‫Kiya.ai تطلق أول منصة ميتافيرس مصرفية في الهند – Kiyaverse

مومباي، الهند، 3 يونيو، 2022 / PRNewsswire/ — هل تخيلت يومًا أن تكون قادرًا على زيارة فرع البنك افتراضيًا (دون مغادرة المنزل) أو مناقشة خطط الاستثمار بسهولة مع مستشار؟ حسنا، ليس بعيدا اليوم الذي سيتمكن فيه الأفراد من التعامل والوصول إلى المعلومات المصرفية والاستفادة من المنتجات المصرفية المختلفة من راحة المنزل. Kiya.ai أعلنت اليوم واحدة من أكثر مزودي الحلول الرقمية ابتكارًا في خدمة المؤسسات المالية والحكومات على مستوى العالم، عن إطلاق أول منصة ميتافيرس مصرفية في الهند – Kiyaverse .


يستخدم رواد Kiyaverse حالات دمج الخدمات المصرفية في العالم الحقيقي مع Metaverse المصرفية من خلال صورة رمزية (تفاعلات بشرية افتراضية). في المرحلة الأولى، ستسمح Kiyaverse للبنوك بتوسيع نطاق Metaverse الخاص بها للعملاء والشركاء والموظفين، من خلال الخدمات التي ستشمل مدير العلاقات والأقران والمستشارين الآليين. تخطط Kiyaverse للحصول على رموز مثل NFTs ودعم CBDC لتمكين التمويل المفتوح في بيئة Web3.0 . ستقوم Kiyaverse بربط موصلات واجهة برمجة التطبيقات المفتوحة الخاصة بها مع المجمعات والبوابات لتمكين تطبيق Super-App و Marketplace على metaverse . مع إدخال سماعات الرأس التي تدعم Haptics ، ستوفر Kiyaverse تفاعلًا في العالم الحقيقي تقريبا باستخدام إنترنت الحواس.

وقال راجيش ميرجانكار، العضو المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Kiya.ai : “في حين أن الخدمات المصرفية الرقمية مترابطة وظيفيا وشاملة، إلا أنه غالبا ما ينظر إليها على أنها منفصلة عاطفيا. يسمح Metaverse للبنوك باستخدام أحدث التقنيات بلمسة إنسانية من شأنها تعميق وتخصيص تفاعل العملاء بشكل كبير. تقدم Kiyaverse تطبيقات مفيدة في Metaverse تنطبق على حالات استخدام الأعمال ذات الصلة في العالم الحقيقي. وسيمكن البنوك من تسخير إمكانات تجربة المستخدم المحسنة لإخراج أفضل النتائج لتصور البيانات ولعب العمليات والإجراءات. توفر Kiyaverse تجربة متعددة الوظائف باستخدام صور رمزية مخصصة عبر العالم الحقيقي والواقع المختلط وبيئات الواقع الافتراضي. تتضمن خارطة طريق منتجاتنا التكامل مع CBDC وقابلية التشغيل البيني مع Metaverses الأخرى لتمكين التمويل المفتوح في Metaverse

ستمكّن Kiyaverse العملاء من استخدام الصور الرمزية الخاصة بهم في الوحدات المصرفية الرقمية والهواتف المحمولة وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة وسماعات رأس VR وبيئات الواقع المختلط. ستوفر المنصة الخدمات المصرفية من العالم الحقيقي إلى العالم الافتراضي والعكس بالعكس، والتفاعل مع إنشاء الصورة الرمزية لمدير العلاقات وتخصيصها، والتفاعل الرقمي القائم على الذكاء الاصطناعي للعملاء، وتحليل المحفظة، وإدارة الثروات، والإقراض المشترك، والخدمات المصرفية للشركات . يوفر Kiyaverse تحليلاً ثلاثي الأبعاد للبيانات للبنوك بما في ذلك رؤى CMO وأداء المنتج وتحليل المخاطر وتحليلات القناة.

