‫30 ألف غرفة إضافية لزوار قطر خلال النسخة الأولى من المونديال في العالم العربي

الإعلان عن بيع قرابة 3 ملايين تذكرة لحضور مباريات المونديال

الدوحة – قطر17 أكتوبر / تشرين أول 2022/PRNewswire/ — قبيل بدء العد التنازلي لشهر واحد على انطلاق منافسات كأس العالم FIFA قطر 2022 ™ ؛ أعلن منظمو البطولة أن مبيعات التذاكر قاربت حاجز الثلاثة ملايين تذكرة لحضور مباريات النسخة الأولى من مونديال كرة القدم في العالم العربي والشرق الأوسط، والتي سيشهد استاد البيت أولى مبارياتها في 20 نوفمبر المقبل، بين منتخبي قطر والإكوادور.

Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ One Month to Go Press Conference at the St. Regis Doha – 17 October, 2022).

وخلال مؤتمر صحفي عُقد اليوم في الدوحة؛ أشار منظمو المونديال إلى توفير 30 ألف غرفة إضافية لزوار قطر خلال البطولة المرتقبة ، وتتوفر المجموعة الأوسع من خيارات الإقامة على بوابة قطر لأماكن الإقامة ، وبأسعار تبدأ من 80 دولار لليلة الواحدة للفرد في غرفة مزدوجة، وتشمل الفنادق والشقق وقرى المشجعين وغيرها.

وفي رسالة مسجلة عبر الفيديو، قال السيد جياني إنفانتينو، رئيس الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم (الفيفا): “أكدنا دائماً أن قطر ستقدم أفضل نسخة على الإطلاق من بطولة كأس العالم. وكما تشاهدون ما حققته قطر من إنجازات في كافة أنحاء البلاد، من استادات وملاعب تدريب حديثة، وشبكة متطورة من خطوط المترو، وبنية تحتية مشيدة وفق أعلى المواصفات، إن دولة قطر على أتم الاستعداد للترحيب بالجميع، والعالم متحمس لبطولة استثنائية. قطر جاهزة لاستضافة مبهرة، سننظم أفضل نسخة من كأس عالم، تشهد منافسات مشوقة داخل الاستادات، وفعاليات ترفيهية رائعة تقام على هامش البطولة”.

وقال منظمو المونديال إن مبيعات التذاكر وصلت إلى مليونين و890 ألف تذكرة لحضور مباريات البطولة الأربعة والستين، والتي تستضيفها ثمانية استادات مشيدة وفقاً لأرقى المعايير العالمية. وقد تصدّر المشجعون في قطر والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و السعودية وإنجلترا والمكسيك والإمارات والأرجنتين وفرنسا والبرازيل وألمانيا، قائمة الدول الأكثر حصولاً على تذاكر البطولة . كما سجّل مونديال قطر رقماً قياسياً في مبيعات تذاكر الضيافة. وصرح منظمو كأس العالم أن طرح التذاكر سيتواصل لجميع مباريات البطولة حتى انتهاء منافساتها في 18 ديسمبر المقبل، مع دعوة المشجعين لزيارة الموقع الإلكتروني: FIFA.com/tickets ، للتعرف على المستجدات حول المتوفر من التذاكر.  

وسيتلقى حاملو التذاكر بداية من الأسبوع الجاري، رسالة عبر البريد الإلكتروني تحتوي على معلومات حول كيفية تنزيل التطبيق الخاص بالتذاكر على الهواتف المحمولة، والحصول على نسخة رقمية من تذاكرهم.

ودعا المشاركون في المؤتمر المشجعين إلى المسارعة بتقديم طلباتهم للحصول على بطاقة ” هيّا ” الإلزامية، وحجز أماكن الإقامة في أقرب وقت ممكن، وتعد بطاقة هيّا بمثابة تصريح لدخول قطر للمشجعين القادمين من خارجها، كما تتيح لحاملها استخدام المواصلات العامة بالمجان، وتسمح للمشجعين من حاملي تذاكر المباريات بالدخول إلى استادات البطولة.

