‫توقيع Lleida.net اتفاقية إطارية مع الاتحاد البريدي للبلدان الأفريقية (Pan African Postal Union) لخدمة 55 شركة بريدية في القارة

مدريد وأروشا، تنزانيا 6 يوليو 2021/PRNewswire/ — وقع كل من الاتحاد البريدي للبلدان الأفريقية (PAPU) وشركة Lleida.net (BME: LLN) (EPA: ALLLN) (OTCQX: LLEIF) اتفاقية إطارية تسمح لما يصل إلى 55 شركة بريدية في جميع البلدان الأفريقية بتقديم خدمات بريدية رقمية من خلال التقنية التي تقدمها الشركة الأوروبية المدرجة.

قد وقعت Lleida.net الاتفاقية من خلال شركتها الفرعية Lleidanet SaaS Middle East and Africa DMCC، وذلك بدعم من eGate، وهو الشريك التجاري للشركة في منطقة شمال أفريقيا.

من المقرر أن تُقدم هذه الخدمات البريدية الرقمية من خلال تقنية خدمات التواصل الرقمي الموثق الموجودة لدى Lleida.net.

تأسس الاتحاد البريدي للبلدان الأفريقية في عام 1980، وهو عبارة عن منظمة دولية تابعة للاتحاد الأفريقي وتم إنشاؤه منذ أكثر من 40 عامًا بهدف تنسيق 55 خدمة بريدية عبر القارة ودفع عمليات الابتكار في المجال البريدي.

وقد صرح سيسكو سابينا، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Lleida.net، قائلًا “باعتبارنا شركة رائدة في مجال خدمات التواصل الرقمي الموثق حيث نحظى بنجاح واسع في جنوب أفريقيا لسنوات عديدة، فإننا نساعد الخدمات البريدية على توفير الشكل الرقمي من خدمات التواصل الورقي التي كانت لدينا في الماضي بشكل يضاهي مستوى هذه الخدمات أو بمستوى أفضل.”

تُمكن الاتفاقية الخدمات البريدية بجميع البلدان الأفريقية من تقديم خدمات التواصل الرقمي الموثق في إطار قانوني وتجاري مقبول ومشروع.

يوجد في أفريقيا ما يقرب من 650 مليون هاتف محمول و525 مليون مستخدم لخدمة الإنترنت. علاوةً على ذلك، تمتلك القارة 500 مليون حساب مصرفي عبر الهاتف المحمول، وينتشر نصفها تقريبًا في جميع أنحاء العالم.

تعتبر شركة Lleida.net، المدرجة في نيويورك وباريس ومدريد، شركة رقمية رائدة وفريدة في أوروبا وتتمتع بمكانة مهمة في أفريقيا.

وتُعد هذه الشركة مزود رئيسي لخدمات التواصل الرقمي الموثق في الإمارات العربية المتحدة وكولومبيا وبوتسوانا وملاوي وجنوب أفريقيا، من بين دول أخرى.

اعتمدت أكثر من 60 دولة في القارات الخمس اختراعات الشركة من خلال منحها 205 براءة اختراع، بما في ذلك جنوب أفريقيا ونيجيريا والولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي واليابان والصين وأستراليا.

مع وجود ما يقرب من 1.4 مليار عميل محتمل للاستفادة بالخدمات الجديدة، يوجد لدى أفريقيا ما يصل 650 مليون هاتف محمول و525 مليون مستخدم لخدمة الإنترنت و500 مليون حساب مصرفي فعال عبر الهاتف المحمول.

وأوضح يونس جبرين، الأمين العام للاتحاد البريدي للبلدان الأفريقية، قائلًا “يمتلك الاتحاد البريدي للبلدان الأفريقية رؤية لتنفيذ منطقة ذات خدمات بريدية موحدة لتنمية قطاع البريد في أفريقيا، وبدورها ستتيح الخدمات البريدية الرقمية الجديدة هذه مشاركة جميع الأفارقة في الخدمات الرقمية بشكل سريع.”

للتواصل الإعلامي:


Huawei and Shanghai International Port Group Launch Centralized Remote Control Project for Smart Ports

Port Intelligent Twins Speed Up Upgrades in the Port & Shipping Industry

SHANGHAI, July 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On June 25th, Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG) launched its smart command and control center project, with the support from its Shangdong Branch, NeZha Technology, and Huawei. This is the first project in the world to apply optical networking technology for centralized remote control in ports — marking a major breakthrough in the operation of next-generation smart ports. At the launch event, Shangdong Branch, NeZha Technology, and Huawei also signed a Port Intelligent Twins Innovation Cooperation Agreement to emphasize the intention of the three parties to continue their cooperation in building world-class smart ports while promoting the digital transformation of SIPG.

