شيري تجلب سياراتها من عائلة برو إلى العراق كسوق جديد لها

أربيل ، العراق, 16 سبتمبر / أيلول 2021 /PRNewswire/ — في 8 سبتمبر، في قاعة معرض السيارات التي تمت افتتاحها حديثًا في أربيل، عقدت شيري مؤتمر الإطلاق الأول بالاشتراك مع الوكيل الجديد السراب للسيارات، وأطلقت خمس طرازات من عائلة برو مجهزة بأحدث تقنيات شيري، بما في ذلك تيجو 8 برو وتيجو 7 برو وتيجو 4 برو وتيجو 2 برو واريزو 6 وهذه تمثل عودة شيري بقوة إلى العراق.

بعد عدة جولات من المفاوضات بين الجانبين في العام السابق، توصلت شيري إلى التعاون مع الوكيل العراقي الجديد السراب للسيارات، وتتمتع مجموعة السراب للسيارات، ومقرها الكويت وتأسست في عام 1985، بخبرة غنية في العمل مع العديد من العلامات التجارية للسيارات الرئيسية. ويعتقد أن التعاون بين الجانبين يمكن أن يجلب تجربة السيارات الجديدة للمستهلكين العراقيين.

في هذا الإطلاق، جلبت شيري طرازاً جديدًا من عائلة سيارات برو للعراق. تم إطلاق عائلة برو من السيارات في الصين وروسيا والبرازيل والمملكة العربية السعودية والفلبين ودول أخرى، وقد أحبها المستهلكون في جميع أنحاء العالم. تتميز طرازات سلسلة عائلة برو بميزات برو المميزة. ابتداء من التصميم الأنيق لبرو، حيث تعتمد على تصميم خارجي هجومي بشبكة كبيرة تهيمن على الواجهة الأمامية محاطة بمصابيح أنيقة مزودة بتقنية الليد مع كشافات ضباب، والذي يتمتع بتقدير وتأثير كبيرين؛ ويهدف التصميم الداخلي لقمرة القيادة المغلقة لعائلة برو لإنشاء قمرة قيادة ذات تقنية ديناميكية؛ في الوقت نفسه، تعد التكنولوجيا الذكية هي الميزة الأكثر حضوراً في عائلة طرازات برو. فهي تحتوي على شاشة تحكم مركزية فائقة الوضوح، وتشغيل عن بُعد، وصور بانورامية 360 درجة، وشحن لاسلكي، بالإضافة إلى التكوينات التكنولوجية الأخرى، والتي تتفوق بشكل شامل على نماذج من نفس المستوى وتجلب للمستهلكين تجربة سيارة ذكية تفوق التوقعات؛ بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتمتع برو أيضًا بقوة عالية. تمتلك شيري أقوى تكنولوجيا للبحث والتطوير في المحركات في الصين. تم منح ما مجموعه 6 محركات من بين “أفضل عشرة محركات “في الصين. تتميز المحركات التي تحملها عائلة برو بقوة كبيرة واستهلاك اقتصادي للوقود.

يعطي العائد الكبير لشيري في العراق مزيدًا من الاهتمام لتجربة خدمة المستهلكين. في الوقت الحالي، لدى شيري 80000 عميل قديم يستخدمون سياراتها في العراق. وفي الوقت نفسه، جمعت شيري عددًا كبيرًا من المستخدمين المخلصين في العراق، حيث تجاوز عدد معجبين اتحاد شيري المحليين 30000. بالنسبة لعملاء شيرى القدماء المخلصين، ستطلق شيري سياسات الرفاهية مثل غسيل السيارات مجانًا، واستبدال زيت المحرك مجانًا، وخصم 70% على قطع الغيار، وهدايا لحماية حقوق وخبرة مالكي السيارات القديمة بشكل كامل.

