LOTTE HOTEL HANOI and SEOUL Receive Top Accolades from Tripadvisor ‘2022 Travellers’ Choice Awards’

  • LOTTE HOTEL HANOI, sextuple crowned with the best luxury hotel in Vietnam
  • LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL Executive Tower, the best luxury hotel in South Korea

SEOUL, South Korea, May 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — LOTTE HOTEL HANOI and LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL have been recognized by Tripadvisor’s ‘2022 Travellers’ Choice Awards’ as the best hotels.


As the world’s largest travel platform, Tripadvisor announces the results of Travellers’ Choice Awards by recognizing global top 10% hotels, restaurants and destinations based on about 900 million reviews and opinions from international travellers.

According to the award result announced on May 10th, LOTTE HOTEL HANOI and LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL were honoured as the top luxury hotels in Vietnam and South Korea, respectively. In particular, LOTTE HOTEL HANOI ranked 4th in Asia and 13th globally in both hotel and luxury hotel awards. Being awarded in six categories, LOTTE HOTELS’ competence was again able to be acknowledged.


LOTTE HOTEL HANOI is located on the 33rd to 64th floors of LOTTE Centre Hanoi, the landmark building of the city. Its 318 guest rooms were designed by Wilson & Associates and HBA, the globally renowned design houses of luxury hotels. Brown, beige toned interior includes traditional Vietnamese patterns which align with wooden, marble points. All rooms boast panoramic view of both the city and West Lake.

Restaurants and bars also present the best gastronomy in town. Along with Hong Kong’s Michelin one-starred dim sum restaurant ‘Tim Ho Wan’, the finest steak house with scenic view ‘Grill 63’, traditional Chinese restaurant ‘Red River’, the highest located rooftop bar ‘Top of Hanoi’, and LOTTE Center Hanoi observation deck listed as one of the world’s top 10 best aerial city view by The Guardian are all loved as must-visit places.

LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL Executive Tower is one of the representative luxury hotels in Seoul for business travellers and VIPs around the world. The hotel is highly evaluated for its modern design to invoke the traditional Korean experiences, and its Korean hospitality service graceful enough to host state visits. It houses the biggest in-house guest lounge in South Korea ‘Le Salon’, and Michelin one-starred restaurant ‘Pierre Gagnaire à Seoul’ to offer upscale gustatory experiences.

“It seems our efforts to continuously provide stable services amid many changes due to the pandemic were acknowledged by guests which is quite meaningful,” said Sejin Ahn, the CEO of LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS. “As a global hotel group, LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS will continue to strive to provide utmost satisfaction”.

Meanwhile, LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS is currently operating 32 hotels in seven countries. With its Korean style hospitality service and brand portfolio, the hotel group satisfies the needs of various travelers – premium landmark hotel “SIGNIEL,” classic upper upscale “LOTTE HOTELS,” lifestyle hotel “L7 HOTELS,” business-optimized “LOTTE City Hotels” and “LOTTE Resort” for family travelers.


‫ أمواج تُعيد تصور مجموعة الليبرري وتقدم لمحبي التفرد أربعة من عطور ‘أوبس’ بحلة جديدة

 مستوحاة من جاذبية المكتبة والشغف البشري نحو المعرفة والكمال، تحتفل مجموعة الليبرري بقيم النزاهة والإبداع والتنوع. وتُشكل هذه المجموعة أداة أثيرية تترك بصمتها على فن الحياة وأسلوب مرتديها وتبرز في كل نغماتها فنون صناعة العطور المبتكرة من خلال خليط منسجم وفريد وروائح أخاذة ونسمات عطرية جريئة وآسرة وغير متوقعة.

Amouage Library Collection

ومنذ إطلاقها في عام 2010، تضمنت مجموعة الليبرري ابتكارات عطرية متفردة بذاتها من أمواج حيث تم فيها استكشاف إمكانات الفنون العطرية بكل حرية من خلال استخدام مكونات نادرة في انسجام تام يتجاوز كل الحدود والتوقعات. وقد أتاح هذا الأسلوب الفريد لأمواج الفرصة لصياغة نغمات عطرية مبتكرة وجريئة خارج نطاق العطور التقليدية مما جعلها محل إشادة وتقدير من محبي وعشاق الفخامة وخبراء العطور.

