‫شركاء “إرم ميديا” إلى جانب iZooto من أجل تقليل الاعتماد على فيسبوك وجوجل

– تحل iZooto محل “بحث جوجل” باعتباره المصدر الأول لحركة مرور الإنترنت لمجموعة “إرم ميديا جروب” التي تُولِّد أكثر من 35٪ من إجمالي حركة مرور الإنترنت

أبو ظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 7 يونيو 2021 — /PRNewswire/ أعلنت مجموعة إرم ميديا اليوم عن شراكتها مع iZooto من أجل مضاعفة جهود إشراك الجمهور والاحتفاظ بهم. تساعد iZooto -وهي منصة تسويق للجمهور- ناشري الوسائط على تقليل اعتمادهم على فيسبوك وجوجل. وتستخدم iZooto إرم ميديا جروب من أجل مواقعها الإلكترونية الرئيسية – إرم نيوز وفوشيا – وشهدت زيادة في حركة مرور الإنترنت الخاصة بها بنسبة تزيد عن 20٪.

iZooto Logo

 أثَّرت تحديثات “بحث جوجل” وتعديلات خوارزمية الفيسبوك على الأعمال الإعلامية بشكل كبير، وهذا أحد الأسباب التي جعلت الشركات الإعلامية في منطقة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي تستكشف الحلول باستمرار.  ومع التخلص التدريجي من ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بالجهات الخارجية، أصبح تطوير الجمهور وإشراكه من أولويات الأعمال.  تَستخدِم iZooto إرم نيوز لكل من الإشراك وتحقيق الدخل من أجل تعزيز إيراداتها.  إنها تحصل بالفعل أكثر من 35٪ من إجمالي زوارها من iZooto، ويستمر هذا في النمو شهرًا بعد شهر.

أضاف محمد الدغستاني، رئيس إشراك الجمهور في إرم نيوز، “المحررين في إرم نيوز هم أول من ينقل القصص إلى قرائهم.  ومع iZooto، نحن قادرون على الوصول إلى القراء بشكل أسرع من أي وقت مضى – وهذا يمنحنا ميزة تنافسية”.

iZooto هي منصة التوجه للمحررين والإيرادات وفِرَق إشراك الجمهور.  في إرم نيوز، يُعَد الإشراك وتحقيق الدخل هدفين مهمين لعام 2021 ونرى بالفعل هذه الشراكة تلعب دورها.  وأضافت بيكرين علم، رئيسة التحرير في إرم ميديا، “تساعدنا iZooto في توزيع الأخبار بشكل أسرع من البريد الإلكتروني أو حتى وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. وقد أصبحت مساهمة iZooto الآن أكثر من فيسبوك وبحث جوجل وأخبار جوجل.  ونحن قادرون على نشر الخبر بسرعة كبيرة حقًا”.

وأضاف سيدهارتا ساكسينا، رئيس الأعمال في iZooto، “شراكتنا مع إرم ميديا هي شهادة عظيمة على قوة منصتنا وأحدث اتجاه للصناعة.  نقوم الآن بمعالجة أكثر من 5 مليارات من الإشعارات يوميًا لشركائنا من الناشرين الذين يزيد عددهم عن 1200.  إن فهمنا العميق لمنظومة الناشرين وقدرتنا على دعم نطاق الشركات هو ما يجعل iZooto الشريك المفضل لعمالقة وسائل الإعلام مثل إرم نيوز”. كما قال تاج الدين عبد الحق رئيس التحرير في إرم ميديا،  “سنظل ملتزمين برؤية بناء جمهورنا ورعايته، ونرى iZooto كشريك طويل الأمد”.

وأضاف نيل كوثاري، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة iZooto، “نحن نبني iZooto كمنصة تتيح لغرف الأخبار من بناء علاقة أعمق وأفضل مع جمهورها.  تتنافس جوجل وفيسبوك مع الشركات الإعلامية. وتقوم iZooto بتغيير ذلك الآن.  لقد أدى الوباء إلى تسريع التبني الرقمي، ونشهد جذبًا قويًا من الناشرين في منطقة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.  وسنواصل الاستثمار بكثافة في المنطقة خلال السنوات القليلة المقبلة”.