من خلال التعاون مع شركة السراب للسيارات، ستقدم شيري أيضًا خدمة برو بعد البيع للعملاء العراقيين. أولاً، تم تحديث قاعة المعارض في أربيل التي تم افتتاحها هذه المرة مؤخرًا، وتغطي مساحة 450 مترًا مربعًا، بما في ذلك مناطق عرض السيارات، وتخزين السيارات، واستقبال العملاء، ومناطق الراحة، مما يوفر للعملاء خدمات شراء سيارات مريحة وممتعة. وفقًا لمعايير قاعة العرض الجديدة، تمتلك شيري 15 منفذًا قيد التشغيل، ومن المتوقع أن يصل عدد المنافذ إلى 25 بحلول نهاية هذا العام. في الوقت نفسه، بالنسبة للعملاء الذين يشترون طرازات عائلة برو، توفر شيري للمستخدمين ضمانًا لمدة 6 سنوات بقيمة 200000 يوان للسيارة بأكملها، وضمان لمدة 10 سنوات للمحرك/ علبة التروس وضمان الخدمة بشكل دائم، بالإضافة إلى التوصيل المجاني من الباب إلى الباب، والإنقاذ على الطرق، وغيرها من الخدمات.

يعد العراق سوقًا استراتيجيًا خارجيًا مهمًا لشيري، وستواصل شيري في تنمية السوق العراقية وستستمر في تزويد العملاء العراقيين بأفضل المنتجات والخدمات. بعد مؤتمر الإدراج العام الأولي في أربيل، تخطط شيري أيضًا لإطلاق حفل إدراج في بغداد في المعرض الجنوبي في منتصف إلى أواخر سبتمبر، فكونوا بانتظارنا.

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TBD Media returns to Davos for third year of capturing global leaders’ insights

LONDON, Sept. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — International media group shores up reputation for telling stories with a global impact.

The internationally-respected TBD Media team returns for a third year to Davos, Switzerland, for the latest round of interviews with prominent business leaders.

Each year, leaders from the public and private sectors gather in Davos to debate the challenges faced today by society and business alike, and to begin to draw up a roadmap to overcoming those challenges.

Capturing exclusive insights on the issues that are at the top of the global business agenda on film, TBD Media will be interviewing the world’s most influential corporate and public figures ahead of the annual forum.

The issue-led interviews will be showcased at the Davos Interviews 2022 campaign hub, www.davosinterviews.com. The site will be regularly updated with thought leadership content on how economies can recover after Covid, the ongoing disparity of vaccine distribution around the world, geopolitical instability and the climate crisis. Expect to hear exclusive takes on the latest thinking shaping the economy, ecology, finance, technology, society, geopolitics and industry.

A full list of organisations participating in the Davos Interviews 2022 initiative will be released prior to the event.

About TBD Media Group:

TBD Media Group is an international, purpose-driven, media developer that helps companies, organisations and governments tell their brand stories in a human and direct way. Learn more at https://www.tbdmediagroup.com/.

Media Contact:

Jenna-Leigh Soobramoney
Head of Marketing
TBD Media Group

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1626706/TBD_Media_Group.mp4


CONTACT:  +44 (0)203-865-9442

New research finds USD billions to coal power projects in Africa, Asia jeopardizing energy access, climate agendas

Coal Finance in High-Impact Countries

Finance Commitments for Grid-Connected Coal in High-Impact Countries (USD Million)

Chinese state-owned institutions, world’s largest banks continue to finance coal power in countries with greatest needs for electricity access; USD 42 billion committed to grid-connected coal power plants between 2013-2019 in 18 countries studied

VIENNA, Austria, Sept. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — New research published today by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) highlights a troubling trend in the fight against climate change and push to deliver universal electricity access: despite environmental, economic and many other challenges facing coal, pockets of funders continue to finance additional coal-fired generation capacity in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Coal Power Finance in High-Impact Countries knowledge brief, part of SEforALL’s Energizing Finance research series, analyses 18 countries with the largest electricity access gaps (i.e. high-impact countries) to identify those receiving finance for coal-fired power, the sources of this investment, its key drivers and the risks attached.