وبحلة جديدة لها بنفس الشخصية الأصلية، تتمحور مجموعة الليبرري الآن حول أربعة عطور تشمل أوبس V ، وأوبس VII ، بالإضافة لكل من عطري ‘روز إنسينس’ و’سيلفر عود’ والذين تمت إعادة تسميتهما ليصبحا أوبس XII وأوبس XIII على التوالي. وفي المستقبل، تعتزم الدار إطلاق عطور جديدة من ‘أوبس’ بعد أن تكتمل استكشافات رينو سالمون العطرية وحتى تنسجم المكونات الخام وتتفتح نغماتها وتصل إلى ذروتها الشمية.

وتجسيداً لجذور أمواج وتركيزها المستمر على تكريم التراث العُماني وتحقيق التميز، تأتي الأربعة عطور في زجاجات أيقونية مستوحاة من ‘الخنجر’ الذي يشكل أحد رموز الأصالة والعراقة العُمانية في أبهى صورها. وتأتي زجاجات العطور الأربعة بلمسات من الخزف بألوان الكمأة الترابية والكشمير حيت تشكل ترجمة حقيقية للبراعة الحرفية والأصالة التي تشتهر بها سلطنة عُمان. وتتزين العبوات الجديدة بالأعمال الفنية الأصلية للفنانة لويز ميرتنز وهي جزءاً لا يتجزأ من سلسلة الفنون والصور التي تم تصويرها من قبل فالنتاين عباد والأفلام التي تم تصويرها بواسطة توماس سافاري.

أوبس V  – وودز سيمفوني

في سيمفونية تفوح بالنغمات العطرية المنسجمة، يستحضر عطر أوبس V الرحلة الخادعة والتحويلية للمعرفة. فمن خلال الشذى الوردي والنفحات الشمعية من سوسن أبسولوت، والسوسن والخشب الجاف والأبخرة النفاذة من الرم، يرسم هذا العطر عالماً ثنائياً من الأرقام بالأبيض والأسود تتناثر فيه المعلومات كشظايا الزجاج خلف المكاتب المعدنية بينما تجسد نغماته القوية من العود والزباد مع اللمسات الخفيفة للورد والياسمين رائحة البشر الذين يعيشون في عصر الآلات. ويتفرد هذا العطر بشخصيته الجافة والمعدنية التي تمنح مرتديها الهدوء لتحكي قصة عصرية للمجتمعات المجزأة بنفس الطريقة التي تنتقل بها المعرفة في الفضاء الإلكتروني.

 أوبس VII – ريكلس ليذر

استوحيت أمواج هذا العطر من دوامة جامحة من التوابل والراتنجات حيث يعكس مدى جاذبية المعرفة وقدرتها على الإغواء. وتتفتح نغمات أوبس VII بنغمات كثيفة من الجالبانوم اللزج والهيل وجوز الطيب الطازج مع نفحات جريئة من الجلد. وينسجم هذا الابتكار العطري بحلبة البندق، والسيبريول المدخن ونفحات من نبات القسط والنبر التي تكمل النغمات الأساسية الجلدية بينما يضع الموسكون، وخشب الصندل واللبان اللمسات النهائية المتناغمة للحبكة العطرية. ومن خلال استحضار الإحساس بالسلام والسكون بهذه النغمات الخضراء الرائعة، أصبح أوبس VII تجسيداً للحب العقلي ويؤكد أن الانجذاب للعقول هو أقوى بكثير من الانجذاب بالمظهر.

 أوبس XII – روز إنسينس

في أبهى تجسيد لوردة دمشقية مبهجة تفتحت أوراقها على جبل من اللبان الناعم وتتصادم فيها موجات متدفقة من الفانيليا مع شظايا نبات المرة وتتشابك فيها قطرات ليلية من الحبر الأسود مع نفحات حمضية من الإيليمي، جاء عطر أوبس XII ليترجم باستفاضة الورد والبخور ويسافر بهما إلى حدود لم يصلا إليها من قبل ويحكي بهما رواية عطرية تفوح بالانسجام والكلاسيكية.  واستوحيت فكرة هذا العطر من الغموض والذكريات التي أحياها لغز أورسن ويلز ‘البرعم’ فهو خليط عطري فريد من العنبر الذي يؤكد اعتقادنا بأنه على الرغم من معرفتنا بالحاضر إلا أن ذكريات الطفولة تشكل جزءاً أساسياً من إدراكنا لمعنى الوجود.

