Leading Asia Pacific Carrier Leverages Synchronoss Email Suite to Support Significant Growth to Over 50 Million Users

Company Expands Existing On-Premise Deployment of Mx9 Messaging Platform, Offering an Array of New Features to Ensure Security, Data Privacy, and an Improved User Experience

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Jan. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (“Synchronoss” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: SNCR), a global leader and innovator in cloud, messaging and digital products and platforms, today announced a $3.6 million contract to support significant growth in the messaging subscriber base with one of the largest mobile and telecom operators in the Asia Pacific region. Building on a long-standing relationship spanning over 20 years, the Synchronoss Email Suite will now support over 50 million users.

The Synchronoss Email Suite includes the Mx9 core messaging platform that is highly scalable with a stateless architecture, designed to be fault tolerant. It integrates encryption to ensure the utmost in security and data privacy.

Mx9 offers an intuitive web user interface (UI) for email, contacts, and calendar. Through the Huge Mail feature, Mx9 supports large file exchanges, and integrates Razorgate, an unparalleled message filtering capability designed to remove spam and mitigate the threat of phishing and viruses.

“Supporting on-premise and cloud deployments, our Synchronoss Email Suite provides the capability to deliver a powerful and easy-to-use communications suite that is scalable and capable of supporting millions of users,” said Jeff Miller, President and CEO of Synchronoss. “The growth and expansion of our partnership with this leading Asia Pacific carrier underscores the commitment of our team to continuously innovate and deliver highly scalable solutions that meet the needs of today’s leading communications service providers worldwide.”

Today Synchronoss Email Suite supports 20 major email deployments through service providers in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, and hosts more than 180 million mailboxes. To find out more about the platform and other messaging solutions, visit https://synchronoss.com/products/engagex/email-suite.

About Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq: SNCR) builds software that empowers companies around the world to connect with their subscribers in trusted and meaningful ways. The company’s collection of products helps streamline networks, simplify onboarding, and engage subscribers to unleash new revenue streams, reduce costs and increase speed to market. Hundreds of millions of subscribers trust Synchronoss products to stay in sync with the people, services, and content they love. Learn more at www.synchronoss.com.

Media Relations Contact:
Domenick Cilea

Investor Relations Contact:
Matt Glover / Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8723275

‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): يساعد القطاع الخاص في تعزيز الاقتصاد المتضرر من فيروس كورونا في الصين

 بكين، 30 دجنبر/كانون الأول 2022 /PRNewswire/ — تعهد كبار قادة الصين بتقديم دعم ثابت للقطاع الخاص لتعزيز الاقتصاد المتضرر من فيروس كورونا، حيث لعب القطاع الخاص سريع النمو دورًا كبيرًا في خلق وظائف جديدة وتعزيز الابتكارات التكنولوجية وتحقيق الاستقرار في النمو الاقتصادي.

دعا مؤتمر العمل الاقتصادي المركزي، الذي عُقد في منتصف شهر دجنبر/كانون الأول لتحديد الأولويات الاقتصادية لعام 2023، إلى المساواة في المعاملة بين الشركات الخاصة وشدد على الحماية المستندة إلى القانون لحقوق ملكية الشركات الخاصة ومصالح رواد الأعمال.

وتوقع المؤتمر حدوث تحسن شامل في الاقتصاد ودفعة قوية لمؤتمر السوق العام المقبل، وشجع المزيد من رؤوس الأموال الخاصة على المشاركة في بناء المشاريع الوطنية الرئيسية.

استمر الاقتصاد الخاص في تحقيق نمو قوي على الرغم من التحديات التي يمثلها كوفيد-19. من يناير/كانون الثاني 2020 إلى غشت/آب 2022، ازداد عدد الشركات الخاصة الصينية من 35.2 مليون إلى 47.0 مليون. في عام 2021، مثلت 92.1 في المائة من جميع الشركات.

في عام 2021، ساهم القطاع الخاص بنسبة 48.6 في المائة من التجارة الخارجية، و56.5 في المائة من استثمار الأصول الثابتة، و59.6 في المائة من الإيرادات الضريبية، وأكثر من 60 في المائة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، وأكثر من 70 في المائة من الابتكارات التكنولوجية وأكثر من 80 في المائة من العمالة الحضرية.

وبلغت قيمة التجارة الخارجية للمؤسسات الخاصة 19 تريليون يوان (2.7 تريليون دولار) في عام 2021، بزيادة قدرها 26.7 في المائة على أساس سنوي. وتجاوزت 14.03 تريليون يوان للشركات ذات الاستثمار الأجنبي و5.94 تريليون يوان للشركات المملوكة للدولة.

أكبر 500 شركة خاصة في الصين

تتمتع أكبر 500 شركة خاصة في الصين بأداء أقوى، مع زيادة عتبة الدخول من خلال الإيرادات التشغيلية من 20.2 مليار يوان في عام 2019 إلى 26.4 مليار يوان في عام 2021.

