ماليزيا تحتل المركز الأول في جنوب شرق آسيا في تقديم حلول فعّالة وبسعر معقول لعلاج التهاب الكبد الوبائي

ماليزيا تحظى باهتمام دولي لكونها مركز آسيا لعلاج التهاب الكبد الوبائي في إكسبو 2020 دبي.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 7 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  ظهرت ماليزيا بصفتها مركزًا لعلاج التهاب الكبد الوبائي “فيروس سي” في آسيا في إكسبو 2020 دبي خلال حفل افتتاح أسبوع ماليزيا للتميز في الرعاية الصحية في جناح ماليزيا. نظرًا لكونها الدولة الأولى في العالم التي تحصل على موافقة مشروطة لدواء “رافيداسفير” بالإضافة إلى دواء “سوفوسبوفير” لعلاج التهاب الكبد الوبائي “فيروس سي”، تستعد ماليزيا لتوفير حل دوائي فعّال وبسعر معقول للمصابين بالفيروس.

Malaysia was announced as the Hepatitis C Treatment Hub of Asia during insigHT2021, the region’s leading medical travel market intelligence conference, by Minister of Health Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin.

صرح الرئيس التنفيذي لمجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي (MHTC)، محمد داود محمد عارف، خلال حفل الافتتاح قائلاً “استجابةً لليوم العالمي لالتهاب الكبد الوبائي 2021،” التهاب الكبد الوبائي لا يحتمل الانتظار”، فإن ماليزيا مستعدة ومتشوقة للمضي قدمًا في توفير حل علاجي للمصابين بالمرض. يتوافق ذلك مع مهمة منظمة الصحة العالمية المتمثلة في تقليل عدد حالات العدوى الجديدة بالتهاب الكبد الوبائي بنسبة 90%، بالإضافة إلى تقليل عدد الوفيات الناجمة عن الإصابة بالتهاب الكبد الوبائي بنسبة 65% بحلول عام 2030. كمّا إن ماليزيا تقدم لمرضى التهاب الكبد الوبائي “فيروس سي” علاجًا يحقق معدل شفاء بنسبة 97% وتخفيض التكاليف بنسبة 95%.”

 وأضاف العضو المنتدب لمجموعة فارمانياجا بيرهاد، داتوك زولكرنين إم دي يوسوب، “من خلال خبرتنا في توريد عقار التهاب الكبد الوبائي “فيروس  سي” واللوجستيات وتوزيعه إلى المستشفيات الأعضاء في مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي، نشعر بالفخر بسبب المساهمة في الهدف المشترك لكل من ماليزيا ومنظمة الصحة العالمية المتمثل في القضاء على التهاب الكبد الوبائي “فيروس سي” بحلول عام 2030. في سبيل توفير علاج للمرضى المحليين والدوليين من المحتاجين، فإننا نشارك في رؤية تعزيز المرونة، ودفع ماليزيا للمضي قدمًا في الرعاية الصحية”.

إضافة إلى ما تقدم، أوضح محمد داود محمد عارف: “بينما تتحرك ماليزيا من أجل المضي قدمًا نحو الرعاية الصحية وتعافي الصناعة، من الأهمية بمكان للرعاية الصحية بماليزيا إبراز قوة عروض الرعاية الصحية لدينا وأن تبقى عالقة في الأذهان كوجهة رعاية صحية عالمية رائدة.”

نُبذة عن المجلس الماليزي للسياحة العلاجية

المجلس الماليزي للسياحة العلاجية هو هيئة حكومية تتولى مسؤولية الإشراف على السياحة العلاجية في البلاد. وقد تأسّس هذا المجلس في عام 2009، ويعمل على التنسيق بين الجهات الفاعلة ومُقدّمي الخدمات في قطاع السياحة العلاجية في ماليزيا من أجل تطوير هذا القطاع وتيسير إجراءاته بهدف جعل ماليزيا وجهة عالمية رائدة في مجال الرعاية الصحية.

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1720605/image.jpg

J&T Express Officially Launches its Express Network in the UAE and Saudi Arabia

DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — J&T Express, an international express logistics company, today announced the official launch of its express network in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia. The two countries are the first markets to be covered by J&T Express in the Middle East, and the latest expansion brings J&T Express’ global network coverage to a total of ten countries.