وأكد المهندس ياسر الجمال، المدير العام للجنة العليا للمشاريع والإرث، أ ن قطر على جاهزية تامة لاستضافة نسخة فريدة من البطولة العالمية، بعد أكثر من عشرة أعوام من العمل الجاد، والتعاون الوثيق مع الشركاء في أنحاء البلاد.

وأضاف: “تمتاز بطولة كأس العالم 2022 بتقارب المسافات، حيث تقع منشآت ومرافق البطولة ضمن نطاق جغرافي محدود، ما يتيح للمشجعين واللاعبين البقاء دائماً في موقع الحدث، وعلى مقربة من الاستادات المونديالية والأماكن التي ستشهد الأنشطة الترفيهية. ونتطلع إلى استضافة بطولة استثنائية تبقى خالدة في ذاكرة المشجعين من أنحاء العالم “.

من جانبه، قال السيد ناصر الخاطر، الرئيس التنفيذي لبطولة كأس العالم FIFA قطر 2022™ أن قطر على أتم الاستعداد لاستضافة مهرجان عالمي يحتفل بالبطولة الأهم في عالم كرة القدم، وقال: “نتطلع إلى الترحيب بالمشجعين من أنحاء العالم مع فعاليات تحتفي بكرم الضيافة العربية، ومجموعة واسعة من خيارات الترفيه، علاوة على أوقات لا مثيل لها مع منافسات البطولة العالمية. لا شك أن العالم سيشهد نسخة فريدة من المونديال ستترك أثراً إيجابياً دائماً على قطر والمنطقة بأكملها.”

وقال السيد كولين سميث، المدير التنفيذي لعمليات كأس العالم في الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم (الفيفا): “تضمن الطبيعة متقاربة المسافات في قطر تشغيل أكثر من 168 موقعاً رسمياً خلال البطولة المرتقبة، وتقع جميعها ضمن مساحة محدودة، ويحمل كل من هذه المواقع أهمية خاصة للاستضافة الناجحة للمونديال. وإلى جانب نجاحنا في اختبار جاهزية استادات المونديال الثمانية؛ بدأنا في تشغيل مراكز المتطوعين وإصدار التصاريح، ومن المقرر افتتاح مركز بيع تذاكر المباريات غداً في مركز الدوحة للمؤتمرات والمعارض، على أن يلي ذلك مركز البث الدولي، والمركز الإعلامي الرئيسي.”

وأضاف سميث: “لا يسعني إلا أن أؤكد مجدداً ثقة الفيفا في قطر، وتقديرنا الكبير للجهود الهائلة التي بذلتها الدولة على طريق الإعداد لاستضافة أفضل نسخة في تاريخ كأس العالم بعد نحو شهر من الآن.”

وشهد المؤتمر الصحفي الإعلان عن باقة متنوعة من الفعاليات الترفيهية التي ستقام في أنحاء البلاد ترحيباً بالزوار خلال البطولة، ومن بينها مهرجان الفيفا للمشجعين، الذي سيتاح بالمجان ويستقبل أكثر من 40 ألف مشجع يومياً خلال فترة البطولة، كما سيضم شاشات عملاقة تعرض البث المباشر لمباريات المونديال.

ومن المقرر أن يستضيف موقع المهرجان في حديقة البدع بالدوحة مجموعة من الفنانين العالميين، كما سيتضمن الكثير من الأنشطة المرتبطة بكرة القدم، كما يتيح للجمهور مجموعة واسعة من خيارات الأطعمة والمشروبات المحلية والعالمية.       

وإلى جانب الفعاليات الترفيهية التي يستضيفها كورنيش الدوحة بطول 6 كيلومترات من حديقة فندق الشيراتون إلى متحف الفن الإسلامي؛ ستشهد منطقة الكورنيش عروضاً فنية متجولة، إضافة إلى تخصيص متاجر ومحلات لبيع مختلف أصناف الأطعمة والمشروبات، هذا إلى جانب أنشطة أخرى تشمل عروضاً يومية ضمن برنامج “أهلا بكم في قطر”، حيث سيستمتع الحضور بباقة من العروض المائية والألعاب النارية، والتي يتخللها أغاني من الألبوم الرسمي لكأس العالم قطر 2022، ومعزوفات للملحن القطري وائل بن علي، ومقطوعات موسيقية لأوركسترا قطر الفلهارمونية.

وسيتمكن المشجعون من الاستمتاع بالألعاب والأنشطة المتنوعة في جزيرة المها بمدينة لوسيل، وكذلك نادي 974 الشاطئي في راس بو عبود، ومنطقة المشجعين هيّا في ممشى لوسيل الجنوبي، و مهرجان شاطئ قطيفان،   فضلا عن الحفلات الموسيقية المقررة ضمن مهرجاني أركاديا الموسيقي الذي تبلغ طاقته الاستيعابية 15 ألف شخص، وميدل بيست – أرافيا الذي يتسع لأكثر من 5 آلاف شخص، كما سيحظى المشجعون الذين يحضرون مباريات المونديال بفرصة الاستمتاع بالعروض الثقافية والفنية والترفيهية في محيط كل استاد، مع أكثر من 6 آلاف عرض في 21 موقعاً. 

وتتوفر تفاصيل كاملة عن الوجهات التي تستضيف الفعاليات والأنشطة الثقافية والترفيهية للمشجعين عبر هذا ( الرابط ).  وبإمكان المشجعين الراغبين في حضور مباريات كأس العالم قطر 2022، التي تقام منافساتها في ثمانية استادات مونديالية، التعرف على آخر المستجدات عن التذاكر وأماكن الإقامة وبطاقة هيّا، عبر زيارة هذا ( الرابط ).

للمزيد من المحتوى الإعلامي حول المؤتمر الصحفي، الرجاء الضغط على الرابط هنا .

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1923076/Qatar_2022_One_Month_to_Go_Press_Conference__17_10_2022.jpg

CGTN: 20th CPC National Congress: Past decade sees success of the CPC’s ethnic policies

BEIJING, Oct. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Among the 2,296 delegates who were elected to attend the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), 264 of them, or 11.5 percent of the total, are from 40 ethnic minority groups.

One day after the opening session of the milestone congress, Xi Jinping on Monday joined a group discussion with delegates from south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, which is home to the country’s largest ethnic minority population.

Xi called on Chinese people of all ethnic groups to stay as united as “a piece of hard steel” under the leadership of the CPC and pull together with one mind to power the giant ship of national rejuvenation through the wind and waves to reach its destination.

He said the 20th CPC National Congress further points out the direction for the development of the Party and the country’s cause, and serves as a political declaration and program of action for the Party to unite Chinese people to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Hailing the achievements Guangxi has made in poverty alleviation, economic reform, environmental protection and other areas since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xi said that they speak volumes for the success of the Party’s ethnic policies and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, progress that is a vivid epitome of the great changes taking place in China in the first 10 years of the new era.

Guangxi’s development

In April, Xi was unanimously elected delegate to the congress in the electoral unit of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, one of the 38 electoral units to represent the Party’s over 96 million members across the country.

A mainly ethnic minority region in southern China that borders Vietnam, Guangxi is considered an important stop for cross-border trade with Southeast Asia. It has built closer economic ties with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) amid China’s wider opening-up.

The momentum was visible at the 19th China-ASEAN Expo in September, during which a record 267 domestic and international deals were signed, with an investment of over 400 billion yuan, or about $57 billion, up 37 percent from last year.

In November 2020, Guangxi had lifted all its 54 poverty-stricken counties out of poverty, when the last eight impoverished counties in the region, including six ethnic minority autonomous counties, had eliminated absolute poverty.

Xi’s taking part in election in border areas with a large ethnic minority population, and that of other leaders in old revolutionary base areas and key regions where national-level development strategies are implemented, has set an example for leading officials.

The leaders’ election as delegates in respective electoral units and their attendance at group discussions of corresponding delegations is conducive to strengthening guidance, promoting high-quality development, furthering the implementation of major national development initiatives, as well as building China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

A strong sense of community for Chinese nation

When delivering a report to the 20th CPC National Congress on Sunday, Xi stressed the importance of making efforts to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

China is a unified multi-ethnic state. Heightening a sense of identity of the Chinese nation, always maintaining the integrity and unification of the country, and all ethnic groups working jointly for common prosperity and development are the goals of the CPC’s ethnic policies.

The system of regional ethnic autonomy means that areas with large ethnic minority populations shall practice regional autonomy, establish autonomous organs, and exercise the power of self-government under the unified leadership of the state. This basic political system is clearly specified in the country’s Constitution and its Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy.

According to a white paper released in 2021, ethnic minority areas have made notable progress in fighting poverty. From 2016 to 2020, in the five autonomous regions – Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang and Guangxi – and three provinces with large multi-ethnic populations – Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai – the number of poor residents dropped by 15.6 million.

Extreme poverty was eliminated in all 28 of the minority ethnic groups with a small population, said the white paper.


‫إطلاق اختيارات معرض كانتون يجلب منتجات متنوعة عالية الجودة إلى الواجهة في اليوم الأول من المعرض

غوانزو، الصين، 17 أكتوبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — يُفتتح معرض كانتون 132 على الإنترنت في 15 أكتوبر 2022. وهي تبدأ بالحدث الترويجي لإصدار منتجات معرض كانتون، وهو حدث خاص مدته أربعة أيام يظهر لأول مرة أكثر من 200 منتج جديد يجذب الانتباه للمشترين العالميين. تضع السلسلة معايير الصناعة لتوجيه ودفع المزيد من الشركات لتصبح أكثر ابتكارًا وزراعة مزايا تنافسية جديدة.

ويمكن العثور على سلسلة اختيارات معرض كانتون على الموقع الرسمي لمعرض كانتون. تسلط السلسلة الضوء على 7 محاور، بما في ذلك الأجهزة الإلكترونية ومواد البناء والديكورات المنزلية والتصنيع الصناعي وأدوات الأجهزة والأدوات المنزلية وحياة الموضة والصحة والترفيه. في المجمل، سيتم إطلاق 200 مقطع فيديو لمنتج جديد، يمكن الوصول إلى كل منها من قبل المشترين العالميين الذين يمكنهم مشاهدتها مباشرة من خلال قسم إصدار المنتج الجديد على موقع معرض كانتون الرسمي، كما سيتم مشاركة النقاط البارزة على الحسابات الرسمية لمعرض كانتون على الفيسبوك والتيك توك بالإضافة إلى رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بمعرض كانتون.

تعد 57% من المنتجات الجديدة المختارة من شركات عالية الجودة في الصناعات ذات الصلة ومجالات التصنيع المحلي في الصين، بما في ذلك أفضل 500 شركة عالمية مثل Gree Electric Appliances و Midea Group و Unilumin Group ؛ والقوى الرائدة في القطاعات الفرعية، مثل Tongrun Auto Accessory ، وهي شركة رائدة في الرافعات، و Fuling Plastics ، وهي شركة رائدة في أجهزة تجهيز الطعام الصديقة للبيئة، وشركة Norman Biological Technology . الرائدة في مجال التلألؤ الكيميائي، والتي تشارك لأول مرة.

المنتجات المنزلية والتسلية والترفيهية

·  المصباح اليدوي بموسيقى الرعد ناتو Natuo Thunder Music Flashlight ” من Binovo Manufacturing .,Ltd. ، يمكنه استشعار التغييرات في الصوت الخارجي، وتحريك الضوء تلقائيًا وفقًا لذلك لإنشاء تمثيل مرئي لإيقاع الصوت مع 12 وظيفة متكاملة، بما في ذلك مصباح يدوي، والإضاءة المحيطة، ومكبر الصوت، وضوء البيك أب.

·  يعتمد طباخ شواية عديم الدخان من Guangdong Linkfair Household نظامًا جديدًا خاليًا من الدخان يتيح تبريد الأبخرة الناتجة عن الزيت وتصلبها باستمرار بواسطة غطاء مدمج مبتكر، والذي يستخدم تقنية ترشيح وتدوير فيلم الماء لالتقاط الدخان.

منتجات التكنولوجيا الذكية

·  يمكن لتقنية Motobatt Li-Ion الهجينة ( MHT ) الحاصلة على براءة اختراع، من شركة Guangzhou Kaijie Power Supply Industrial Co., Ltd ، إطالة عمر البطارية، وتقليل تكاليف إعادة التدوير، وتجاوز أداء بطاريات Li-Ion و Lithium من خلال نظام التحكم الذكي في البطارية.

·  يتضمن روبوت الصرف الصحي التفاعلي الذكي 5G من Changsha Zoomlion Environmental Industry Co.، Ltd تقنيات مبتكرة متقدمة مثل التفاعل الصوتي الذكي 5G ، وتحديد القمامة، والتشغيل بدون طاقم للتشغيل الذكي والحركة.

لمزيد من المعلومات والفرص، يُرجى التسجيل   https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index?utm_source=rwyx#/foreign-email  أو الاتصال على  wuruoshan@cantonfair.org.cn

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1922019/image_5003628_51995446.jpg 

يانغ تشو، 8613716293037+ yang.zhou@rollinpr.com

CGTN: China welcomes foreign firms to share the dividends of its further development

BEIJING, Oct. 17. 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China welcomes companies from all over the world to invest in the country and continue to share its development dividends as the Chinese economy has shifted from high-speed growth to high-quality development, a senior official from the country’s top economic planner said on Monday.

“China’s door will open wider,” said Zhao Chenxin, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and a member of the commission’s CPC leadership group, at a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country’s most important political event this year.

The dual-circulation development pattern, where internal and external markets can reinforce each other and with the domestic market as the mainstay, does not mean that China wants to scale back from opening up or even to pursue a self-sufficient economy, Zhao clarified.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed over and again that the new development pattern is an open dual circulation involving both domestic and foreign markets, instead of a closed domestic loop.

The Chinese economy has long been deeply integrated with the global economy, Zhao said, adding that the domestic and foreign markets are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

China to further encourage foreign investment

China will further step up efforts to encourage foreign investment, Zhao said, adding the country will release and implement the 2022 version of the Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment, which will further expand the scope of encouraged industries for foreign investment.

China’s economy has shifted from high-speed growth to high-quality development, and the country is also facing new situation for attracting foreign investment, he noted.

The country will increase policy support for foreign investment in such areas as advanced manufacturing, higher-quality services, high-tech, energy conservation and environmental protection, he said.

There will also be policy support to foreign investment in China’s less developed central, western and northeastern regions, according to Zhao.

Besides, the country will launch the sixth batch of major foreign-funded projects, and help them solve the difficulties in a timely manner in the process of investment, production and operation, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the projects.

In addition, China will further optimize services for foreign-funded enterprises, and provide more convenience for international investment, exchanges and cooperation on the premise of preventing and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the first eight months this year, foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, increased 16.4 percent year on year to 892.74 billion yuan ($127.39 billion), against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, complicated international situation and weak cross-border investment, Zhao said.

Specifically, the high-tech industries saw FDI inflow surge by 33.6 percent from a year earlier, he noted.