“The idea of a coal phase-out does not hold true everywhere,” said Olivia Coldrey, Head of Energy Finance and Clean Cooking at SEforALL. “We continue to see significant investment in coal-fired power generation in countries with high rates of energy poverty. These countries need affordable, reliable and clean energy to support their socio-economic development and to mitigate climate change. Financing new coal projects is inconsistent with these objectives and holds back the energy transition.”

From 2013 to 2019, USD 42 billion was committed to grid-connected coal power plants in the 18 countries studied. Among them, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan received the majority of finance commitments to new coal plants, while in Africa, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Niger and Tanzania all host active coal plant development.

International finance accounted for the majority of the USD 42 billion, with Chinese financial institutions accounting for 40 percent of the total.

With South Korea and Japan recently announcing they will stop financing new coal plants overseas, China remains the last major source of international public coal finance not to have committed to ending finance for overseas coal plants. This stands in contrast with China’s domestic energy policy, which is prioritizing a transition to renewable energy, peak emissions before 2030 and a net-zero economy by 2060.

Of course, China is not the only culprit. Commercial financial institutions worldwide continue to support coal power plant development indirectly, despite having implemented policies to exclude direct financing of new coal-fired generation assets. From 2016 to 2020, the 38 banks that exclude direct finance for coal-fired power plants have nonetheless provided over USD 52 billion in finance to companies engaged in coal projects (Rainforest Action Network 2021).

In addition to hampering global efforts to curb carbon emissions and achieve net-zero by 2050, coal power finance carries substantial socio-economic risks for the countries that host projects, leading increasingly to stranded assets. The brief demonstrates how infrastructure constraints and lower than expected demand in Bangladesh and Pakistan have resulted in underutilization and, in some cases, switching off of newly commissioned coal-fired power plants.

The world’s 20 least-electrified countries by percentage of population without electricity are all in Sub-Saharan Africa. Should Sub-Saharan African nations continue to develop new coal-fired power generation capacity, they are likely to face similar challenges and costs to those seen in Bangladesh and Pakistan. The long development timelines associated with coal plants and their supporting infrastructure will further slow the closing of electricity access gaps.

The brief makes the case that distributed renewable energy generation provides the fastest and most efficient path to increased electricity access in the near-term. It recommends a paradigm shift from centralized coal to distributed renewable energy generation to rapidly expand electricity access in high-impact countries, not only for residential household use, but at access tiers that support economic growth.

Ahead of this year’s UN High-level Dialogue on Energy and COP26, the brief recommends a reevaluation of the current geography-based carbon accounting system, which allocates emissions to countries based on their physical origin. Instead, implementing a finance-based carbon accounting regime would force policymakers to consider the impact of domestic capital on cross-border emissions and push private investors to align their portfolios with the net-zero ambitions they support.

The full knowledge brief is available here.


For further details on the reports or any interview requests, please contact: Sherry Kennedy, Sustainable Energy for All: Sherry.Kennedy@SEforALL.org / Media@SEforALL.org | +43 676 846 727 237

About Sustainable Energy for All

Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) is an international organization that works in partnership with the United Nations and leaders in government, the private sector, financial institutions, civil society and philanthropies to drive faster action towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) – access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030 – in line with the Paris Agreement on climate. SEforALL works to ensure a clean energy transition that leaves no one behind and brings new opportunities for everyone to fulfill their potential.

SEforALL is led by Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Co-Chair of UN-Energy. Follow her on Twitter @DamilolaSDG7. For more information, follow @SEforALLorg.