The express network of J&T Express in the United Arab Emirates is officially launched

J&T Express’ Middle East expansion plans kicked off in April 2021. After 8 months of inspection, site selection, and trial operations, the company officially launched its network in the UAE and Saudi Arabia today. J&T Express has established its own nationwide distribution network and localised warehousing system in the UAE and Saudi Arabia respectively, covering all local provinces and regions in the two countries. In addition, as an integral aspect of its courier service, the UAE and Saudi Arabia versions of the J&T Express mobile application have also been launched simultaneously.

A J&T Express courier delivers a parcel to a resident in Saudi Arabia

Sean Xiao, Head of J&T Express Middle East, said, “We hope that with J&T Express’ efficient and comprehensive delivery network, we can effectively improve the shopping experience of consumers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and contribute to the development of the e-commerce industry in both countries.”

Steven Fan, CEO of J&T Express, said, “The expansion to the UAE and Saudi Arabia marks an important step for J&T Express in establishing a global delivery network. In the future, the company will actively explore opportunities in emerging markets as part of its global strategy to connect the world with greater efficiency and bring logistical benefits to all.”

With the newly launched businesses, J&T Express’ network currently covers ten countries, including China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Singapore, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

About J&T Express

Founded in August 2015, J&T Express is a rapidly-growing international delivery company, with its core business in express services and cross-border logistics. J&T Express is committed to continuously creating integrated quality experiences for its customers globally. J&T Express’ network spans ten countries including China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Singapore, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and serves over two billion people.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721297/The_express_network_of_J_T_Express_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates_is_officially_launched.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721299/A_J_T_Express_courier_delivers_a_parcel_to_a_resident_in_Saudi_Arabia.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721319/JT_Express_Logo.jpg

‫ Virtue Diagnostics تخصص مبلغ 100 مليون دولار كسلسة تمويلية ثانية

شنغهاي، 6 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة Virtue Diagnostics، وهي شركة مبتكرة في التشخيص المخبري، عن تخصيص مبلغ 100 مليون دولار أمريكي كسلسة تمويلية ثانية. حيث تتمحور أعمال شركة Virtue Diagnostics، التي تأسست في عام 2019، حول إجراء الاختبارات السريرية في الصين والأسواق الناشئة. وقادت شركتي Sequoia China و Morningside Ventures جولة الاستثمار هذه بالاشتراك مع شركة ORIZA Holdings. كما شارك المستثمرون الحاليون Lilly Asia Ventures و PerkinElmer Ventures في حين كانت شركة HAOYUE Capital هي المستشار المالي الحصري لهذه السلسة.

وتُعد Virtue Diagnostics شركة رائدة عالمية تستند على منصة لإجراء التشخيص المخبري (In Vitro Diagnostic – IVD) وتتمحور أعمالها حول توفير حلول سريرية بأسعار معقولة في جميع مراحل المرض بما في ذلك الفحص المبكر جدًا، والتشخيص الأولي، ورصد العلاج وإدارة الأمراض الضئيلة المتبقية.

ويقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Virtue Diagnostics للبحث والتطوير في سنغافورة، ويقع مقر التصنيع في سوجو، الصين كما تقع منظمة البحوث التعاقدية أو المختبر السريري في بكين.

ويقود الابتكار المحلي السوق المستقبلي للتشخيص المخبري. وصرح جونسون تشانغ المدير التنفيذي لشركة Virtue Diagnostics، قائلًا: ” إن استراتيجية شركة Virtue Diagnostics هي تقديم منصات تكنولوجية جديدة من خلال التعاون مع شركات التكنولوجيا العالمية وتطوير منتجات وحلول موجهة خصيصًا للسوق الصيني وللتعجيل بذلك في السوق من خلال فريقنا من العاملين في مجال البحث والتطوير والتسجيل والتجارة”.

