Crocus Technology Expands High Precision Portfolio of Isolated Current Sensors over Industrial and Automotive Temperature Ranges

The CT425 family of XtremeSense® TMR products offers high accuracy isolated current sensing with Common Mode Field Rejection at 1 MHz bandwidth

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crocus Technology Inc., the leading supplier of disruptive Tunnel Magneto-Resistance XtremeSense® sensors, today announces the CT425, CT426, CT427 and CT428 isolated current sensors with <1% total error over the full operating temperature range without sacrificing accuracy or bandwidth. The high-speed operation and accurate output allow customers to optimize system design for smaller size and higher efficiency.

The CT42x with less than 300 ns response time greatly simplifies the solution in EV Charging applications which are utilizing GaN (Gallium Nitride) or SiC (Silicon Carbide) transistors to improve power density. Likewise, the CT42x offers improvements in terms of performance and size compared to the classic isolated current sense solutions which utilize a shunt resistor, amplifier, and digital isolator to sense the voltage and convert this signal into a current measurement. The CT42x directly senses the flow of current through the package avoiding errors in conversion and provides inherently faster and more accurate measurements. With industry leading response time of 300 ns, high power architectures like the CCM Totem-Pole PFC can provide higher power density solutions. The fast switching frequency of Wide Bandgap (WBG) power devices requires a current sensor that can detect fast transients to prevent potential cascading failures. The integration in a space saving SOIC-8 package also reduces the total PCB footprint size by up to 8 times smaller compared to existing solutions.

The CT42x has robust built-in immunity to common-mode fields which allows the device to reject greater than 99% of external stray magnetic fields without the need for external shielding while maintaining <1% total accuracy. Crocus’ proprietary TMR technology inherently offers a very high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) which allows for high resolution measurements required for precision control or monitoring applications.

“The expansion of this product family brings more options to our customers to experience the high precision performance of our XtremeSense TMR products in more demanding applications,” states Zack Deiri, President and CEO of Crocus Technology. “Previously our customers would select products that offered them good performance on one parameter over temperature and then they would adjust their design to compensate for the other parameters. With Crocus products they are finding they can achieve high precision and high bandwidth offering them a comprehensive high performance solution.”

Product features and performance:

CT425 & CT428 (5.0 V version), CT426 & CT427 (3.3 V version)

Integrated 0.5 mΩ conductor enabling 20 A to 65 A AC and DC applications

Total output error ±0.5% FS (typ)

300 ns response time, 1 MHz bandwidth

Rated Isolation Voltage: >4 kVRMS

AEC-Q100 & UL/IEC 62368 Certified, IEC 61000-4-5 Certified

Over current detection (CT427 & CT428), Enhanced filter (CT425 & CT426)

Integrated Common Mode Field Rejection (CMFR) with > 99% immunity

Targeting applications in Power-Factor Correction (PFC), Solar Power Inverters, Battery Management Systems (BMS), xEV Chargers, DC/DC converters and AC/DC inverters.

The CT425, CT426, CT427 and CT428 sensors are available in an industry standard SOIC-8 package. Samples and evaluation boards are currently available. For more information on the CT42x product family, please visit the product webpage:

About Crocus Technology

Crocus Technology develops and manufactures state-of-the-art magnetic sensors based on its patented XtremeSense® TMR sensor technology. Crocus’ disruptive magnetic sensor technology brings significant advancements to IoT and smart devices, industrial, consumer, medical, and automotive electronics applications demanding high accuracy, high resolution, stable temperature performance, and low power consumption. Crocus is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. For more information, please visit

© 2021 Crocus Technology International Corp. All rights reserved. Crocus Technology, XtremeSense® and combinations thereof are trademarks of Crocus Technology Inc. and Crocus Technology SA. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

For more information, please contact:

Elsa Magnani
Crocus Technology
Tel: +1-208-999-6643

InfraX Constructs a High-Quality Network for its Staff with Huawei AirEngine Wi-Fi 6

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dubai, the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is also one of the fastest-growing in the whole world. Indeed, through the Dubai Future Foundation, the Dubai 10X initiative aims to propel Dubai into the future, positioning the city 10 years ahead of other global cities.

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) is the exclusive provider of electricity and water services in Dubai. To reimagine the role of the utility sector, DEWA launched Digital DEWA in order to create a new digital future for the city. Indeed, Digital DEWA plays a leading role in the adoption of digital technologies across its four pillars — solar energy, energy storage, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and digital services — making it the world’s first digital utility provider to use autonomous systems for renewable energy, storage, and digital services: as such, it’s an enthusiastic adopter of nascent AI.