كما قاموا بحقن زخم نمو قوي في التجارة الخارجية. تضاعفت قيمة صادراتها من 121.2 مليار يوان في عام 2019 إلى 245.4 مليار يوان في عام 2021.

في عام 2021، بلغ إجمالي إيرادات الشركات الخمسمائة الأولى 38.3 تريليون يوان، وصافي الأرباح 1.73 تريليون يوان. وساهموا بدفع ضرائب 1.37 تريليون يوان ووفروا 10.9 مليون وظيفة.

تركز أكثر من 60 في المائة من أكبر 500 شركة على الصناعة الثانوية، حيث يمثل المصنعون 60.2 في المائة من الشركات و58.8 في المائة من الإيرادات.

من بين أكبر 500 شركة، توجد 393 شركة في شرق الصين، منها 107 شركة من مقاطعة تشجيانغ و 92 من مقاطعة جيانغسو. وتضم القائمة 60 شركة من وسط الصين و40 من غرب الصين وسبع من شمال شرق الصين.

قادت أكبر 500 شركة خاصة في الصين الابتكار التكنولوجي، حيث ارتفع إجمالي براءات الاختراع الصالحة من 398215 في عام 2019 إلى 633922 في عام 2021. في العام الماضي، ارتفع إجمالي عدد براءات الاختراع الصالحة بنسبة 53.6 في المائة مقارنة بالعام الماضي، بينما ارتفعت براءات الاختراع الدولية الصالحة بنسبة 474.7 في المائة على أساس سنوي.

احتلت شركات التكنولوجيا الصينية العملاقة هواوي Huawei وعلي بابا Alibaba وتينسنت Tencent، المرتبة الأولى بين المستثمرين الثلاثة في معظم عمليات البحث والتطوير في عام 2021، حيث بلغت استثماراتها 142.7 مليار يوان و57.8 مليار يوان و51.9 مليار يوان على التوالي.


الصورة –




Sudan lawyer: Case of illegally held West Darfuri ignored by int’l community

The remaining 95 West Darfur detainees, among them 15 minors, held in Port Sudan Prison resumed their hunger strike. Lawyer Nafeesa Hajar called on the international community to intervene instead of “ignoring the issue of the West Darfur detainees”.

Hajar, a member of the West and North Darfur Detainees Defence Team, accused the authorities of violating the law in a press conference at the Teiba Press hall in Khartoum on Monday.

She said that the director of Port Sudan Prison in end December prevented her and other members of the defence team from meeting the detainees “under the pretext of the prison regulations”.

This behaviour “violates laws, criminal procedures, the constitution, and binding international treaties,” she stated.

“The detainees have been held without charges by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and tried by the Governor of West Darfur, which confirms that the judiciary has abandoned its responsibilities,” the lawyer said, “This means a major setback in the cause for human rights.”

She called on the International Red Cross and UNICEF to stop ignoring the West Darfuri detainees, and intervene.

Defence team lawyer Rehab Mubarak commented at the press conference that “all prisons in Sudan have turned into detention centres”. By detaining people, the authorities pressure their relatives to stop their activism, she claimed, and referred to a number of other violations of laws and treaties, including detaining minors in public prisons.

Mubarak confirmed reports that about 50 West Darfuri prisoners were hidden from a UN mission visiting Port Sudan Prison in December. They were threatened with ill-treatment in the event they would continue their hunger strike.

‘Compound injustice’

In November, the Darfur Bar Association (DBA) announced that 350 West and North Darfuris were subjected to human rights violations as they were being held without legal justification in the Ardamata Prison in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina, the infamous Shala Prison in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, the El Huda Prison in Omdurman, and the Port Sudan Prison in Red Sea state. Most of them were detained by paramilitaries of the RSF.

In August, the DBA and partners reported a mass detention campaign targeting tribal leaders and other activists, teachers, students, and farmers who refused to partake in RSF-led reconciliation efforts . Several people disappeared.

“All prisons in Sudan have turned into detention centres” – defence lawyer Rehab Mubarak

On December 11, the detainees in the various prisons embarked on a hunger strike. 57 detainees, among them minors, were released five days later.

Hajar told Radio Dabanga last week that the Port Sudan Prison administration promised to release the other West Darfuri detainees as well, whereupon they stopped their hunger strike.

When they were returned to their prison cells later that day, they understood that the administration had only ‘hidden’ them, because a delegation of human rights organisations was to visit the prison to inspect the conditions of the convicts.

Lawyers of the defence team who arrived at the Port Sudan Prison on December 29, were not allowed to see their clients. The prison director notified them that even their families are not permitted to visit them except with a letter from the authorities that detained them, which are the governor of West Darfur and the RSF Command.

“What is happening can be considered compound injustice,” Hajar said, referring to the combination of denial of a fair trial, preventing their families and lawyers from visiting them, and not allowing them to see doctors.

