accessible trading services. Bitget addresses the demand for more flexible crypto products, empowering its 30 million users to manage and diversify portfolios with emerging tech and new stablecoins.

To start trading PYUSD, visit here.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 25 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
For media inquiries, please contact: media@bitget.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6e3142f2-b67f-4ac5-9b2e-b88ff0474e46

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000987716

Brains Bioceutical Set to Achieve One of the World’s First CEP for Cannabidiol Certification with the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare

Advancing Pharmaceutical Innovation: Brains Bioceutical’s CEP Certification will Streamline Cannabinoid Drug Development, Inspired by Jazz Pharmaceuticals’ CBD-Based Epilepsy Drug and 2024 $1.4 Billion Revenue Projection

                                             BSPG Laboratories

Brains Bioceutical Corps. wholly-owned subsidiary BSPG Laboratories in Sandwich Kent

SANDWICH, United Kingdom, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brains Bioceutical Corp. (BBC) has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by submitting one of the world’s first CEP (Certification of Suitability) application for its Cannabidiol (CBD) Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) to the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM). This landmark achievement demonstrates BBC’s CBD as meeting the highest industry standard for pharmaceutical-grade cannabinoid products.

The CEP confirms that BBC’s CBD meets European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) standards, a crucial endorsement for pharmaceutical manufacturers in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, and the US. This certification streamlines regulatory processes, ensuring high quality, consistency, and safety for global markets.

Additional advantages of the CEP include:

  • Facilitating and simplifying interactions between regulators and industry, ensuring that substances used in pharmaceutical production meet European Pharmacopoeia standards and comply with relevant EU legislation.
  • Easing the management of investigational medicinal product for medicinal products.
  • Serving as a complement and bridge between European Pharmacopoeia monographs and the regulatory dossier requirements for medicinal products.
  • Acting as a link between health authorities and industry, enhancing communication and cooperation.

Ricky Brar, CEO and Chairman of Brains Bioceutical Corp., emphasized the importance of this certification in the company’s long-term strategy. “Achieving a CEP for our Cannabidiol Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient is a pivotal step in our journey to lead the global cannabinoid market. It reinforces our commitment to quality and innovation, and it positions Brains Bio to set the standard for the industry. This is not just about meeting regulatory requirements—it’s about exceeding them and setting a new benchmark for what pharmaceutical-grade cannabinoid products should be.”

Dean Billington, Chief Operating Officer of Brains Bioceutical Corp., added, “Our submission to the EDQM is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. The CEP will provide a significant competitive advantage, ensuring that our Cannabidiol API is recognized as a top-tier ingredient for pharmaceutical use. We are proud to be at the forefront of this rapidly evolving industry, driving excellence in every aspect of our operations.”

The global demand for cannabinoid-based pharmaceuticals remains robust, evidenced by Epidiolex, which Jazz Pharmaceuticals projects will generate approximately $1.4 billion in revenue in 2024 [1]. This reflects ongoing growth and demand for high-quality pharmaceutical cannabinoid products.

The EDQM’s review process, initiated on August 8, 2024, will take approximately 115 working days. Successful granting of a CEP will confirm that Brains Bio’s CBD meets, the stringent Ph. Eur. requirements.

This CEP application effort underscores Brains Bio’s unwavering commitment to setting new standards for the cannabinoid industry. This builds on Brains Bio’s EU GMP and controlled substances licenses. By aligning its CBD API with the rigorous criteria of the European Pharmacopoeia, Brains Bio is not only participating in the market but actively shaping its future.

As part of our strategic partnership, Brains Bioceutical and DSM-Firmenich have joined forces to leverage their combined expertise in cannabinoid research and development. Together with Brains Bioceutical – manufacturer of high-quality pharma-grade cannabinoids – DSM-Firmenich offers an end-to-end innovation platform designed to support early-stage cannabinoid drug development and realize the potential of CBD- based formulations. Its capabilities include leading-edge formulation expertise, a global network of regulatory specialists, and preclinical and clinical study proficiency. The company also has the capacity to provide customized solutions depending on the therapeutic area and drug delivery objective. To learn more about how DSM-Firmenich’s cannabinoid innovation platform is helping to elevate patient health, visit: www.dsm.com/cannabinoid-actives.

About Brains Bioceutical Corp.

Brains Bioceutical is the leader in evidence-based and science-led pioneer of natural plant-based health and wellness solutions.

Brains Bio is a leading manufacturer of the highest quality natural and pure active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), with a unique suite of licenses and registrations, Brains Bio is strategically positioned to take advantage of the complex regulatory environment, securing its first mover and product quality advantage. Brains Bio is diversified across the pharmaceutical, medical, and nutraceutical sectors within the rapidly growing cannabinoid market, resulting in a strong and unique value proposition.