نبذة عن Kiya.ai

 Kiya.ai هي واحدة من أكثر موفري الحلول الرقمية ابتكارًا التي تخدم المؤسسات المالية والحكومات على مستوى العالم. معروفة بخبرتها العميقة في مجال الخدمات المالية والمدفوعات الرقمية والحوكمة والمخاطر وحلول الامتثال جنبًا إلى جنب مع العمليات الجاهزة للسوق التي تساعد العملاء على اجتياز رحلة التحول الرقمي الخاصة بهم وخلق قيمة مستدامة للمجتمع.

 يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Kiya.ai في مومباي، وتساعد الشركات على التحول من خلال مجموعة الحلول الرقمية المتقدمة وتقنيات العصر الجديد مثل الخبرات المتعددة والخدمات المصرفية متعددة القنوات، والذكاء الاصطناعي، وأتمتة العمليات الروبوتية ( (RPA ، وتحليلات البيانات.

 تمتلك Kiya.ai 12 مكتبًا عالميًا وتخدم أكثر من 500 شركة في 56 دولة عبر جنوب شرق آسيا وإفريقيا والشرق الأوسط وأوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية. Kiya.ai حاصلة على شهادة ISO 9001 و ISO 27001 ويتم تقييمها في CMMI المستوى 5 v2.0 .

 الموقع الإلكتروني:   https://www.kiya.ai/

الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1831628/Kiya_ai_Logo.jpg

Mitratel Announces Share Buyback of IDR 1 Trillion

JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 3, 2022 /PR Newswire/ — PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (Mitratel) IDX: MTEL announced plan to carry out share buyback with the maximum amount of IDR 1 trillion or about 5.3% of its paid-up capital. This corporate action will be implemented within three months following its public disclosure, which started from June 2nd to September 2nd, 2022.

The corporate action is in accordance with OJK Circular Letter No. 3/SEOJK.04/2020 on Other Condition in Significantly Fluctuated Market Condition in the Implementation of Share Buyback Issued by the Issuers or Public Company. The global economy is under pressure due to fears of global economic downturn, which impacted the global capital markets including Mitratel.

The share buyback shall not affect the financial condition of the Company considering Mitratel has sufficient working capital to carry out the share buyback and to finance its business activities. Mitratel is committed to continuously monitoring the market and macroeconomic trends to ensure the optimization, as well as the effectiveness of this corporate action.

President Director of Mitratel, Theodorus Ardi Hartoko stated that this share buyback is the commitment from management to increase values for shareholders, as well as improve the overall fundamental ratio of the company.

Referring to the company’s outstanding Q1 2022 performance, which booked profit of IDR 459.40 billion in Q1/2022, representing 33.86% YoY growth. The company’s revenue also surged by 21.45% YoY to IDR 1.87 trillion in Q1 2022.

For more information:

PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (Mitratel)

Website : www.mitratel.co.id

Email: investor.relations@mitratel.co.id

SustainableIT.org Announces New Leadership Amid Official Launch

Global IT sustainability nonprofit to be led by former IDC VP, names new board members from multiple Fortune 500 companies

SustainableIT.org Board Photo Nasdaq Times Square

Nasdaq congratulates Delphix on its launch of SustainableIT.org

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SustainableIT.org, the new nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing global sustainability through technology leadership, today announced its new executive director and additional board members, following its successful inaugural board meeting May 24 in New York.

SustainableIT.org is proud to name Kath Marston as its Executive Director and General Manager. Marston brings leadership development experience gained from serving as Group Vice President, Client Experience/Operations for IDC’s CIO Executive Council, having overseen a community of leading Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and top technologists across global organizations.

“I am extremely excited to lead this powerful agenda. Technology leaders can have a critical impact on global sustainability efforts, and our commitment to galvanizing these leaders to act is vital for the prosperity of businesses, humanity, and the entire planet,” Marston said.

Additionally, SustainableIT.org voted in seven members to its board of directors. Composed of influential CIOs, CTOs, and other CXOs from around the world.