InfraX, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) arm of Digital DEWA, focuses on connecting its customers with value added services from its data centers and the cloud. To this end, InfraX owns a secure, reliable, and independent super-fast fiber optics network that meets the smart needs of the future applications promised in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Need for Communication Infrastructure

DEWA recently built a new staff campus in Jebel Ali Power Station, located southwest of Dubai, including two staff accommodation blocks and two multifunctional buildings that provide End to End (E2E) daily services for employees who live there. It was imperative to provide high-quality communication infrastructure across all these buildings and InfraX, as the body responsible for network planning and deployment, opted for high-quality Wi-Fi networks, characterized by enhanced performance in terms of bandwidth, latency, and network management.

Before this project began, accommodation networks in different DEWA staff campuses were operated and maintained separately, involving high maintenance costs, both in terms of time and money. These legacy networks provided a far from acceptable experience, complicating everything from simple file downloads to other mobile working tasks, including remote conferencing, which suffered from network latency, limited bandwidth, and occasional packet loss. Grasping the opportunities the new project presented, InfraX set up a single platform located in the Network Operations Center (NOC), centralizing the management of all accommodation networks. Going forward, this control platform will support further expansion of the company’s accommodation networks in the future.

Huawei Cloud-Managed Network with the Latest AirEngine Wi-Fi 6 Technologies

The cooperation between Huawei and InfraX provides a solution that meets a range of needs.

  • All-wireless access through AirEngine Wi-Fi 6 Access Points (APs), offering ultra-bandwidth up to the Gbit/s level and forwarding latency as low as 10 ms. Support for a rich range of Internet of Things (IoT) standards will meet the needs of various intelligent services over the next five to 10 years.
  • Proper two-layer campus network architecture. Access and core layer network architecture brings with it far easier Operations and Maintenance (O&M). And with latency vastly improved, the network is tailored for the future campus networks of tomorrow, in particular the need for massive terminal connections and ultrafast service access in the Wi-Fi 6 era. The use of far greener fixed switches also reduces power consumption and the physical footprint.
  • A unified Managed Service Provider (MSP) cloud-managed operations platform, based on Huawei iMaster NCE. While three physical servers in a cluster provide ultra-high reliability, the platform smoothly supports expansion in the future. When additional devices need to come online, new licenses can simply be added, dramatically reducing both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operating Expenditure (OPEX).

By integrating big data, AI, and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technologies, this solution offers one-stop automation and intelligent O&M, delivering high-quality wired and wireless services. It also enables automatic service provisioning, ensures an intelligent experience, and increases security protection. In short, it meets the performance levels that the wide variety of digital terminals and applications of tomorrow will require, today.

Forward-Looking Cooperation

The solution is forward-looking networking infrastructure based on Wi-Fi 6 standards. It builds a smart living environment for DEWA’s staff, with enhanced network features, from ultra-broadband and high user concurrency to low latency, providing a good user experience and therefore boosting employee satisfaction. And such infrastructure paves the road to diverse new digital services, so employees can live smarter lives.

Click here to explore more industrial digital transformation stories from the Intelligent IP Pioneers webpage.

سبينيس والهيئات الحكومية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة يُطلقون برنامج «من المزرعة إلى المائدة»

برنامج مدرسي ثوري يعزز الأكل الصحي وخيارات الطعام الصحية للأطفال.

دبي الامارات العربية المتحدة, 26 أكتوبر / تشرين أول 2021 /PRNewswire/ — تُطلق سبينيس، سلسلة السوبرماركت الرائدة في دولة الإمارات العربية المشهورة بمنتجاتها العالية الجودة، أول برنامج شامل على مستوى المنطقة لتعزيز الأكل الصحي والطعام المستدام للأطفال بدعم من هيئات حكومة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة والمزارع المحلية.

Sunil Kumar and HE Mariam Almheiri

سيشرح البرنامج التعليمي المرح بعنوان «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» للأطفال بعمر 7-10 سنوات كيف يُنتج الطعام محلياً ودولياً، والرحلة التي يقطعها وصولاً إلى موائد الطعام. سوف يُشجع هذا البرنامج على اتباع أنظمة غذائية صحية وأكثر استدامة من قبل الأطفال وأُسرهم.

وفي هذا الصدد صرح سونيل كومار، الرئيس التنفيذي لمتاجر سبينيس، قائلاً: «يُعد برنامج «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» ركيزة أساسة لتحقيق هدف سبينيس الرامي إلى توعية 1 مليون شخص بحلول عام 2032 بشأن البرامج الغذائية المستدامة، ومساعدة المجتمعات في عيش حياة صحية أكثر استدامة».