[1] https://investor.jazzpharma.com/investors

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b460b7ca-9a31-4a41-a012-23d26e61ef5d




GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9218790

Briscoe Group Partners With Impact Analytics to Power Data-Driven Retail Operations

90-Store New Zealand-Based Home Goods and Sporting Goods Retailer Will Use the AI-Merchandising & Supply Chain Platform to Enhance Forecasting, Inventory Management and More

NEW YORK, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Impact Analytics™, the pioneer in AI-powered planning, merchandising and pricing solutions, today announced it has partnered with Briscoe Group, a leading retail conglomerate in New Zealand which operates Briscoes Homewares and Rebel Sport. Under the terms of the partnership, Briscoe Group will implement the Impact Analytics AI-Merchandising & Supply Chain platform, including PlanSmart, AssortSmart, InventorySmart, and AttributeSmart, to make data-driven decisions, improve forecasting accuracy, enhance inventory management, and ultimately deliver a superior customer experience.

“After thoroughly evaluating opportunities to integrate advanced AI capabilities into our operations, we selected Impact Analytics for their exceptional retail-focused platform and team of seasoned experts,” said Andrew Scott, COO of Briscoe Group. “The platform’s ability to deliver rapid value through dynamic module interaction and sophisticated AI forecasting will future-proof our business, ensuring we remain at the cutting edge of retail innovation.”

“We are proud to partner with Briscoe Group on this incredible business transformation,” said Prashant Agrawal, CEO of Impact Analytics. “The Briscoe group team’s dedication to retail excellence and innovation is truly inspiring. We are confident that our AI-powered platform will enable them to achieve their strategic goals and drive sustainable growth.”

The Impact Analytics PlanSmart module is designed to help retailers optimize merchandise financial planning and manage open-to-buy budgets effectively. It leverages AI-driven forecasting to enhance the accuracy of financial plans, ensures better alignment with demand and inventory needs, and helps retailers make data-driven decisions to improve profitability and reduce the risk of overstock or stockouts​.

AssortSmart is an AI-powered assortment planning software that enables leading retail companies like Briscoe to create customer-centric, profitable, and localized assortments across multiple locations. By analyzing vast amounts of data and using advanced algorithms, it helps retailers make informed decisions to maximize sales, minimize markdowns, and enhance overall profitability.

InventorySmart is an AI-powered forecasting engine that enables retailers to accurately predict inventory needs and drive profitability by reducing overstocks and optimizing assortments and distribution. By considering over 200 variables, InventorySmart provides decision-makers with a comprehensive understanding of demand, ensuring well-informed inventory management and strategic planning.

AttributeSmart is an AI-powered automated product tagging software that helps retailers improve product discoverability and merchandising. It uses computer vision and machine learning to automatically generate accurate product tags from various sources including images, text descriptions, and customer reviews.

About Briscoe Group

Briscoe Group is a leading retail conglomerate in New Zealand, operating 90 stores and two websites across the Briscoe Homewares and Rebel Sport brand. The company is committed to providing customers with quality products, exceptional service, and a seamless shopping experience.


Impact Analytics offers a holistic suite of AI-powered solutions to help brands future-proof their businesses using predictive analytics. The company has been pioneering and perfecting the use of AI in forecasting, planning and operations for nearly a decade, serving the retail, grocery, manufacturing and CPG industries. With tools for planning, forecasting, merchandising and pricing, Impact Analytics enables companies to make smart, data-based decisions rather than relying on last year’s figures to forecast and plan this year’s business. The company also offers tools to automate functions the industry has long managed manually by spreadsheet and to unify and streamline reporting, so executives can rely on a single source of truth when making decisions. Impact Analytics was founded and is led by Prashant Agrawal, a former senior consultant at McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group and current Adjunct Professor at Columbia University who teaches about the use of AI in retail.

To learn more, visit Impact Analytics.

Media Contact
For Impact Analytics:
Danielle Poggi
Berns Communications Group

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9218468

Dozens of Palestinians martyred, others injured in Ongoing Israeli Bombardment of Gaza

Occupied Jerusalem, Dozens of Palestinians were martyred and injured on Thursday at dawn in new massacres committed by Israeli occupation on the 321st day of the ongoing aggression on the afflicted Gaza Strip.

Wafa News Agency reported that the occupation aircraft bombed a house in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, leading to the martyrdom of 11 Palestinians and the injury of dozens of others, most of them children and women. It indicated that the bodies of the martyrs arrived at Kamal Adwan Hospital in charred limbs, while others are still under the rubble.

Meanwhile, 6 Palestinians were martyred, others were injured in an Israeli occupation bombing of a house in Maghazi camp in central of the Strip, in addition to the killing and injury of others in an Israeli bombing of Tel al-Zaatar neighborhood in Jabalia camp northern of the Strip and the city of Khan Yunis in southern of the strip.

In the same context, the occupation’s air force and artillery launched raids and intensive shelling on Deir al-Balah cit
y, Nuseirat camp in the middle of the Strip, and Sabra neighborhood in southern of Gaza City, which led to the injury of dozens of Palestinians, most of them children and women.

Palestinian Ministry of Health announced Wednesday that the number of victims of the ongoing occupation aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7th has risen to 40,223 martyrs and 92,981 wounded, while a number of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews are unable to reach them.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency