‫ شركة شورت بوينت تعلن عن إطلاق منصة Live Mode، المنصة الجديدة لشركة شير بوينت ديزاين

 دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 23 حزيران/يونيو، 2022 / PRNewswire / — شير بوينت قامت شركة (https://www.shortpoint.com/،  وهي شركة برمجيات تصميم رائدة لشبكات الإنترنت الداخلية (الإنترانت)، خطوة رائعة إلى الأمام للصناعة بإطلاقها منصة Live Mode ، وهي خبرة لتطوير الواجهة تتيح عمليات التكامل والتعديل والتصميم المبسطة التي يمكن لأي شخص القيام بها. وإذ هي خطوة مهمة إلى الأمام لعمليات تصميم برمجيات الإنترانت، تفتخر شورت بوينت بأن واجهة Live Mode الخاصة بها تتيح للمستخدمين القدرة على تحرير صفحات شورت بوينت في الوقت الحقيقي فيما هم ينظرون إليها.

ShortPoint's "Live Mode" allows users to edit SharePoint sites in real-time, simply, while they see their changes. With point-and-click functionality, users can add content, adjust colors, add integrations like YouTube and RSS Feeds and expand functionality of their existing intranet, without requiring additional code or support. ShortPoint's Live Mode is a landmark improvement for SharePoint Intranet development and is allowing customers the ability to edit, improve functional and create visually pleasing intranet sites in-house, while not requiring a dedicated programmer, designer or SharePoint expert.

ويشرح المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي للشركة، سامي السيد بالقول إن “إصدار منصة Live Mode   هو بالتأكيد إنجاز كبير لشركة شورت بوينت.  فهذا الإصدار يمنح مصممي الإنترانت أداة تصميم تسمح لهم برؤية كيف سيبدو تصميم صفحاتهم ومحتواها مباشرة على الصفحة.  وتتحول رؤيانا الآن إلى واقع. هذه مجرد البداية فقط. سنقوم بإضافة المزيد من الميزات في هذه التجربة الجديدة وأنا متحمس جدًا لمعرفة الشبكات الداخلية الرائعة التي يمكن لعملائنا إنشاؤها باستخدام منصة  شورت بوينت.”

وإذ هو مشروع بدأ استغرق أكثر من عامين، تعمل شورت بوينت مباشرة مع عملائها لتقديم منصة موحدة للعالم لتصميم وتخصيص شبكة شير بوينت الداخلية (الإنترانت) الكاملة.  فقد قامت الشركة بجمع الميزات المطلوبة بشكل متكرر والاستماع إلى ملاحظات العملاء لتجميع أفضل نسخة لبرامج التصميم الخاصة بهم حتى الآن.  نتج عن هذا التعاون منصة  Live Mode ، التي تسمح للمصممين بالبناء والتحرير بصورة مرئية في الوقت الحقيقي بواجهة سهلة الاستخدام وبديهية للغاية.

ويقول أنس نقاوة، كبير مسؤولي التكنولوجيا والشريك المؤسس لشورت بوينت، “لقد بدأ الأمر ببعض الأفكار المبتكرة التي تبين لاحقا أنها ما يريده عملاؤنا في منتجنا، وقد عمل الفريق بلا كلل منذ ذلك الحين لإحيائه.  واجهنا العديد من التحديات وقد جلب هذا للتو أفضل ما في كل عضو في الفريق.  ونحن ممتنون أيضًا لعملائنا الذين لم يملوا من مواصلة تقديم التعليقات والملاحظات حتى نتمكن من تحسين Live Mode   إلى أقصى إمكاناتها.”

وإذ تعتبر مثالًا قويًا على شراكات العملاء المستمرة لـ شورت بوينت، منصة Live Mode   هي قفزة مبتكرة إلى الأمام، وهي غيرت المشهد لتصميم شبكة شير بوينت الداخلية.  وبفضل  Live Mode ، لم يكن إنشاء صفحة إنترانت تعاونية وجذابة أسهل مما هو عليه الوضع الآن.

واحتفالًا بإصدار هذا المنتج، ستستضيف شير بوينت  ندوة على الإنترنت وحفل إطلاق  يوم 20 تموز/يوليو، 2022، الساعة 12 ظهرا بتوقيت الساحل الشرقي، يركزان على  برمجية بناء الصفحة الجديدة من شير بوينت مع منصة Live Mode .

سيتلقى جميع المشاركين رابطًا مجانيًا لتنزيل شورت بوينت مع منصة Live Mode مباشرة بعد حفل إطلاق المنتج في 20 تموز/يوليو.

سجل مبكرا لتكون جزءا من تاريخ شورت بوينت: https://www.shortpoint.com/webinar

 نرحب بالعملاء الجدد الذين يرغبون في تجربة Live Mode   وتنزيلها وتفعيلها  شورت بوينت: https://shortpoint.com/trial

عن شورت بوينت 

شورت بوينت  ( ShortPoint.com ) هي شركة عالمية تهدف إلى تطوير أفضل تقنيات تصميم الإنترانت وتحسينها باستمرار لكي تمكن المستخدمين من إنشاء مواقع الإنترانت من البداية بدون تشفير وبأقل تكلفة وفي وقت قياسي.

تأسست شورت بوينت في العام 2013، ونمت وتطورت لتصبح شركة مزدهرة ومنتشرة عالميًا تضم أكثر من 1500 عميل وأكثر من 6 ملايين مستخدم للإنترانت.  من خلال مكاتب دولية تقع في آن أربور، مشيغان، أوكرانيا، دبي والمملكة المتحدة، حازت شورت بوينت على قلوب بعض أكبر الأسماء في العديد من الشركات بما في ذلك شركات:  بي بي، جنرال إليكتريك، إبسون، بي دبليو سي، تويوتا، ميتسوبيشي، ناسا، وغيرها الكثير في الإمارات العربية المتحدة مثل واحة دبي للسيليكون وأرامكس ومركز محمد بن راشد للفضاء وسوق دبي الحرة والعربية للطيران.

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All eyes on the future as Daxing looks to become innovation zone

BEIJING, June 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A news report from chinadaily.com.cn

Planning map for the International C&E and Consumption Hub of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone

The Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone (BDIAEZ) launched an innovation competition to explore cities of the future as it aspires to become a world-class “aerotropolis” — an urban area centered around an airport — over the next few decades.

The “Future City” Explorer Global Innovation Competition began on May 27 and will last until late August.

Focusing on four themes of green and low-carbon development, cultural inclusivity, new consumption and smart tech, the event is designed to collect proposals for urban development, spur innovation in policy, technology and business models, and assist resource allocation and matching, said the BDIAEZ administrative committee, the competition’s organizer.

The smart tech sector, for example, looks for cutting-edge technologies, models and proposals that improve the zone’s management and services and help build a smart city.

Young scholars, students and research institutes as well as tech enterprises and startups from home and abroad are welcome to pitch their ideas and projects.

Centering around Beijing Daxing International Airport, the BDIAEZ in Beijing’s Daxing district will serve as an experimental field and provide support for top contestants, advancing their projects’ industrialization and launches, the organizer said.

In addition to prizes, they will be recommended to investors and receive guidance from industry leaders and renowned academics, the organizer added.

The competition is part of events held by the BDIAEZ recently as it is calling for plans and designs for the development of the International C&E and Consumption Hub. The project is aimed at promoting convention and exhibition businesses, as well as spurring consumption.

The BDIAEZ’s core area covers about 150 square kilometers, comprising 50 sq km in Beijing and the rest in the city’s neighboring Hebei province. The International C&E and Consumption Hub will be positioned at the eastern area of the Beijing section.

The State Council approved the establishment of the economic zone in 2016, with the strategic goals of developing it into a function-carrier area for international exchange, a leading area for national aviation technology, and a demonstration area for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province, according to the administrative committee.

By taking advantage of the airport and preferential policies of functional zones, the BDIAEZ is building a center where global resources are gathered as well as a new driving force for regional economic growth.

The BDIAEZ’s comprehensive industrial pattern has taken shape, with the life and health industry as the lead, high-end services and aviation security as the foundation, as well as new-generation information technologies and advanced equipment as the reserve.

Six major industrial parks have been launched, including an innovation service center of the free trade zone, a medical equipment intelligent manufacturing park, a biomedical incubator and an international business complex.

The BDIAEZ is the only area in Beijing that adopts favorable policies of the free trade zone and Zhongguancun Science Park, a high-tech demonstration zone in the capital, while following the city’s strategies for opening up its services sector.

The BDIAEZ administrative committee now has 80 administrative rights, with 49 delegated from the Daxing district government and 31 from municipal authorities.

Marked progress has been made in creating a business-friendly environment with approval procedures streamlined and services optimized.

The BDIAEZ also provides one-on-one aid to enterprises with difficulties, while establishing an online service platform to enhance the efficiency of approvals.

The economic zone plans to sign 20 megaprojects and put six of them into production this year, according to the administrative committee.

It will continue to move forward with reforms, cultivate export-oriented industries and help ensure the airport’s smooth operation.

By 2035, a modern, smart and eco-friendly economic zone will have been built. It will play a vital role in promoting regional high-quality development, according to the zone’s development plan.

Beijing Daxing International Airport is expected to become an international aviation hub by that point, with an annual passenger throughput of up to 100 million.

The “Future City” Explorer Global Innovation Competition is now open for registration.

Please click on the following link to sign up: https://www.wenjuan.com/s/YRN32a8/

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1846197/Beijing_Daxing_International_Airport_Economic_Zone.jpg

FXCM wins Broker of The Year at Ultimate Fintech Awards 2022

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, June 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FXCM Group, LLC (‘FXCM Group’ or ‘FXCM’), a leading international provider of online foreign exchange trading, CFD trading and related services has won Broker of The Year at the Ultimate Fintech Awards 2022.

FXCM was named Broker of The Year for the second year in a row at the Ultimate Fintech Awards 2022, which were held in Cyprus from June 8-9 2022. The Ultimate Fintech Awards recognise and promote the best performing brands in the B2B and B2C online trading space.

FXCM has continually expanded its services throughout 2022, underlining its commitment to a “Client First, Trader Driven” approach. In addition to expanding its CFD offering with the doubling of its French, German and UK share offerings, the firm also launched Australian single share CFD trading with zero data fees and commissions* to level up the service provided to clients.

Brendan Callan, CEO of FXCM, said: “Winning the Broker of the Year at the Ultimate Fintech Awards 2022 is testament to the commitment and dedication of FXCM’s global team in ensuring we maintain the highest standards and put our clients first. Over the past year, we’ve been relentless, constantly innovating and expanding our offering to meet the needs of our clients and we’re delighted that our hard work is paying off.”

This award win follows up on the numerous awards won by FXCM in the past year, including Best Retail Forex Broker in Europe at the Global Forex Awards 2022, Best Zero Commission Broker at ADVFN Awards 2022, Best Forex Trading Platform award at the 2021 Shares Awards, Most Transparent Forex Broker in Europe, Best Forex Trading Platform in Europe and Best Forex Mobile Trading Platform / App provider globally at the Global Forex Awards and Best FX Platform at the 2021 Online Personal Wealth Awards.

*Zero Commission: When executing customers’ trades, FXCM can be compensated in several ways, which include, but are not limited to: spreads, charging commissions at the open and close of a trade, and adding a mark-up to rollover, etc. Commission-based pricing is applicable to Active Trader account types.

Third Party Links: Links to third-party sites are provided for your convenience and for informational purposes only. FXCM bears no liability for the accuracy, content, or any other matter related to the external site or for that of subsequent links and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the use of this or any other content. Such sites are not within our control and may not follow the same privacy, security, or accessibility standards as ours. Please read the linked websites’ terms and conditions.

About FXCM:

FXCM is a leading provider of online foreign exchange (FX) trading, CFD trading, and related services. Founded in 1999, the company’s mission is to provide global traders with access to the world’s largest and most liquid market by offering innovative trading tools, hiring excellent trading educators, meeting strict financial standards, and striving for the best online trading experience in the market. Clients have the advantage of mobile trading, one-click order execution and trading from real-time charts. In addition, FXCM offers educational courses on FX trading and provides trading tools, proprietary data and premium resources. FXCM Pro provides retail brokers, small hedge funds and emerging market banks access to wholesale execution and liquidity, while providing high and medium frequency funds access to prime brokerage services via FXCM Prime. FXCM is a Leucadia Company.

Forex Capital Markets Limited: FCA registration number 217689 (www.fxcm.com/uk)

CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

66% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

FXCM EU LTD: CySEC license number 392/20 (www.fxcm.com/eu)

CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

73% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

FXCM Australia Pty. Limited: AFSL 309763. By trading, you could sustain a total loss of your deposited funds. The products may not be suitable for all investors. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. If you decide to trade products offered by FXCM AU, you must read and understand the Financial Services Guide, Product Disclosure Statement, Target Market Determination and Terms of Business on www.fxcm.com/au.

FXCM South Africa (PTY) Ltd: FSP No 46534 (www.fxcm.com/za). Our service includes products that are traded on margin and carry a risk of losses in excess of your deposited funds. The products may not be suitable for all investors. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.

FXCM Markets Limited: Losses can exceed deposited funds. (www.fxcm.com/markets).

Media contact:
Chatsworth Communications
+44 (0) 20 7440 9780

Cypher Capital, Huobi Ventures, GSR Capital, and LD Capital Invest in $2M Round for Blockchain Gaming Platform ‘MetaOne’

SINGAPORE, June 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — MetaOne, the largest SAAS to onboard massive games and guilds onto blockchain gaming, has recently announced the close of its first private round for the development of their platform’s guild analytical tools and transformative smart contract for NFT management.

Cypher Capital, Huobi Ventures, GSR Capital, and LD Capital Invest in $2M Round for Blockchain Gaming Platform 'MetaOne'

Despite the current market situation, the total of $2 million funding raised was supported by entities such as Huobi Ventures, Cypher Capital and GSR Capital, who are passionate about contributing to the Web 3.0 advancement by identifying strategic opportunities to support blockchain projects.

“We are beyond enthusiastic about our new investment, MetaOne, the service platform that enables massive gamer communities,” says Vineet Budki, Managing Partner and CEO of Cypher Capital.

“MetaOne is solving key problems in the current Web 3.0 GameFi market by creating a single platform that attracts Web 2.0 gamers to Web 3.0 GameFi and empowers the gaming guilds to take data-backed decisions. By leveraging on our strong influence in the region, MetaOne is looking to tap into the Middle East market to convert more gamers into GameFi,” Vineet concluded.

With more than 242 guilds, over 72,000 gamers onboarded, 33 GameFi titles partnership in the pipeline and NFT asset management across 7 chains, the platform is eager to work with more partners to realize the vision of GameFi empowerment and to become the mainstream adoption platform from Web2 gaming to Web3 GameFi over the globe.

Furthermore, MetaOne hopes to localize the platform through their relationship in East-Africa as a MOU has been recently signed with East-African partners who are associated with Mpesa and Sports-Pesa. The partnership looks forward to providing a seamless onboarding experience for the gaming communities in the region.

“We are so excited about communicating this vision to all geographical regions and realizing it into real executable plans where guilds, gamers, GameFi studios and the retail investors can see and feel the tangibles.” said Marrtin Hoon, CEO of MetaOne.

They recently partnered with Yup.gg, the leading esports gaming marketing group in Singapore, which owns 6,000 and more KOLs in their ecosystem. To that extent, the partnership is looking to convert ex-twitch KOLs of Yup.gg to become MetaOne guild masters and recruiting their followers as gamers.

The project is expected to have its official platform roll and utility token launch by year 2022.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1843026/Image.jpg

Logo –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1819503/IMG_9A8907441FBE_5_Logo.jpg

Taking Flight: Rio South Texas’ Air Logistics

MISSION, Texas, June 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — COSTEP understands that moving products and people from Point A to Point B is essential for trade. Goods need to move from the production facilities to customers quickly, and out-of-area executives need to fly in and out with ease. Located at the heart of the North American supply chain, Rio South Texas offers manufacturing companies an air transportation infrastructure to quickly reach customers on the continent and beyond.

When moving products and people quickly is vital, quick access to major international air transportation hubs is crucial. For this reason, Rio South Texas utilizes a robust and localized passenger and cargo air transportation infrastructure.

There are 7 regional airports in Rio South Texas:


  • Brownsville (BRO)
  • Harlingen (HRL)
  • McAllen (MFE)
  • Laredo (LRD)
  • Matamoros (MAM)
  • Reynosa (REX)
  • Nuevo Laredo (NLD)

These regional airports have regular and direct access to major international hubs, including:

  • Houston (IAH)
  • Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW)
  • Mexico City (MEX)
  • Chicago (ORD)

They also have regular and direct access to secondary hubs, including:

  • Denver (DEN)
  • San Francisco (SFO)
  • Orlando (MCO)
  • Las Vegas (LAS)
  • Monterrey (MTY)

The airports in Rio South Texas provide over 35 daily flights to major hubs and an additional 15 flights to secondary hubs. This is key for companies requiring regular travel to production facilities and last-minute flight options in case of emergencies. This also allows for convenient transcontinental travel for executives as these hubs provide direct flights to a multiplicity of countries the world over, meaning major global destinations like Frankfurt, London, Dubai, Tokyo, Seoul, and São Paulo are only one layover from Rio South Texas.

Rio South Texas also has a strong presence of second and third-party logistic companies including:

  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • DHL

This provides an advantage to manufacturers critically dependent on their ability to deliver on time and/or on quick turnaround.