 أوبس XIII – سيلفر عود

ينفرد هذا العطر المبتكر بنغمات عميقة من الباتشولي والسيبريول المدخن المحيرة للحواس. فبدلاً من وجود نغمة عليا، تتجلى في هذا العطر تشكيلة واسعة من النغمات الخشبية التي تنذر بتطور عميق في تأثيره. ففي أوبس XIII ، تفوح رائحة عود أسام الغنية في انسجام رائع مع فانيليا مدغشقر ذات العبق الجلدي، بينما يضع خشب غاياك بصمته الداكنة على الجلد وتكتمل به هذا الخليط العطري الخالد. واستوحيت فكرة هذا العطر من رواية ‘الأحمر والأسود’ وخاصة من مفاهيم الارتباك والشغف والدمار حيث يصور مظاهر التوتر والحيرة بين المثالية والواقعية والتناقض بين العقل القلب. ويتوفر هذا العطر بسعة 100 ملل وهي ضعف سعة الإصدار السابق منه.

هذا، وستبقى عطور أوبس الأخرى متوفرة لدى موزعي أمواج وعلى الموقع الإلكتروني وفي عددٍ من البوتيكات المختارة (حتى نفاذ الكمية) وذلك ضمن توجه الدار لتطبيق منهج جديد لترك مساحة أمام مجموعة الليبرري للتطور والتجدد.

 Photo – 

Sudipta Dasgupta,, +968 24 649 099

جي أند تي إكسبرس تنشىء شبكة لها في البرازيل لمواصلة توسعها في أميركا اللاتينية

ساو باولو، 24 أيار/مايو، 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة جي أند تي إكسبرس (“جي أند تي”)، وهي شركة خدمات لوجستية دولية سريعة، اليوم أنها أطلقت شبكتها رسميًا في البرازيل.  هذه خطوة رئيسية أخرى في توسع جي أند تي في سوق أميركا اللاتينية، بعد إطلاق الشركة لشبكتها في المكسيك.  ومع دخول الشركة إلى البرازيل، نجحت جي أند تي إكسبرس في ترسيخ وجودها في اثنين من أكبر الاقتصادات أميركا اللاتينية ووسعت شبكة التوصيل العالمية إلى 12 دولة في آسيا وأميركا اللاتينية.

البرازيل هي خامس أكبر دولة في العالم من حيث المساحة.  وهي أيضًا أكبر اقتصاد في أميركا اللاتينية، وهي أكبر سوق للتجارة الإلكترونية وأكثرها تطورًا في المنطقة.  ووفقًا لجمعية التجارة الإلكترونية البرازيلية، في العام 2021، نمت مبيعات التجارة الإلكترونية في البرازيل بنسبة 74٪ مقارنة بالعام 2019.  يوفر سوق التجارة الإلكترونية سريع النمو فرصًا كبيرة لصناعة الخدمات اللوجستية السريعة.  أنشأت جي أند تي إكسبرس شبكة التوزيع الخاصة بها في جميع أنحاء البرازيل، والتي تغطي جميع الولايات الـ 26 ومقاطعة فدرالية واحدة.

J&T Express Brazil launched operation officially

وقال تشارلز هو، نائب رئيس مجموعة جي أند تي إكسبرس، “كونها جزءًا من جيل جديد من شركات الخدمات اللوجستية السريعة مع زيادة التركيز على التدويل، تلتزم جي أند تي إكسبرس بتزويد المستخدمين بخدمات أكثر كفاءة وملاءمة من خلال شبكة عملياتنا العالمية المتنامية.  تولي شركة جي أند تي إكسبرس أهمية كبيرة للتوسع في سوق أميركا اللاتينية، ويعتبر إطلاق عمليات الشركة في البرازيل خطوة أساسية في تواجد الشركة في المنطقة.  ويبرهن نجاح الشبكات التي تم إطلاقها في المكسيك والبرازيل في غضون فترة زمنية قصيرة على فوائد نموذج الرعاية الإقليمية للشركة في توسعنا العالمي.  إنها أيضًا خطوة مهمة للشركة لمواصلة تنمية الأسواق الناشئة وتوسيع تواجدها العالمي الاستراتيجي.”