In a press statement on December 28, the defence team said that in addition to 95 people being held in Port Sudan Prison, 68 are still detained in Ardamata Prison in El Geneina, bringing the total number of West Darfuri illegal detainees in the country to 163. At least 17 people who were released from El Huda and Port Sudan prisons returned to El Geneina by land. Five others would follow, while those suffering from (chronic) diseases would remain in Khartoum for medical examinations.

22 months in prison

Former detainee Musab Ibrahim (16) from El Geneina, capital of West Darfur, told the press during the conference of the Darfur Detainees Defence Team in Khartoum on Monday that he was held in April 2021 by a force of the RSF while he was on his way to the market.

“They covered my face and beat me in the vehicle that took me to the El Geneina Police Station.” Ibrahim stayed in the police station for 20 days without investigation before he was transferred to the Ardamata Prison in the city, where he was notified that the governor sentenced him in absentia to one-year prison.

After nine months in Ardamata, he was transferred to El Huda Prison, where he was put in a cell with inmates sentenced to death, beaten, verbally abused, not allowed to see a doctor.

Ibrahim said that of the detained minors was mentally ill, while another was vomiting blood. “We then went on a hunger strike, which caused complications for eight of us, before I was released after spending 22 months in prison.”

Source: Radio Dabanga

IGAD to hold summit on South Sudan security crisis

NAIROBI— The Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) is expected to hold a special summit aimed at resolving the ongoing conflict in South Sudan.

Kenyan President William Ruto announced that the summit will seek to assess the implementation of the Revilatised Agreement for the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (RARCSS).

This is after the head of state held discussions with President of Sudan, Abdel Fattah through a phone call on the security situation of South Sudan.

“Received a call from the President of Sudan Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan where we discussed relations between our two countries,” the President stated

“We committed to hold a special IGAD Summit focusing on South Sudan before the end of this month to assess the status of the implementation of the “Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan” and address any emerging issues,” added Ruto

Kenya has played a key role in supporting peace efforts in South Sudan as well as delivering humanitarian assistance to affected communities.

In December 2022, President Ruto donated food stuff and essential medical supplies to South Sudan and called upon the international community to intervene in restoring peace in the East African country.

Source: Nam news Network

Financial analyst denounces ‘doubling of service fees’ in Sudan

According to financial analyst Hafiz Ismail, the current Minister of Finance should be dismissed. A new government is to review his finance policies “that turned into collecting fees and taxes without providing services”. Various fees were increased on Monday.

Ismail told Radio Dabanga on Tuesday that the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning “is taking advantage of the government vacuum and the absence of a legislative council to impose huge increases in service fees and taxes”.

Jibril Ibrahim, Minister of Finance and leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) is to be held responsible for the recent increases, he said.

The analyst warned for “the great impact of these decisions on the various segments of society”.and said he wonders where the funds went that became available after the lifting of subsidies and increasing a number of taxes in 2022.

He called for the dismissal of Ibrahim, addressing the political situation, forming a government, and reviewing the finance policies.

The JEM backed the October 2021 coup d’état by which the military took power from a civilian-led government chaired by Abdallah Hamdok. The international community reacted by suspending aid to the new transitional government. By June 2022, Sudan had lost $4,364 billion in international aid.


On Monday morning, vehicle owners in Sudan were surprised to hear about a more than 150 per cent increase in licensing and inspection fees.

Car owners now have to pay SDG7,000 (about $12*) to SDG14,200 for inspection, while owners of buses, other passenger vehicles, and lorries pay SDG17,700.

The entry fees for Khartoum International Airport doubled to SDG1,000 ($1,75).

Applying for a new passport now costs SDG51,000, about the half of the monthly salary of a basic school teacher.

In October last year, the Finance Minister called for expanding the span of taxes, as he considered it “the most effective and successful way to increase tax revenues and combat tax evasion”.

Many economic experts however said that the measures would further increase the economic hardships of many Sudanese, who already struggle to make ends meet. Economic expert and politician Sidgi Kaballo warned of a ‘revolution of the hungry’ if the root causes of the economic problems would not be addressed.

The government’s new tax policies indeed led to many complaints and strikes in the country. In end October, Sudan’s Chambers of Commerce Federation (CCF) demanded an immediate review of the economic policies and the abolition of the business profits taxes, which were significantly raised as well. The Finance Ministry responded by proposing to amend the income tax on businesses and real estate profits and the personal income tax for 2023.

Source: Radio Dabanga

New Dabanga Sudan website: only 4 days to launch

As part of our core mission to provide independent news from the heart of Sudan, the designers at Dabanga Sudan have redeveloped, updated, and renewed our website, adapted to today’s needs to be viewed dynamically across platforms and devices, and to dovetail seamlessly with social media.

We’re pleased to announce that the new-look website, which includes a range of exciting features and tools, will be launched, and go live on 9 January 2023, so be sure to watch this space!

Source: Radio Dabanga