«بوصفنا متجراً محلياً، تقع على عاتقنا مسؤولية المشاركة في إنتاج طعام مستدام والمساعدة في تحسين حياة المواطنين والسكان. لن يؤدي هذا البرنامج دوراً في تحسين صحة ورفاه أطفالنا وأُسرهم فحسب، بل سيسهم أيضاً في زيادة الوعي بشأن كيفية خفض نفايات الطعام وتناول الطعام بشكل مسؤول، مما يُساعد في ضمان مستقبل أفضل للجميع». تقود معالي مريم بنت محمد سعيد حارب المهيري، وزيرة التغير المناخي والبيئة لدولة الإمارات، مستوى عالٍ من جهود دعم هذه المبادرة.

ومن جانبها أفادت المهيري قائلة: «تهدف الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن الغذائي لعام 2051 إلى تمكين إنتاج الطعام المستدام، وتعزيز الإنتاج المحلي، وتفعيل السياسات لتحسين التغذية وتقليل النفايات. يسرنا أن نشهد مشاركة سلسلة متاجر سبينيس وغيرها في تنفيذ الإستراتيجية الوطنية من خلال برنامج «من المزرعة إلى المائدة»».

«يُعد إيجاد علاقة أكثر عمقاً وأهمية بين أفراد شعبنا والطعام والبيئة أحد الجوانب الرئيسية لعملية تحويل أنظمتنا الغذائية إلى أنظمة أكثر استدامة. نأمل أن توجه مجتمعاتنا أسئلة بشان طعامها وأن تشارك في حوار عن مستقبل استدامة الغذاء والماء. من شأن مبادرة «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» مساعدتنا في تحقيق هذه الأهداف».

ستساعدنا مبادرة «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» في مواجهة التحديات الرئيسية للصحة ونمط الحياة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.  تُثبت الأبحاث العالمية أن صحة الأطفال هي أساس الصحة المديدة، وذلك من خلال اتباع الأطفال لعادات صحية حتى مرحلة البلوغ.

وبالعكس من ذلك، يكون الأطفال الزائدين في الوزن أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالسمنة في مرحلة البلوغ. أكثر من نصف عدد الأطفال في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة يستهلكون الحلوى والوجبات السريعة بمعدل مرتفع، في حين أنهم يتناولون القليل من الفواكه والخضراوات. 25% من الأطفال البالغين من العمر 7-10 سنوات يعانون من زيادة الوزن أو السمنة.

استجابة لهذه التحديات، عمل مركز أبو ظبي للصحة العامة عن كثب مع فريق العمل وراء مبادرة «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» لتطوير الموارد التعليمية.

فقرة مركز أبوظبي للصحة العامة

صرح سعادة مطر سعيد النعيمي، المدير العام لمركز أبوظبي للصحة العامة : يمثل التشجيع على اتباع نظام غذائي صحي ونمط حياة نشيط أهمية كبيرة في تحسين جودة حياة الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في الدولة”، وأضاف: ” تُعد مبادرة «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» فرصة رائعة لتعليم الأجيال المستقبلية على كيفية تحسين عاداتهم الغذائية، فنظام غذائي أفضل يعني تقليل خطر الإصابة بالسمنة والأمراض الأخرى مثل كوفيد19 وتقليل فرص دخول المستشفى والمحافظ على الأرواح، لذلك  تحظى هذه المبادرة على كامل دعمنا ومساندتنا ».

تنطلق مبادرة «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» هذا الأسبوع بمشاركة أول 15 مدرسة في البرنامج الرسمي. وفي المجمل، سوف تشارك 50 مدرسة حكومية وخاصة خلال هذا العام الدراسي.

يُوجه الطلاب خلال 5 وحدات تعلم، حيث يُشاركون في مجموعة من الأنشطة والألعاب. يستفيد المعلمون أيضاً من الدعم والنصائح الغالية التي يقدمها خبراء التغذية المؤهلون، مما يعزز قدرتهم على تيسير رحلة تعلم الطلاب.

حرصاً إلى إبداء المزيد من الالتزام بالصحة العامة والاستدامة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، تُتيح سبينيس الموارد التعليمية في أمام الجميع أملاً في استقطاب المزيد من المدارس والأسر للاستفادة من المحتوى التفاعلي المرح.

من خلال التركيز على الأنظمة الغذائية الصحية والاستهلاك المستدام، سوف تشارك مبادرة «من المزرعة إلى المائدة» في تحقيق الإستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن الغذائي لعام 2051 بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، من خلال زيادة الوعي بشأن تأثير ما يتناوله الأشخاص وعاداتهم الغذائية على الآخرين وعلى البيئة.