SustainableIT.org’s newest board members are:

They join existing board members:

On June 8th, SustainableIT.org will host its European launch in Paris to raise awareness and drive critical mandates forward at a global scale. Its next board meeting and executive summit will be held at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, on August 15th where multiple SustainableIT.org board members will accept CIO 100 Awards shortly thereafter.

Companies are increasingly committing to maximizing sustainability within their operations, and most companies will have developed a roadmap and formally pledged to make sustainability a corporate-wide goal by 2025*, according to research from IDC. They will fulfill these pledges by using the latest tools and software to monitor and reduce power consumption, which makes a set of sustainability standards for the IT field all the more urgent to establish.

By uniting IT leaders and experts from around the world to define best practices and standard metrics for the United Nations’ three pillars of sustainability, SustainableIT.org is committed to driving transparency and progress toward a sustainable future.

“Our objective is to expand global awareness through a dedicated community of worldwide thought leaders, create education and positive awareness actions, measurable improvement in terms of sustainability management and improvement across technology executives,” Marston said. “Our passion is to inspire and make a better world for the next generation and generations to come.”

About SustainableIT.org

SustainableIT.org is a nonprofit organization focused on advancing global sustainability through technology leadership. Our mission is to define sustainable transformation programs by industry, author best practices and frameworks, set standards and certifications, provide education and training, and raise awareness for environmental and societal programs that make our organizations and the world sustainable for generations to come. Follow us on LinkedIn.

Delphix formed SustainableIT.org as a nonstock and nonprofit organization alongside CIOs from leading organizations around the world. SustainableIT.org is initially funded by Delphix (as founder and technical advisor) and by revenue generated from underwriters, alliances partnerships, event sponsorships and other program sponsors, such as research partners. Delphix support will be governed by a Business Management Agreement between Delphix and SustainableIT.org.

Source: *IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Sustainability 2022 Predictions – Oct. 2021

Kathryn Alissa Marston
Executive Director and General Manager, SustainableIT.org
Phone: 1 (508) 808-3080
Email: Kathryn.Marston@sustainableIT.org

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6a306512-5160-4a3f-bfdc-7fb0a7df32a4

Sudan closes bridges ahead of marches on 3rd anniversary of bloody attack

Khartoum state on Thursday announced the closure of bridges in the Sudanese capital ahead of planned demonstrations to commemorate the third anniversary of the bloody raid on a pro-democracy sit-in.

Some 130 people were killed on June 3, 2019, according to rights activists, when the security forces attacked a sit-in outside the army general command in Khartoum. But the authorities said only 87 were killed.

In advance of a planned demonstration on Friday, the Khartoum state issued a statement announcing the closure of all bridges except for Al-Halfaya and Soba bridges.

This decision is “part of the measures taken by the authorities to maintain the security and safety of the citizens of Khartoum state and preserve their property in anticipation of possible violence and vandalism alongside the marches announced tomorrow ” reads a statement released by the state.

After the October 25, coup, the ruling military authorities used to take a series of measures including Bridge closure, internet shutdown, and road blockade to prevent protesters in the three cities of capital from holding unified rallies or reaching the presidential palace in Khartoum city.

Troika calls for justice

The Troika countries issued a statement on the third anniversary of the “brutal massacre” calling to try the perpetrators of the attack.

“The Troika (Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States) stands in solidarity with the survivors and victims and joins Sudanese in calling for the prompt resolution of the government-appointed investigation into the massacre and disclosure of findings to the public”.

“We urge the military authorities to bring those accountable for these horrendous crimes against peaceful civilian protesters to justice,” further stressed the statement.

The three countries, in addition, called for further confidence-building measures to support the political process facilitated by the trilateral mechanism and to refrain from the excessive use of violence against protesters.

Source: Sudan Tribune

UN chief urges parties to implement key provisions of South Sudan’s peace deal

The head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Nicholas Haysom has urged parties to expedite the implementation of key provisions of the peace accord, before it elapses.