وقال آندي وانغ، رئيس جي أند تي إكسبرس، “مقارنة بالدول والمناطق التي لديها أعمال تجارية إلكترونية ولوجستية راسخة، يتطور السوق البرازيلي بسرعة بفضل وجود إمكانات كبيرة لمزيد من النمو.  نعتقد أن جي أند تي إكسبرس في وضع جيد للاستفادة من تصميمها وقدراتها في بناء العمليات المحلية لإنشاء شبكة خدمات محسنة في البرازيل وتزويد العملاء المحليين بتجربة لوجستية تتسم بالكفاءة والراحة والجودة.  توفي الأثناء، لقد تشاركنا مع شركة جي أند تي إنترناشيونال لتقديم خدمات الوقفة الواحدة عبر الحدود لتجار التجارة الإلكترونية في البر، والتي تشمل في المقام الأول التخليص الجمركي، والتخزين في الخارج والتسليم في الميل الأخير.”

J&T Express

وتنتشر شبكة خدمات جيه آند تي إكسبريس في إحدى عشرة دولة، وهي الصين وإندونيسيا وفيتنام وماليزيا وتايلاند والفلبين وكمبوديا وسنغافورة والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية والمكسيك والبرازيل؛ وهو ما يمكّنها من تقديم خدماتها لأكثر من ملياري شخص في تلك الدول.

عن شركة جيه آند تي إكسبريس

جي أند تي إكسبرس هو مزود عالمي للخدمات اللوجستية، وتحتفظ بشركات رائدة في مجال التوصيل السريع في جنوب شرق آسيا والصين، وهو السوق الأكبر والأسرع نموًا في العالم.  تأسست شبكة جي أند تي إكسبرس في العام 2015، وتمتد أعمالها إلى 12 دولة، بما في ذلك إندونيسيا وفيتنام وماليزيا والفلبين وتايلاند وكمبوديا وسنغافورة والصين والمملكة العربية السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمكسيك والبرازيل.  وإذ تلتزم بمهمتها “الموجهة نحو العملاء والقائمة على الكفاءة”، تلتزم جي أند تي إكسبرس بتزويد العملاء بحلول لوجستية متكاملة من خلال بنية تحتية ذكية وشبكة لوجستية رقمية، كجزء من استراتيجيتها العالمية لربط العالم بكفاءة أكبر وتحقيق فوائد لوجستية للجميع.

الصورة –

شعار الشركة: 

Cyclones and More Frequent Storms Threaten Africa

Global warming is causing an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms in Africa, which are exacerbating other socioeconomic stressors across the continent.

More Rain…

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that, as a result of global warming, the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events will increase for most of tropical Africa (while parts of northern and southern Africa will become drier). This translates into a significantly increased risk of flooding.

Runoff in the Congo River basin, for example, is projected to increase by 50 percent, elevating flooding risks, especially flash flooding, across large parts of Central Africa.

Rising global temperatures, based on their current trajectory, are also expected to increase rainfall in parts of the Greater Horn of African by over 40 percent. Extraordinarily heavy rains in East Africa in recent years have contributed to the worst desert locust outbreak to hit the region in the past 25 years.

Source: Africa Center for Strategic Studies

“How Dare They Peep into My Private Life?” – Children’s Rights Violations by Governments that Endorsed Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Governments of 49 of the world’s most populous countries harmed children’s rights by endorsing online learning products during Covid-19 school closures without adequately protecting children’s privacy, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The report was released simultaneously with publications by media organizations around the world that had early access to the Human Rights Watch findings and engaged in an independent collaborative investigation.

“‘How Dare They Peep into My Private Life?’: Children’s Rights Violations by Governments that Endorsed Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic,” is grounded in technical and policy analysis conducted by Human Rights Watch on 164 education technology (EdTech) products endorsed by 49 countries. It includes an examination of 290 companies found to have collected, processed, or received children’s data since March 2021, and calls on governments to adopt modern child data protection laws to protect children online.

“Children should be safe in school, whether that’s in person or online,” said Hye Jung Han, children’s rights and technology researcher and advocate at Human Rights Watch. “By failing to ensure that their recommended online learning products protected children and their data, governments flung open the door for companies to surveil children online, outside school hours, and deep into their private lives.”

Of the 164 EdTech products reviewed, 146 (89 percent) appeared to engage in data practices that risked or infringed on children’s rights. These products monitored or had the capacity to monitor children, in most cases secretly and without the consent of children or their parents, in many cases harvesting personal data such as who they are, where they are, what they do in the classroom, who their family and friends are, and what kind of device their families could afford for them to use.