يُشارك عدد من الهيئات الأخرى من القطاعين الحكومي والخاص خبرته الواسعة في هذه المبادرة، بما في المزارع المحلية ووكالة ‘إنتر آكت’ ذات التأثير الاجتماعي، ومن المتوقع الإدلاء بالمزيد من البيانات في المستقبل القريب.

يمكن الاطلاع على المزيد من المعلومات على

نُبذة عن سبينيس

بدأ قصة سبينيس في عام 1961 الذي شهد افتتاح أول سوبرماركت في ميدان النصر. ومنذ ذلك الحين، تحقق الشركة نمواً كبيراً بوصفها واحدة من أفضل سلاسل متاجر السوبرماركت الفاخرة المفضلة لدى الجميع في المنطقة، مع وجود 61 متجراً في أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة.   حظت متاجر سبينيس على إعجاب شديد من قبل المغتربين والمحليين في المنطقة، وتتميز حالياً بسمعة طيبة عن جدارة واستحقاق بفضل فلسفتها القائمة على التفكير الاستباقي ومواكبة التغيرات التي تشهدها اتجاهات الطهي وظهور منتجات جديدة في جميع أنحاء العالم.  واليوم، نجحت شركة سبينيس، التي يملكها المواطن الإماراتي علي البواردي، من بناء اسم قوي في عالم توريد منتجات عالية الجودة وتقديم أعلى مستويات خدمة العملاء. لطالما كانت معايير الغذاء والسلامة والنضارة على رأس المبادئ الأخلاقية للشركة – إلا أنها لا تمثل سوى سبب واحد فقط وراء اقتران علامة سبينيس التجارية بشعار «تجربة المنتجات الطازجة».


2021 Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest Successfully Concluded: Lighting up a Seamless AI Life

DONGGUAN, China, Oct. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On October 23, the 2021 Huawei HMS App Innovation Contest successfully concluded at the HUAWEI DEVELOPER CONFERENCE 2021 (Together). In the China competition region, 20 apps stood out and swooped seven major awards. Along with other four competition regions, a total of US$1 million in prizes was shared between the winners.

The contest attracted more than 4,000 teams from over 200 countries and regions. “By fully opening the HMS Core ecosystem and helping global developers innovate, Huawei aspires to build a new global smart ecosystem covering all devices and all scenarios. Through various developer competitions, we hope to transform innovative ideas into reality as we strive towards building a fully-connected, intelligent world,” said Zhang Ping’an, the president of Huawei Consumer Cloud Service and the CEO of Huawei Cloud BU.

Award Winner List: Passionately Exploring a Seamless AI Life

Among the seven awards that were given out in the China competition region in this year’s contest, the Best App award went to Baby Panda World, Iflynote, Cartoon, Jnotes, and Tide. The title of Best Social Impact App went to Meditation Planet, Colorfulclouds, and Dnurse, while PVZ2, Jade Dynasty, and Eclipse won the Best Game award. Enjoying FM picked up the All-Scenario Coverage Award, and the Best HMS Core Innovation Award went to Itinerary Assistant and AR Words. Last but not least, AR Dinosaur World nabbed the Tech Women’s Award, while Mira Music Junior, Text Grabber, Dongdong, Memopad, and Legends of the Condor Heroes scooped up the Honorable Mention.

5-Star Apps in the Five Competition Regions: Showcasing Cutting-Edge Innovation

Tide, the Best App winner in the China competition region, is integrated with HUAWEI HiCar to implement the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). It also utilizes HMS Core Health Kit to help users sleep better and live a healthier life.

This year’s contest saw the introduction of three new awards, which are the All-Scenario Coverage Award, Tech Women’s Award, and Best HMS Core Innovation Award. Enjoying FM, winner of the All-Scenario Coverage Award, works with the HUAWEI HiCar ecosystem to provide users with premium in-car entertainment that supports seamless cross-device audio transfer. Shen Qiu, the developer of AR Dinosaur World, who won the Tech Women’s Award, used her female traits to fuse fun with knowledge, helping spark children’s imagination and encouraging them to explore the world. Itinerary Assistant and AR Words, winners of the Best HMS Core Innovation Award, integrate the Awareness Kit, Ads Kit, ML Kit, and AR Engine to deliver smarter, more convenient and innovative experiences for users.