Compared with previous generations of fixed networks, Huawei’s optical networking technology offers improved bandwidth, lower latency, higher reliability, and more connections, capable to fulfill industrial IoT requirements from smart ports. Thanks to its market leading redundancy and reliability features, the optical architecture designed for this project ensures secure and reliable connectivity for various remote control applications that drive port machinery, while also enabling smarter port operations, smooth evolution, and future-oriented investment protection.

“This project marks the first practical application of the centralized remote control in urban areas over port equipment using advanced optical networks. It highlights our commitment to innovation and the use of cutting-edge technologies in an effort to position ourselves as leaders in the market. Currently, we are building a smart, green, high-tech, and efficient port. We are capitalizing on the opportunities presented by digital transformation, optimizing our port operations and management models. Guided by the 14th Five-Year Plan, SIPG will continue to develop a world-class shipping hub. To achieve this, we aim to build an internationally competitive digital port industry, and accelerate the development of Shanghai International Shipping Center and powerful ports. Our vision is to become a world-leading terminal operator and port logistics service supplier,” said Mr. Gu Jinshan, the Chairman of SIPG.

World’s Largest Automated Terminal with Improved Emergency Response and Uninterrupted Operations

SIPG is at the forefront of innovation, building a world-class smart green port to fuel economic development.

The smart command and control center for centralized remote control in urban areas using advanced optical networks was deployed at Phase IV of the Yangshan Port — the world’s largest and most automated container terminal. The terminal covers 2,350 meters of shoreline, and holds seven deep-water container berths, 21 ship-to-shore (STG) cranes, 108 rail-mounted gantry (RMG) cranes, and 125 automated guided vehicles (AGVs). Operating since December 2017, Phase IV of the Yangshan Port is quickly growing its container throughput, having handled 11 million TEUs to date. In fact, the terminal continues to hit various records. Its maximum round-the-clock handling capacity exceeds 21,000 TEUs, and its STG cranes have repeatedly performed over 1000 operations within a calendar day. This production level highlights the effectiveness of the automated system while also testing its stability.

And with the optical networking technology featuring low latency and high reliability, command and control over quay cranes (QCs) and yard cranes is no longer taking place at the port. Instead, remote control is implemented from the Tongsheng Logistics Park and downtown Shanghai. Located over 100 km away from the port, remote operators control a variety of heavy port equipment from a single point to multiple locations. This brings many advantages such as reduced commute times for staff, better predictability of staff availability, and attractiveness of the workplace.

Visualized remote control is an important component as it significantly improves operational efficiency of the port. This project has allowed SIPG to improve the terminal’s emergency response and uninterrupted service capabilities in exceptional circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions. This demonstrates SIPG’s commitment to delivering stable and efficient services to its customers, and marks an important step in building the Shanghai International Shipping Center.

Optical Networking Enables the World’s First Centralized Remote Port Control from a Distance of 100 km

In smart ports, optical networking is mainly used in the Huawei OTN solution to implement WAN interconnection between ports, as well as in the Huawei Industry OptiX solution to accurately and efficiently control large port equipment. This project is seen as a lighthouse project for optical networking applications in the following aspects:

  • First, optical networking technology is applied in the industrial control field (QC control) for the first time to realize “fiber-to-the-machine” deployment that will help reinvent the network architecture of large ports. Enhanced Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (eDBA) technology assigns fixed bandwidth and QoS parameters to channels that carry industrial control services and flexible bandwidth to carry ultra-high definition (UHD) videos, implementing smoother remote QC control over conventional technologies. Moreover, optical networking technology simplifies network layers and centrally carries machine and campus networks, with the visualized network management system (NMS) reducing the O&M workload by 60%.
  • Second, this is the first application of optical networking technology to a backbone WAN of a large port. An all-optical data highway is built between geographically separated ports, achieving outstanding transmission capabilities with Tbit/s ultra-large capacity, μs-level low latency, and zero jitter over distances exceeding 100 km. Such transmission creates infinite possibilities for the application of new technologies and Port Intelligent Twins. This further accelerates the digital transformation of the port industry and large-scale collaboration potential of SIPG’s services.

Building Port Intelligent Twins to Drive Digital Economic Development

Mr. Wang Guoyu, President of the Global Transportation Business Unit of Huawei Enterprise BG, said: “Huawei develops the ‘Port Intelligent Twins’ across all processes, service architectures, and lifecycles of smart ports based on application innovation and ecosystem aggregation. We use digital technologies — such as cloud, and intelligent vision — to deeply integrate with service scenarios of traditional industries, and leverage new ICT to improve intelligence and computing power. In doing so, we enable industry digitalization and upgrades, create new productivity for conventional labor-intensive enterprises, and drive digital economic development.”