Most online learning platforms examined installed tracking technologies that trailed children outside of their virtual classrooms and across the internet, over time. Some invisibly tagged and fingerprinted children in ways that were impossible to avoid or erase – even if children, their parents, and teachers had been aware and had the desire to do so – without destroying the device.

Most online learning platforms sent or granted access to children’s data to advertising technology (AdTech) companies. In doing so, some EdTech products targeted children with behavioral advertising. By using children’s data – extracted from educational settings – to target them with personalized content and advertisements that follow them across the internet, these companies not only distorted children’s online experiences, but also risked influencing their opinions and beliefs at a time in their lives when they are at high risk of manipulative interference. Many more EdTech products sent children’s data to AdTech companies that specialize in behavioral advertising or whose algorithms determine what children see online.

With the exception of Morocco, all governments reviewed in this report endorsed at least one EdTech product that risked or undermined children’s rights. Most EdTech products were offered to governments at no direct financial cost. By endorsing and enabling the wide adoption of EdTech products, governments offloaded the true costs of providing online education onto children, who were unknowingly forced to pay for their learning with their rights to privacy and access to information, and potentially their freedom of thought.

Few governments checked whether the EdTech they rapidly endorsed or procured for schools were safe for children to use. As a result, children whose families could afford to access the internet, or who made hard sacrifices to do so, were exposed to the privacy practices of the EdTech products they were told or required to use during Covid-19 school closures.

Many governments put at risk or violated children’s rights directly. Of the 42 governments that provided online education to children by building and offering their own EdTech products for use during the pandemic, 39 governments made products that handled children’s personal data in ways that risked or infringed on their rights. Some governments made it compulsory for students and teachers to use their EdTech product, subjecting them to the risks of misuse or exploitation of their data, and making it impossible for children to protect themselves by opting for alternatives to access their education.

Children, parents, and teachers were largely kept in the dark about these data surveillance practices. Human Rights Watch found that the data surveillance took place in virtual classrooms and educational settings where children could not reasonably object to such surveillance. Most EdTech companies did not allow students to decline to be tracked; most of this monitoring happened secretly, without the child’s knowledge or consent. In most instances, it was impossible for children to opt out of such surveillance and data collection without opting out of compulsory education and giving up on formal learning during the pandemic.

Human Rights Watch conducted its technical analysis of the products between March and August 2021, and subsequently verified its findings as detailed in the report. Each analysis essentially took a snapshot of the prevalence and frequency of tracking technologies embedded in each product on a given date in that window. That prevalence and frequency may fluctuate over time based on multiple factors, meaning that an analysis conducted on later dates might observe variations in the behavior of the products.

It is not possible for Human Rights Watch to reach definitive conclusions as to the companies’ motivations in engaging in these actions, beyond reporting on what it observed in the data and the companies’ and governments’ own statements. Human Rights Watch shared its findings with the 95 EdTech companies, 196 AdTech companies, and 49 governments covered in this report, giving them the opportunity to respond and provide comments and clarifications. In all, 48 EdTech companies, 78 AdTech companies, and 10 governments responded as of May 24, 12 p.m. EDT. Several EdTech companies denied collecting children’s data. Some companies denied that their products were intended for children’s use. AdTech companies denied knowledge that the data was being sent to them, indicating that in any case it was their clients’ responsibility not to send them children’s data. These and other comments are reflected and addressed in the report, as relevant.

As more children spend increasing amounts of their childhood online, their reliance on the connected world and digital services that enable their education will likely continue long after the end of the pandemic. Governments should pass and enforce modern child data protection laws that provide safeguards around the collection, processing, and use of children’s data. Companies should immediately stop collecting, processing, and sharing children’s data in ways that risk or infringe on their rights.

Human Rights Watch has launched a global campaign, #StudentsNotProducts, which brings together parents, teachers, children, and allies to support this call and demand protections for children online.

“Children shouldn’t be compelled to give up their privacy and other rights in order to learn,” Han said. “Governments should urgently adopt and enforce modern child data protection laws to stop the surveillance of children by actors who don’t have children’s best interests at heart.”