حول شركة iZooto

iZooto هي حل تسويق مملوك للجمهور يستفيد من الإشعارات المنبثقة كقناة لمساعدة الناشرين على بناء جمهورهم وامتلاكه وإشراكه.  يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة iZooto في دلهي، وقد أقامت مؤخرًا عملياتها التشغيلية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.  وهناك أكثر من 1100 ناشر على مستوى العالم يستخدمون iZooto لإرسال أكثر من 150 مليار إشعار كل شهر – عبر قنوات مثل – إشعارات الويب وبرنامج المراسلة وتطبيقات الأجهزة الجوَّالة الأصلية.

حول شركة إرم ميديا

تأسست إرم ميديا جروب، ومقرها الرئيسي أبو ظبي (توفور54) في عام 2013.  تمتلك المجموعة موقعين إخباريين هما eremnews.com و foochia.com.  تغطي إرم نيوز جميع الأحداث السياسية والاقتصادية والرياضية والثقافية التي تُقام في منطقة الخليج العربي.  من ناحية أخرى، تغطي “فوشيا” الموضوعات التي تهم المرأة العربية والأُسَر وتُقدِّمها بأسلوب إعلامي تثقيفي وتعليمي وترفيهي.

 الاتصال بـ iZooto :

الاسم:برافيا برافين


 Datability Solutions


الشعار من: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1525103/iZooto_Logo.jpg

Nyxoah BETTER SLEEP Trial Reaches its Primary Endpoints


Nyxoah BETTER SLEEP Trial Reaches its Primary Endpoints

Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium – 7 June 2021, 7:00 am CET / 1:00 am ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced that the BETTER SLEEP trial reached its primary safety and performance endpoints.

The BETTER SLEEP trial was designed to assess the long-term safety and performance of the Genio® bilateral hypoglossal nerve stimulation system (the “Genio® system”) in 42 adult OSA patients with and without Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) of the soft palate.

Top-line results from the BETTER SLEEP study showed:

  •  A statistically significant mean reduction in Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) from baseline to six months post implantation in the whole cohort (CCC and non-CCC patients)
  •  A statistically significant mean reduction in AHI from baseline to six months post implantation in the CCC patient subgroup
  •  42.9% of the study population had CCC

The Company expects to announce additional data with respect to the study as further analyses are conducted.

Dr. Richard Lewis, MBBS, FRACS, Principal Investigator of the BETTER SLEEP study, from Royal Perth Hospital and the University of Western Australia commented: “The top-line results of the BETTER SLEEP study are extremely encouraging. The most impressive aspect of the results is the responder rate of the CCC patient subgroup. These patients are excluded from unilateral hypoglossal nerve stimulation, but the BETTER SLEEP results showed a significant reduction in AHI in these patients following treatment with the Genio® system, which is the first device designed to deliver bilateral stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve. Overall, we have achieved a very high responder rate in both CCC and non-CCC patients, and the treatment with the Genio® system was well tolerated. We look forward to publishing this data in a leading medical journal.”

Olivier Taelman, CEO of Nyxoah, stated: “We are excited by the top-line data, with the primary performance and safety endpoints met, supporting our belief that the Genio® system’s bilateral stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve, has the potential to provide positive clinical outcomes for patients with CCC. We already engaged with the EU Notified Body to review these study data, with the goal of expanding the CE-marked indication to include CCC patients. In parallel, we plan to initiate dialogue with the FDA to further discuss the Genio® system as a potential treatment option for patients with CCC.” Mr. Taelman continued, “Additionally, we observed a 70% responder rate in the non-CCC patient subgroup based on the Sher criteria, which strengthens our confidence in ongoing study outcomes.”