He remarked this during the 22nd plenary meeting convened by the Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC) in Juba on Thursday.

“To underline our main concerns, the government and the parties must work with a sense of urgency to; pass the constitutional making process bill, Graduate the first batch of the NUF and progress the 3 April agreement,” said Haysom.

He added, “The parties should work with National Constitution Amendment Committee (NCAC) to expedite the National Elections Bill process and agree on a roadmap to exit the transitional period with free, fair, and peaceful elections”.

Haysom, also the Special Representative of the Secretary General in South Sudan, said UNMISS’s presence in all 10 states shows its willingness to support the consolidation of accountable and responsive government structures.

“I welcome the progress made on Chapter 2 by means of the April 3 Agreement on the Command Structures and subsequent appointments. While long overdue, I congratulate the parties for their courage in reaching a compromise and I thank the Government of Sudan for its facilitative role,” he observed.

Haysom cited signs of progress made in Chapter 5 of the peace agreement regarding the Commission for Truth Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH).

“It is encouraging to see that the public consultation process has begun in earnest through dispatching members from the technical committee of the Commission to different states,” he remarked, adding “This process provides the platform to realize the rights to truth, justice, reparation and the guarantees of non-recurrence by addressing root causes of past trauma.”

The Special Representative of the Secretary General pointed out that the recent mandate extending the National Constitutional Amendment Committee and the passing of the Political Parties (Amendment) Bill by parliament are examples of promising results of demonstrating political will.

“The resumption of the NCAC supports the legislative process and in particular allows for the review of the National Elections Act 2012. This in turn will provide the legislative framework for launching the electoral process, including the reconstitution of the National Elections Commission,” stressed Haysom.

He further added, “This process is fundamental for South Sudan to exit the transitional phase. The pace with which the parties pass the electoral bill and reconstitute the NEC will demonstrate their commitment to the timelines for conducting free, fair, and credible elections.”

The body monitoring South Sudan peace agreement (R-JMEC) earlier expressed concerns that the implementation of the September 2018 revitalized peace accord is far behind schedules earmarked for a transitional period.

Source: Sudan Tribune

South Sudan’s security advisor roots for stability in Sudan

South Sudan’s security advisor, Tut Kew Gatluak has emphasized the importance of peace and stability in neighbouring Sudan.

Speaking during a press conference at Al-Salam Rotana hotel in Khartoum on Wednesday, Gatluak said Sudan’s stability benefits neighboring nations.

“It is our concern that the people of Sudan shall sit down to solve issues in a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue,” he said, stressing the need for reconciliation.

Gatluak, who heads South Sudan’s mediation team to Sudan’s peace process, said the initiative taken by President Salva Kiir aims to solving the Sudanese crisis because South Sudan is interested in Sudan’s stability.

He said Juba’s initiative is purely a national one to resolve the crisis in Sudan.

According to Gatluak, the mediation team discussed with the Sudanese forces the way of governance in Sudan and the need for a Sudanese – Sudanese dialogue, stressing that, “Sudan is now in difficult circumstances, and we are all its sons and we are striving to return it to its normal situation”.

He, however, acknowledged that it is important that all the parties in Sudan shall unite their rank, gather all the initiatives in one initiative and hold a general conference to determine how Sudan will be governed and define a successful transitional period that will lead to free and fair elections.

On Tuesday, the South Sudanese official met members of the Higher Council of Sufi Sects to discuss Juba’s efforts towards resolving the Sudanese crisis.

He hailed the Higher Council of Sufi sects’ initiative for realizing peace and stability in neigbouring Sudan and their understanding of the nation’s issues.

For his part, Al-Sheikh Hashim Al-Tayeb Sheikh Qariballah, a member of the Higher Council of Sufi Sects, commended Juba’s efforts to solve Sudan’s crises, stressing that Sudan and South Sudan are one people in two states.

Source: Sudan Tribune