MoU signed to develop Jordan’s agricultural sector

The National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) and Advance Consulting, a premier management consulting and professional development firm, on Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to raise efficiency of Jordan’s agricultural production and enhance environmental sustainability. The move comes within the framework of the second Dutch agricultural support project for Jordan, in cooperation with Wageningen … Read more

CARC: Amman-Beirut flight traffic unchanged

Chairman of Jordan’s Civil Aviation Regulatory commission (CARC), Haitham Misto, affirmed ” no change has occurred on flight traffic between Amman and Beirut.” Due to the situation in the region, CARC continues to “follow up and assess developments, and take any necessary measures for the safety of civil aviation for all destinations of Jordanian aircrafts, … Read more

PM receives Senate president

Prime Minister, Dr. Jaafar Hassan, on Thursday received Senate President, Faisal Fayez, at the Prime Ministry, who offered his congratulations on the occasion of the issuance of the Royal decree to form the new government. During the meeting, PM and Fayez stressed the importance of “close” cooperation and coordination between the government and the Parliament … Read more

Second Jordan summit for cyber security concludes after wide local, international participation

The National Center for Cybersecurity’s second Jordan Summit for Cyber Security 2024 came to an end today, Thursday, after two days of events. A presentation on cybersecurity and job opportunities was given, along with a symposium on developing a sustainable approach to cybersecurity for biomedical infrastructure in the energy sector. Other topics covered in the … Read more

Fnideq Incidents: Experts Warn Against Youth Manipulation on Social Media

Rabat – Experts and commentators on Wednesday warned against the manipulation of youth obsessed with false promises of a better life and a bright future on the other shore of the Mediterranean, through massive calls for irregular immigration on social media. Condemning these irresponsible calls, which push thousands of young people to risk their lives … Read more

Role of Family and School is Crucial in Protecting Young People from Incitement to Irregular Migration (Experts)

Rabat – Families and schools have a crucial role to play in supervising and protecting young people against malicious incitement and ill-intentioned calls for irregular migration based on misleading stories conveyed on social networks, experts and specialists in law and migration said on Thursday. In statements to MAP, they said that the root causes of … Read more