واستعانت شركة Virtue Diagnostics حصريًا بشركة PerkinElmer كشريك من أجل قياس الطيف الكتلي السريري في الصين. وجرى إطلاق مطياف الكتلة الرباعي الثلاثي، الذي تنتجه شركة Virtue Diagnostics، في الربع الثالث من عام 2021 بعد حصول الشركة على موافقة إدارة الأغذية والأدوية الصينية. كما توفر Panovue، التي تم الحصول عليها في عام 2021 والرائدة في علم الأمراض المتعدد، مجموعة كاملة من الحلول لمنصة تحليل واقعية.

وفي حين أن الابتكار المحلي يقود صناعة التشخيص المخبري، فإن صناعة التشخيص المخبري في العديد من البلدان الناشئة لا تزال في مهدها، وتعتمد بشكل كبير على المنتجات المستوردة. ودفع كوفيد-19 الحكومات نحو تعزيز القدرات المحلية في مجال التنمية البشرية من خلال تقديم العديد البواعث. وأخذت شركة Virtue Diagnostics في التوسع من أجل تقديم منتجات التشخيص المخبري بجودة عالية وبأسعار معقولة إلى الأسواق الناشئة المختارة.

وأضاف جونسون، قائلًا: “سوف تقدم شركة Virtue Diagnostics تكنولوجيات التشخيص المبتكرة في الصين وفي الأسواق الناشئة في الوقت نفسه من خلال عمليات الاندماج والاستحواذ، والمشاريع المشتركة والكيانات المحلية. وسوف ننجح بسبب الاستناد على خبرتنا الغنية في الصناعة، والقدرة على الابتكار، والخلفية الدولية.

وصرح يونشيا يانغ من Sequoia China، قائلًا: “أن شركة اVirtue Diagnostics تقوم ببناء منصات تنافسية لتكنولوجيا التشخيص. ويحظى فريقهم بتقدير كبير بسبب خبرتهم العالمية ودرايتهم الفنية قوية وسرعة تنفيذهم. ونعتقد أن شركة Virtue لديها الإمكانات العالية لتصبح شركة رائدة عالميًا. وتساعد شركة Sequoia China شركات الأجهزة الطبية والتشخيص المبتكرة على النمو السريع، من أجل تقديم منتجات أفضل للمرضى وبشكل أسرع”.

وصرح لو هوانغ من شركة Morningside Ventures، قائلًا: “بعد 20 عامًا من التطوير استكملت صناعة التشخيص المخبري في الصين الاستعاضة عن الواردات. وسوف تجلب التكنولوجيا النمو المتزايد للسوق المحلية. وتُعد شركة Virtue فريدة من نوعها لأنها تحظى بتجربة ناجحة في مجال تنظيم المشاريع في الصين وعلى الصعيد الدولي. حيث نضجت الشركة بشكل سريع وذلك بسبب المنهاج العظيم التي تتبناه. وسوف تستخدم Morningside خلفيتها الدولية، ورأس المال العالمي، وموارد التكنولوجيا من أجل مساعدة Virtue على أن تصبح رائدة في صناعة التشخيص المخبري في الصين”.

نُبذة عن Virtue Diagnostics

هي شركة تشخيص مخبري مبتكرة تركز على الأمراض المعدية، والسرطان، والأمراض المزمنة. وهدفنا هو الاستفادة من منصاتنا التكنولوجية المتنوعة من أجلى توفير حلول سريرية للمرضى في جميع مراحل المرض بما في ذلك الفحص المبكر، والتشخيص الأولي، ومراقبة العلاج، وإدارة الأمراض الضئيلة المتبقية.


‘Hundreds of thousands still living in precarious conditions months after floods’-MSF

When the floodwater levels started rising in her village, 21-year-old Nyabeel and her husband were torn about what to do. Leaving their land, which they relied on for food, was a tough decision.

“We spent three days moving. It was challenging, with four children and a herd of goats,” she said.

Eight months on since flooding began, people in Unity State, northern South Sudan, continue to suffer, stuck in poor living conditions and at risk of outbreaks of infectious and waterborne diseases. Spread across several makeshift campsites, they face food insecurity, a loss of income, malnutrition, and a lack of safe drinking water. An estimated 835,000 people have been affected.

In her village, Nyabeel had relied on cultivating her land and milk from her goats for food.

“We had a more stable life than the one here, now we eat one meal a day of maize,” She said.