FDI flowing into the country’s western region reported a year-on-year increase of 43 percent, followed by 27.6 percent in the central region and 14.3 percent in the eastern region.

“Generally speaking, multinational companies are confident in investing in China and optimistic about the Chinese market in the long term,” he said.

China will promote higher-level opening-up to the outside world, intensify policy efforts to attract foreign investment, and give better play to the positive role of foreign investment in promoting the country’s high-quality development, he said.

A rebounding economy with huge opportunities

China’s economy showed a significant rebound in the third quarter, Zhao said.

“Consumer prices have risen modestly, in sharp contrast to the high global inflation, and the employment remained generally stable.”

He underscored that China’s economy has been recovering and resuming its growth momentum despite some fluctuations caused by the unexpected factors this year, such as the external environment, the pandemic and extreme weather.

A slew of policies has been rolled out to shore up the economy, and major economic indicators of the industries, services, investment and consumption are all recovering, according to Zhao.

The country’s economy still faces multiple headwinds. But facing the impact of the unexpected factors, China’s economy has stabilized and rebounded in a relatively short period of time, showing strong resilience and huge potential, Zhao pointed out.

China, with a population of over 1.4 billion, has the world’s largest middle-income class and the advantage of being a super-large market, he noted.

The country’s huge market, advanced infrastructure, industrial systems and supply chains have all laid a solid foundation and provided opportunities for various companies to develop.


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj0CF5VHTVg


Sudan report: over 7,000 protesters seriously injured since Oct 25 coup

The Hadhreen initiative published a documentary report yesterday on the violations against peaceful pro-democracy protesters dating from the October 25, 2021, military coup to August 4 of this year. At least 116 protesters had died at the hands of security forces and over 7,000 protesters had reportedly been seriously injured up to August, but real numbers are likely to be higher.

The grassroots initiative, which first emerged during the December revolution, has always worked to support injured protesters, especially those who require additional and ongoing medical support.

In the report, called ‘The Real Culprit’, Hadhreen documents the scale of the violations against peaceful protesters by the security forces, under the leadership of the military junta that took power on October 25. It focusses predominantly on severe injuries that required prolonged treatment.

Hadhreen provides statistics on the cases of injured protesters they assisted. They note that they “do not claim that we have treated all the victims of the coup”.

Hadhreen explains that some cases have been missed as not all hospitals had Hadhreen or CCSD field teams and not all those cases were referred to them at a later stage. Those who did not require hospital treatment and injuries treated by first aid teams in the field are usually also not included in CCSD reports.

More protesters were injured or killed in pro-democracy protests after August as well.

According to the CCSD, it is estimated that the number of protesters injured since the coup exceeded 7,000 by August 2022. Hadhreen estimates that over 400 of those were under 18 years of age. 116 protesters were reported to have sadly lost their lives.

‘The number of protesters injured since the coup exceeded 7,000 by August 2022’

More than half of those who passed away were between 18 and 25 years old, whilst another 16 per cent were less than 18 years old. Only ten per cent of the martyrs was older than 36.

The report counted injuries per injured body area and per cause of injury.

Severe injuries

In total, 1074 injuries were classified as severe, including 187 under 18 years old. Of those, at least 78 cases were admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs), with 18 cases being under 18 years old. At least 46 of them had injuries to the head and neck. Their stays at ICUs ranged from two to 45 days.

21 protesters admitted to ICUs sadly passes away and one protester was diagnosed with permanent reduction of consciousness and will always require continuous medical care at home.

Long-lasting and permanent injuries

At least nine victims sustained varying degrees of permanent or long-lasting paralysis, of which four were minors. Eight victims required extensive rehabilitation treatment outside of Sudan.

Hadhreen counted 14 partial or complete limb amputations accompanied by seven removals spleens or kidneys. 19 victims lost eyesight in at least one of the eyes, of which 12 had to undergo complete eye removals.