BilatEral Hypoglossal Nerve StimulaTion for TreatmEnt of ObstRuctive SLEEP Apnoea, or BETTER SLEEP, is a multicenter, prospective, open-label, two-group clinical trial, designed to assess the safety and performance of the Genio® system for the treatment of OSA in adult patients with and without CCC. The BETTER SLEEP trial includes a subgroup of CCC patients who are currently contraindicated for unilateral hypoglossal nerve stimulation. The trial was authorized by the Australian and New Zealand regulatory authorities and is being conducted in nine local medical centers. The primary safety endpoint was the incidence of device-related serious adverse events six months post-implantation. The primary performance endpoint was the change in the AHI score from baseline to six months post-implantation measured by counting the number of events (apnea or hypopnea) that occur per hour collected during an overnight sleep study. Patients with moderate to severe AHI scores between 15 and 65 and aged between 21 and 75 years were eligible for enrollment if they failed, refused, or did not tolerate PAP treatment. Patients with a body mass index above 32 kg/m² were excluded.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat OSA. Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a CE-marked, patient-centered, minimally invasive, next generation hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for treatment of moderate to severe OSA. OSA is the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and comorbidities including cardiovascular diseases, depression and stroke.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study in patients with moderate to severe OSA, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. The Company is currently conducting the BETTER SLEEP study in Australia and New Zealand for potential CE-mark indication expansion, the DREAM IDE pivotal study for potential FDA approval and the post-marketing EliSA study in Europe to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of the Genio® system.

For more information, please visit www.nyxoah.com.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal
law to investigational use in the United States.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes certain disclosures that contain “forward-looking statements,” including, without limitation, statements regarding Nyxoah’s expectations regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; and the utility of prior clinical data, including data from the BETTER SLEEP study, in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system. Forward-looking statements are based on Nyxoah’s current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict and could cause actual results to differ.  Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and Nyxoah undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.

Fabian Suarez, Chief Financial Officer
+32 10 22 23 55

Gilmartin Group
Vivian Cervantes


BitMEX receives prestigious ISO information security certification

MAHE, Seychelles, June 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — 100x Group, the holding structure for the BitMEX platform – the world’s leading cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform – today announced that it had received the prestigious International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) information security certification ISO/IEC 27001.


The ISO is an independent global body that establishes and assesses important standards for a wide variety of industries and functions. ISO/IEC 27001 provides the requirements for establishing a top-flight information security management system including safeguards for customer and partner data, a particularly important aspect for leading financial services companies.

Alex Höptner, CEO of 100x, said: “It’s difficult to overstate the importance of information security for a platform like BitMEX. Traders trust us because of our track record on security – we have never lost a single Satoshi through intrusion or hacking. But security is never a static process and in order to continue to set the bar as high as possible, we sought – and were awarded – one of the most rigorous certifications: ISO/IEC 27001.”

The award of the ISO/IEC 27001 certification requires an extremely thorough audit of IT systems but goes much further. It is a thorough examination of an organisation’s information security risks including potential threats, vulnerabilities and impacts of both. The certification process also requires an assessment of a bespoke, comprehensive set of information security controls and risk mitigation protocols and the implementation of a complete management process to ensure information security standards continue to evolve and improve.

Brian Rankin, Head of Security at 100x Group, said: “Data security is a cornerstone of our business and the ISO certification shows just how seriously we take that commitment. Working with BSI, the organisation that developed these exacting standards, the certification process has taken nearly a year and hundreds of hours of detailed audits. However, as pleased as we are, we recognise that this is just part of our ongoing obligation to keep our customers as safe as possible.”

About 100x Group

100x Group explores, incubates, and pursues opportunities and investments as part of its mission to reshape the modern digital financial system into one which is inclusive and empowering. It was created by the founders of HDR Global Trading Limited, the company behind the cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform, BitMEX.

For media inquiries, please contact Ruder Finn:


Winky Chow/Jess Lo


100xGroup@RuderFinnAsia.com / BitMEX@RuderFinnAsia.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1344559/100x_Profile_Photo__2_Logo.jpg

Antaisolar Launched SPACE, the World’s Longest Solar Tracker at SNEC 2021

SPACE, the 1P Multi-Slew solar tracker, can be extended to 240m in length.

XIAMEN, China, June 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Antaisolar, the leading supplier of the whole industry chain in PV mounting system, celebrated its 15th anniversary by launching its latest SPACE solar tracker at SNEC.   Featuring with “Unique, Intelligence, Efficiency, Infinity”, this world’s longest 1P independent single-axis tracking system can be extremely extended to more than 4 strings, maximum 240m in length and up to 18% solar mounting system cost reduction, which made it become best choice for large scale solar plant in flat terrain and matches better for cleaning robots.

The key features of the new tracker include:

1: Unique Multi-point Drive

Approved by authoritative CPP and multiple tests and certifications and effectively solves the instability problem under extreme weather.