Competition regions outside China have also witnessed a number of outstanding apps that aim to tackle human and social issues. One such app is Plano – Parental Control from the Asia Pacific competition region, which helps protect children’s eye health. Other notable entries include Go Zero Waste from the Europe competition region, which is dedicated to resource conservation and environmental protection, Blind Assistant from the Middle East & Africa competition region, which helps visually impaired users recognize images and texts, and Mujer Ingeniera from the Latin America competition region, which aims to inspire females to pursue a career in engineering.

By the end of September 2021, the number of developers in Huawei’s ecosystem has reached 5.1 million, and the number of apps integrated with HMS Core has exceeded 173,000. With the official launch of HMS Core 6, advanced technologies spanning many fields are being further opened, and existing features and services are being upgraded to provide a consistent user experience for cross-platform and cross-device apps. We will continue hosting and supporting various developer competitions and the Shining Star Program to encourage the participation of global developers in the HMS ecosystem and help them achieve innovation towards building a smarter and more convenient all-scenario digital life experience.

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ZTE Chief Operating Officer Xie Junshi: Strengthening ZTE’s resilience to achieve rapid growth

SHENZHEN, China, Oct. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the mobile internet, today announced that the company’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Xie Junshi has delivered a keynote speech entitled “Winning future with digital intelligence” at its Global Analyst Conference held online on October 25th, 2021. Mr. Xie’s speech presents the company’s landscape in the digital economy era, covering corporate positioning, development goal and strategic initiatives.

“Facing the next strategy period, ZTE will achieve leap-forward development with the principle of ‘three strategies, two curves’. ‘Three strategies’ here lie in  innovation, globalization and end-to-end product solutions. ‘Two curves’ mean that on one hand, ZTE sticks to solidifying its position, keeping the steady growth of operators’ business in the first curve while on the other hand, ZTE will create its new horizon to achieve the rapid growth of government and enterprise business, terminals business and new business in the second curve.

Meanwhile, ZTE will be committed to becoming a highly resilient operating organization to adapt to the challenge of the uncertainty in the new normal, and adhere to a green and low-carbon strategy to achieve the company’s long-term sustainable development.

According to Mr. Xie, ZTE aims to be included in the Fortune Global 500 list in next two to three years by maintaining a robust annual growth rate.

Here comes the original speech as follows:

Dear friends, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. It’s a pleasure for me to share with you ZTE’s role, objective, and strategy in the era of digital economy. Five years has passed since our last Global Analyst Conference. During this period, we have witnessed great changes in the global environment and in ZTE. Today, ZTE has defined its new vision and mission, and is forging ahead towards the goal of creating greater value despite various challenges. Through the Global Analyst Conference, we hope you will know more about ZTE and feel free to voice your opinions.

Committed to becoming “the driver of digital economy” in the new era

As you may know, ZTE was founded in 1985, with the aspiration of bringing everyone affordable phone calls and thus realizing convenient communication. From the very beginning, ZTE has been committed to telecommunications and independent innovation.

For 36 years, we have been staying true to our original aspiration, and striving to connect “individuals, families, enterprises, and society” with ceaseless efforts and innovation. We are determined to fulfill our vision and mission, that is, “to enable connectivity and trust everywhere,” and “to connect the world with continuous innovation for a better future.”

Now, ZTE has grown from CT to ICT field. We have developed core digital technology, such as chipsets, databases, and operating systems; we provide complete cloud-network-end solutions; and we use intelligent and efficient tools for network deployment, O&M, and management. In addition, we are committed to sustainable development with green technology. With our digital solutions, we aim to be “a driver of digital economy” ,  providing efficient and reliable digital infrastructure.

Solidifying its position with innovative initiatives, towards the Fortune Global 500

To fulfill this role, we have formulated the specific development strategy, to which the year 2021 is really crucial. In the strategy period from 2020 to 2021, our goal is to maintain robust growth of the business in the 1st curve by further participating in China’s 5G construction and improving the market position of our key products overseas. Meanwhile, we hope to promote the business development in the 2nd curve through strengthening investment in the enterprise business, adjusting the structure of consumer business, and expanding new business. In the next strategy period, we resolve to maintain high-quality growth with a solid foundation in the 1st curve, and more importantly, create new horizons in the 2nd curve to achieve rapid growth.

Our objective for the next period is to strengthen ZTE’s resilience to agilely address risks and seize opportunities in new business, and sustain annual growth to be rank ed  among the world’s top 500 companies.

Now, let’s take a look at our performance in the current strategy period. Against the backdrop of the pandemic and ever-changing global environment, we have basically achieved our goal of high-quality growth by promoting technological innovation and strengthening healthy and efficient operations. In 2020, our operator, enterprise, and consumer business witnessed noticeable growth, with the revenue increasing by 11.8% and the operating cash flow increasing by 37.4%.