Focusing on the Navigation Spirit in the New Era and Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrade of the Shipping Industry

Shangdong Branch, NeZha Technology, and Huawei signed the Port Intelligent Twins Innovation Cooperation Agreement. With the goal of building a world-class comprehensive port service supplier, the three parties will invest in and construct major projects, guided by the use of advanced technologies, and develop industry demonstration applications. They will also aggregate superior talent, technology, and capital resources to empower SIPG’s digital transformation to the highest extent possible.

In order to accumulate and deliver successful digital transformation practices and methodologies for ports globally, the three parties established a joint Port Intelligent Twins innovation center, which achieves all-scenario sensing, interconnection, and intelligence. They will strengthen cooperation in smart port construction, basic service upgrades, technological innovation, and talent cultivation. Aimed at building a world-class port, they will accelerate the overall improvements of SIPG’s intelligence, efficiency, and experience.

Huawei will fully leverage its product and technical advantages to provide comprehensive and efficient ICT products, solutions, and services for SIPG, further driving the group’s digitalization growth. The three parties will continue to work together to promote green port construction, with the help of Huawei’s leading digital power technology.

‫ قناة “نيمو تي في” المملوكة لشركة “هويا” تفوز بجائزة التحكيم ضد الخرق التعاقدي لأحد جهات البث المباشر المغربية

غوانزو، الصين، 6 يوليو 2021 — / PRNewswire / بدأت مؤخرًا نيمو تي في -وهي منصة البث المباشر الدولية لشركة HUYA (“هويا”، في بورصة نيويورك:  HUYA )- إجراء مُحكِّم الطوارئ ( EA ) في مركز سنغافورة للتحكيم الدولي ( SIAC ) ضد أحد جهات البث المباشر المغربية لخرقها اتفاقية تعاون حصرية مع نيمو تي في.  وكنتيجة لذلك، فقد تم إصدار أمر قضائي مؤقت إلى جهة البث من قِبَل SIAC .  ومن خلال اتخاذ إجراءات قانونية سريعة، برهنت هويا أن شركة الإنترنت الصينية مصممة وقادرة على الدفاع عن مصالحها عندما تصبح عالمية.

يوجه الأمر القضائي الصادر عن SIAC أن جهة البث المغربية ممنوعة من إجراء بث مباشر على المنصات ومواقع الويب والتطبيقات التي لا تديرها نيمو تي في.  بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تُمنَع جهة البث من المشاركة في أية أنشطة تجارية أو ترويجية من قِبَل أي منصة منافسة، بما في ذلك Nonolive ، وهي فرع البث المباشر في الخارج لـ Douyu ، والمنصة البديلة التي هددت جهة البث بالتبديل إليها.  كما أن جهة البث مسؤولة أيضًا عن عشرات الآلاف من الدولارات من الرسوم، والتي تشمل رسوم مُحكِّم الطوارئ والرسوم القانونية لـ نيمو تي في.

غالبًا ما تواجه صناعة البث المباشر الدولية مشكلات عندما تَخرِق جهات البث العقود عن طريق تبديل المنصات.  ونظرًا لأن الإجراءات القانونية العابرة للحدود معقدة عادةً ومكلفة ويصعب تنفيذها، فإن العديد من شركات البث الدولية تستفيد من مثل هذه المواقف وتَعتبر اتفاقيات التعاون الحصرية الخاصة بها غير ملزمة.  وبمجرد أن يتم عرض سعر أعلى على جهات البث، فإنهم سيخاطرون بخرق العقود دون القلق بشأن العواقب القانونية.  وعلى عكس هذا الاعتقاد، تُقدِّر منصات البث المباشر، بما في ذلك نيمو تي في، الإمكانات التجارية لجهات البث المباشر وتَعتبرهم شركاء مهمين في إنتاج المحتوى.  وفي هذا الصدد، وعندما تصبح عالمية، من الضروري لمنصات البث المباشر التأكد من أن جهات البث من جنسيات مختلفة تفي بالتزاماتها ولا تَخرِق العقود.

يُمثِّل إجراء مُحكِّم الطوارئ الذي بدأ في SIAC منعطفًاهامًا لـ نيمو تي في.  وقد استغرق الأمر 14 يومًا فقط من تقديم المستندات ذات الصلة وحتى استلام الأمر المؤقت، مما قد يردع جهات البث المستقبلية عن خرق اتفاقياتها.  بالإضافة إلى ذلك، من المحتمل أن يكون الأمر القضائي ضد جهة البث المغربية هو الحالة الأولى من صناعة البث المباشر التي تَعامَل معها SIAC ، ويمكن أن تُوفِّر رؤى عميقة لمنصات البث المباشر الدولية عند التعامل مع خرق العقود.  وتسعى نيمو تي في الآن إلى الاعتراف بقرار التحكيم وتنفيذه في محكمة المغرب -موطن جهة البث المباشر- من أجل تأمين مصالحها بالوسائل القانونية.