Injuries per body area

180 protesters sustained head and neck injuries, of which 50 martyrs passed away. No less than 122 protesters were injured in the chest and 43 passed away as a result.

Many other, sometimes fatal, injuries were reported to the lower limbs and pelvis, the upper limbs, the back, the face, and the abdomen.

The report also lists 98 eye injuries, including the eyesight losses mentioned above.

Injuries by cause

Hadhreen also counted 1,363 injuries caused by firearms, including live bullets, buckshot, and rubber bullets. 103 martyrs passed away as a result and 512 required additional surgical and medical intervention.

Another 3,119 injuries by teargas canisters were reported. These are direct impact injuries, so exclude the impact of the gas itself, although one martyr passed away because of respiratory complications related to tear gas inhalation. At least 259 protesters required additional surgical or medical intervention.

258 stun grenade injuries were recorded, including nine amputations. Another 68 injuries were caused by physical violence and beatings, with three fatal injuries.

65 protesters were rammed or run over by security vehicles and three lost their lives as a result.

Hadhreen’s operations

Hadhreen emerged as a grassroots initiative during the 2018 December revolution that toppled the dictatorship of Omar Al Bashir. The initiative was quick to join the great efforts undertaken by health professionals “to help treat and safe lives of the injured protesters throughout Sudan, and in Khartoum in particular”.

The initiative worked to cover the treatment costs of injured activists, collaborated with hospitals and clinics to make treatment available to more victims, formed an independent medical advisory committee, and supported activists in getting treatment abroad if they required specialist support that was not available in Sudan.

When Al Bashir’s regime finally fell and the military took over in a coup in 2019, the initiative took on its current name and continued to support victims throughout months of violent crackdowns until October 2020 although it rolled back its activities after the formation of two care organisations by victims themselves ensure that the victims’ organisations would have the freedom and space to operate without competition for resources and funding streams.

After the October 25 coup, however, Hadhreen had to reinstate its operations. This time in close collaboration with the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD), which would oversee the initial emergency response. Those requiring additional treatment were referred to Hadhreen, which had renewed its contracts with private health providers and public specialised centres, provided unavailable medicines or equipment, and covered the costs of diagnostic tests.

‘Hadhreen reluctantly and sadly announced that it is being forced to cease its operations […] due to the worsening economic situation in Sudan and globally’

In August this year, Hadhreen “reluctantly and sadly announced that it is being forced to cease its operations due to the growing indebtedness to private care providers and the progressive drying out of donations and funding streams due to the worsening economic situation in Sudan and globally and the rising costs of healthcare”.

Hadhreen has handed over the responsibilities to the CCSD “for them to gracefully take on going forward”. They stressed that “despite Hadhreen ceasing operations, we are still actively working to ensure that those injured following the cessation will get as much support and aid possible”.

In the report, Hadhreen stresses that it did not undertake all those monumental efforts singlehandedly but was part of the Lastom Wandakom, ‘You are Not Alone’, collaboration that included several Sudanese organisations and professional bodies from all around the world, and that “many collective and individual initiatives from Sudan and abroad contributed to provide additional support throughout this long journey”.

“We can’t miss the opportunity to extend our warmest thanks and gratitude to all the men, women, and children of the great Sudanese public, in Sudan and all over the world for all their support and never-ending sacrifices,” the initiative writes in their closing statement.

Source: Radio Dabanga

Renewed Blue Nile state clashes kill another 13 in Sudan

The conflict in Blue Nile state flared up again on October 13, leaving at least 13 people dead and 24 injured after a land dispute in Wad El Mahi locality, the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) published in a flash update on the conflict yesterday. Intercommunal violence in the area saw at least 162 people killed since July.

OCHA’s full update can be read here.