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ROSEN, A GLOBAL AND LEADING LAW FIRM, Encourages Concho Resources Inc. Investors with Losses Over $100K to Secure Counsel Before Important September 28 Deadline in Securities Class Action – CXO

NEW YORK, Sept. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE: CXO) between February 21, 2018 and July 31, 2019, inclusive (the “Class Period”) of the important September 28, 2021 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Concho securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Concho class action, go to http://www.rosenlegal.com/cases-register-2133.html or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than September 28, 2021. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) the well spacing at the Dominator Project, consisting of 23 wells in the Delaware Basin, part of the larger Permian Basin, was aggressive and highly risky, and premised on no reasonable basis to believe it would work as intended; (2) Concho’s practice of implementing tighter well spacing was not relegated to a handful of “tests” and therefore more widespread than the market was led to believe; (3) it was known or recklessly disregarded that any measures to mitigate well spacing risks were non-existent and/or impossible; (4) these risks had manifested during the Class Period, causing underground well interference and permanently decreasing production, forcing Concho to scale back production targets and adopt more conservative spacing measures in its other projects; (5) it would take multiple quarters to unwind the impacts of the widespread well spacing failure; and (6) as a result of the foregoing, defendants’ public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Concho class action, go to http://www.rosenlegal.com/cases-register-2133.html or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827

ROSEN, GLOBAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Generac Holdings Inc. Investors with Losses Exceeding $100K to Secure Counsel Before Important October 19 Deadline in First Filed Securities Class Action Commenced by the Firm – GNRC

NEW YORK, Sept. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Generac Holdings Inc. (NYSE: GNRC) between February 23, 2021 and July 29, 2021, inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important October 19, 2021 lead plaintiff deadline in the securities class action first filed by the firm.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Generac securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Generac class action, go to http://www.rosenlegal.com/cases-register-2139.html or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than October 19, 2021. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Generac’s portable generators posed an unreasonable risk of injury to users and the public; (2) as a result, at least seven finger amputations and one crushed finger had been reported to the Company; (3) as a result, Generac would face increased regulatory scrutiny; (4) the Company would end sales in its Generac® and DR® 6500 Watt and 8000 Watt portable generators in the United States and Canada in June 2021; (5) the Company would recall its Generac® and DR® 6500 Watt and 8000 Watt portable generators in the United States and Canada; (6) the end of sales and the recall would occur before the hurricane and wildfire seasons and following the Texas outage—periods the Company has touted for sales; and (7) as a result, defendants’ public statements and statements to journalists were materially false and/or misleading at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Generac class action, go to http://www.rosenlegal.com/cases-register-2139.html or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827

ROSEN, GLOBALLY RESPECTED INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Yalla Group Limited Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important October 12 Deadline in Securities Class Action – YALA

NEW YORK, Sept. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Yalla Group Limited (NYSE: YALA) between September 30, 2020 and August 9, 2021, inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important October 12, 2021 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Yalla securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Yalla class action, go to http://www.rosenlegal.com/cases-register-1987.html or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than October 12, 2021. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company’s business and financial metrics. Specifically, Defendants made false and/or misleading statements regarding, and/or failed to disclose that the Company overstated its user metrics and revenue and, as a result, the Company’s public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times.

On May 19, 2021, Swan Street Research published a report (the “Swan Street Report”) addressing Yalla, entitled “Is Yalla Group a Multi $B Fraud? The ‘Clubhouse of the Middle East’ UAE Tech Unicorn that Never Was.” The Swan Street Report alleged, among other things, that the Company has been inflating its financial metrics, including its user data and its revenue, and characterized Yalla’s financial statements as “not credible.” On this news, the price of Yalla shares fell $1.31 per share, or 7.15%, to close at $17.01 per share on May 19, 2021.

The next day, May 20, 2021, analyst The Bear Cave issued a report entitled, “Problems at Yalla Group[.]” On this news, the price of Yalla shares fell an additional 6% on May 20 to close at $15.96.

Then, on August 9, 2021, after the markets closed, Yalla issued a press release entitled, “Yalla Group Limited Announces Unaudited Second Quarter 2021 Financial Results,” announcing its financial results for the second quarter of 2021 (“2Q21 Results”). The 2Q21 Results disclosed that Yalla had quarterly revenue of $66.62 million, which did not meet analysts’ expectations. On this news, the price of Yalla shares fell 18% on August 10, 2021, closing at $10.99, down from its previous close price of $13.55.

To join the Yalla class action, go to http://www.rosenlegal.com/cases-register-1987.html or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827