In 2021, we have maintained high-quality growth and increased profitability. As shown in the financial report of the first half year, our revenue has scaled RMB 53 billion with a year-on-year growth of 12.4%, and the revenue has grown by over 10% in both Chinese and overseas markets. Through continuous cost restructuring, our gross profit margin has increased to 36.1% , an increase of 2.7% . The net operating cash flow in the first half year also reached a record high. In operator business, we have maintained steady growth with a larger market share of 5G wireless, core network, and bearer network products in China. Our revenue of enterprise business grew by 17.7% in H1, with Chinese enterprise business increasing by over 50% and server and storage products doubled. The revenue from consumer business hit RMB 12.3 billion, with an increase of 66.6%. Specifically, the revenue from home terminals and smartphones witnessed an increase of over 90% and 40%, respectively.

Sticking to the principle of “ three directions, two curves ” to achieve the sustainable development

We are embracing the next strategy period in 2022, which is essential to ZTE’s future development.

In that period, we will focus on innovation, globalization, and end-to-end solutions to pursue progress while ensuring stability in the 1st curve, and seek rapid enhancement in the 2nd curve, so as to achieve sustainable development.

First, innovation s .  ZTE has been a company dedicated to independent innovation s  since its foundation. Our core competence lies in innovative technology that can create value for customers. For i nstance , we launched the ZXJ10 in the 1990s, which was China’s first large-capacity digital SPC switching system; we presented the SDR base station in 2009; and with the Pre5G Massive MIMO solutions, we won the Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough award at MWC 2016 and the CTO’s Choice 2016 award. Concentrating on “connectivity” and “computing power”, we will strengthen the development of such core technolog i es  as chipsets, algorithm, and architecture, and further the exploration and R&D of key products and technolog ies .

Regarding connectivity, we aim to speed up the R&D of 5G-advanced technology to create the greatest value. Also, we have started the research on 6G, and will strive to accelerate the application of key technologies, such as reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). In addition, we are putting in more efforts to enhance optical network performance. For example, we have significantly increased the transmission capacity of all-optical networks. As for computing power, we will enhance the R&D of the next-generation cloud infrastructure, and further integrate AI and big data into PaaS and SaaS. What’s more, we attach great importance to green design for sustainable development. To be specific, we adopt new materials, components, and design to reduce power consumption of equipment, and use such technolog i es  as AI to improve power efficiency during network operations via intelligent control.

ZTE will increase investment and provide strong support for innovation s . We have established the “Future Lab” for the exploration and R&D of prospective technolog ies . We have also partnered with top universities and research institutes, thus establishing long-term cooperation mechanisms for innovation s . At present, we have launched over 800 projects jointly with our partners in the fields of CT and advanced manufacturing. Through all these efforts, we expect to promote technological innovation and create more value with partners from different industries.

Second, further globalization . The company is committed to globalization based on our commitment to compliance, cybersecurity, and business continuity management. In operator business, namely the 1st curve, we aim to maintain solid growth in global markets.

In Chinese markets, we are devoted to growing from a main supplier to a top-tier supplier, which requires a larger market share of our key products. More importantly, we should stimulate customers’ demands instead of meeting requirements only, making a leap from a follower to a leader in the market. To achieve this goal, we will make further improvement in product innovation, agile R&D, and efficient delivery.

In overseas markets, we will focus on high-priority markets and strategic products. Specifically, we plan to increase the investment in emerging Asian markets, leading operator markets, and strategic European markets, and optimize our product presence through construction of 5G networks as well as fixed optical networks, reconstruction of existing 4G networks, upgrade of transport networks, and iteration of smartphones and home terminals. We will seize the opportunities in the changing global environment to guarantee healthy operations and steady growth.

Third, end–to-end solutions. As a part of the end-to-end solutions, terminal devices are essential to ZTE’s future growth. After organizational restructuring and brand integration, we are now working with more channel partners, and offering a comprehensive product portfolio of terminal devices, including smartphones, industrial terminals, home information terminals, and integrated innovation terminals.

With the increasing competitiveness, ZTE will promote its terminal products in both China and overseas markets. Through continuous innovation and further investments, ZTE is bound to take a lead in the terminal business, scaling new heights in China and maintaining steady growth overseas. In 2021, we plan to deliver more than 100 million consumer devices, of which 50% will carry our self-developed chipsets.

Enhancing the initiative capabilities to achieve rapid growth of the business in the 2nd curve

After consolidating the business in the 1st curve, our key task in the next strategy period is to achieve rapid growth of the business in the 2nd curve.

