HM the King Congratulates Jordan’s Sovereigns on 25th Anniversary of Their Accession to Throne

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein and Queen Rania, Sovereigns of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of their accession to the throne.

In this message, His Majesty the King expresses, in his personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His warmest congratulations to the sovereigns of the Kingdom of Jordan on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their accession to the throne, praying God to grant them good health, happiness and long life, and to perpetuate prosperity and well-being over the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan under their wise leadership.

The Sovereign says he is ‘proud of the exceptional and close relations that unite our two countries, ties that we constantly and mutually aspire to strengthen further in various fields and at all levels’, in the interests of our two brotherly peoples.

His Majesty the King renews His congratulations as well as His warmest greetings to all members of
the noble Royal Family of Jordan and His best wishes to the brotherly Jordanian people.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

“Al-Quds Brigades” bombards settlements around the Gaza Strip with missile launches

Gaza: Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the “Islamic Jihad” movement, announced the bombing of Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip with missile salvos, on Saturday evening, “Ninth Al-Baha.”

Sirens sounded in the settlements of Sderot, Kfar Gaza, Mvalim, and Nir Am, and explosions were heard in the area.

Sirens also sounded in the Tacoma area, and they were targeted by two missiles fired from the Jabalia refugee camp.

The Iron Dome intercepted one of the missiles and the other exploded in an open area near Kibbutz Kfar Azza.

The “Jerusalem Brigades” announced that it had re-bombed the settlements surrounding Gaza with a missile barrage.

Earlier, the “Jerusalem Brigades” published scenes of equipping and bombing an Israeli army command headquarters at the “Ra’im” military site with a missile salvo.

In another statement, the Al-Quds Brigades said: ‘After our mujahideen returned from the areas of clashes in the advance axes in the city of Rafah, they confirmed that they had carried out a number of ta

– Targeting a force holed up in a house in the Saudi neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, with machine guns and an anti-fortified TBG shell, which led to the force being killed and wounded.

– Destruction of a D9 military bulldozer with a rubber device in the Saudi neighborhood, west of Rafah.

– A military vehicle was targeted with a tandom shell in the vicinity of the agency’s clinic in the Saudi neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah.

The Al-Quds Brigades also announced that a “Merkavah 4” tank was targeted with an RPG shell in the vicinity of Al-Huda Mosque in the middle of the Yabna refugee camp, south of the city of Rafah.

It also stated: ‘After returning contact with one of our fighting groups in the clash areas west of the city of Rafah, our mujahideen confirmed that they had targeted a military vehicle with an RPG shell and set it on fire near the cultural center in the vicinity of the Taiba Mosque in the Saudi neighborhood west of the city of Rafah

Source: Maan News Agency

PM: Jordan made key achievements in every field under His Majesty King Abdullah II’s rule

Amman: Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh said that Jordan has made significant progress in every area under the rule of His Majesty King Abdullah II.

During his hosting in Al-Mamlaka TV channel’s open studio, he added, “I extend from His Majesty King Abdullah II and Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah my warmest and most sincere congratulations on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee, this national occasion dear to every Jordanian man and woman, praying to God Almighty to continue the process of continuous construction, which we have termed the “great transition” that took place during the prosperous era of His Majesty the King, indicating that 25 years after we entered the bicentennial and coinciding with the anniversary of His Majesty’s assumption of his constitutional powers the blanket program of modernization was launched.

The Prime Minister noted that the first step of the comprehensive modernization project is the coming into effect of the Royal Decree to hold parliamentary elections on September 10 base
d on the new laws governing parties and elections as well as the constitutional amendments suggested by the Royal Committee for the Modernization of the Political System, which included members of all political spectrums in Jordan as well as many of our bright young people and women, on whose empowerment and integration into politics His Majesty the King depends.

Additionally, he emphasized that the framework governing the law on political parties and elections encompasses the ways in which public work is organized within partisan programmatic frameworks primarily based on Jordanian national economic, social, and political priorities. These include fostering party organization and making sure that our young people, of whom His Majesty the King and His Highness the Crown Prince are always proud, as well as Jordanian women, who are vital collaborators in the process of constructing society and development, are integrated into this political path capable of influencing social and economic decisions.

He made no
te of the fact that the reform tracks are all interconnected and last for ten years. The political track starts with a first stop that results in a party list consisting of forty-one seats. Four years later, the number of party seats increases to fifty percent, and then to seventy percent, reaching a point where parties are able to form a majority in parliament. At this point, His Majesty the King may, in accordance with his constitutional powers, deem it appropriate to select the majority party or coalition of majority parties to form a partisan government.

Simultaneously, His Majesty the King unveiled the Economic Modernization Vision, which aims to create one million job opportunities by the end of the ten years and double economic growth rates to reach 5.5 percent, Khasawneh said, adding that these goals would address a major issue that we face and suffer from, namely unemployment, which we can only resolve by accomplishing these goals.