Nyabeel had brought her one-year-old to MSF’s mobile clinic in Kuermendoke camp, Rubkona town, for treatment for severe malnutrition and essential vaccinations. Kuermendoke is one of three camps that have a high percentage of children under five suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

“Our nutritional survey demonstrated that the severe acute malnutrition prevalence in the camps is well above the WHO’s 2% emergency threshold,” says Dr. Reza Eshaghian, medical team leader for MSF’s emergency flood response.

The impact of the flooding is palpable, says Dr. Eshaghian.

“When you walk through the camps, you see malnourished children, people collecting dirty flood water to drink, cattle collapsing, and their carcasses everywhere. Such poor conditions are harming people’s health,” the doctor says.

Initial FAO studies suggest about 65,000 hectares of cultivated land have been damaged due to floods, while over 800,000 livestock died across eight of South Sudan’s 10 states. Having lost so much of their cattle, many displaced women are resorting to collecting firewood to make an income. Increases in food commodity prices are making it more difficult for displaced people to get food, however.

With an 80 percent increase in admissions to the Inpatient Therapeutic Feeding Centre (ITFC), MSF has opened a third ITFC ward at its hospital in Bentiu IDP camp. MSF teams are also running mobile clinics that visit camps in and around Mayom region, Bentiu, and Rubkona, responding to malaria, malnutrition, and acute watery diarrhea.

For most of those displaced, it has become almost impossible to find safe drinking water.

“Our only source of water for drinking, cooking, and washing is the floodwater,” said Nyapal, a mother of four.

Before the flooding around Bentiu, sanitation facilities in the IDP camp were already in critical condition and rarely maintained.

“For a while, flooding meant it was impossible to access the waste treatment ponds. This led to an accumulation of sewage in the camp latrines, which then overflowed into the open sewer canals, where children frequently play,” said Cawo Yassin Ali, water and sanitation team leader in MSF’s emergency team deployed for the flood response.

To reduce the risk of outbreaks, MSF has set up a sewage treatment plant inside the camp to contain and treat fecal waste.

With the water levels slowly starting to recede around Bentiu, it’s still not clear when Nyabeel, Nyapal, and thousands of other displaced people will be able to return home. “We don’t have anything here, we came empty-handed, the village is covered with water, and we don’t know when it will dry,” says Nyabeel.

Until people can return home, they will be forced to continue living in such precarious conditions. This poses an added challenge for humanitarian actors, requiring them to not lose sight of responding to immediate needs while recognizing the protracted nature of this crisis and meeting corresponding standards beyond the initial emergency threshold.

“There are immense needs, including the need for proper shelters, clean water and sanitation infrastructure, quality health care, food security, and livelihood support. Humanitarian actors, donors, and the South Sudanese government need to act now before it is too late. They cannot afford to wait any longer,” says Dr. Eshaghian.

MSF operating is operating over 14 projects across South Sudan, delivering life-saving medical services to communities.

Source: Radio Tamazuj

Three killed in Sudan protests against military rule

Sudanese security forces have killed three anti-coup protesters on Thursday as crowds thronged Khartoum and other cities in more anti-coup rallies, medics and other witnesses said.

The latest killings bring to 60 the death toll in a security clampdown since the October 25 military takeover, said the Central Committee of Sudan Doctors, which is part of the pro-democracy movement.

According to the medics, the three people were all protesters and died from shots fired by security forces during rallies in the cities of Omdurman and Bahri.

Protesters attempted once again to reach the presidential palace to keep up pressure on the military.

The medics also said they counted more than 300 wounded including by live rounds, rubber bullets, and other injuries due to the persistent firing of tear gas.

Authorities have regularly denied using live rounds in confronting protests.

The protests on Thursday came days after prime minister Abdalla Hamdok resigned, leaving the military fully in charge. Hamdok had been held under house arrest for weeks following the coup, before being reinstated in a November 21 deal.

Source: Radio Tamazuj

At least three protesters killed in Khartoum as Marches of the Millions sweep the country

Hundreds of thousands of Sudanese took to the streets in Khartoum and other states yesterday in the January 6 Marches of the Millions, called for by the resistance committees active in many neighbourhoods in Sudan. At least three protesters were reportedly killed in Khartoum.