We will invest more in the enterprise business in terms of marketing, channels, and solutions. Also, the company will integrate internal resources, namely, to give full play to our overall advantages in branding, supply chain, and cloud-network ecosystem, thus facilitating the growth of enterprise business. Regarding capability building of channels, we will comprehensively enhance our services by continuously improving IT resources, processes, incentives, and training.

In addition, we will enhance the competitiveness of key products, including data communications, server and storage, distributed database, and data center products, and further enhance solution marketing in key sectors, such as e-government, energy, finance, Internet, and transportation. By providing integrated, scenario-based solutions, we aim to improve our overall competence in the enterprise market.

To achieve rapid growth in the 2nd curve, we also need to develop new business, such as automotive electronics and digital transformation.

I n  March  2021 , ZTE set up the automotive electronics product line, aiming to provide underlying technology and core components of digital vehicles, and intelligent connected products and solutions. By working with partners, ZTE is committed to providing customized and ultimate automotive experience, and eventually create a network of intelligent vehicles, optimal routes, and powerful clouds. Our products range from chipsets, hardware and software platforms, to intelligent driving algorithms, and intelligent vehicle infrastructure. What’s worth mentioning, we signed strategic cooperation agreements with China First Auto Works and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation this summer.

Moreover, we strive to seize the business opportunities brought by corporate digitalization. In this regard, ZTE has been applying cloud technology for digitalization of its office work, R&D, and operations, thus building a cloudified company. Through practices, we have now formulated our methodology, and developed a full series of modular products and solutions. That is to say, ZTE has become a provider of digital transformation services for enterprises. ZTE’s digital transformation solutions cover cloud-network foundation, data platforms, unified portals, digital office, digital production, and digital cybersecurity. With these modular component libraries, ZTE provides targeted services for various fields of corporate operations, accelerating the digital transformation of enterprises.

By grasping the opportunities in such new markets, ZTE is bound to achieve the rapid development of its business in the 2nd curve.

B uilding ZTE ‘s resilience  to grapple with the uncertainty of the new normal

I’ve introduced ZTE’s strategy to promote business growth in the 1st and 2nd curves, and to achieve this goal, we need to develop the capability of guaranteeing sustainable development.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the global changes have alerted us to numerous uncertainties in addition to the existing challenges. We have realized that the key to addressing uncertainties is resilience, which enables us to quickly adapt to unexpected changes. Towards the next strategy period, we are committed to building ZTE into a resilient organization, further enhancing its capabilities of anticipation, cushioning, and adaptation and shaping. Therefore, we will be able to ensure early discovery, strong vitality, and fast recovery when facing operational risks.

Agility makes success. In addition to resilience, we should also respond more agilely to risks. The key to success is to firmly promote digital transformation, expand and smooth value chains inside and outside the company, and optimize the whole processes with the use of big data, thus guaranteeing agile operations of the company.

As for building a resilient organization, digital transformation is a prerequisite, and can also enhance the operational quality and efficiency of the company.

In terms of in-house office work, we have Pocket ZTE, a smartphone app that enables mobile office and guarantees business continuity. At the beginning of 2020, our self-developed office cloud and R&D cloud allowed over 30,000 employees to work from home, achieving 95% work efficiency on the first workday. Today, we will get ready for complete telecommuting in several hours with our digital platforms, while maintaining the same efficiency as working at office.

Regarding supply chain, we have developed new networks, models, and platforms through business process reengineering and IT system restructuring. The former Shenzhen-centered supply chain has been transformed into a supply chain network with numerous centers located in Shenzhen, Heyuan, Nanjing, Xi’an, and Changsha, involving various ports, shipment centers, manufacturing bases, and factories. In addition, we have put our business online and achieved intelligent management of key business through big data and AI, which displays demand-supply changes and risks in real time. We have set up an intelligent operation center, dramatically enhancing the resilience of our supply chain network and guaranteeing business continuity.

Our resilience in marketing and engineering delivery is enhanced with the use of digital technology. Facing the challenges posed by the pandemic, we swiftly established online channels for visiting, demonstration, exhibition, and testing, ensuring smooth communication with customers. What’s more, we have built a global cloud delivery center. By utilizing end-to-end automation tools and digital systems, we provide operators with contactless and instant network deployment and O&M. With our cloud solutions, global users can enjoy easy services on over 200 networks.

In the next period, we will deepen digital transformation to enhance our efficiency in operation, R&D, production, and external business, thus developing into a cloudified company with resilient supply chain, high R&D compatibility, quick-response operations, and flexible delivery.