Government-backed Militias in Burkina Faso Accused of Abuses

The attack in Burkina Faso last month that killed 160 civilians was in retaliation for activity by pro-government civilian militias in the area, according to Human Rights Watch.

In the daytime, Daouda Diallo is a scientist. By night, he is one of Burkina Faso’s most prominent human rights campaigners.

He runs the Collective Against Impunity and Stigmatization of Communities, a campaigning group set up in the wake of the Yirgou massacre, an attack that saw around 200 people killed, mostly from the Fulani ethnic group, in early 2019.

In Burkina Faso’s conflict with the Islamic State group and al-Qaida, the number of civilians killed by security forces has often come close to the numbers killed by the terror groups.

Diallo has been deeply affected by this.

“I’m a very sensitive person — I like to help the widow and the orphan, the vulnerable. … I’ve devoted my time to this, but it’s not an easy job, and I go unpaid. I do it for humanitarian reasons,” Diallo told VOA.

Diallo also points out that one of the government’s most controversial policies is a law that allows preexisting civilian militias, known as koglweogos, to be armed and trained by the government.

The new force is called the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland, or VDPs.

When the law was created in 2020, Human Rights Watch said arming poorly trained civilians could lead to abuses.

So far, at least 95 people have been killed in 38 incidents of violence against civilians by VDPs, according to data from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project.

A man, whose full name has been withheld to protect his safety, says he watched as VDPs killed two of his neighbors after accusing them of being terrorists.

“…Issa was sick and decided to go to the market. The VDPs shot at him there. Issa ran to his house, where they killed him. Bad things happen. That’s why I had to run away. The militias are chasing you; the terrorists are chasing you.”

Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Defense did not respond to VOA’s interview request about the incident.

One VDP leader, who asked to not be named, said most VDPs simply want to defend their homeland, many having had terrifying encounters with terrorists themselves.

“The terrorists came and burned my house. They were looking for me, but fortunately I was not around. They also killed some of my neighbors and burned their houses as well. It’s because of that I really felt I had to join the VDPs,” he said.

A leader of the ruling MPP party admits it’s possible VDPs commit abuses — but says they are necessary.

“Within the framework of the fight against terrorism, we are obliged to face the fact that the VDPs make a very big contribution,” said Lassane Sawadogo, MPP Party Executive Secretary.

As widespread protests against insecurity in Burkina Faso have swept the country in recent weeks, President Roch Marc Christian Kabore said he will reform the VDPs as one way of improving security.

Diallo says the government should take corrective action quickly. However, the government has yet to say what its actions will be.

Source: Voice of America

Two of Three Children in South Sudan Face ‘Desperate’ Humanitarian Crisis: UNICEF

UNICEF says 4.5 million children in South Sudan face a humanitarian crisis and the organization needs more money to help.

The announcement comes on the 10th anniversary of the country’s independence.

The “hopes that independence would bring a new dawn for the country’s children have faded,” UNICEF said in a press release.

The group cites conflict, flooding, droughts and deepening economic woes for the problems, adding that a recent peace agreement has only “partially been implemented” and has not improved the situation for children.

UNICEF says it needs $180 million to help the most vulnerable children in South Sudan.

“If we, as a humanitarian community, do not receive sufficient funding, the reality for children and families is that no help will be coming,” said UNICEF South Sudan Representative Andrea Suley.

UNICEF says 8.3 million people in South Sudan need humanitarian support, which they say is even higher than during the 2013-2018 civil war.

Source: Voice of America

UN Alarmed at Eswatini Protest Violence

The U.N. voiced alarm on Tuesday at the eruption of deadly violence during protests in Eswatini, calling for an independent investigation into all alleged rights abuses, including by law enforcement.

The U.N.’s rights office said there were claims that security forces had engaged in “disproportionate and unnecessary use of force” after being sent to quell protests that escalated last week.

Spokeswoman Liz Throssell told reporters in Geneva there were claims police had used live ammunition, and she also highlighted reports of looting and vandalism by protesters.

“Although the situation is now reported to be calm, we remain concerned at the potential for further unrest,” she said.

The protests in the tiny landlocked southern African country, formerly known as Swaziland, first erupted in May following the death of a 25-year-old law student, allegedly while in police custody.

But after protesters in Africa’s last absolute monarchy ramped up their campaign for political reform last week, the government deployed the army to disperse the crowds.

Unverified videos have emerged of beatings by security forces. Local civil society and opposition groups have claimed several dozen were killed.

In New York, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for both sides to address their differences “through inclusive and meaningful dialogue.”

Amnesty International accused the security forces of a “frontal attack on human rights” and alleged at least 20 people had been killed.

The government said it has not received an official report of any deaths.

Throssell urged security forces to minimize any use of force during protests.

“We also call on the government to ensure that there are prompt, transparent, effective, independent and impartial investigations into all allegations of human rights violations,” she said.

Source: Voice of America