He mentioned that the government had started these tracks’ executiv
e programs, with the first one aimed at economic modernization reaching many of its objectives. He also mentioned that we had seen very encouraging results in terms of reaching the program’s targeted growth rates and that we had reduced unemployment from 24.1 percent to 21.4 percent in just two years.

He pointed out that if we review in the language of numbers since His Majesty the King assumed his constitutional powers from 1999 until 2022, the Jordanian GDP was about six billion Jordanian dinars, while today it reaches the limits of 35-36 billion Jordanian dinars, and the income derived from the industrial sector was in 1999 about one billion and 300 million Jordanian dinars and now seven billion and 330 million Jordanian dinars.

He also mentioned the tourism industry, whose earnings in 1999 were estimated to be between one billion and 300 million Jordanian dinars; as of now, they are estimated to be around 5.2 billion. In addition, the number of government and private institutions as well as military cul
ture schools has increased.

Additionally, he brought up the number of businesses operating in the fields of entrepreneurship, communications, and information technology, which stood at roughly 300 in 1999 but has since grown to over 3500.

The interruption of Egyptian gas supply, the Corona pandemic, which affected the entire world and caused a slowdown in the global economy, the Ukrainian-Russian crisis and its inflationary effectiveness we were able to contain thanks to His Majesty’s international standing and the ongoing brutal war and crimes against our people that are currently taking place in the Gaza Strip as well as the extremely dangerous escalation that aims to alter the West Bank all of which His Majesty the King bears primary responsibility for protecting Islamic and Christian holy sites and the Al-Aqsa Mosque based on the Hashemite Custodianship.

The younger generation, which makes up over 75 percent of Jordan’s population, is a youthful society, according to Khasawneh, who also noted that only
about 35 percent of eligible voters participated in the previous elections. This low number is insufficient to represent the aspirations of our youth, and casting a ballot is essentially a bet on the youth’s participation in the elections.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Gaza: About 50 children suffer from malnutrition in just one week

Gaza: Kamal Adwan Hospital Director said that about 50 children suffering from malnutrition were counted in just one week.

He added that the health system in Gaza is a target of the occupation, but we are trying to resume medical services at a minimum.

He said: We are trying to resume medical service at a minimum in light of the fuel shortage and the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip.

He pointed out: The specter of famine looms in Gaza, and we recorded signs of malnutrition in some children

Source: Maan News Agency

Gaza: About 50 children suffer from malnutrition in just one week

Gaza: Kamal Adwan Hospital Director said that about 50 children suffering from malnutrition were counted in just one week.

He added that the health system in Gaza is a target of the occupation, but we are trying to resume medical services at a minimum.

He said: We are trying to resume medical service at a minimum in light of the fuel shortage and the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip.

He pointed out: The specter of famine looms in Gaza, and we recorded signs of malnutrition in some children

Source: Maan News Agency

First EU-Jordan business forum to be held on Tuesday

Amman: The first EU-Jordan Business Forum will be held on June 11, 2024. Organized by the European Union Delegation in collaboration with the Ministry of Investment, the Forum aims to boost economic cooperation, encourage investment opportunities, and enhance trade relations between the EU and Jordan.

Ahead of the Forum, Kholoud Saqqaf, Minister of Investment, said: “The EU-Jordan Business Forum ’24 is a pivotal event that underscores Jordan’s commitment to fostering a business-friendly environment and attracting foreign investment. By collaborating closely with our European partners, we are dedicated to unlocking new avenues for economic growth and innovation, thereby positioning Jordan as a key hub for investment in the region.”

For his part, EU Ambassador Chatzisavas said: “The EU-Jordan Business Forum is a testament to the enduring relationship between Jordan and the European Union, based on a shared vision for economic prosperity and sustainable development. The Forum will allow Jordanian and European
companies, as well as partners, to showcase their products and services, and offer a space to develop business to business dialogue.’

The one-day Forum will bring together key stakeholders from both regions, including Saleh Al-Kharabsheh, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ahmad Hanandeh, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank Gelsomina Vigliotti, government officials, business leaders, investors, public and private banks, and industry experts. Distinguished experts and panelists will discuss the main issues hindering bilateral trade and investment, and concrete ways to overcome them.

Topics will include investment opportunities for EU business in the Jordanian and regional markets, success stories of European and Jordanian companies operating in the Kingdom, and sustainable initiatives and opportunities in green industries, digital economy and trade.

The Forum enjoys the support of key partners like the Jordan Business Europe Association
and other business associations.

Participants will perceive the Forum’s strong connection with the Global Gateway goals aimed at fostering investments in intelligent, sustainable, and secure infrastructure on a global scale.

Source: Jordan News Agency