International Media Consortium

EdTech Exposed is an independent collaborative investigation that had early access to Human Rights Watch’s report, data, and technical evidence on apparent violations of children’s rights by governments that endorsed education technologies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The consortium provided weeks of independent reporting by more than 25 investigative journalists from 13 media organizations in 16 countries. It was coordinated by The Signals Network, an international nonprofit organization that supports whistleblowers and helps coordinate international media investigations that speak out against corporate misconduct and human rights abuses. Human Rights Watch provided financial support to Signals to establish the consortium, but the consortium is independent from and operates independently from Human Rights Watch.

The media organizations involved include ABC (Australia), Chosun Ilbo (Republic of Korea), El Mundo (Spain), Folha de São Paulo (Brazil), The Globe and Mail (Canada), Kyodo News (Japan), McClatchy/Miami Herald/Sacramento Bee/*Fort Worth Star-Telegram *(USA), Mediapart (France), Narasi TV (Indonesia), OCCRP (Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zambia), The Daily Telegraph (UK), The Wire (India), and The Washington Post (USA).

In the coming weeks, Human Rights Watch will release its data and technical evidence, to invite experts, journalists, policymakers, and readers to recreate, test, and engage with its findings and research methods.

Source: Human Rights Watch

Time is short for Sudan to resolve political crisis, UN Mission chief warns

UNITED NATIONS— Time is short for Sudan to reach a solution to its protracted political crisis, the Special Representative for the country told the Security Council, warning that if the impasse is not urgently overcome, the consequences will be felt beyond national borders, impacting a whole generation.

“The crisis facing Sudan is entirely homegrown and can only be resolved by the Sudanese,” Volker Perthes, who is also Head of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), told Council members on Tuesday.

Envoys of the trilateral mechanism facilitating intra-Sudan talks – the United Nations, the African Union and regional body, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have stressed that it is up to the Sudanese, particularly the authorities, to create an environment conducive to the success of any negotiations.

Outlining developments since March, he said authorities have released 86 detainees across the country, including high profile officials affiliated with the work of the Dismantling Committee and activists from the Resistance Committees.

Violence by security forces against protestors also appears to have decreased overall, although violations still occur.

At least 111 people reportedly remain in detention in Khartoum, Port Sudan and elsewhere. On May 21, another protestor was killed by security forces, bringing the number of those reportedly killed to 96.

“If the authorities want to build trust, it is essential that those responsible for violence against protesters be held to account,” he stressed.

A growing number of Sudanese parties and eminent national figures have come forward with initiatives to solve the political crisis, he said, while several political coalitions have formed new alliances around common positions.

Against this backdrop, he said the trilateral mechanism held initial talks with key components of Sudanese society and politics throughout April, among them, political parties and coalitions, representatives from resistance committees, youth, the military, armed groups, Sufi religious leaders, women’s groups and academics.

He said the aim was to canvass the views of the stakeholders on the substance and format of a Sudanese-led and owned process of talks.

While almost all have shown willingness to engage with facilitation efforts, some key stakeholders continue to reject face-to-face talks with other counterparts or prefer to participate indirectly.

“Forging shared understandings around these issues will help chart the way out of the crisis and address the institutional vacuum after the coup,” he said.

On the security front, he said recent events in West Darfur, including the destruction and displacement in Kerenik and violence in Geneina between April 22 and 26, have again exposed deficits in the State’s ability to provide security and protection for civilians.

The Permanent Ceasefire Committee, chaired by UNITAMS, has launched an investigation into possible ceasefire violations, following the submission of formal complaints by the parties.

“The risk of a new outbreak of violence remains high,” he cautioned. Ultimately, protection of civilians requires that the causes of conflict are addressed, including issues of decades-long marginalization, land issues and the return of internally displaced persons and refugees.

In the meantime, physical protection must be a priority for the Sudanese authorities and for the local/state governments in Darfur.

He said food prices in April jumped 15 per cent compared to March and remain 250 per cent higher than respective prices in 2021. The combined effects of political instability, economic crisis, poor harvests and global supply shocks are having a “disastrous” impact on inflation.

The number of Sudanese facing acute hunger is projected to double to 18 million by September.

Noting that most Sudanese stakeholders realize that the geopolitical environment is becoming more challenging, and the international gaze is deflected from Sudan, he said: “Too much is at stake, too many hopes and aspirations impacted”. He urged the Sudanese to seize this opportunity to make progress.