Regarding sustainable development, ZTE always adheres to a green development strategy. We aim to provide operators with the green ICT foundation, and empower vertical industries with digital innovation to enhance energy efficiency. As for ZTE, we are committed to low-carbon operations through green production and circular economy, thus contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions.

At this pivotal point of ZTE’s development, we look forward to building a win-win future with customers and partners based on openness and cooperation. Amid the uncertainties in the global context, ZTE will adhere to its development strategy, striving to respond to risks with resilience, and creating greater value through innovation. Working with our customers and partners around the globe, we are confident to enable connectivity and trust everywhere.

Thank you.

Media Contact:
Margaret Ma                            
ZTE Corporation                   
Tel: +86 755 26775189                      

‫إصدار إعلان مشترك من الفيفا وهايسنس هايسنس تصبح الراعي الرسمي لبطولة كأس العالم 2022

تشينجداو، الصين, 26/أكتوبر/2021 /PRNewswire/– أعلن رئيس الفيفا جياني إنفانتينو في 20/أكتوبر أن شركة هايسنس- الشركة الرائدة عالميًا في مجال التكنولوجيا ستكون الداعم الرسمي  لكأس العالم المقام في قطر 2022  وقال “مع المنتجات، والتقنيات المتطورة لهايسنس، نتوقع خلق تجربة مشاهدة كرة قدم مؤثرة وغير قابلة للنسيان للجماهير حول العالم من خلال الابتكار التكنولوجي. ومن خلال رعايتها لكلٍ من كأس أوروبا وكأس العالم على التوالي، برزت شركة هايسنس باعتبارها الشركة الصينية الوحيدة التي رعت أحداث عالمية لمدة 4 سنوات متتالية،

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ولطالما وفرت الأحداث العالمية الكبرى فرصة غير مسبوقة لإظهار وتعزيز تقنيات العرض والبث التخريبية. في إبريل 2017، وللمرة الأولى، أقامت هايسنس، والفيفا شراكة اختارت من خلالها الفيفا شركة هايسنس لبث الأحداث الرياضية الحية، وتطوير منتجات عرض متقدمة. تم تعزيز تجربة المشاهدة بشكل ملحوظ لجماهير كرة القدم حول العالم من خلال نشر تليفزيون هايسنس الرسمي لكأس العالم ، وهي وحدة تم تخصيصها من خلال تطبيق عدد من التقنيات المتقدمة، بما في ذلك تقدير الحركة، وتعويض الحركة، والوضع الرياضي، وخاصية التعرف على الوجه لتحديد لاعبي كرة القدم، والبحث التفاعلي عن الصور المدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعي. صرح السيد إنفانتينو قائلًا “ستتعاون شركة هايسنس مع الفيفا لخلق تجربة مشاهدة مؤثرة بشكل أكبر للجماهير في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال التكنولوجيا والابتكار”

وقد تعاون الطرفات بالفعل أثناء كأس العالم 2018 الذي أقيم في روسيا، وسيتعاون كلاهما  بشكل أوثق أثناء كأس العالم 2022 في جهد سيشمل المزيد من المنتجات، وأصحاب المصلحة بشكل أكبر مما كانت عليه في فعاليات روسيا، تدرك الفيفا أن هايسنس قد أولت دائمًا أهمية كبيرة للحفاظ على الطاقة، وحماية البيئة، وإعادة التدوير المستدام، وهو التزام مستمر ينعكس بالكامل من خلال بحثها، وتطورها، وإنتاجها، ومبيعاتها، وإعادة تدوير المنتجات حيث يواصل كلا الكيانين تعميق التعاون” وأضاف “يعمل تليفزيون الليزر الذي طورته شركة هايسنس على تقليل استهلاك الطاقة بما يزيد عن 50% مقارنة بشاشات التلفاز الإل سي دي التقليدية، وهو العامل الذي سيكون له تأثير كبير على قرارات الشراء لدى المستهلكين،

وقال “نحن على بعد عام تقريبًا من استضافة بطولة كأس العالم قطر 2022، ويتوقع أن يقدم هذا الحدث تجربة لا تنسى لكلٍ من البلد المضيف ومشجعي كرة القدم في كل مكان” وتلتزم الفيفيا بتدعيم تقدم العلوم والتكنولوجيا من خلال قوة كرة القدم من أجل خلق تأثير إيجابي على المجتمع، ومن المتوقع أن يخلق كأس العالم في قطر فعالية مرئية ستظل في الذاكرة باعتبارها حدث رياضي مبدع بالفعل.

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