The peaceful protesters chanted slogans and called for the overthrow of the military junta that took power in the October 25 coup. The protesters demand full civilian rule and the return of the military to the barracks.

To repress the demonstrations, the military authorities cut off internet services and phone networks in Khartoum. It also closed the main bridges with containers and the main streets with barbed wire whilst heavily deploying army forces, paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Central Reserve Police, and agents of the General Intelligence Service (GIS).

The joint security forces confronted the peaceful demonstrators with excessive violence, heavy use of tear gas, and stun grenades, and they detained many.

Nevertheless, the protesters managed to advance to their declared destination, which was the Republican Palace in the centre of Khartoum.

They chanted “No Negotiations, No Agreements, No Bargaining” (with the military), a slogan that has been dubbed ‘the three Nos’, and “El Burhan you may close streets and bridges but here we come!”


The Resistance Committees active in the western part of Khartoum North reported that “more than excessive force” was used yesterday in its neighbourhoods by forces dressed in uniforms of the army, security forces, police, anti-riot police, and the Central Reserve Police.

The excessive use of force, stun grenades, and tear gas by the joint security forces led to at least three deaths and dozens of injuries amongst the protesters in greater Khartoum

The excessive use of force, stun grenades, and tear gas by the joint security forces led to at least three deaths and dozens of injuries amongst the protesters in greater Khartoum.

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors said in a statement yesterday that “three revolutionaries were killed”. Two of them were killed by security forces in the Omdurman processions as one of them was shot in the head and the second was shot in the pelvis with live ammunition.

The third murdered demonstrator was shot dead in East Nile in Khartoum North. This brings the number of confirmed deaths of protesters since the military coup to 60.

Hospital raided again

Joint security forces again stormed the El Arbaeen Hospital in Omdurman yesterday and assaulted the patients the staff, causing more injuries according to the Khartoum state Ministry of Health’s statement yesterday.

The forces also stormed the Emergencies Department of the Khartoum Teaching Hospital and threw tear gas canisters inside.

The Ministry holds “the military coup council” responsible for the safety of the patients and medical staff and called on “all international organisations to document all these incidents that infringe on human rights and violate all international charters and treaties”.

Protests in other states

In Port Sudan, Kassala, El Gedaref, and Halfa El Jadeeda in eastern Sudan, tens of thousands took to the streets chanting ‘the three Nos’ and calling on the military to return to the barracks.

Many protesters were detained, particularly in El Gedaref. A number of them were detained after chases inside the city’s neighbourhoods.

“Down with El Burhan, Hemeti, and the rule of the military”

In various towns in El Gezira, Sennar, White Nile state, and Blue Nile state, tens of thousands demonstrated to call civilian rule and chanting ‘the three Nos’, “The putschists will fall”, and “Down with El Burhan, Hemeti, and the rule of the military”.

Western Sudan witnessed demonstrations too as thousands of people took to the streets in Darfur’s state capitals Nyala, Zalingei, El Daein, El Fasher, and El Geneina to denounce the military rule and “the El Burhan-Hemeti military coup”.

Tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators went out in El Obeid and Bara in North Kordofan to call for the “overthrow of the coup”.

In the north of Sudan, people in Atbara, Ed Damer, and Dongola also joined the January 6 Marches of the Millions.

Violent repression and resignations

Earlier this week, at least three protesters were shot by Sudanese forces during demonstrations in Sudan. PM Hamdok resigned just hours after the deadly event.

In the weeks since the coup, Sudan has seen an unrelenting series of pro-democracy mass protest marches and manifestations, called by Resistance Committees and opposition forces across the country. These have consistently been met by violence from a strong military presence, and Sudanese doctors confirm that at least 60 civilians have died, dozens have been raped or sexually assaulted, hundreds were injured, and hundreds more detained, prompting international condemnation and outrage.

European countries and the USA called in a joint statement to stop attacks on hospitals, detainment of activists and journalists and the imposed blackouts of Sudan’s internet and communication services.

End December, Sovereignty Council civilian member Abdelbagi El Zubeir and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Haisam Ibrahim already handed their resignation, citing the excessive violence used against peaceful protesters as their main motive.

Source: Radio Dabanga