2: Unique drive through electric synchronously

Free from the transmission bar, electrical synchronization is quick to installation, convenient for maintenance and low consumption, which effectively reduces labor costs.

3: Unique Brushless Direct Current Motor

The industry’s first BLDC system with a more than 30 years’ maintenance-free serviced life.

4: AI Tracking Mode

Massive data analysis of weather, terrain, scattered light conditions, together with the deep machine learning method to generate the optimized tracking path, increasing power generation by 10% compared with the conventional tracking.

5: ANTAI SPACE CLOUD Monitoring O&M system

The cloud monitoring system can provide a monitoring service globally on both O&M and system protection.

6: Smart Commissioning

With the ANTAI unique Smart Commissioning, system could be fast located and operated via smart phone QR code scanning.

“At the beginning phase of R&D for SPACE, Antaisolar has paid attention to the application trend of mainstream large-format module. All products of Antaisolar solar tracker have completed the CPP wind test report. SPACE is just one of them,” said Amy Kou, Vice General Manager of Antaisolar.

About Antaisolar:

Antaisolar, established in 2006, has a vast expertise in Solar Mounting & Tracking System with over 800 employees including a R&D team composed of 80 specialists. Antaisolar has been continuously optimizing the global service by globally setting up over 20 branches and offices.

Up to now, its cumulative solar racking shipments have reached 15GW and ranked No.1 of export volume to Japan for seven consecutive years and ranked top 1 in Australian and Vietnam distribution market.

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1527045/Antaisolar.mp4

Possible First Use of AI-Armed Drones Triggers Alarm Bells

Western military experts are assessing whether an autonomous drone operated by artificial intelligence, or AI, killed people — in Libya last year — for the first time without a human controller directing it remotely to do so.

A report by a United Nations panel of experts issued last week that concluded an advanced drone deployed in Libya “hunted down and remotely engaged” soldiers fighting for Libyan general Khalifa Haftar has prompted a frenetic debate among Western security officials and analysts.

Governments at the United Nations have been debating for months whether a global pact should be agreed on the use of armed drones, autonomous and otherwise, and what restrictions should be placed on them. The U.N.’s Libya report is adding urgency to the debate. Drone advances have “a lot of implications regionally and globally,” says Ziya Meral of the Britain’s Royal United Services Institute, a defense think tank.

“It is time to assess where things are with Turkish drones and advanced warfare technology and what this means for the region and what it means for NATO,” he said at a RUSI-hosted event in London.

According to the U.N. report, Turkish-made Kargu-2 lethal autonomous aircraft launched so-called swarm attacks, likely on behalf of Libya’s Government of National Accord, against the warlord Haftar’s militias in March last year, marking the first time AI-equipped drones accomplished a successful attack. Remnants of a Kargu-2 were recovered later.

The use of autonomous drones that do not require human operators to guide them remotely once they have been programmed is opposed by many human rights organizations. There were rumors that Turkish-supplied AI drones, alongside remote-guided ones, were used last year by Azerbaijani forces in their clashes with Armenia in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh and its surrounding territories.

Myriad of dilemmas

If AI drones did launch lethal swarm attacks it would mark a “new chapter in autonomous weapons,” worries the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Critics of AI drones, which can use facial-recognition technology, say they raise a number of moral, ethical and legal dilemmas.

“These types of weapons operate on software-based algorithms ‘taught’ through large training datasets to, for example, classify various objects. Computer vision programs can be trained to identify school buses, tractors, and tanks. But the datasets they train on may not be sufficiently complex or robust, and an artificial intelligence (AI) may ‘learn’ the wrong lesson,” the non-profit Bulletin warns.

The manufacturer of the Kargu-2, Defense Technologies and Trade (STM), told Turkish media last year that their drones are equipped with facial-recognition technology, allowing individual targets to be identified and neutralized without having to deploy ground forces. And company executives say Kargu-2 drones can swarm together overwhelming defenses.

Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lauded the success of Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), saying the results they had produced “require war strategies to be rewritten.” Turkey has deployed them in military operations in northern Syria, Turkish officials have acknowledged.

Speaking at a parliamentary meeting of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Ankara, Erdogan said Turkey plans to go further and is aiming to be among the first countries to develop an AI-managed warplane. Recently the chief technology officer of Baykar, a major Turkish drone manufacturer, announced the company had slated 2023 for the maiden flight of its prototype unmanned fighter jet.