If you or your products need to fly somewhere in the world quickly, you can have confidence that you’ll be able to do so from Rio South Texas with ease. With 7 regional airports providing regular flights to major hubs, the Rio South Texas region is equipped to support your manufacturing operation.

If you are looking to manufacture in North America for North America, look at what Rio South Texas has to offer. Our team at COSTEP would be glad to assist you, so please visit us at www.costep.org or follow us at @COSTEP to learn more.

Contact: Matt Ruszczak, +1.956.682.6371, info@costep.org

‫ القيام برحلة طيران: لوجستيات طيران Rio South Texas

ميشن، تكساس، 23 يونيو 2022 / PRNewswire / — تدرك COSTEP أن نقل المنتجات والأشخاص من النقطة أ إلى النقطة ب أمر ضروري للتجارة. تحتاج السلع إلى الانتقال من مرافق الإنتاج إلى العملاء بسرعة، ويحتاج المسؤولون التنفيذيون خارج المنطقة إلى الطيران والخروج بسهولة. تقع Rio South Texas في قلب سلسلة التوريد في أمريكا الشمالية، وتوفر لشركات التصنيع بنية تحتية للنقل الجوي للوصول بسرعة إلى العملاء في القارة وخارجها.

عندما يكون نقل المنتجات والأشخاص بسرعة أمرًا حيويًا، فإن الوصول السريع إلى محاور النقل الجوي الدولية الرئيسية أمر بالغ الأهمية. لهذا السبب، تستخدم Rio South Texas بنية تحتية قوية ومحلية للنقل الجوي للركاب والبضائع.

هناك 7 مطارات إقليمية في ريو ساوث تكساس:

  • براونزفيل ( BRO )
  • هارلينغن ( HRL )
  • ماكالين ( MFE )
  • لاريدو ( LRD )
  • ماتاموروس ( MAM )
  • رينوسا ( REX )
  • نويفو لاريدو ( NLD )

وتتمتع هذه المطارات الإقليمية بإمكانية الوصول المنتظم والمباشر إلى المحاور الدولية الرئيسية، بما في ذلك:

  • هيوستن ( IAH )
  • دالاس فورت وورث ( DFW )
  • مكسيكو سيتي ( MEX )
  • شيكاغو ( ORD )

كما أن لديهم إمكانية الوصول المنتظم والمباشر إلى المراكز الثانوية، بما في ذلك:

  • دنفر ( DEN )
  • سان فرانسيسكو ( SFO )
  • أورلاندو ( MCO )
  • لاس فيغاس ( LAS )
  • مونتيري ( MTY )

وتوفر المطارات في Rio South Texas أكثر من 35 رحلة يومية إلى المراكز الرئيسية و 15 رحلة إضافية إلى المراكز الثانوية. هذا أمر أساسي للشركات التي تتطلب السفر المنتظم إلى مرافق الإنتاج وخيارات الطيران في اللحظة الأخيرة في حالة الطوارئ. ويسمح هذا أيضًا بالسفر المريح عبر القارات للمديرين التنفيذيين حيث توفر هذه المراكز رحلات مباشرة إلى العديد من البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما يعني أن الوجهات العالمية الرئيسية مثل فرانكفورت ولندن ودبي وطوكيو وسيول وساو باولو ليست سوى محطة واحدة من Rio South Texas .

تتمتع Rio South Texas أيضًا بحضور قوي من الشركات اللوجستية التابعة لطرف ثانٍ وثالث بما في ذلك:

  • فيديكس
  • UPS
  • DHL

وهذا يوفر ميزة للمصنعين تعتمد بشكل حاسم على قدرتهم على التسليم في الوقت المحدد و/أو على التسليم السريع.

إذا كنت أنت أو منتجاتك بحاجة إلى السفر إلى مكان ما في العالم بسرعة، فيمكنك أن تثق في أنك ستتمكن من القيام بذلك من Rio South Texas بسهولة. مع 7 مطارات إقليمية توفر رحلات منتظمة إلى المراكز الرئيسية، فإن منطقة Rio South Texas مجهزة لدعم عملية التصنيع الخاصة بك.

إذا كنت تتطلع إلى التصنيع في أمريكا الشمالية لأمريكا الشمالية، فانظر إلى ما تقدمه Rio South Texas . سيسعد فريقنا في COSTEP بمساعدتك، لذا يرجى زيارتنا على www.costep.org   أو متابعتنا على @ COSTEP لمعرفة المزيد.

للتواصل: Matt Ruszczak, +1.956.682.6371, info@costep.org