The intercommunal violence that erupted in mid-July between Hausa, Berta, El Hamaj, and other ethnic groups in the northern part of Blue Nile state, which left at least 105 people dead and caused thousands to flee to the state’s capital Ed Damazin and safe parts of El Roseires, has flared up before. In September, at least 24 people were killed as the violence resurfaced. At 149 people died before October 6, according to OCHA.

According to unconfirmed reports, two people from El Hamaj tribe were killed in a land dispute in Wad El Mahi locality on October 13, OCHA writes. This led to clashes between the Hausa community and other tribes in the areas that lasted until October 16, in which at least another 13 people died. The situation is reportedly still “tense and unpredictable”.

There are unconfirmed reports that an estimated 1,200 people have been displaced and are taking refuge in schools and in a nearby camp for the displaced, OCHA reported. Markets have closed due to the conflict so local residents are struggling to meet their basic daily needs. Government offices are also closed.

‘The situation is still tense and unpredictable’ – OCHA

State authorities have imposed movement restrictions, and there is no movement between Ed Damazin and Wad El Mahi despite the heavy deployment of security forces, the UN office wrote. The area is currently inaccessible to humanitarian organisations. OCHA said that revenge attacks remain possible “at any time”.

Field teams from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) report that the Hausa have reportedly been expelled from the area by the El Jabalaween tribe, who are on the side of the Berta.

“Humanitarian partners continue to deliver life-saving assistance to the displaced and vulnerable people they can reach who have been affected by the conflict,” OCHA wrote.

Conflict background: political stakes

The violence in July was partly triggered by conflicts of land ownership and control, though experts said that the Khartoum government was partly to blame.

Those clashes allegedly erupted after the Hausa requested the establishment of a “civilian authority” that the other ethnic communities viewed as a means of gaining access to the land.

The El Roseires Resistance Committees, however, described the violence in July as a manifestation of the hostility between the two factions of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) that split in 2017 following a leadership rift and social media activists blamed the SPLM-N Agar (under the leadership of Malik Agar) of worsening the situation.

The Communist Party of Sudan said that “the explosive situation in the southern Blue Nile region comes as a result of the attempts of the leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North faction led by Malik Agar (SPLM-N Agar) to seize power and disrupt the fragile peace in the region”.

The resistance committees also accused the authorities of neglecting their duties because they ignored warning signs and chose not to act even after the first attacks. The Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council (FFC-CC) also blamed the authorities and said that “there are historical roots for these violent events, but that they could be ignited these days is because of the absence of a national project of the coup authority, which lacks any popular political support”.

Kholood Khair, leading member of a think-and-do tank in Khartoum, viewed the violence from a different angle: “This is a gold rush and a building of war chests by the emerging ethnic blocs of El Burhan and the Centre vs Hemeti and the Periphery, giving a radically militarised trajectory to Sudan’s political future”.

The clashes also sparked protests across Sudan, as the Hausa people demanded justice for the dead. Most of the demonstrations remained peaceful, but the protests in Kassala in eastern Sudan turned into bloody clashes after angry young Hausa torched government offices in the city. Five of them reportedly died.

Recently, Hausa youth planned a protest escalation to demand the dismissal of the governor of Kassala after he refused to implement the terms of a memorandum they submitted asking to investigate the killings of the five Hausa protesters. They also demanded the release of all those detained during the protest.


The Hausa in Sudan are part of the Hausa ethnic group, which is very influential in West Africa, politically and culturally. In the process of traveling and trading for centuries, some of them migrated east to places like Sudan – where they, as ‘black Africans’, are still seen by many as outsiders.

Some activists, for example, tweeted that the Hausa demonstrators in other cities marching in solidarity with the Hausa experiencing violence in Blue Nile state did not receive much support.

“It was heart-breaking to watch the Hausa march alone. I expected more people to show up and tell them “you will never walk alone”, “we’re all Hausa” as resistance committees usually do, instead I noticed a lot of hostility and outright racism,” one of them said about a Hausa solidarity protest in Khartoum.

Source: Radio Dabanga