‘A significant player’

Sanctions and embargoes on Turkey in recent years have been a major driving force behind Ankara pressing ahead to develop a new generation of unconventional weapons, says Ulrike Franke of the European Council for Foreign Relations. “Turkey has become a significant player in the global drone market,” she said at the RUSI event. When it comes to armed drones, she noted, there are four states dominating drone development — the U.S., Israel, China and Turkey. The latter pair, the “new kids on the block,” are driving drone proliferation because unlike the U.S. they are not reticent about export sales, she said.

“Turkey has shown that a mid-sized power, when it puts its mind and money behind it, can develop very sophisticated armed drones,” says Franke.

Last October when the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh saw the worst fighting there since 1994, Turkish drones were assessed as having given Azerbaijan a key edge over the Armenians. Turkish drones sliced through Armenia’s air defenses and pummeled its Russian-made tanks.

Analysts calculate around 90 countries have military drones for reconnaissance and intelligence missions and at least a dozen states have armed drones. Britain is believed to have ten; Turkey around 140. The U.S. air force has around 300 Reaper drones alone. The deployment of armed drones to conduct targeted killings outside formal war zones has been highly contentious. But AI drone development is adding to global alarm.

“With more and more countries acquiring armed drones, there is a risk that the controversies surrounding how drones are used and the challenges these pose to international legal frameworks, as well as to democratic values such as transparency, accountability and the rule of law, could also increase,” Britain’s Chatham House noted in a research paper published in April.

“This is accentuated further, given that the use of drones continues to expand and to evolve in new ways, and in the absence of a distinct legal framework to regulate such use,” say the paper’s authors Jessica Dorsey and Nilza Amaral.

Source: Voice of America

Will Promises of Democratic Transition in Mali Convince France to Leave??

A promise Monday by Mali’s new interim president to hold democratic elections by early next year appears to meet some conditions set by France to resume recently suspended cooperation with Malian forces. But some hope Paris is slowly heading for the exit when it comes to its yearslong Barkhane anti-terrorist operation in the Sahel.

France’s announcement last week that it was halting counterinsurgency cooperation with Malian forces followed Mali’s second coup in less than a year. President Emmanuel Macron denounced the power grab as unacceptable, warning also he would pull French troops from Mali altogether if it tipped to radical Islam. 

Sworn in as Mali’s latest interim president days later, junta leader Assimi Goita vowed to preserve his country’s democratic gains and meet promises to hold elections by next February. Not everyone believes him. 

“I think Goita is trying to reassure the international public opinion and international partners,” Sambe said. “But in the meantime, since the first transition, we see the military tried to keep themselves in power. And the last coup is an illustration of this.” 

Bakary Sambe is director of the Timbuktu Institute research group. He said while Goita and his military junta are under pressure, so, too, is Macron, as he eyes next year’s presidential elections at home and sharpens his anti-terrorism rhetoric. Support for keeping France’s eight-year-old, 5,100-man Barkhane anti-terrorism operation in the Sahel is fading — both in France and in the countries where it operates, as anti-French sentiment is mounting.  

Meanwhile, Sambe said some Malians support Goita and the idea of holding talks with at least some armed groups in the country, which France rejects. 

“Venturing sanctions against the junta will be perceived as a double punishment against the Malians, who already doubt the effectiveness of the action of the international community which has neither defeated terrorism nor stabilized Mali,” Sambe said. 

Meanwhile, here in France, some hope the suspension of cooperation with Mali’s army will be a first step to a bigger drawdown and eventual French military exit from the Sahel — a vast area edging the Sahara Desert that is rife with instability. Others said they aren’t sure of what will happen. 

French anti-terrorism specialist Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos said no other forces in the region can take France’s place. Meanwhile, he told France’s TV5 Monde channel that militants are profiting from the security void. And, he notes, Mali isn’t France’s only partner in the Sahel counterinsurgency effort. A broader, so-called G-5 Sahel coalition also includes Mauritania, Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso. 

A case in point is Burkina Faso, where suspected Islamist militants killed at least 160 people early Saturday. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian heads to Ouagadougou this week to show France’s solidarity — illustrating the bigger ties binding France to a complicated conflict.

Source: Voice of America